Biomarker List

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Biomarker Category Units Reference range
% B Cell The Lymphocyte MAP %
6.00 - 18.00 %
% CD 3 Pos. Lymph. T + B-Lymphocyte Differential %
57.50 - 86.20 %
% CD 3 Pos. Lymph. Lymphocyte Activity Profile %
57.50 - 86.20 %
% CD 4 Pos. Lymph. Lymphocyte Activity Profile %
30.80 - 58.50 %
% CD 4 Pos. Lymph. T + B-Lymphocyte Differential %
30.80 - 58.50 %
% CD 8 Pos. Lymph. T + B-Lymphocyte Differential %
12.00 - 35.50 %
% CD 8 Pos. Lymph. Lymphocyte Activity Profile %
12.00 - 35.50 %
% CD19 (B Cells) Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 %
6.00 - 29.00 %
% CD19+ Lymphs T + B-Lymphocyte Differential %
3.30 - 25.40 %
% CD3 (Mature T Cells) Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 %
57.00 - 85.00 %
% CD3+CD25+ Lymphs Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 %
4.90 - 25.90 %
% CD3+CD25+ Lymphs Lymphocyte Activity Profile %
4.90 - 25.90 %
% CD3- CD57+ Lymphocyte The Lymphocyte MAP %
1.60 - 6.20 %
% CD4 Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 %
30.00 - 61.00 %
% CD57+ CD16+ NK The Lymphocyte MAP %
1.50 - 9.20 %
% CD57+ CD8+ T Cell The Lymphocyte MAP %
2.50 - 15.80 %
% CD8 Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 %
12.00 - 42.00 %
% CD8+CD57+ Lymphs Lymphocyte Activity Profile %
0.00 - 11.30 %
% Cytotoxic (CD8) T Cell The Lymphocyte MAP %
10.00 - 30.00 %
% Cytotoxic NK cells (CD16+) The Lymphocyte MAP %
2.00 - 10.00 %
% Free Copper NutriStat %
5.00 - 25.00 %
% Free Copper (BLOOD - SERUM) NutriStat Basic Profile %
0.00 - 20.00 %
% Free Testosterone Metabolic Health %
1.50 - 4.20 %
% Lymphocyte The Lymphocyte MAP %
20.00 - 40.00 %
% NK (CD56/16) Lymphocyte Activity Profile %
1.40 - 19.40 %
% NK Cell (CD56+) The Lymphocyte MAP %
3.00 - 15.00 %
% NKT (CD56+ CD16+ T Cell) The Lymphocyte MAP %
1.00 - 6.00 %
% Omega 3s Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) %
3.80 - 20.00 %
% Omega 6s Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) %
30.50 - 39.70 %
% Omega 9s Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) %
13.30 - 16.60 %
% Omega-3s Metabolimix+ %
1.60 - 5.00 %
% Omega-6s Metabolimix+ %
30.50 - 39.70 %
% Omega-9s Metabolimix+ %
17.30 - 22.50 %
% Regulatory T Cell The Lymphocyte MAP %
1.80 - 3.30 %
% Saturated Fats Metabolimix+ %
39.80 - 43.60 %
% Saturated Fats Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) %
39.80 - 43.60 %
% T Cell The Lymphocyte MAP %
46.00 - 82.00 %
% T-Helper (CD4) Cell The Lymphocyte MAP %
28.00 - 55.00 %
% T-Helper-1 Cell The Lymphocyte MAP %
18.00 - 34.00 %
% T-Helper-17 The Lymphocyte MAP %
2.50 - 6.20 %
% T-Helper-2 Cell The Lymphocyte MAP %
3.20 - 6.60 %
%sdLDL-C Lipid Panel %
0.00 - 20.00 %
1,5-Anhydroglucitol (1,5-AG), Intermediate Glycemic Control Metabolic Health mcg/mL
7.50 - 28.40 mcg/mL
1-hydroxy-Etiocholanolone (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.00 - 0.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
1-Methyl Histidine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
2.40 - 8.90 umol/L
1-Methyl-Histidine Male Comprehensive Metabolic Performance Profile (Urine) Physicians Lab ug/mg CR
56.80 - 132.80 ug/mg CR
1-Methyl-Histidine, Urine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g creatinine
0.00 - 1889.00 umol/g creatinine
1-Methylhistidine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
18.00 - 887.00 micromol/g creatinine
1-Methylhistidine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
0.00 - 47.00 umol/L
1-Methylhistidine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
0.00 - 3.85 qmol/dL
1-Methylhistidine Urinary Amino Acids (Synlab) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
1-Methylhistidine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
80.00 - 450.00 qmol/24 hours
1-Methylhistidine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
60.00 - 300.00 qM/g creatinine
1-Methylhistidine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
88.00 - 394.40 nmol/mg Creatinine
1-METHYLHISTIDINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 237.00 mmol/mol creatinine
1-Methylhistidine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
0.00 - 3.85 Units
1-Methylhistidine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
0.00 - 16.00 nmol/ML
1-Methylhistidine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
0.00 - 9.80 µmol/L
0.00 - 0.98 µmol/dL
1-Methylhistidine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
38.00 - 988.00 micromol/g creatinine
11-Dehydrotetrahydrocorticosterone (THA) Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
46.00 - 231.00 ug/g Creatinine
11-Deoxycortisol ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
12.00 - 48.00 pg/mL
11-Deoxycortisol (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.30 - 1.20 ng/mg Creat/Day
11-Deoxycortisol (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.35 - 1.80 ng/mg Creat/Day
11-Deoxycortisol (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.35 - 1.80 ng/mg Creat/Day
11-Eicosenoic Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
3.70 - 18.10 µmol/L
11-Hydroxy-androsterone (24hr urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) micromol/24 hr
1.30 - 4.10 micromol/24 hr
11-Hydroxy-androsterone (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) nmol/dL (SG)
71.00 - 496.00 nmol/dL (SG)
11-Hydroxy-androsterone (FMV urine, menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female nmol/dL (SG)
43.00 - 391.00 nmol/dL (SG)
11-hydroxy-Androsterone (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
210.00 - 920.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
11-hydroxy-Androsterone (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
180.00 - 800.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
11-hydroxy-Androsterone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
250.00 - 1000.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
11-Hydroxy-etiocholanolone (24hr urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) micromol/24 hr
0.50 - 2.60 micromol/24 hr
11-Hydroxy-etiocholanolone (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) nmol/dL (SG)
64.00 - 363.00 nmol/dL (SG)
11-Hydroxy-etiocholanolone (FMV urine, menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female nmol/dL (SG)
49.00 - 336.00 nmol/dL (SG)
11-hydroxy-Etiocholanolone (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat
35.00 - 380.00 ng/mg Creat
11-hydroxy-Etiocholanolone (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
40.00 - 470.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
11-hydroxy-Etiocholanolone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
20.00 - 710.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
11-Keto-androsterone (24hr urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) micromol/24 hr
0.30 - 1.90 micromol/24 hr
11-Keto-androsterone (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) nmol/dL (SG)
37.00 - 236.00 nmol/dL (SG)
11-Keto-androsterone (FMV urine, menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female nmol/dL (SG)
46.00 - 258.00 nmol/dL (SG)
11-Keto-etiocholanolone (24hr urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) micromol/24 hr
0.30 - 1.60 micromol/24 hr
11-Keto-etiocholanolone (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) nmol/dL (SG)
57.00 - 315.00 nmol/dL (SG)
11-Keto-etiocholanolone (FMV urine, menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female nmol/dL (SG)
0.00 - 0.00 nmol/dL (SG)
11b-HSD Index (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) Ratio
0.00 - 0.00 Ratio
11b-Hydroxyandrosterone MALE: First AM Comp - Urine Profile + Metabolites (Physicians Lab) ng/mg CR
34.00 - 118.00 ng/mg CR
11b-Hydroxyandrosterone Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
251.00 - 1013.00 ug/g Creatinine
11b-Hydroxyetiocholanolone MALE: First AM Comp - Urine Profile + Metabolites (Physicians Lab) ng/mg CR
39.00 - 164.00 ng/mg CR
11b-Hydroxyetiocholanolone Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
47.00 - 481.00 ug/g Creatinine
11dhTxB2/Creatinine (AspirinWorks) Blood Health pg/mg Cr
0.00 - 1500.00 pg/mg Cr
14.3.3 ETA PROTEIN Immune System ng/mL
0.00 - 0.20 ng/mL
16-OH-E1 Estrogens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
0.70 - 2.60 ng/mg
16-OH-E1 % (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile %
10.00 - 50.00 %
16-OH-E1 % (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
10.00 - 50.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
16-OH-E1 % (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile %
15.00 - 50.00 %
16-OH-E1 (male) DUTCH (male) ng/mg
0.00 - 1.20 ng/mg
16-OH-E1 Postmenopausal Estrogens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
0.20 - 0.60 ng/mg
16a-Hydroxyestrone FU Female FMV Urine Comprehensive Hormone ng/mg CR
0.00 - 1.43 ng/mg CR
16a-Hydroxyestrone (16a-OH E1) Complete Hormones (24hr) mcg/g Creat.
0.50 - 8.90 mcg/g Creat.
16a-Hydroxyestrone (16a-OH E1) / Menopause Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female mcg/g Creat.
0.40 - 7.70 mcg/g Creat.
16a-Hydroxyestrone (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) mcg/g Creat.
0.00 - 0.00 mcg/g Creat.
16a-Hydroxyestrone (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.47 - 4.90 ng/mg Creat/Day
16a-Hydroxyestrone (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.50 - 5.30 ng/mg Creat/Day
16a-Hydroxyestrone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
4.20 - 15.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
16a-OH Estrone Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g
0.35 - 1.07 µg/g
16a-OH Estrone (16aOHE1) Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
1.20 - 7.10 ug/g Creatinine
17 - Hydroxysteroids Total (FMV urine, menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female nmol/dL (SG)
973.00 - 8177.00 nmol/dL (SG)
17 - Ketosteroids Total (FMV urine, menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female nmol/dL (SG)
303.00 - 2184.00 nmol/dL (SG)
17-Hydroxypregnenolone, MS (female) Endocrinology ng/dL
53.00 - 357.00 ng/dL
17-Hydroxyprogesterone (female) Endocrinology ng/dL
0.00 - 431.00 ng/dL
17-Hydroxyprogesterone (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.19 - 0.85 ng/mg Creat/Day
17-Hydroxyprogesterone (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.12 - 0.65 ng/mg Creat/Day
17-Hydroxyprogesterone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.17 - 0.55 ng/mg Creat/Day
17-Hydroxysteroids, Total Complete Hormones (24hr) nmol/dL (SG)
859.00 - 9018.00 nmol/dL (SG)
17-Hydroxysteroids, Total (24hr urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) micromol/24 hr
859.00 - 9018.00 micromol/24 hr
17-Hydroxysteroids, Total (menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female nmol/dL (SG)
973.00 - 8177.00 nmol/dL (SG)
17-Ketosteroids Total (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) nmol/dL (SG)
576.00 - 3142.00 nmol/dL (SG)
17-Ketosteroids, Total (24hr urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) micromol/24 hr
6.00 - 22.20 micromol/24 hr
17-Ketosteroids, Total (FMV urine, menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female nmol/dL (SG)
303.00 - 2184.00 nmol/dL (SG)
17-OH Progesterone Endocrinology ng/dL
35.00 - 290.00 ng/dL
17OH-Progesterone ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
6.00 - 28.00 pg/mL
18 KD (IGG) Band Lyme Testing Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
1st Morning Cortisol Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g
0.00 - 0.00 ug/g
1st Morning Cortisone Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g
0.00 - 0.00 ug/g
1st Morning Creatinine Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) mg/dL
0.00 - 0.00 mg/dL
2 Hour Specimen Glucose Tolerance Test mg/dL
70.00 - 140.00 mg/dL
2,2-bis(4-Chlorophenyl) acetic acid (DDA) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 7.90 ug/g
2,3 DINOR 11B PROSTAGLANDIN F2A,URINE Quest Diagnostics Urine Markers pg/mg Cr
0.00 - 5205.00 pg/mg Cr
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid (2,4-D) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 0.50 ug/g
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid (2-,4-D) Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 0.20 µg/g creatinine
2-,3-, and 4-Methylhippuric acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 0.60 nmol/mg Creatinine
2-3-4 Methylhippuric Acid (2,-3-,4-MHA) Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 10.00 µg/g creatinine
2-Amino butyric Acid Male Comprehensive Metabolic Performance Profile (Urine) Physicians Lab ng/mg CR
706.30 - 1562.80 ng/mg CR
2-Decenedioic Acid Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-ET-3-OH-Propionic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 8.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Hydroxyadipic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Hydroxybutyric Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Hydroxybutyric Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.03 - 1.80 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Hydroxybutyric (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.20 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Hydroxybutyric (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.19 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Hydroxybutyric acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.06 - 1.58 mmol/mol
2-Hydroxyestradiol (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.02 - 0.55 ng/mg Creat/Day
2-Hydroxyestradiol (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.03 - 0.29 ng/mg Creat/Day
2-Hydroxyestradiol (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.80 - 3.90 ng/mg Creat/Day
2-Hydroxyestrone FU Female FMV Urine Comprehensive Hormone ng/mg CR
2.00 - 8.40 ng/mg CR
2-Hydroxyestrone (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) mcg/g Creat.
0.00 - 0.00 mcg/g Creat.
2-Hydroxyestrone (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
2.68 - 8.60 ng/mg Creat/Day
2-Hydroxyestrone (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
1.60 - 6.50 ng/mg Creat/Day
2-Hydroxyestrone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
13.40 - 33.70 ng/mg Creat/Day
2-Hydroxyestrone + 2-Hydroxyestradiol [2-OH(E1+E2)] Complete Hormones (24hr) mcg/g Creat.
1.30 - 36.30 mcg/g Creat.
2-Hydroxyestrone + 2-Hydroxyestradiol [2-OH(E1+E2)] / Menopause Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female mcg/g Creat.
0.90 - 43.80 mcg/g Creat.
2-Hydroxyestrone/16a-Hydroxyestrone Ratio (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) Ratio
0.00 - 0.00 Ratio
2-hydroxyethyl mercapturic (HEMA) Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 0.80 µg/g creatinine
2-Hydroxyethyl Mercapturic Acid (HEMA) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 1.70 ug/g
2-Hydroxyglutaric Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
1.00 - 14.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Hydroxyhippuric Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.30 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Hydroxyhippuric (Females Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.20 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Hydroxyhippuric (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.86 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Hydroxyhippuric (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.20 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Hydroxyhippuric acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 1.42 mmol/mol
2-Hydroxyisobutyric Acid (2HIB) Environmental Toxins mcg/g
0.00 - 1005.00 mcg/g
2-Hydroxyisobutyric Acid (2HIB) Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 200.00 µg/g creatinine
2-Hydroxyisobutyric Acid (2HIB) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 795.00 ug/g
2-Hydroxyisocaproic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Hydroxyisocaproic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Hydroxyisocaproic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Hydroxyisocaproic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Hydroxyisocaproic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 0.88 mmol/mol
2-Hydroxyisovaleric Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Hydroxyisovaleric Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Hydroxyisovaleric (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Hydroxyisovaleric (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Hydroxyisovaleric acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 0.40 mmol/mol
2-Hydroxyphenylacetate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 1.24 ug/mg creatinine
2-Hydroxyphenylacetic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.06 - 0.66 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Hydroxyphenylacetic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.03 - 0.47 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Hydroxyphenylacetic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.86 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Hydroxyphenylacetic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.76 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.05 - 0.69 mmol/mol
2-Keto-3-Methylvaleric Acid Organic Acids, Plasma umol/L
10.00 - 30.00 umol/L
2-Ketoisocaproic Acid Organic Acids, Plasma umol/L
20.00 - 75.00 umol/L
2-Ketoisovaleric Acid Organic Acids, Plasma umol/L
3.00 - 20.00 umol/L
2-M-E1:2-OH-E1 (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.06 - 0.32 Ratio
2-M-E1:2-OH-E1 (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.08 - 0.50 Ratio
2-M-E1:2-OH-E1 (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.10 - 0.36 Ratio
2-M-E2:2-OH-E2 (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.03 - 0.26 Ratio
2-M-E2:2-OH-E2 (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.07 - 0.86 Ratio
2-M-E2:2-OH-E2 (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.07 - 0.37 Ratio
2-MeO E1/2-OH E1 Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile Ratio
0.21 - 0.38 Ratio
2-MeO Estradiol Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g
0.03 - 0.08 µg/g
2-MeO Estrone Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g
0.26 - 0.68 µg/g
2-Methoxy / 2-OH Balance Metabolite Ratios (Urine) - DUTCH Ratio
0.39 - 0.67 Ratio
2-Methoxy-E1 Estrogens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
2.50 - 6.50 ng/mg
2-Methoxy-E1 (male) DUTCH (male) ng/mg
0.00 - 2.80 ng/mg
2-Methoxy-E1 Postmenopausal Estrogens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
0.30 - 1.40 ng/mg
2-Methoxy-E2 Estrogens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
0.00 - 0.70 ng/mg
2-Methoxy-E2 Postmenopausal Estrogens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
0.00 - 0.40 ng/mg
2-Methoxyestradiol Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
0.10 - 0.53 ug/g Creatinine
2-Methoxyestradiol (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.01 - 0.08 ng/mg Creat/Day
2-Methoxyestradiol (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.01 - 0.08 ng/mg Creat/Day
2-Methoxyestradiol (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.17 - 0.50 ng/mg Creat/Day
2-Methoxyestrone MALE: First AM Comp - Urine Profile + Metabolites (Physicians Lab) ng/mg CR
2.70 - 14.00 ng/mg CR
2-Methoxyestrone Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
1.00 - 6.80 ug/g Creatinine
2-Methoxyestrone FU Female FMV Urine Comprehensive Hormone ng/mg CR
3.10 - 15.80 ng/mg CR
2-Methoxyestrone (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) mcg/g Creat.
0.00 - 0.00 mcg/g Creat.
2-Methoxyestrone (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.50 - 1.60 ng/mg Creat/Day
2-Methoxyestrone (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.40 - 2.20 ng/mg Creat/Day
2-Methoxyestrone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
2.00 - 5.90 ng/mg Creat/Day
2-Methoxyestrone+2-Methoxyestradiol [2MeO(E1+E2)] Complete Hormones (24hr) mcg/g Creat.
0.20 - 8.60 mcg/g Creat.
2-Methoxyestrone+2-Methoxyestradiol [2MeO(E1+E2)] / Menopause Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female mcg/g Creat.
0.30 - 5.90 mcg/g Creat.
2-Methoxyestrone/2-Hydroxyestrone Ratio Complete Hormones (24hr) Ratio
0.00 - 0.00 Ratio
2-Methyl, 3-Hydroxybutyric Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 4.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Methylacetoacetic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Methylbutrylglycine Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Methylcitric Acid, Serum Vitamins & Minerals nmol/L
60.00 - 228.00 nmol/L
2-Methylglutaconic Acid Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Methylhippurate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 0.06 ug/mg creatinine
2-Methylhippurate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 0.19 mcg/mg creatinine
2-Methylhippuric Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 0.05 ug/mgCR
2-Methylhippuric Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 2.10 nmol/mg Creatinine
2-Methylhippuric Acid (2MHA) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 77.90 ug/g
2-Methylsuccinic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
3.70 - 36.00 nmol/mg Creatinine
2-Octenedioic acid Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Octenoic Acid Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 10.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-OH (E1 + E2)/16-a- OH E1 Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile Ratio
1.29 - 5.49 Ratio
2-OH (E1 + E2)/16a-OH E1 Urinary Hormones Ratio
1.20 - 5.70 Ratio
2-OH / 16-OH-E1 Balance Metabolite Ratios (Urine) - DUTCH Ratio
2.69 - 11.83 Ratio
2-OH / 4-OH-E1 Balance Metabolite Ratios (Urine) - DUTCH Ratio
5.40 - 12.62 Ratio
2-OH Estradiol Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g
0.17 - 0.70 µg/g
2-OH Estradiol Urinary Hormones mcg/g
0.08 - 0.29 mcg/g
2-OH Estrone Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g
0.70 - 2.54 µg/g
2-OH Estrone (2OHE1) Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
3.20 - 22.20 ug/g Creatinine
2-OH(E1+E2) / 16a-OHE1 Complete Hormones (24hr) Ratio
0.30 - 13.70 Ratio
2-OH(E1+E2) / 16a-OHE1 (Menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female Ratio
0.00 - 0.00 Ratio
2-OH(E1+E2) / 2-MeO(E1+E2) Complete Hormones (24hr) Ratio
1.60 - 10.70 Ratio
2-OH(E1+E2) / 2-MeO(E1+E2) / Menopause Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female Ratio
0.40 - 11.60 Ratio
2-OH-3ME-Valeric Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-OH-E1 Estrogens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
5.10 - 13.10 ng/mg
2-OH-E1 % (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile %
40.00 - 88.00 %
2-OH-E1 % (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile %
40.00 - 88.00 %
2-OH-E1 % (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile %
50.00 - 85.00 %
2-OH-E1 (male) DUTCH (male) ng/mg
0.00 - 5.90 ng/mg
2-OH-E1 Postmenopausal Estrogens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
0.30 - 2.00 ng/mg
2-OH-E1:16-OH-E1 (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
1.50 - 7.90 Ratio
2-OH-E1:16-OH-E1 (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.60 - 50.00 Ratio
2-OH-E1:16-OH-E1 (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
1.60 - 5.10 Ratio
2-OH-E2 Estrogens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
0.00 - 1.20 ng/mg
2-OH-E2 Postmenopausal Estrogens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
0.00 - 0.30 ng/mg
2-Oxo-3-methylvaleric Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 3.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Oxo-4-methiolbutyric Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Oxo-4-methiolbutyric (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Oxo-4-methiolbutyric (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Oxo-4-methiolbutyric acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 0.18 mmol/mol
2-OXO-Butyric Acid Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-OXOADIPIC Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Oxoglutaric Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 33.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Oxoglutaric Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 33.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Oxoglutaric Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 35.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Oxoglutaric (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 18.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Oxoglutaric (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 96.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Oxoglutaric acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 34.77 mmol/mol
2-Oxoisocaproic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Oxoisocaproic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 4.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Oxoisocaproic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Oxoisocaproic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Oxoisocaproic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 0.41 mmol/mol
2-Oxoisovaleric Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol
2-Oxoisovaleric Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.10 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Oxoisovaleric Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Oxoisovaleric (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
2-Oxoisovaleric (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.50 mmol/mol creatinine
2/16 Ratio Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) Ratio
1.60 - 7.70 Ratio
20a- Dihydroprogesterone Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
3.93 - 11.62 µg/g creatinine
21-Hydroxylase (Adrenal Cortex) Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.60 - 1.90 ELISA Index
21-Hydroxylase Antibodies Quest Diagnostics N/A
21-Hydroxyprogesterone (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.60 - 3.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
21-Hydroxyprogesterone (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.30 - 1.40 ng/mg Creat/Day
21-Hydroxyprogesterone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.40 - 5.60 ng/mg Creat/Day
23 KD (IGG) Band Lyme Testing Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
23 KD (IGM) Band Lyme Testing Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
24 Hour Urine Iodine Urinalysis ug/mg creatinine
0.10 - 0.45 ug/mg creatinine
24 Hour Volume Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) mL/24 hr
600.00 - 2500.00 mL/24 hr
24hr Free Cortisol Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ug
65.00 - 200.00 ug
24hr Free Cortisone Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ug
220.00 - 450.00 ug
25 - Hydroxyvitamin D 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 ng/mL
30.00 - 100.00 ng/mL
25 OH VITAMIN D NutriStat nmol/L
50.00 - 200.00 nmol/L
25-Hydroxyvitamin D Genova Diagnostics (various) ng/mL
30.00 - 100.00 ng/mL
28 KD (IGG) Band Lyme Testing Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
2nd Morning Cortisol Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g
0.00 - 0.00 ug/g
2nd Morning Cortisone Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g
0.00 - 0.00 ug/g
2nd Morning Creatinine Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) mg/dL
0.00 - 0.00 mg/dL
2OH-Phenylacetic Acid Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3,4-Dihydroxyhydrocinnamic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 4.40 nmol/mg Creatinine
3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) Neuro Basic Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) ug/g
390.00 - 1500.00 ug/g
3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) Neurotransmitters ug/g creat
360.00 - 1800.00 ug/g creat
3,4-Dihydroxyphenylpropionate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 0.05 mcg/mg creatinine
3,4-Dihydroxyphenylpropionate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 5.30 mmol/mol creatinine
3,4-Dimethylhippurate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 0.01 ug/mg creatinine
3,5-Dihydroxybenzoic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 521.80 nmol/mg Creatinine
3-Aminoisobutyric Acid Male Comprehensive Metabolic Performance Profile (Urine) Physicians Lab ug/mg CR
3.40 - 17.70 ug/mg CR
3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaric Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.14 - 38.95 mmol/mol
3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaric (HMG) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.17 - 39.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaric (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 26.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaric (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 88.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Hydroxyadipic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 7.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Hydroxybutyric Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 21.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Hydroxybutyric Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 3.10 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Hydroxybutyric Other mg/g creat
0.00 - 24.00 mg/g creat
3-Hydroxybutyric (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.90 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Hydroxybutyric (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 4.80 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Hydroxybutyric acid Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mmol/mol
0.00 - 3.50 mmol/mol
3-Hydroxyglutaric Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 6.20 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Hydroxyglutaric Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Hydroxyglutaric (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 4.60 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Hydroxyglutaric (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 16.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Hydroxyglutaric acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 4.90 mmol/mol
3-Hydroxyisobutyric Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 97.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Hydroxyisovaleric Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 72.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Hydroxyisovaleric Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 29.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Hydroxyisovaleric Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 29.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Hydroxykynurenine ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
147.00 - 467.00 µg/g creatinine
3-Hydroxyphenylacetic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 8.10 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Hydroxyphenylacetic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 8.10 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Hydroxypropionic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 8.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Hydroxypropionic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
5.00 - 22.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Hydroxypropionic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
5.00 - 22.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-hydroxypropylmercapturic acid (3-HPMA) Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile ug/g creat
0.00 - 8.00 ug/g creat
3-Hydroxysebacic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 3.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Hydroxyvaleric Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Indoleacetate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.46 - 9.21 ug/mg creatinine
3-Indoleacetic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 11.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Indoleacetic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 6.80 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Indoleacetic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.60 - 14.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Indoleacetic acid (IAA) Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 12.67 mmol/mol
3-Methoxytyramine (3-MT) Neuro Basic Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) nmol/g
90.00 - 210.00 nmol/g
3-Methyl Histidine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
1.70 - 47.10 umol/L
3-Methyl-2-oxovaleric Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Methyl-2-oxovaleric (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Methyl-2-oxovaleric (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Methyl-2-oxovaleric acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 2.60 mmol/mol
3-Methyl-4-OH-phenylglycol Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.02 - 0.22 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Methyl-4-OH-phenylglycol Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.02 - 0.22 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Methyl-4-OH-phenylglycol 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.02 - 0.22 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Methyl-Histidine Male Comprehensive Metabolic Performance Profile (Urine) Physicians Lab ug/mg CR
0.00 - 0.00 ug/mg CR
3-Methylcrotonylglycine Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 7.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Methylglutaconic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
3.00 - 17.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Methylglutaconic Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 6.20 mmol/mol
3-Methylglutaconic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 4.50 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Methylglutaconic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.38 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Methylglutaconic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 6.90 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Methylglutaric Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.76 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Methylglutaric Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 3.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Methylglutaric (Females Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.07 - 0.95 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Methylglutaric (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.02 - 0.38 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Methylglutaric (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.01 - 0.97 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Methylglutaric acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 0.75 mmol/mol
3-Methylhippurate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 0.18 ug/mg creatinine
3-Methylhippuric Acid (3MHA) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 0.00 ug/g
3-Methylhippuric Acid (3MHA) Environmental Toxins mcg/g
0.00 - 74.00 mcg/g
3-Methylhistidine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
55.00 - 700.00 qM/g creatinine
3-Methylhistidine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
28.20 - 2371.90 nmol/mg Creatinine
3-METHYLHISTIDINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
12.00 - 41.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Methylhistidine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
0.00 - 0.78 Units
3-Methylhistidine Urinary Amino Acids (Synlab) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Methylhistidine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
60.00 - 1500.00 qmol/24 hours
3-Methylhistidine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
47.00 - 232.00 micromol/g creatinine
3-Methylhistidine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
2.00 - 9.00 umol/L
3-Methylhistidine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
0.00 - 0.78 qmol/dL
3-Methylhistidine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
0.00 - 52.00 µmol/L
0.00 - 5.20 µmol/dL
3-Methylhistidine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
0.00 - 26.90 nmol/ML
3-Methylhistidine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
44.00 - 281.00 micromol/g creatinine
3-O-Methyldopa LabCorp (various) nmol/L
50.00 - 145.00 nmol/L
3-OH-3-Methylglutaric Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 4.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Oh-Butyric Acid Organic Acids, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 30.00 umol/L
3-OH-Dodecanoyl (3-OH-C12) Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.08 umol/L
3-OH-Dodecenoyl (C-3-OH-C12:1) Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.05 umol/L
3-OH-Hexadecanoyl (3-OH-C16) Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.06 umol/L
3-OH-Proprionic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 6.10 ug/mgCR
3-OH-Tetradecanoyl (3-OH-C14) Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.04 umol/L
3-OH-Tetradecenoyl (3-OH-C14:1) Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.05 umol/L
3-Oxoglutaric Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.33 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Oxoglutaric (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.11 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Oxoglutaric (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.46 mmol/mol creatinine
3-Oxoglutaric acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 0.31 mmol/mol
3-Phenoxybenzoic Acid (3PBA) Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 0.30 µg/g creatinine
3-Phenoxybenzoic Acid (3PBA) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 1.01 ug/g
3-Phenylpropionylglycine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 0.50 nmol/mg Creatinine
30 KD (IGG) Band Lyme Testing Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
30H-ISOVALERIC ACID Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
8.00 - 88.00 mmol/mol creatinine
39 KD (IGG) Band Lyme Testing Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
39 KD (IGM) Band Lyme Testing Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
3a- Dihydroprogesterone Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
0.67 - 2.03 µg/g creatinine
3a-Dihydroprogesterone (Postmenopausal) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile ug/g
0.19 - 0.77 ug/g
3OH-2-Methylvaleric Acid Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3OH-Dodecanedioic Acid Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
3OH-Dodecanoic Acid Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
4 HYDROXYCYCLOHEX- ANEACETIC Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.00 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Cresol NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 1.70 ug/mgCR
4-Cresol Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 75.00 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Cresol Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 74.88 mmol/mol
4-Cresol (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 39.00 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Cresol (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 84.00 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Hydroxphenyllactic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 3.00 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Hydroxybenzoic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.30 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Hydroxybenzoic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.73 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Hydroxybenzoic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 3.00 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Hydroxybenzoic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
1.40 - 15.70 nmol/mg Creatinine
4-Hydroxybenzoic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 1.30 mmol/mol
4-Hydroxybutyric Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Hydroxybutyric Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 4.80 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Hydroxybutyric (Females Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 3.40 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Hydroxybutyric (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 4.30 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Hydroxybutyric (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 4.70 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Hydroxybutyric acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 4.57 mmol/mol
4-Hydroxyestradiol (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.00 - 0.50 ng/mg Creat/Day
4-Hydroxyestradiol (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.00 - 0.45 ng/mg Creat/Day
4-Hydroxyestradiol (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.14 - 0.93 ng/mg Creat/Day
4-Hydroxyestrone FU Female FMV Urine Comprehensive Hormone ng/mg CR
0.00 - 1.20 ng/mg CR
4-Hydroxyestrone (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) mcg/g Creat.
0.00 - 0.00 mcg/g Creat.
4-Hydroxyestrone (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.00 - 0.50 ng/mg Creat/Day
4-Hydroxyestrone (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.00 - 0.30 ng/mg Creat/Day
4-Hydroxyestrone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.00 - 2.85 ng/mg Creat/Day
4-Hydroxyestrone+4-Hydroxyestradiol [4-OH(E1+E2)] Complete Hormones (24hr) mcg/g Creat.
0.00 - 5.90 mcg/g Creat.
4-Hydroxyestrone+4-Hydroxyestradiol [4-OH(E1+E2)] / Menopause Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female mcg/g Creat.
0.00 - 8.80 mcg/g Creat.
4-Hydroxyhippuric Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.79 - 17.00 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Hydroxyhippuric (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 14.00 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Hydroxyhippuric (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 30.00 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Hydroxyhippuric acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.74 - 16.98 mmol/mol
4-Hydroxyphenylacetic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
1.00 - 27.00 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Hydroxyphenylacetic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 19.00 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Hydroxyphenylacetic (Females Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 30.00 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Hydroxyphenylacetic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 18.00 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Hydroxyphenylacetic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
2.00 - 32.00 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Hydroxyphenylacetic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 29.00 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Hydroxyphenylacetic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
43.10 - 528.10 nmol/mg Creatinine
4-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 20.10 mmol/mol
4-Hydroxyphenylacetic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 29.00 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Hydroxyphenyllactic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Hydroxyphenyllactic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Hydroxyphenyllactic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Hydroxyphenyllactic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 0.84 mmol/mol
4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 6.00 mmol/mol creatinine
4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 355.90 nmol/mg Creatinine
4-M-E1:4-OH-E1 (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.04 - 0.50 Ratio
4-M-E1:4-OH-E1 (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.09 - 1.00 Ratio
4-M-E1:4-OH-E1 (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.09 - 0.54 Ratio
4-M-E2:4-OH-E2 (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.01 - 0.50 Ratio
4-M-E2:4-OH-E2 (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.02 - 0.50 Ratio
4-M-E2:4-OH-E2 (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.04 - 0.54 Ratio
4-MeO E1/4-OH E1 Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile Ratio
0.05 - 0.13 Ratio
4-MeO E2/4-OH E2 Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile Ratio
0.10 - 0.29 Ratio
4-MeO E2/4-OH E2 Urinary Hormones Ratio
0.25 - 0.42 Ratio
4-MeO Estradiol Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g
0.00 - 0.04 µg/g
4-MeO Estrone Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g
0.00 - 0.04 µg/g
4-Methoxyestradiol (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.01 - 0.03 ng/mg Creat/Day
4-Methoxyestradiol (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.00 - 0.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
4-Methoxyestradiol (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.05 - 0.11 ng/mg Creat/Day
4-Methoxyestrone (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) mcg/g Creat.
0.00 - 0.00 mcg/g Creat.
4-Methoxyestrone (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.03 - 0.17 ng/mg Creat/Day
4-Methoxyestrone (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.02 - 0.14 ng/mg Creat/Day
4-Methoxyestrone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.05 - 0.28 ng/mg Creat/Day
4-Methoxyestrone+4-Methoxyestradiol [4MeO(E1+E2)] Complete Hormones (24hr) mcg/g Creat.
0.00 - 1.00 mcg/g Creat.
4-Methoxyestrone+4-Methoxyestradiol [4MeO(E1+E2)] / Menopause Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female mcg/g Creat.
0.00 - 1.00 mcg/g Creat.
4-Methylhippuric Acid (4MHA) Environmental Toxins mcg/g
0.00 - 74.00 mcg/g
4-Methylhippuric Acid (4MHA) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 65.51 ug/g
4-Nonylphenol Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 0.42 ug/g
4-OH Estradiol Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g
0.10 - 0.18 µg/g
4-OH Estradiol Urinary Hormones mcg/g
0.03 - 0.15 mcg/g
4-OH Estrone Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g
0.17 - 0.47 µg/g
4-OH Estrone (4OHE1) Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
0.32 - 2.26 ug/g Creatinine
4-OH-E1 Estrogens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
0.00 - 1.80 ng/mg
4-OH-E1 % (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile %
2.00 - 10.00 %
4-OH-E1 % (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile %
2.00 - 10.00 %
4-OH-E1 % (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile %
2.00 - 7.00 %
4-OH-E1 (male) DUTCH (male) ng/mg
0.00 - 0.80 ng/mg
4-OH-E1 Postmenopausal Estrogens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
0.00 - 0.30 ng/mg
4-OH-E1:2-OH-E1 (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.00 - 0.14 Ratio
4-OH-E1:2-OH-E1 (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.00 - 0.17 Ratio
4-OH-E1:2-OH-E1 (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.03 - 0.17 Ratio
4-OH-E2 Estrogens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
0.00 - 0.50 ng/mg
4-OH-E2 Postmenopausal Estrogens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
0.00 - 0.10 ng/mg
41 KD (IGG) Band Lyme Testing Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
41 KD (IGM) Band Lyme Testing Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
45 KD (IGG) Band Lyme Testing Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
4OH-Phenylpropionic Acid Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
1.00 - 30.00 mmol/mol creatinine
5 Alhpa-Dihydrotestosterone (male) Endocrinology pg/mL
143.00 - 842.00 pg/mL
5-alpha-Androstanediol MALE: First AM Comp - Urine Profile + Metabolites (Physicians Lab) ng/mg CR
12.30 - 50.10 ng/mg CR
5-HIAA Neurotransmitters ug/g creat
800.00 - 13000.00 ug/g creat
5-HIAA Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 5.00 mmol/mol creatinine
5-HIAA ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
2988.00 - 5850.00 µg/g creatinine
5-Hydroxyindolacetic acid (5-HIAA) Chemistry Tests mg/24 hr
0.00 - 15.00 mg/24 hr
5-Hydroxyindoleacetate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
1.17 - 8.06 ug/mg creatinine
5-Hydroxyindoleacetate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
3.80 - 12.10 mmol/mol creatinine
5-Hydroxyindoleacetate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
1.60 - 9.80 mcg/mg creatinine
5-Hydroxyindoleacetate (5HIAA) Neurotransmitter Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ug/mg
2.50 - 7.50 ug/mg
5-Hydroxyindoleacetic (5-HIAA) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 4.30 mmol/mol creatinine
5-Hydroxyindoleacetic (5-HIAA) (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.90 mmol/mol creatinine
5-Hydroxyindoleacetic (5-HIAA) (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 11.00 mmol/mol creatinine
5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 23.30 nmol/mg Creatinine
5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) Organic Acids mcg/g
1711.00 - 9788.00 mcg/g
5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) Neuro Basic Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) ug/g
2000.00 - 8000.00 ug/g
5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid (5HIAA) NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.34 - 3.98 ug/mgCR
5-Hydroxymethyl-2-furoic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 14.00 mmol/mol creatinine
5-Hydroxymethyl-2-furoic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 18.00 mmol/mol creatinine
5-Hydroxymethyl-2-furoic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 28.00 mmol/mol creatinine
5-Hydroxymethyl-furoic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 13.40 mmol/mol
5-Methyl Tetrahydrofolate Folate Metabolism Profile (NutriPATH) nmol/L
6.60 - 39.90 nmol/L
5-Methyltetrahydrofolate Metabolic Health nmol/L
8.70 - 30.50 nmol/L
5-OH-indoleacetic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
3.80 - 12.10 mmol/mol creatinine
5-OH-indoleacetic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
3.80 - 12.10 mmol/mol creatinine
5-Oxoproline Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
8.00 - 69.00 mmol/mol creatinine
5-pregnenetriol (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
35.00 - 105.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5-pregnenetriol (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
35.00 - 120.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5-pregnenetriol (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
70.00 - 245.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
58 KD (IGG) Band Lyme Testing Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
5a,3a-Androstanediol Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
2.98 - 13.10 µg/g creatinine
5a,3a-Androstanediol (Male) ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) ug/g Cr
9.48 - 24.96 ug/g Cr
5a,3a-Androstanediol (Postmenopausal) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile ug/g Cr
2.32 - 8.17 ug/g Cr
5a-Androstanediol Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
4.00 - 33.00 ug/g Creatinine
5a-Androstanediol Androgens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
6.00 - 30.00 ng/mg
5a-Androstanediol (male) Androgens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
30.00 - 250.00 ng/mg
5a-Androstanediol (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
10.00 - 108.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5a-Androstanediol (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
2.50 - 15.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5a-Androstanediol (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
5.00 - 48.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5a-DHT Androgens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
0.00 - 6.60 ng/mg
5a-DHT Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
0.28 - 1.52 µg/g creatinine
5a-DHT (male) Androgens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
5.00 - 25.00 ng/mg
5a-DHT (Male) ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) ug/g Cr
0.71 - 2.46 ug/g Cr
5a-DHT (Postmenopausal) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile ug/g Cr
0.26 - 0.98 ug/g Cr
5a-Dihydrotestosterone (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.70 - 6.30 ng/mg Creat/Day
5a-Dihydrotestosterone (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.40 - 4.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5a-Dihydrotestosterone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.20 - 6.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5A-PD:5B-PD (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.06 - 0.24 Ratio
5A-PD:5B-PD (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.06 - 0.24 Ratio
5A-PD:5B-PD (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.10 - 0.50 Ratio
5a-Pregnanediol (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
9.00 - 50.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5a-Pregnanediol (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
5.00 - 25.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5a-Pregnanediol (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
50.00 - 505.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5a-Reductase Activity (Etiocholanolone/Androsterone Ratio) Complete Hormones (24hr) Ratio
0.34 - 1.76 Ratio
5a-Tetrahydrocorticosterone Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
90.00 - 380.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5a-Tetrahydrocorticosterone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
160.00 - 430.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5a-Tetrahydrocortisol (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
420.00 - 1060.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5a-Tetrahydrocortisol (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
150.00 - 860.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5a-Tetrahydrocortisol (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
200.00 - 1300.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5a-THF (Male) Comprehensive 24-Hour Urine Steroid Hormone Profile Test ug/24hrs
796.00 - 2456.00 ug/24hrs
5A-THF+5B-THF/THE (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.60 - 1.20 Ratio
5A-THF+5B-THF/THE (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.60 - 1.20 Ratio
5A-THF+5B-THF/THE (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.70 - 1.40 Ratio
5A-THF/5B-THF ratio (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.15 - 0.65 Ratio
5A-THF/5B-THF ratio (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.15 - 0.65 Ratio
5A-THF/5B-THF ratio (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.40 - 1.40 Ratio
5a-THF/THF Ratio Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) Ratio
0.60 - 1.60 Ratio
5b-Androstanediol Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
8.00 - 122.00 ug/g Creatinine
5b-Androstanediol Androgens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
20.00 - 75.00 ng/mg
5b-Androstanediol (male) Androgens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
40.00 - 250.00 ng/mg
5b-Androstanediol (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
18.00 - 200.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5b-Androstanediol (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
7.00 - 87.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5b-Androstanediol (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
14.00 - 124.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5b-Pregnanediol Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
689.00 - 3871.00 ug/g Creatinine
5b-Pregnanediol (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
55.00 - 250.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5b-Pregnanediol (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
70.00 - 320.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5b-Pregnanediol (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
375.00 - 2210.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5b-Tetrahydrocorticosterone Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
58.00 - 240.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5b-Tetrahydrocorticosterone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
65.00 - 240.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5b-Tetrahydrocortisol (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
690.00 - 2240.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5b-Tetrahydrocortisol (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
720.00 - 2050.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5b-Tetrahydrocortisol (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
900.00 - 2600.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
5OH-Hexanoic Acid Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
6-Sulfatoxymelatonin (1st Morning) Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
17.70 - 84.40 ug/g Creatinine
66 KD (IGG) Band Lyme Testing Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
7-keto DHEA ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
41.00 - 130.00 pg/mL
8 OH-deoxyguanosine NutriStat Basic Profile ng/gCR
0.00 - 12.00 ng/gCR
8-Hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 6.40 nmol/mg Creatinine
8-Hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine ng/mg creatinine
0.00 - 7.60 ng/mg creatinine
8-Hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 15.00 mcg/mg creatinine
8-Hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 15.00 mmol/mol creatinine
8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.00 - 7.50 ng/mg Creat/Day
8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.00 - 7.70 ng/mg Creat/Day
8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.00 - 7.50 ng/mg Creat/Day
8-OHdG Urinary Hormones mcg/g
0.00 - 4.77 mcg/g
8-OHdG (urine) Metabolimix+ mcg/g Creat.
0.00 - 15.00 mcg/g Creat.
8-OHdG (urine) Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) mcg/g Creat.
0.00 - 15.00 mcg/g Creat.
8-OHdG (Waking) Neurotransmitter Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
0.00 - 5.20 ng/mg
8-OHdG (Waking) (Male) Nutritional Organic Acids (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
0.00 - 8.80 ng/mg
93 KD (IGG) Band Lyme Testing Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
a-1 (female) Boston Heart HDL Map Test mg/dL
45.00 - 100.00 mg/dL
a-2 (female) Boston Heart HDL Map Test mg/dL
65.00 - 100.00 mg/dL
a-3 (female) Boston Heart HDL Map Test mg/dL
0.00 - 20.00 mg/dL
a-4 (female) Boston Heart HDL Map Test mg/dL
0.00 - 20.00 mg/dL
A-a O2 Arterial Blood Gas Analysis (ABG) mmHg
0.00 - 0.00 mmHg
a-Amino-n-Butyrate/Leucine NutriStat Basic Profile Ratio
0.00 - 0.62 Ratio
a-Amino-N-butyric Acid NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
1.76 - 9.99 Units
a-Amino-N-butyric Acid Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
2.00 - 21.00 micromol/g creatinine
a-Amino-n-butyric acid (a-ANB) 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
1.76 - 9.99 qmol/dL
a-Amino-N-butyric Acid (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
2.00 - 25.00 micromol/g creatinine
a-Aminoadipic (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
2.00 - 47.00 micromol/g creatinine
a-aminoadipic acid 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
0.00 - 0.28 qmol/dL
a-Aminoadipic Acid Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
6.00 - 56.00 micromol/g creatinine
a-Aminoadipic Acid NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
0.00 - 0.28 Units
a-ANB/Leucine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 Ratio
0.07 - 0.54 Ratio
a-Hydroxybutyrate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.83 mmol/mol creatinine
a-Hydroxybutyric Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.83 mmol/mol creatinine
a-Hydroxybutyric Acid Genova Diagnostics (various) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.83 mmol/mol creatinine
a-Hydroxybutyric Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
15.40 - 95.60 nmol/mg Creatinine
a-Hydroxyisobutyrate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 6.70 mmol/mol creatinine
a-Hydroxyisobutyric Acid (from MTBE) Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 6.70 mmol/mol creatinine
a-Hydroxyisobutyric Acid (from MTBE) Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 6.70 mmol/mol creatinine
a-Keto-b-Methylvalerate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.10 mmol/mol creatinine
a-Keto-b-Methylvaleric Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.10 mmol/mol creatinine
a-Keto-b-methylvaleric Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 83.50 nmol/mg Creatinine
a-Keto-b-Methylvaleric Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 1.52 ug/mgCR
a-Keto-b-Methylvaleric Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.10 mmol/mol creatinine
a-Ketoadipate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.70 mmol/mol creatinine
a-Ketoadipic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.70 mmol/mol creatinine
a-Ketoadipic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.70 mmol/mol creatinine
a-Ketobutyric Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 12.60 nmol/mg Creatinine
a-Ketoglutarate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
4.00 - 52.00 mmol/mol creatinine
a-Ketoglutaric Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
4.00 - 52.00 mmol/mol creatinine
a-Ketoglutaric Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 169.60 nmol/mg Creatinine
a-Ketoglutaric Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 21.72 ug/mgCR
a-Ketoglutaric Acid (AKG) Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
4.00 - 52.00 mmol/mol creatinine
a-Ketoisocaproate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.89 mmol/mol creatinine
a-Ketoisocaproic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.89 mmol/mol creatinine
a-Ketoisocaproic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.89 mmol/mol creatinine
a-Ketoisocaproic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 0.34 ug/mgCR
a-Ketoisocaproic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 20.40 nmol/mg Creatinine
a-Ketoisovalerate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.97 mmol/mol creatinine
a-Ketoisovaleric Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.97 mmol/mol creatinine
a-Ketoisovaleric Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 6.10 nmol/mg Creatinine
a-Ketoisovaleric Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.97 mmol/mol creatinine
a-Ketoisovaleric Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 1.15 ug/mgCR
a-Ketophenylacetate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.46 mmol/mol creatinine
a-Ketophenylacetic Acid (from Styrene) Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.46 mmol/mol creatinine
a-Ketophenylacetic Acid (from Styrene) Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.46 mmol/mol creatinine
a-Linolenic Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) wt %
0.09 - 1.00 wt %
a-Linolenic (ALA) 18:3 n3 Metabolimix+ wt %
0.28 - 5.00 wt %
a-OH-Butyric Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 4.16 ug/mgCR
a-Pregnanediol (luteal range) Progesterone Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
200.00 - 740.00 ng/mg
a-Pregnanediol (male) DUTCH (male) ng/mg
20.00 - 130.00 ng/mg
a-Pregnanediol (oral progesterone range) Progesterone Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
580.00 - 3000.00 ng/mg
a-Pregnanediol (postmenopausal range) Progesterone Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
15.00 - 50.00 ng/mg
a-Tetrahydrocortisol (a-THF) Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
75.00 - 370.00 ng/mg
a-Tetrahydrocortisol (a-THF) Urinary Hormones mcg/g
18.12 - 79.22 mcg/g
a-Tetrahydrocortisol (a-THF) (male) Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
175.00 - 700.00 ng/mg
a-Transglutaminase IgA Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) units/L
0.00 - 100.00 units/L
a-Transglutaminase IgA The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) units/L
0.00 - 100.00 units/L
a-­Aminoadipic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
7.40 - 63.20 nmol/mg Creatinine
a-­Aminoadipic Acid (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
0.00 - 4.80 nmol/ML
A. Phagocytophilum Ab (IgG) Anaplasma Phagocytophilum and Ehrlichia Chaffeensi Antibody Panel N/A
A. Phagocytophilum Ab (IgM) Anaplasma Phagocytophilum and Ehrlichia Chaffeensi Antibody Panel N/A
A2142C GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions N/A
A2142G GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions N/A
A2143G GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions N/A
A926G GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions N/A
AA (RBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) %
5.50 - 19.01 %
AA / EPA Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) Ratio
12.00 - 125.00 Ratio
AA / EPA (20:4 n6 / 20:5 n3) Metabolimix+ Ratio
10.00 - 86.00 Ratio
AA/EPA VibrantAmerica (various) Ratio
2.50 - 10.90 Ratio
AA/EPA Genova Diagnostics (various) Ratio
1.00 - 57.00 Ratio
AA/EPA Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) Ratio
12.00 - 125.00 Ratio
AA/EPA (RBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) Ratio
2.50 - 10.90 Ratio
AA/EPA Ratio Fatty Acids Profile, Essential (Serum/Plasma) Ratio
0.00 - 5.88 Ratio
AA/EPA ratio NutriStat Basic Profile Ratio
1.10 - 69.20 Ratio
AA:EPA OmegaQuant Units
2.50 - 11.00 Units
Ab NK (CD56/16) Lymphocyte Activity Profile /uL
24.00 - 406.00 /uL
AB42/AB40 Ratio Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis Ratio
0.16 - 1.00 Ratio
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Cardiovascular & Stroke Screenings N/A
Abnormal Protein Band 1 Liver Health g/dL
0.00 - 0.01 g/dL
Abs. CD 8 Suppressor T + B-Lymphocyte Differential /uL
109.00 - 897.00 /uL
Abs.CD19+ Lymphs T + B-Lymphocyte Differential /uL
12.00 - 645.00 /uL
Abs.CD3+CD25+ Lymphs Lymphocyte Activity Profile uL
79.00 - 535.00 uL
Abs.CD3+CD25+ Lymphs Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 uL
79.00 - 535.00 uL
Abs.CD8+CD57+ Lymphs Lymphocyte Activity Profile uL
0.00 - 254.00 uL
ABSOLUTE BAND NEUTROPHILS White Blood Cell Differential Test cells/uL
0.00 - 750.00 cells/uL
Absolute CD 3 T + B-Lymphocyte Differential /uL
622.00 - 2402.00 /uL
Absolute CD 3 Lymphocyte Activity Profile uL
622.00 - 2402.00 uL
Absolute CD 4 Helper Lymphocyte Activity Profile uL
359.00 - 1519.00 uL
Absolute CD 4 Helper T + B-Lymphocyte Differential /uL
359.00 - 1519.00 /uL
Absolute CD 8 (Supp) Lymphocyte Activity Profile uL
109.00 - 897.00 uL
Absolute CD19+ Cells Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 cells/uL
110.00 - 660.00 cells/uL
Absolute CD3+ Cells Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 cells/uL
840.00 - 3060.00 cells/uL
Absolute CD4+ Cells Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 cells/uL
490.00 - 1740.00 cells/uL
Absolute CD45 Count Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 thou/mcL
0.99 - 3.15 thou/mcL
Absolute CD8+ Cells Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 cells/uL
180.00 - 1170.00 cells/uL
Absolute Lymphocytes Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 cells/uL
850.00 - 3900.00 cells/uL
ABSOLUTE METAMYELOCYTES White Blood Cell Differential Test cells/uL
0.00 - 0.00 cells/uL
ABSOLUTE MYELOCYTES White Blood Cell Differential Test cells/uL
0.00 - 0.00 cells/uL
Absolute Reticulocytes Blood Health Units
0.02 - 0.08 Units
Absolute T-Suppressor Cells Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 cells/mcL
109.00 - 897.00 cells/mcL
Absorption Markers Boston Heart Cholesterol Balance Test N/A
Abstinence Semen analysis days
3.00 - 21.00 days
AC/FC Metabolic Health Ratio
0.10 - 0.80 Ratio
ACCA IBD Expanded Panel (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) Units
0.00 - 80.00 Units
ACE, Serum LabCorp (various) U/L
14.00 - 82.00 U/L
Acetate 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool %
48.10 - 69.20 %
Acetate Comprehensive Stool Analysis / Parasitology %
50.00 - 72.00 %
Acetate Adult Gut Health Test rpkm
0.00 - 620.00 rpkm
Acetate Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) %
44.50 - 72.40 %
Acetate The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) %
44.50 - 72.40 %
Acetate Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness %
60.20 - 72.70 %
Acetate production BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
15.85 - 34.16 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Acetoacetate, S/P Quest Diagnostics mcg/mL
5.00 - 30.00 mcg/mL
Acetoacetic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 10.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Acetoacetic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Acetoacetic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 10.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Acetoacetic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 10.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Acetoacetic Acid Organic Acids, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 66.00 umol/L
Acetoacetic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 9.60 mmol/mol
Acetone, Blood LabCorp (various) g/dL
0.00 - 0.01 g/dL
Acetylcarnitine, C2 Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
3.23 - 10.29 umol/L
Acetylcholine Receptor (AChR) Antibody Immune System nmol/L
0.00 - 0.45 nmol/L
Acetylcholine Receptor Ganglionic (Alpha 3) AB Quest Diagnostics pmol/L
0.00 - 53.00 pmol/L
Ácido Úrico Brazilian Biomarkers mg/dL
3.80 - 8.40 mg/dL
Acinetobacter Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Acinetobacter Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 2.20 ELISA Index
Acinetobacter junii GI360 stool profile N/A
Aconitic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
6.80 - 28.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Aconitic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
4.10 - 23.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Aconitic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
9.80 - 39.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Aconitic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
6.10 - 27.90 mmol/mol
Aconitic, Ur Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
8.00 - 143.00 mmol/mol creatinine
ACTH, Plasma Endocrinology pg/mL
7.20 - 63.30 pg/mL
1.59 - 13.94 pmol/L
Actin (Smooth muscle) Antibody (IgG) Liver Health u
0.00 - 20.00 u
Actinobacteria GI360 stool profile N/A
Actinobacteria Phylum 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Actinobacteria Phylum The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) %
0.00 - 4.82 %
Actinobacteria Phylum Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) %
0.00 - 4.82 %
Actinobacteriota Adult Gut Health Test %
0.00 - 0.50 %
Actinomycetales GI360 stool profile N/A
Activated CD21 low CD38- % Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 % of CD19
1.20 - 9.00 % of CD19
Activated CD21 low CD38- Abs Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 cells/mcL
3.00 - 26.00 cells/mcL
Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) Immune System seconds
22.90 - 30.20 seconds
Activated Protein C Resistance LabCorp (various) Ratio
2.20 - 3.50 Ratio
Activated Vitamin B12 Methionine Metabolism Profile (NutriPATH) pmol/L
37.50 - 188.00 pmol/L
Activated Vitamin B12 NutriStat pmol/L
37.50 - 188.00 pmol/L
Active sperm Semen analysis Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Active sperm (10e6/ml) Semen analysis 10e6/ml
0.00 - 0.00 10e6/ml
Actomyosin IgA Array 2 - Intestinal Antigenic Permeability Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 20.10 ELISA Index
Actomyosin IgA+IgM Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.10 ELISA Index
Acylcarnitine Metabolic Health nmol/ML
5.00 - 30.00 nmol/ML
Adamts13 Activity Quest Diagnostics IU/ml
0.68 - 1.63 IU/ml
Adenovirus 40/41 GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 10000000000.00 Units
Adenovirus 40/41 Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Not Detected
Adenovirus 40/41 The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Detected
Adenovirus F40/41 GI360 stool profile N/A
ADH Endocrinology pg/mL
0.00 - 4.70 pg/mL
Adipate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 11.10 mcg/mg creatinine
Adipate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.80 mmol/mol creatinine
Adipate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 4.42 ug/mg creatinine
Adipic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.04 - 3.80 mmol/mol creatinine
Adipic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 4.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Adipic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.90 mmol/mol creatinine
Adipic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.19 - 6.50 mmol/mol creatinine
Adipic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.80 mmol/mol creatinine
Adipic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 4.07 ug/mgCR
Adipic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
4.30 - 55.60 nmol/mg Creatinine
Adipic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.04 - 3.90 mmol/mol
Adipic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.80 mmol/mol creatinine
Adipic Acid NutriStat ug/mgCR
0.00 - 4.07 ug/mgCR
Adiponectin Metabolic Health ug/ml
2.50 - 12.30 ug/ml
Adiponectin (Boston Heart) Metabolic Health ug/ml
13.00 - 100.00 ug/ml
Adipoyl/Meglutaryl (C6-DC) Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.10 umol/L
Adipoylcarnitine, C6DC (C6-DC) Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma nmol/ML
0.00 - 0.02 nmol/ML
Adjusted Calcium Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained mg/dL
8.60 - 10.20 mg/dL
2.15 - 2.55 mmol/L
ADMA Heart and Muscle Health ng/mL
0.00 - 100.00 ng/mL
Adrenal Reserve (THE+5a-THF+THF) Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
2908.00 - 5535.00 ug/g Creatinine
Aeromonas hydrophila Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^3 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Aeromonas hydrophila The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^3 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Aeromonas spp. GI360 stool profile N/A
Aflatoxin B1 Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) ng/g
0.00 - 5.20 ng/g
Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) Total Tox-Burden ng/g
0.00 - 3.90 ng/g
Aflatoxin B2 Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) ng/g
0.00 - 6.10 ng/g
Aflatoxin B2 (AFB2) Total Tox-Burden ng/g
0.00 - 4.58 ng/g
Aflatoxin G1 Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) ng/g
0.00 - 4.90 ng/g
Aflatoxin G2 Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) ng/g
0.00 - 8.10 ng/g
Aflatoxin G2 Total Tox-Burden ng/g
0.00 - 6.08 ng/g
Aflatoxin Group: (B1, B2, G1, G2) Mycotoxin Panel (RealTime Laboratories) ppb
0.00 - 0.80 ppb
Aflatoxin IgA+IgM Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Aflatoxin M1 Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) ng/g
0.00 - 4.80 ng/g
Aflatoxin-M1 MycoTOX Profile (Mold Exposure) ng/g creatinine
0.00 - 0.50 ng/g creatinine
Aflatoxins IgG+IgA Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.90 - 3.20 ELISA Index
Aflatoxins IgM Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.40 - 2.30 ELISA Index
Afternoon Cortisol HPA (NeuroLab) nm
2.30 - 5.30 nm
Afternoon Cortisol Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g
0.00 - 0.00 ug/g
Afternoon Cortisone Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g
0.00 - 0.00 ug/g
Afternoon Creatinine Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) mg/dL
0.00 - 0.00 mg/dL
Afternoon DHEA-s HPA (NeuroLab) ng/mL
1.00 - 6.00 ng/mL
AGA926-928TTC GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions N/A
Agathobacter rectalis GI360 stool profile N/A
Agglutination Morphology Semen analysis N/A
Akkermansia muciniphila GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
10.00 - 8200000.00 Units
Akkermansia muciniphila 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
8500.00 - 100000000000.00 CFU/g stool
Akkermansia muciniphila Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^7 CFU/g
1.00 - 50.00 x10^7 CFU/g
Akkermansia muciniphila Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 5000.00 Units
Akkermansia muciniphila GI360 stool profile N/A
Akkermansia muciniphila VibrantAmerica (various) Relative Abundance
10.00 - 100.00 Relative Abundance
Akkermansia muciniphila The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^7 CFU/g
1.00 - 50.00 x10^7 CFU/g
Akkermansia muciniphila BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
0.08 - 1.51 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
ALA Fatty Acids Profile, Essential (Serum/Plasma) qg/mL
30.00 - 100.00 qg/mL
Alanina aminotransferase (ALT, TGP) Brazilian Biomarkers U/L
6.00 - 46.00 U/L
Alanine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
120.00 - 690.00 qmol/24 hours
Alanine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
272.00 - 756.00 umol/L
Alanine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
26.00 - 275.00 micromol/g creatinine
Alanine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
200.00 - 483.00 umol/L
Alanine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
77.90 - 1337.00 umol/g Cr
Alanine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
140.00 - 650.00 qM/g creatinine
Alanine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
209.20 - 515.50 umol/L
Alanine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
47.20 - 439.00 nmol/mg Creatinine
ALANINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
10.00 - 78.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Alanine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
19.00 - 62.00 Units
Alanine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
19.00 - 62.00 qmol/dL
Alanine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
230.00 - 681.00 µmol/L
23.00 - 68.10 µmol/dL
Alanine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
271.50 - 730.00 nmol/ML
Alanine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
26.00 - 275.00 micromol/g creatinine
Alanine-aminotransferase (ALT, SGPT) Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained U/L
6.00 - 46.00 U/L
6.00 - 46.00 IU/L
ALBUMIN NutriStat g/L
33.00 - 48.00 g/L
Albumin Protein, Total and Protein Electrophoresis, 24 Hour Urine and Immunofixation %
0.00 - 100.00 %
Albumin (via Protein electrophoresis) Liver Health g/dL
2.90 - 4.40 g/dL
29.00 - 44.00 g/L
Albumin, 24 Hour Urine Urinalysis mg/24 hr
0.00 - 30.00 mg/24 hr
Albumin, Serum Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained g/dL
3.80 - 4.80 g/dL
38.00 - 48.00 g/L
Albumin, Urine Urinalysis %
0.00 - 0.00 %
Albumin/Creatinine Ratio, Random Urine Metabolic Health mg/g creat
0.00 - 30.00 mg/g creat
Albumin/Globulin (A/G) Ratio Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained Ratio
1.20 - 2.20 Ratio
ALCA IBD Expanded Panel (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) Units
0.00 - 55.00 Units
Alcohol Lifestyle Dashboard drinks
0.00 - 1.50 drinks
Aldolase Heart and Muscle Health ug/L
3.30 - 10.30 ug/L
Aldos/Renin Ratio Endocrinology ng/dL per ng/mL/hr
pmol/L per ng/mL/hr
0.00 - 30.00 ng/dL per ng/mL/hr
0.00 - 386.10 pmol/L per ng/mL/hr
Aldosterone Endocrinology ng/dL
0.00 - 30.00 ng/dL
0.00 - 1081.35 pmol/L
Aldosterone OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions mcg/g Creat.
0.00 - 2.10 mcg/g Creat.
Aldosterone ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
16.00 - 63.00 pg/mL
Aldosterone/Plasma Renin Activity Ratio Endocrinology Ratio
0.90 - 28.90 Ratio
Alistipes onderdonkii GI360 stool profile N/A
Alistipes spp. GI360 stool profile N/A
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained U/L
44.00 - 121.00 U/L
44.00 - 121.00 IU/L
Allo-Tetrahydrocorticosterone (5a-THB) Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
105.00 - 412.00 ug/g Creatinine
Allo-Tetrahydrocortisol MALE: First AM Comp - Urine Profile + Metabolites (Physicians Lab) ng/mg CR
73.00 - 192.00 ng/mg CR
Allo-Tetrahydrocortisol (5a-THF) Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
443.00 - 1651.00 ug/g Creatinine
allo-Tetrahydrocortisol, a-THF (24hr urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) micromol/24 hr
0.00 - 0.00 micromol/24 hr
allo-Tetrahydrocortisol, a-THF (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) nmol/dL (SG)
57.00 - 370.00 nmol/dL (SG)
allo-Tetrahydrocortisol, a-THF (FMV urine, menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female nmol/dL (SG)
38.00 - 331.00 nmol/dL (SG)
Alloisoleucine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
0.00 - 3.20 umol/L
Alloisoleucine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
0.10 - 13.50 umol/g Cr
Allopregnanediol Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
14.65 - 76.71 µg/g creatinine
Allopregnanediol (Postmenopausal) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile ug/g Cr
1.38 - 6.75 ug/g Cr
Allopregnanolone Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
2.23 - 14.87 µg/g creatinine
Allopregnanolone (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.80 - 6.40 ng/mg Creat/Day
Allopregnanolone (Male) ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) ug/g Cr
0.32 - 1.20 ug/g Cr
Allopregnanolone (Oral or Topical Progesterone) ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
0.00 - 111.50 pg/mL
Allopregnanolone (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
1.40 - 4.80 ng/mg Creat/Day
Allopregnanolone (Postmenopausal) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile ug/g Cr
0.30 - 1.31 ug/g Cr
Allopregnanolone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
3.30 - 130.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Alloprevotella VibrantAmerica (various) Relative Abundance
10.00 - 100.00 Relative Abundance
Almond Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Almond (F20) IgE Tree Nut Allergen Panel kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
Almond, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Almond, roasted Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.00 ELISA Index
Aloe vera, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
ALP NutriStat units/L
30.00 - 110.00 units/L
Alpha + Beta Casein IgA+IgM Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.60 ELISA Index
Alpha + Beta Tubulin IgG+IgA Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.70 ELISA Index
Alpha + Beta Tubulin IgM Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Alpha 2 Antiplasmin Quest Diagnostics %
85.00 - 156.00 %
Alpha 2-Macroglobulins, Qn Immune System mg/dL
110.00 - 276.00 mg/dL
ALPHA AMINO ADIPIC ACID Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 13.00 mmol/mol creatinine
ALPHA AMINO BUTYRIC ACID Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Alpha Aminoadipic Acid Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
0.00 - 2.00 umol/L
Alpha Aminobutyric Acid Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
7.00 - 32.00 umol/L
Alpha Diversity BiomeFx index
0.00 - 10.00 index
Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) Tumor / Cancer screening tests U/mL
0.00 - 8.30 U/mL
Alpha Gliadin IgG VibrantAmerica (various) Units
0.00 - 0.90 Units
alpha haemolytic Streptococcus 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
NG - No Growth
NP - Non-Pathogen
PP - Potential Pathogen
P - Pathogen
Alpha Linolenic Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
13.00 - 80.00 µmol/L
alpha Linolenic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile %
0.10 - 1.90 %
Alpha Lipoic Acid Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
85.00 - 100.00 %
Alpha Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone Immune System ng/mL
0.00 - 100.00 ng/mL
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Phenotype Blood Health N/A
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) mg/dL
0.00 - 0.00 mg/dL
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin, Serum Blood Health mg/dL
101.00 - 187.00 mg/dL
Alpha-1-Globulin, Serum Liver Health g/dL
0.00 - 0.40 g/dL
0.00 - 4.00 g/L
Alpha-1-Globulin, Urine Urinalysis %
0.00 - 0.00 %
Alpha-1-Globulins Protein, Total and Protein Electrophoresis, 24 Hour Urine and Immunofixation %
0.00 - 100.00 %
Alpha-2-Globulin, Serum Liver Health g/dL
0.40 - 1.00 g/dL
4.00 - 10.00 g/L
Alpha-2-Globulin, Urine Urinalysis %
0.00 - 0.00 %
Alpha-2-Globulins Protein, Total and Protein Electrophoresis, 24 Hour Urine and Immunofixation %
0.00 - 100.00 %
Alpha-amino-N-butyrate Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
8.00 - 90.00 qmol/24 hours
Alpha-amino-N-butyrate Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
5.00 - 60.00 qM/g creatinine
Alpha-Amino-n-butyric acid (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
0.00 - 39.00 µmol/L
0.00 - 3.90 µmol/dL
Alpha-aminoadipate Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
7.00 - 60.00 qM/g creatinine
Alpha-aminoadipate Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
0.00 - 1.90 umol/L
Alpha-aminoadipate Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
0.50 - 146.70 umol/g Cr
alpha-Aminoadipic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
0.40 - 1.30 umol/L
Alpha-Aminoadipic Acid (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
0.00 - 1.50 µmol/L
0.00 - 0.15 µmol/dL
Alpha-Aminoadipitate Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
8.00 - 90.00 qmol/24 hours
Alpha-aminobutyrate Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
1.00 - 34.60 umol/g Cr
Alpha-aminobutyrate Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
5.40 - 34.50 umol/L
alpha-Aminobutyric Acid NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
21.40 - 95.60 umol/L
Alpha-amylase Pancreas Health IU/L
28.00 - 100.00 IU/L
Alpha-ANB/Leucine Amino Acids 40 Profile Ratio
0.00 - 0.22 Ratio
Alpha-Beta Gliadin IgG VibrantAmerica (various) Units
0.00 - 0.90 Units
Alpha-Casein + Beta-Casein Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Alpha-Gliadin-17-mer IgA Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Alpha-Gliadin-17-mer IgG Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Alpha-Gliadin-33-mer IgA+IgM Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.00 ELISA Index
Alpha-Hydroxybutyrate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 1.24 ug/mg creatinine
Alpha-Hydroxybutyrate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 0.90 mcg/mg creatinine
Alpha-Hydroxyisobutyrate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 6.35 ug/mg creatinine
Alpha-Keto-Beta-Methylvalerate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 1.29 ug/mg creatinine
Alpha-Keto-Beta-Methylvalerate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 1.10 mcg/mg creatinine
Alpha-Ketoglutarate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 35.00 mcg/mg creatinine
Alpha-Ketoglutarate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 18.94 ug/mg creatinine
Alpha-Ketoisocaproate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 1.09 ug/mg creatinine
Alpha-Ketoisocaproate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 0.52 mcg/mg creatinine
Alpha-Ketoisovalerate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 0.49 mcg/mg creatinine
Alpha-Ketoisovalerate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 0.49 ug/mg creatinine
Alpha-Myosin Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.60 - 2.00 ELISA Index
Alpha-Pregnanediol FU Female FMV Urine Comprehensive Hormone ng/mg CR
26.00 - 338.00 ng/mg CR
Alpha-Pregnanediol MALE: First AM Comp - Urine Profile + Metabolites (Physicians Lab) ng/mg CR
23.00 - 78.00 ng/mg CR
Alpha-Pregnanediol / Beta-Pregnanediol Ratio MALE: First AM Comp - Urine Profile + Metabolites (Physicians Lab) Ratio
0.50 - 1.50 Ratio
alpha-Tocopherol 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 mg/L
5.90 - 19.40 mg/L
alpha-Tocopherol Genova Diagnostics (various) mg/L
6.80 - 31.70 mg/L
ALT NutriStat units/L
10.00 - 50.00 units/L
Alternaria alternata Allergen Profile, Mold kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
ALTERNARIA ALTERNATA (M6) IGE Allergy Mold Panel, Complete N/A
Class 0 (<0.1 kU/L)
Class 0/1 (0.10-0.34 kU/L)
Class 1 (0.35-0.69 kU/L)
Class 2 (0.70-3.49 kU/L)
Class 3 (3.50-17.4 kU/L)
Class 4 (17.5-49.9 kU/L)
Class 5 (50-100 kU/L)
Class 6 (>100 kU/L)
Alternaria Alternata Mold IgE Allergen Panel kUA/L
0.00 - 0.34 kUA/L
Alternaria Toxin (Alternariol) - IgE Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Alternaria Toxin (Alternariol) - IgG Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
ALUMINIUM NutriStat Basic Profile ug/L
0.00 - 30.00 ug/L
Aluminium Complete Heavy Metals Test (Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 5.00 ug/L
Aluminum Toxic Metals (Urine) µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 25.00 µg/g creatinine
Aluminum Heavy Metals ug/g
0.00 - 54.00 ug/g
Aluminum Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 19.00 ug/g
Aluminum Minerals & Metals Test Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Aluminum Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
0.00 - 22.30 ug/g creat
Aluminum Genova Diagnostics (various) ppb
0.00 - 113.00 ppb
Aluminum Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.00 - 7.00 µg/g
Aluminum Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 2.00 Units
Aluminum (Blood) Complete Heavy Metals Test (Blood) mcg/L
0.00 - 20.00 mcg/L
Aluminum, Plasma/Serum LabCorp (various) ug/L
0.00 - 9.00 ug/L
Aluminum, Urine Heavy Metal Basic Panel (5520) (Access Medical Labs) ug/g
0.00 - 30.00 ug/g
Aluminum, Urine Urinalysis ug/L
5.00 - 30.00 ug/L
Aluminum, Urine 24 Hr Urinalysis ug/24 hr
0.00 - 32.00 ug/24 hr
Aluminum/Crt Ratio Urinalysis ug/g creat
0.00 - 49.00 ug/g creat
Amaranth Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Amaranth Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.80 ELISA Index
AMCA IBD Expanded Panel (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) Units
0.00 - 90.00 Units
Ammonia Blood Health µmol/L
11.00 - 55.00 µmol/L
Ammonia (NH4) Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
12000.00 - 65000.00 qmol/24 hours
Ammonia (NH4) Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
10000.00 - 48000.00 qM/g creatinine
Ammonia Level (NH4) Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
12000.00 - 49000.00 qM/g creatinine
Ammonia production BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
19.85 - 27.41 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Ammonia, Plasma LabCorp (various) ug/dL
36.00 - 136.00 ug/dL
Ammonia, Urine StoneRisk Diagnostic Profile mEq/24 hr
0.00 - 0.00 mEq/24 hr
Amoxicillin The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Tested
Amoxicillin GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions N/A
Ampicillin The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Tested
Amplitude of lateral hunting (ALH) Semen analysis qm
0.00 - 0.00 qm
Amylase Pancreas Health U/L
31.00 - 110.00 U/L
Amylase/Protease Inhibitors IgG VibrantAmerica (various) Units
0.00 - 0.90 Units
ANA by IFA Rfx Titer/Pattern LabCorp (various) N/A
ANA Direct LabCorp (various) N/A
Positive (Abnormal)
Strong Positive
Ana Pattern Quest Diagnostics N/A
Nuclear, membrane
Nuclear, centromere
Nuclear, homogenous
Nuclear, nucleolar
Nuclear, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), speckled
Nuclear dots (1-6 per cell)
Nuclear dots (6-20 per cell)
Cytoplasmic, cytoskeletal
Cytoplasmic, golgi apparatus
Cytoplasmic, lysosomal
Cytoplasmic, mitochondrial
Cytoplasmic, ribosomal
Nuclear, Dense Fine Speckled
Cytoplasmic, Discrete Dots/GW body
Mitotic, Spindle Fibers
ANA Pattern LabCorp (various) N/A
Nuclear Dot
Nuclear Membrane
ANA SCREEN A Immune System units/ml
0.00 - 10.00 units/ml
ANA SCREEN B Immune System units/ml
0.00 - 10.00 units/ml
ANA SCREEN, IFA Immune System Units
0.00 - 0.01 Units
ANA Screen, IFA (Positive, Negative) Immune System N/A
ANA titer Immune System N/A
<1:40 -- Negative
1:40 to 1:80 -- Low Antibody Level
>1:80 -- Elevated Antibody Level
Anabolic/Catabolic Balance (24hr urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) Ratio
0.10 - 1.40 Ratio
Anabolic/Catabolic Balance (FMV) Complete Hormones (24hr) Ratio
0.10 - 1.40 Ratio
Anabolic/Catabolic Balance (FMV) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female Ratio
0.00 - 0.00 Ratio
Anabolic/Catabolic Balance (FMV, menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female Ratio
0.10 - 1.40 Ratio
Anabolic/Catabolic Ratio FU Female FMV Urine Comprehensive Hormone ng/mg CR
0.50 - 1.50 ng/mg CR
AnaChoice Screen Quest Diagnostics N/A
Anaerobutyricum hallii GI360 stool profile N/A
Anaerotruncus colihominis 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
0.00 - 20000000.00 CFU/g stool
Anaerotruncus colihominis/massiliensis 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
0.00 - 20000000.00 CFU/g stool
Anaplasma phagocytophIlum Antibodies IFA Titre (IgG) Infectious Disease Profile N/A
< 1:64
Anaplasma phagocytophilum Msp5 - IgG Tickborne Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anastrozole ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
0.00 - 5.00 pg/mL
ANCA SCREEN / Lab ANCA Interpretation Sensory Motor Neuropathy Complete Antibody Panel N/A
Ancylostoma duodenale GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Ancylostoma duodenale, Roundworm The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Detected
Ancylostoma duodenale, Roundworm Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Not Detected
Ancylostoma/Necator (Hookworm) 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Not Detected
Andro/Etio Ratio Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) Ratio
0.60 - 2.20 Ratio
Androstanediol (24hr urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) micromol/24 hr
0.00 - 0.25 micromol/24 hr
Androstanediol (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) nmol/dL (SG)
0.00 - 23.00 nmol/dL (SG)
Androstanediol (FMV urine, menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female nmol/dL (SG)
0.00 - 20.00 nmol/dL (SG)
Androstenedione Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
3.93 - 13.53 µg/g creatinine
Androstenedione ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
36.00 - 93.00 pg/mL
Androstenedione (Male) ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) ug/g Cr
2.12 - 9.51 ug/g Cr
Androstenedione (Male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.80 - 7.70 ng/mg Creat/Day
Androstenedione (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.20 - 5.30 ng/mg Creat/Day
Androstenedione (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.50 - 9.20 ng/mg Creat/Day
Androstenedione LCMS LabCorp (various) ng/dL
27.00 - 152.00 ng/dL
Androstenetriol (5-AT) (Male) Comprehensive 24-Hour Urine Steroid Hormone Profile Test ug/24hrs
42.00 - 710.00 ug/24hrs
Androsterone FU Female FMV Urine Comprehensive Hormone ng/mg CR
147.00 - 593.00 ng/mg CR
Androsterone Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
248.00 - 937.00 µg/g creatinine
Androsterone Androgens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
200.00 - 1650.00 ng/mg
Androsterone Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
636.00 - 2327.00 ug/g Creatinine
Androsterone (24hr urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) micromol/24 hr
0.60 - 5.50 micromol/24 hr
Androsterone (5a) / Etiocholanolone (5b) (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.50 - 1.40 Ratio
Androsterone (5a) / Etiocholanolone (5b) (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.50 - 1.40 Ratio
Androsterone (5a) / Etiocholanolone (5b) (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.80 - 2.60 Ratio
Androsterone (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) nmol/dL (SG)
117.00 - 939.00 nmol/dL (SG)
Androsterone (FMV urine, menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female nmol/dL (SG)
43.00 - 580.00 nmol/dL (SG)
Androsterone (male) Androgens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
500.00 - 3000.00 ng/mg
Androsterone (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
470.00 - 2400.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Androsterone (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
250.00 - 1600.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Androsterone (Postmenopausal) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile ug/g Cr
152.00 - 482.00 ug/g Cr
Androsterone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
610.00 - 2050.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Angiotensin-1-Converting Enzyme Blood Health U/L
9.00 - 67.00 U/L
Anion Gap Electrolytes mEq/L
8.00 - 16.00 mEq/L
Anion Gap NutriStat mmol/L
8.00 - 16.00 mmol/L
Anserine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
0.00 - 110.00 qmol/24 hours
Anserine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
0.00 - 0.40 umol/L
Anserine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
0.00 - 90.00 qM/g creatinine
Anserine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 224.50 nmol/mg Creatinine
Anserine (dipeptide) Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
0.70 - 76.10 micromol/g creatinine
Anserine (dipeptide) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
0.40 - 105.10 micromol/g creatinine
Anserine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
0.00 - 43.00 µmol/L
Anserine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
0.00 - 18.40 nmol/ML
Anserine, Urine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g creatinine
0.00 - 90.00 umol/g creatinine
Anthranilic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 11.90 nmol/mg Creatinine
Anti DNAse B Titer Other U/mL
0.00 - 251.00 U/mL
Anti GAD 65 Antibodies LabCorp (various) N/A
Negative (<5.0)
Positive (> or = 5.0)
Anti Myeloperoxidase Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies CU
0.00 - 10.00 CU
Anti Proteinase 3 Ab Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies CU
0.00 - 20.00 CU
Anti- Cerebellum (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-a1 and b2 adrenergic receptors (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-a1 and b2 adrenergic receptors (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Acetylcholine receptors (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Acetylcholine receptors (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Actin IgG VibrantAmerica (various) Units
0.00 - 0.90 Units
Anti-Alpha-synuclein (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Alpha-synuclein (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-AMPA receptor (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-AMPA receptor (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-Amphiphysin (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Amphiphysin (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Amyloid beta (1-42) (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Amyloid beta (1-42) (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Amyloid beta (25-35) (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Amyloid beta (25-35) (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Aquaporin 4 (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Aquaporin 4 (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Beta2 Glycoprotein I IgG Connective Tissue Disease Cascade SGU
0.00 - 21.00 SGU
Anti-Beta2 Glycoprotein I IgM Connective Tissue Disease Cascade SMU
0.00 - 33.00 SMU
Anti-C1Q Ab, IgG (RDL) Immune System Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Anti-Cardiolipin Ab, IgA (RDL) ANA 12 Plus Profile (RDL) APL U/mL
0.00 - 12.00 APL U/mL
Anti-Cardiolipin Ab, IgG (RDL) ANA 12 Plus Profile (RDL) GPL U/mL
0.00 - 15.00 GPL U/mL
Anti-Cardiolipin Ab, IgM (RDL) ANA 12 Plus Profile (RDL) MPL U/mL
0.00 - 13.00 MPL U/mL
Anti-CCP Ab, IgG / IgA (RDL) ANA 12 Plus Profile (RDL) Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Anti-Centromere Ab by IFA (RDL) ANA 12 Plus Profile (RDL) N/A
Anti-Centromere Ab by IFA (RDL) ANA Comprehensive Panel N/A
Anti-Centromere B Antibodies ANA Comprehensive Panel AI
0.00 - 0.90 AI
Anti-Cerebellum (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Chromatin Ab, IgG (RDL) ANA 12 Plus Profile (RDL) Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Anti-cN-1A (NT5c1A) IBM (RDL) Autoimmune Neuromuscular Profile N/A
Weak Positive
Moderate Positive
Strong Positive
Anti-Contactin-associated protein-like 2 antibodies (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Contactin-associated protein-like 2 antibodies (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-CV2 (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-CV2 (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-DBL-Strand DNA Ab Immune System IU/ml
0.00 - 4.00 IU/ml
Anti-Deamidated Gliadin IgA (DGP IgA) 1018 Celiac Profile - Serum U/mL
0.00 - 6.90 U/mL
Anti-Deamidated Gliadin IgG (DGP IgG) 1018 Celiac Profile - Serum U/mL
0.00 - 6.90 U/mL
Anti-Dipeptidyl aminopeptidase-like protein 6 (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-Dipeptidyl aminopeptidase-like protein 6 (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-DNA (Anticorpos anti-DNA dupla fita Brazilian Biomarkers IU/ml
0.00 - 4.00 IU/ml
Anti-DNA (DS) Ab Qn ANA Comprehensive Panel IU/ml
0.00 - 4.00 IU/ml
Anti-DNase B Strep Antibodies LabCorp (various) U/mL
0.00 - 301.00 U/mL
Anti-Dopamine (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Dopamine (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Dopamine receptor 1 (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-Dopamine receptor 1 (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-Dopamine receptor 2 (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-Dopamine receptor 2 (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-dsDNA (Double-stranded) Ab by Farr method (RDL) Immune System IU/ml
0.00 - 8.00 IU/ml
Anti-dsDNA ab (Farr Assay) Immune System IU/ml
0.00 - 8.00 IU/ml
Anti-dsDNA Ab by Farr method (RDL) ANA 12 Plus Profile (RDL) IU/ml
0.00 - 8.00 IU/ml
Anti-Endothelin A receptor (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Endothelin A receptor (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-GABA receptors (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-GABA receptors (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-gliadin IgA Celiac Comprehensive Panel units/ml
0.00 - 20.00 units/ml
Anti-gliadin IgA GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions U/L
0.00 - 175.00 U/L
Anti-gliadin IgG Celiac Comprehensive Panel units/ml
0.00 - 25.00 units/ml
Anti-Glial fibrillary acidic protein (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Glial fibrillary acidic protein (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Glucose regulated protein 78 (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Glucose regulated protein 78 (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Glutamate (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Glutamate (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Glycine receptor (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Glycine receptor (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-GM1 (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-GM1 (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-GM2 (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-GM2 (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-HHV-6 (IgG) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-HHV-6 (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-HHV-7 (IgG) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-HHV-7 (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-histone Abs LabCorp (various) Units
0.00 - 1.00 Units
Anti-HMGCR Ab (RDL) Autoimmune Neuromuscular Profile N/A
Weak Positive
Moderate Positive
Strong Positive
Anti-HSV-1 (IgG) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-HSV-1 (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-HSV-2 (IgG) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-HSV-2 (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-Hu (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Hu (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Hydroxytryptamine (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Hydroxytryptamine (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-IgE Immune System N/A
Anti-intermyofibrillar LabCorp (various) N/A
Anti-Jo-1 ANA Comprehensive Panel AI
0.00 - 1.00 AI
Anti-Jo-1 Ab (RDL) Autoimmune Neuromuscular Profile N/A
Weak Positive
Moderate Positive
Strong Positive
Anti-La (SS-B) Ab (RDL) ANA 12 Plus Profile (RDL) Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Anti-Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein (Anti-LGI1) (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein (Anti-LGI1) (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-LPS (IgG + IgM) VibrantAmerica (various) U/mL
0.00 - 281.00 U/mL
Anti-LPS IgA VibrantAmerica (various) Units
0.00 - 30.00 Units
Anti-Ma (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-Ma (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-MAG (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-MAG (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Microglia (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Microglia (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-MPO Antibodies ANCA Panel Units
0.00 - 0.90 Units
Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) Endocrinology pmol/L
5.50 - 37.40 pmol/L
0.77 - 5.24 ng/mL
Anti-Muscle specific kinase (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Muscle specific kinase (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Myelin basic protein (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Myelin basic protein (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Myelin proteolipid protein (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Myelin proteolipid protein (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Neurexin 3 (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-Neurexin 3 (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-Neurofascin (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Neurofascin (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Neuron specific enolase (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Neuron specific enolase (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-NMDA receptor (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-NMDA receptor (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-Nuclear Ab by IFA (RDL) ANA 12 Plus Profile (RDL) N/A
Anti-PM/Scl-100 Ab (RDL) LabCorp (various) Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Anti-PM/Scl-75 Ab (RDL) LabCorp (various) Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Anti-PR3 Antibodies ANCA Panel Units
0.00 - 0.90 Units
Anti-Purkinje cell Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Purkinje cell (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Purkinje cell (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-RAGE peptide (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-RAGE peptide (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Recoverin (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Recoverin (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Ri (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Ri (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Ribosomal P Ab (RDL) LabCorp (various) Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
ANTI-RNP (CU) Immune System CU
0.00 - 20.00 CU
Anti-Ro (SS-A) Ab (RDL) ANA 12 Plus Profile (RDL) Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Anti-s100b (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-s100b (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-sarcolemma LabCorp (various) N/A
Anti-Scl-70 Ab (RDL) ANA 12 Plus Profile (RDL) Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Anti-Sm (Anticorpos anti-Smith) Brazilian Biomarkers U/mL
0.00 - 7.00 U/mL
Anti-Sm Ab (RDL) ANA 12 Plus Profile (RDL) Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Anti-Smith Antibody Immune System U/mL
0.00 - 7.00 U/mL
Anti-SRP Ab (RDL) Autoimmune Neuromuscular Profile N/A
Anti-SS-A (anti-Ro) Sjogren's Antibodies AI
0.00 - 1.00 AI
Anti-SS-B (anti-La) Sjogren's Antibodies AI
0.00 - 1.00 AI
Anti-Streptococcal A (IgG) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Streptococcal A (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Anti-Streptolysin O Other IU/ml
0.00 - 200.00 IU/ml
Anti-Tau (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Tau (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Th/To Ab (RDL) LabCorp (various) N/A
Anti-Thyroglobulin ab. (0-39) Thyroid Panel Units
0.00 - 39.00 Units
Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibody (Boston Heart) Metabolic Health IU/ml
0.00 - 15.00 IU/ml
Anti-Thyroglobulin IgG AVISE CTD N/A
Anti-tireoglobulina Brazilian Biomarkers Units
0.00 - 39.00 Units
Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase IgA (tTG IgA) 1018 Celiac Profile - Serum U/mL
0.00 - 6.90 U/mL
Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase IgG (tTG IgG) 1018 Celiac Profile - Serum U/mL
0.00 - 6.90 U/mL
Anti-Titin (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Titin (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-TPO (Anticorpos contra a Peroxidase Tireoideana) Brazilian Biomarkers IU/ml
0.00 - 34.00 IU/ml
Anti-TPO Ab (RDL) ANA 12 Plus Profile (RDL) IU/ml
0.00 - 9.00 IU/ml
Anti-Tubulin (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Tubulin (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.10 - 10.00 Units
Anti-U1 RNP Ab (RDL) ANA 12 Plus Profile (RDL) Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Anti-U3 RNP (Fibrillarin)(RDL) LabCorp (various) N/A
Anti-Voltage gated calcium channels (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Voltage gated calcium channels (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Voltage gated potassium channels (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Voltage gated potassium channels (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Yo (IgG + IgA) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Yo (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Anti-Zonulin IgG VibrantAmerica (various) Units
0.00 - 0.90 Units
Antiadrenal Antibodies, Quant LabCorp (various) N/A
Anticardiolipin Ab,IgA,Qn Immune System APL U/mL
0.00 - 12.00 APL U/mL
Anticardiolipin Ab,IgG,Qn Immune System GPL U/mL
0.00 - 15.00 GPL U/mL
Anticardiolipin Ab,IgM,Qn Immune System MPL
0.00 - 13.00 MPL
Antichromatin Antibodies ANA Comprehensive Panel AI
0.00 - 0.90 AI
Anticorpos Anti-La (SSB) Brazilian Biomarkers AI
0.00 - 1.00 AI
Anticorpos Anti-Ro (SSA) Brazilian Biomarkers AI
0.00 - 1.00 AI
Anticorpos Antinucleares (ANA), IFA Brazilian Biomarkers N/A
Antigliadin IgG (native) IBD Expanded Panel (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) Units
0.00 - 19.00 Units
Antimony Toxic Metals (Urine) µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 0.18 µg/g creatinine
Antimony Complete Heavy Metals Test (Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 10.00 ug/L
Antimony Heavy Metals ug/g
0.00 - 0.78 ug/g
Antimony Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 0.07 ug/g
Antimony Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 0.01 Units
Antimony Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
0.00 - 0.15 ug/g creat
Antimony Toxic Metals (Stool) mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.05 mg/kg Dry Wt
Antimony Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 0.15 ug/g
Antimony NutriStat Basic Profile ug/L
0.00 - 5.00 ug/L
Antimony Toxic Metals; stool mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.05 mg/kg Dry Wt
Antimony Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.00 - 0.05 µg/g
Antimony, Urine Heavy Metal Basic Panel (5520) (Access Medical Labs) ug/g
0.00 - 0.90 ug/g
Antimyeloperoxidase (MPO) Abs ANCA Panel U/mL
0.00 - 9.00 U/mL
Antinuclear Ab, HEp-2 Substrate, S Immune System N/A
<1:80 (Negative)
>1:80 (Positive)
Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) Screen, Reflex ANA IFA dsDNA Antibodies Immune System N/A
Negative (<or=4)
Indeterminate (5-9IU/mL)
Positive (>or=10)
Antinuclear Antibodies Direct (ANA Direct) Immune System Units
0.00 - 0.99 Units
Antinuclear Antibodies, IFA LabCorp (various) N/A
Antiparietal Cell Antibody Vitamins & Minerals Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Antiphosphatidylserine IgA Immune System APS Units
0.00 - 19.00 APS Units
Antiphosphatidylserine IgG Immune System Units
0.00 - 30.00 Units
Antiphosphatidylserine IgM Immune System Units
0.00 - 30.00 Units
Antiproteinase 3 (PR-3) Abs ANCA Panel U/mL
0.00 - 3.50 U/mL
Antiscleroderma-70 Antibodies ANA Comprehensive Panel AI
0.00 - 0.90 AI
Antistreptolysin O Ab LabCorp (various) IU/ml
0.00 - 200.00 IU/ml
Antithrombin Activity (ATIII) Immune System %
76.00 - 128.00 %
Antithrombin III activity Immune System IU/ml
0.84 - 1.21 IU/ml
0.00 - 115.00 IU/ml
Antithyroid Antibody Thyroid Panel U/mL
0.00 - 60.00 U/mL
Apo B : Apo A-1 Lipid Panel Ratio
0.00 - 0.80 Ratio
ApoA-I Lipid Panel mg/dL
160.00 - 200.00 mg/dL
Apolipoprotein A-1 Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins mg/dL
102.00 - 200.00 mg/dL
1.02 - 2.00 g/L
Apolipoprotein A-1 NutriStat g/L
1.10 - 1.80 g/L
Apolipoprotein B NutriStat g/L
0.70 - 1.20 g/L
Apolipoprotein B Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins mg/dL
0.00 - 90.00 mg/dL
0.00 - 0.90 g/L
Apolipoprotein B/A1 Ratio Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins Ratio
0.00 - 0.77 Ratio
Apolipoprotein E (APOE) Lipid Panel mg/dL
2.70 - 4.30 mg/dL
Apoprotein B100 (ApoB 100) Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins mg/dL
0.00 - 80.00 mg/dL
Appear CSF Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis N/A
Appearance Cell Count and Differential, Synovial Fluid N/A
Appearance Urinalysis N/A
Extremely Turbid
Appearance Semen analysis N/A
Milk white
Apple Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Apple Cider Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Apricot Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.80 ELISA Index
Arabinitol OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 9.00 nmol/mg Creatinine
Arabinitol NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 79.50 ug/mgCR
Arabinose Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 96.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Arabinose Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 29.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Arabinose Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 30.00 mmol/mol
Arabinose (Females Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 56.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Arabinose (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 20.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Arabinose (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 50.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Arachidic Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
1.30 - 4.70 µmol/L
Arachidic Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) wt %
0.22 - 0.35 wt %
Arachidic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile %
0.10 - 0.53 %
Arachidic C20:0 Metabolimix+ wt %
0.24 - 0.40 wt %
Arachidonic Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
158.00 - 521.00 µmol/L
Arachidonic Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) wt %
15.00 - 21.00 wt %
Arachidonic (AA) 20:4 n6 Metabolimix+ wt %
7.00 - 12.00 wt %
Arachidonic Acid Quest Diagnostics %
5.20 - 12.90 %
Arachidonic Acid OmegaCheck % by wt
8.60 - 15.60 % by wt
Arachidonic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile %
5.00 - 14.80 %
Arachidonic acid (AA) VibrantAmerica (various) %
5.50 - 19.01 %
Arachidonic Acid (AA) Fatty Acids Profile, Essential (Serum/Plasma) qg/mL
0.00 - 250.00 qg/mL
Arachidonic Acid/EPA Ratio OmegaCheck Ratio
3.70 - 40.70 Ratio
Arginine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
10.00 - 70.00 qmol/24 hours
Arginine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
1.90 - 55.30 umol/L
Arginine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
4.10 - 17.50 qmol/dL
Arginine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
3.00 - 43.00 micromol/g creatinine
Arginine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
43.00 - 107.00 umol/L
Arginine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
5.00 - 69.60 umol/g Cr
Arginine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
6.00 - 45.00 qM/g creatinine
Arginine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
36.30 - 119.20 umol/L
Arginine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 26.40 nmol/mg Creatinine
ARGININE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 6.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Arginine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
4.10 - 17.50 Units
Arginine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
36.90 - 112.20 nmol/ML
Arginine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
29.00 - 137.00 µmol/L
2.90 - 13.70 µmol/dL
Arginine (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) nmol/ML
81.60 - 249.00 nmol/ML
Arginine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
3.00 - 43.00 micromol/g creatinine
Argininosuccinate Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
0.00 - 3.00 umol/L
Argininosuccinate Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
0.10 - 51.20 umol/g Cr
Arginosuccinic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 29.50 nmol/mg Creatinine
Arginosuccinic Acid (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
0.00 - 14.20 nmol/ML
Aromatc L-amino Acid Decarboxylase Enzymology LabCorp (various) pmol/min/ml
23.80 - 42.90 pmol/min/ml
Arrowroot, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Arsenic 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 mcg/L
0.00 - 13.70 mcg/L
Arsenic Toxic & Essential Elements (Whole Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 9.00 ug/L
Arsenic Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 0.01 Units
Arsenic Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.00 - 0.06 µg/g
Arsenic Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 0.20 ug/g
ARSENIC NutriStat Basic Profile ug/L
0.00 - 10.00 ug/L
Arsenic Toxic Metals; stool mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.20 mg/kg Dry Wt
Arsenic Urinary Toxic & Essential Elements ug/g Cr
0.00 - 0.00 ug/g Cr
Arsenic Minerals & Metals Test Units
0.00 - 0.01 Units
Arsenic Toxic Metals (Urine) µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 50.00 µg/g creatinine
Arsenic Complete Heavy Metals Test (Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 23.00 ug/L
Arsenic Heavy Metals ug/g
0.00 - 116.00 ug/g
Arsenic Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
0.00 - 50.00 ug/g creat
Arsenic Toxic Metals (Stool) mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.20 mg/kg Dry Wt
Arsenic Genova Diagnostics (various) ppb
0.00 - 10.00 ppb
Arsenic (Inorganic), Urine Urinalysis ug/L
0.00 - 19.00 ug/L
Arsenic (Total), Urine Urinalysis ug/L
0.00 - 50.00 ug/L
Arsenic (whole blood) Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) mcg/L
0.00 - 13.70 mcg/L
Arsenic, Blood Heavy Metals Profile I, Blood ug/L
0.00 - 9.00 ug/L
Arsenic, Urine Heavy Metal Basic Panel (5520) (Access Medical Labs) ug/g
0.00 - 100.00 ug/g
Arsenic, Urine 24 Hr Urinalysis ug/24 hr
0.00 - 50.00 ug/24 hr
Arthritic Peptide Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Artichoke, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.70 ELISA Index
ASCA + ANCA Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.40 - 1.60 ELISA Index
ASCA/ANCA IgA+IgM Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.40 ELISA Index
Ascaris Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) N/A
Not Detected
Ascaris lumbricoides GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Ascaris lumbricoides 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Not Detected
Ascaris lumbricoides GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Ascaris lumbricoides, Roundworm Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Not Detected
Ascaris lumbricoides, Roundworm The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Detected
Ascorbic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
10.00 - 200.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Ascorbic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
10.00 - 200.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Ascorbic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
10.00 - 200.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Ascorbic Acid (Vit C) NutriStat ug/mgCR
0.90 - 135.00 ug/mgCR
Ascorbic Acid (Vit C) Organic Acids Metabolomic Mapping mmol/molCr
10.00 - 200.00 mmol/molCr
Ascorbic Acid (Vit C) NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.90 - 135.00 ug/mgCR
Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) Organic Acids mmol/mol
12.20 - 179.25 mmol/mol
Asialoganglioside IgG+IgA Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.60 - 1.60 ELISA Index
Asialoganglioside IgM Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.40 ELISA Index
Asparagine Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
39.00 - 100.00 %
Asparagine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
40.00 - 200.00 qM/g creatinine
Asparagine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
29.50 - 84.50 umol/L
Asparagine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
14.00 - 159.70 nmol/mg Creatinine
ASPARAGINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
2.00 - 43.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Asparagine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
3.50 - 11.60 Units
Asparagine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
3.50 - 11.60 qmol/dL
Asparagine Male Comprehensive Metabolic Performance Profile (Urine) Physicians Lab ug/mg CR
4.30 - 9.60 ug/mg CR
Asparagine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
45.00 - 260.00 qmol/24 hours
Asparagine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
29.00 - 82.60 umol/L
Asparagine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
12.00 - 115.00 micromol/g creatinine
Asparagine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
31.00 - 64.00 umol/L
Asparagine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
25.40 - 454.20 umol/g Cr
Asparagine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
15.60 - 62.70 nmol/ML
Asparagine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
31.00 - 90.00 µmol/L
3.10 - 9.00 µmol/dL
Asparagine (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) nmol/ML
39.20 - 89.80 nmol/ML
Asparagine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
25.00 - 166.00 micromol/g creatinine
Asparagine (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) ng/MM WBC
0.50 - 2.80 ng/MM WBC
Asparagus Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 2.10 ELISA Index
Asparagus, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.20 ELISA Index
Aspartate Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
6.00 - 30.00 qM/g creatinine
Aspartate Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
0.00 - 7.40 umol/L
Aspartate Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
1.00 - 86.70 umol/g Cr
Aspartate Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
7.00 - 38.00 qmol/24 hours
Aspartate NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
5.90 - 26.40 umol/L
Aspartate-aminotransferase (AST, SGOT) Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained U/L
0.00 - 40.00 U/L
0.00 - 40.00 IU/L
Aspartato aminotransferase (AST, TGO) Brazilian Biomarkers U/L
0.00 - 40.00 U/L
Aspartic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 47.50 nmol/mg Creatinine
ASPARTIC ACID Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Aspartic Acid NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
0.00 - 0.67 Units
Aspartic Acid Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
0.00 - 9.00 micromol/g creatinine
Aspartic Acid Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
1.00 - 4.00 umol/L
Aspartic Acid 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
0.00 - 0.67 qmol/dL
Aspartic Acid (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
2.90 - 12.60 µmol/L
0.29 - 1.26 µmol/dL
Aspartic Acid (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
5.40 - 21.50 nmol/ML
Aspartic Acid (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
0.00 - 14.00 micromol/g creatinine
Aspergillus Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.10 ELISA Index
Aspergillus Ag, BAL/Serum LabCorp (various) index
0.00 - 0.49 index
Aspergillus Antibody Screen Allergy Mold Panel, Complete N/A
Aspergillus Auto-Toxin (Sterigmatocystin) - IgE Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Aspergillus Auto-Toxin (Sterigmatocystin) - IgG Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Aspergillus fumigatus Allergen Profile, Mold kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
ASPERGILLUS FUMIGATUS (M3) IGE Allergy Mold Panel, Complete N/A
Class 0 (<0.1 kU/L)
Class 0/1 (0.10-0.34 kU/L)
Class 1 (0.35-0.69 kU/L)
Class 2 (0.70-3.49 kU/L)
Class 3 (3.50-17.4 kU/L)
Class 4 (17.5-49.9 kU/L)
Class 5 (50-100 kU/L)
Class 6 (>100 kU/L)
Aspergillus Fumigatus Mold IgE Allergen Panel kUA/L
0.00 - 0.34 kUA/L
Aspergillus Toxin (Aspergillus Hemolysin) - IgE Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Aspergillus Toxin (Aspergillus Hemolysin) - IgG Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Aspergillus/Penicillium Neuro Auto-Toxin (Gliotoxin) - IgE Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Aspergillus/Penicillium Neuro Auto-Toxin (Gliotoxin) - IgG Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
AST NutriStat units/L
10.00 - 50.00 units/L
AST/ALT Ratio Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained Ratio
0.70 - 1.20 Ratio
Astragalus LRA (Lymphocyte Response Assay) N/A
Strong reaction
Moderate reaction
No reaction
Astrovirus Stool Units
0.00 - 99.00 Units
Astrovirus (hAstro) The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Detected
Astrovirus (hAstro) Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Not Detected
Atherogenic index Lipid Panel ×100%
0.00 - 5.00 ×100%
Atrazine Environmental Toxins mcg/g
0.00 - 0.02 mcg/g
Atrazine mercapturate Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 0.02 ug/g
Atrial Fibrillation Cardiovascular & Stroke Screenings N/A
Atypical Lymphocytes White Blood Cell Differential Test %
0.00 - 1.00 %
Atypical Lymphocytes (x10*9/L) White Blood Cell Differential Test x10/9/l
0.00 - 0.00 x10/9/l
Atypical pANCA IBD Expanded Panel (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) N/A
Augmentin The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Tested
Aureobasidi pullulans Allergen Profile, Mold kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
Average DHEA-S FU Female FMV Urine Comprehensive Hormone ng/mg CR
38.00 - 507.00 ng/mg CR
Average moving Semen analysis degree
0.00 - 0.00 degree
Avocado Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.10 ELISA Index
B henselae IFA - IgG Bartonellosis titer
0.00 - 40.00 titer
B henselae IFA - IgM Bartonellosis titer
0.00 - 20.00 titer
b-Alanine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
0.00 - 0.70 Units
b-Alanine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
0.00 - 18.00 micromol/g creatinine
b-Alanine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
0.00 - 0.70 qmol/dL
b-Alanine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
0.00 - 22.00 micromol/g creatinine
b-Aminoisobutyric Acid 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
0.00 - 0.72 qmol/dL
b-Aminoisobutyric Acid NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
0.00 - 0.72 Units
b-Aminoisobutyric Acid Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
4.00 - 194.00 micromol/g creatinine
b-Aminoisobutyric Acid (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
11.00 - 160.00 micromol/g creatinine
b-Carotene 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 mcg/dL
3.00 - 91.00 mcg/dL
b-Glucuronidase GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions U/mL
0.00 - 2486.00 U/mL
b-glucuronidase producing bacteria Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
b-hCG (BHCG) Endocrinology mIU/L
0.00 - 5.00 mIU/L
b-Hydroxybutyrate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.80 mmol/mol creatinine
b-Hydroxybutyric Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
3.20 - 116.40 nmol/mg Creatinine
b-Hydroxyisovalerate Nutritional Organic Acids (Urine) - DUTCH ug/mg
0.00 - 12.50 ug/mg
b-Hydroxyisovalerate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 29.00 mmol/mol creatinine
b-Hydroxyisovalerate (Male) Nutritional Organic Acids (Urine) - DUTCH ug/mg
0.00 - 18.00 ug/mg
b-Hydroxyisovaleric Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 102.80 nmol/mg Creatinine
b-Hydroxypropionate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
5.00 - 22.00 mmol/mol creatinine
b-OH-b-Methylglutaric Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 15.00 mmol/mol creatinine
b-OH-b-Methylglutaric Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 4.29 ug/mgCR
B-OH-B-Methylglutaric Acid (HMG) Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 15.00 mmol/mol creatinine
b-OH-Butyric Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 10.79 ug/mgCR
b-OH-Butyric Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.80 mmol/mol creatinine
b-Pregnanediol Urinary Hormones mcg/g
40.80 - 224.70 mcg/g
b-Pregnanediol (luteal range) Progesterone Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
600.00 - 2000.00 ng/mg
b-Pregnanediol (male) DUTCH (male) ng/mg
75.00 - 400.00 ng/mg
b-Pregnanediol (oral progesterone range) Progesterone Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
2000.00 - 9000.00 ng/mg
b-Pregnanediol (postmenopausal range) Progesterone Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
60.00 - 200.00 ng/mg
b-Pregnanediol/E2 Urinary Hormones Ratio
226.67 - 277.41 Ratio
b-Tetrahydrocortisol (b-THF) Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
1050.00 - 2500.00 ng/mg
b-Tetrahydrocortisol (b-THF) (male) Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
1750.00 - 4000.00 ng/mg
b-Tetrahydrocortisone (b-THE) Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
1550.00 - 3800.00 ng/mg
b-Tetrahydrocortisone (b-THE) Urinary Hormones mcg/g
598.36 - 1511.23 mcg/g
b-Tetrahydrocortisone (b-THE) (male) Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
2350.00 - 5800.00 ng/mg
B-Type Natriuretic Peptide LabCorp (various) pg/mL
0.00 - 100.00 pg/mL
b-­Alanine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 9.20 nmol/mg Creatinine
b-­Alanine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
0.00 - 0.70 nmol/ML
B. burgdorferi European (genus) - IGG BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
B. burgdorferi European (genus) - IGM BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
B. burgdorferi European Spp - IGG BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
B. burgdorferi European Spp - IGM BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
B. burgdorferi IFA - G/M/A BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease titer
0.00 - 40.00 titer
B. burgdorferi Species - IGG BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
B. burgdorferi Species - IGM BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
B. burgdorferi US (genus) - IGG BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
B. burgdorferi US (genus) - IGM BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
B. burgdorferi US Spp - IGG BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
B. burgdorferi US Spp - IGM BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
B. duncani IFA - IgG Babesiosis titer
0.00 - 40.00 titer
B. duncani IFA - IgM Babesiosis titer
0.00 - 20.00 titer
B. elizabethae (IgG) Bartonellosis N/A
B. elizabethae (IgM) Bartonellosis N/A
B. henselae (IgG) Bartonellosis N/A
B. henselae (IgM) Bartonellosis N/A
B. Henselae Ab (IgG), Screen Bartonellosis N/A
B. Henselae Ab (IgG), Titer Bartonellosis N/A
B. Henselae Ab (IgM), Screen Bartonellosis N/A
B. hermsii (IgG) BORRELIOSIS- Relapsing Fever Borrelia Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
B. hermsii (IgM) BORRELIOSIS- Relapsing Fever Borrelia Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
B. microti IFA - IgG Babesiosis titer
0.00 - 40.00 titer
B. microti IFA - IgM Babesiosis titer
0.00 - 20.00 titer
B. miyamotoi (IgG) BORRELIOSIS- Relapsing Fever Borrelia Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
B. miyamotoi (IgM) BORRELIOSIS- Relapsing Fever Borrelia Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
B. quintana (IgG) Bartonellosis N/A
B. quintana (IgM) Bartonellosis N/A
B. Quintana Ab (IgG), Screen Bartonellosis N/A
B. Quintana Ab (IgM), Screen Bartonellosis N/A
B. turicatae (IgG) BORRELIOSIS- Relapsing Fever Borrelia Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
B. turicatae (IgM) BORRELIOSIS- Relapsing Fever Borrelia Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
B. vinsonii (IgG) Bartonellosis N/A
B. vinsonii (IgM) Bartonellosis N/A
0.00 - 20.00 SAU
0.00 - 20.00 SGU
0.00 - 20.00 SMU
Babesia + Ehrlichia + Bartonella Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 0.90 ELISA Index
Babesia duncani WA1 IgG IFA LabCorp (various) N/A
Normal (<1:256)
Abnormal (> or = 1:1024))
Babesia duncani, IgG Babesiosis Units
0.00 - 40.00 Units
Babesia duncani, IgM Babesiosis Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Babesia FISH Babesiosis Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
<1:64 titer
=>1:64 titer
<1:20 titer
=>1:20 titer
Babesia microti WCS - IgG Tickborne Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Babesia microti, IgG Babesiosis Units
0.00 - 40.00 Units
Babesia microti, IgM Babesiosis Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Bacilli Class GI360 stool profile N/A
Bacillus coagulans VibrantAmerica (various) Relative Abundance
10.00 - 100.00 Relative Abundance
Bacillus licheniformis GI360 stool profile N/A
No Growth
Bacillus species Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Bacillus species The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Bacillus spp. GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 1760000.00 Units
BACTERIA Urinalysis, complete N/A
Bacteria Urinalysis N/A
None seen/Few
Bacteria (normal bacilli) Full GI Panel N/A
0 (No Presence)
1 (Low Presence)
2 (Moderate Presence)
3 (High Presence)
4 (Heavy Presence)
Bacterial Cytotoxins IgM Array 22 - Irritable Bowel/SIBO Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.30 ELISA Index
Bacteroides Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Bacteroides VibrantAmerica (various) Relative Abundance
0.00 - 20.00 Relative Abundance
Bacteroides fragilis GI360 stool profile N/A
Bacteroides fragilis GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
1600000000.00 - 250000000000.00 Units
Bacteroides fragilis The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 CFU/g
1.60 - 250.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Bacteroides fragilis Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^5 CFU/g
1.60 - 250.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Bacteroides ovatus GI EcologiX (Invivo Healthcare) Units
3.50 - 9.20 Units
Bacteroides pectinophilus GI360 stool profile N/A
Bacteroides spp. GI360 stool profile N/A
Bacteroides spp. Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) cfu/ml
0.00 - 0.00 cfu/ml
Bacteroides spp. & Prevotella spp. GI360 stool profile N/A
Bacteroides stercoris GI360 stool profile N/A
Bacteroides uniformis 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
0.00 - 950000000.00 CFU/g stool
Bacteroides vulgatus 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
0.00 - 830000000.00 CFU/g stool
Bacteroides vulgatus Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Bacteroides zoogleoformans GI360 stool profile N/A
Bacteroides-Prevotella group 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
3400000.00 - 1500000000.00 CFU/g stool
Bacteroidetes GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
860000000000.00 - 3300000000000.00 Units
Bacteroidetes Phylum 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Bacteroidetes Phylum Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) %
50.00 - 95.00 %
Bacteroidetes Phylum The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) %
50.00 - 95.00 %
Baker's / Brewer's Yeast, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Balantidium coli GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Bamboo Shoot, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Banana Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.30 ELISA Index
Banana, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.80 ELISA Index
Band (kDa) 18 (IgG) BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Band (kDa) 23 (IgG) BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Band (kDa) 23 (IgM) BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Band (kDa) 28 (IgG) BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Band (kDa) 30 (IgG) BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Band (kDa) 31 (IgG) BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Band (kDa) 31 (IgM) BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Band (kDa) 34 (IgG) BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Band (kDa) 34 (IgM) BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Band (kDa) 39 (IgG) BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Band (kDa) 39 (IgM) BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Band (kDa) 41 (IgG) BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Band (kDa) 41 (IgM) BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Band (kDa) 45 (IgG) BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Band (kDa) 58 (IgG) BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Band (kDa) 66 (IgG) BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Band (kDa) 93 (IgG) BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Band (kDa) 93 (IgM) BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Band Neutrophils (%) White Blood Cell Differential Test %
0.00 - 6.00 %
Barium Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.00 - 2.00 µg/g
Barium Toxic & Essential Elements (Whole Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 4.00 ug/L
Barium Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 5.59 ug/g
Barium Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 0.27 Units
Barium Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
0.00 - 6.70 ug/g creat
Barium Toxic Metals (Urine) µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 5.00 µg/g creatinine
Barium Complete Heavy Metals Test (Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 1.00 ug/L
Barium Heavy Metals ug/g
0.00 - 6.90 ug/g
Barium Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 3.00 ug/g
Barium, Urine Heavy Metal Basic Panel (5520) (Access Medical Labs) ug/g
0.00 - 6.00 ug/g
Barley, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Barnesiella spp. 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
3000000.00 - 290000000.00 CFU/g stool
Bartonella FISH Bartonellosis Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Bartonella genus (IgG) Bartonellosis N/A
Bartonella genus (IgM) Bartonellosis N/A
Bartonella Henselae Ab, Igg Lyme Testing Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Bartonella Henselae Ab, Igm Lyme Testing Units
0.00 - 0.01 Units
Bartonella henselae SucB - IgM Tickborne Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Bartonella Quintana Ab, IgG Lyme Testing Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Bartonella Quintana Ab, IgM Lyme Testing Units
0.00 - 0.01 Units
Bartonella species (IgG) Bartonellosis N/A
Bartonella species (IgM) Bartonellosis N/A
Bartonella vinsonii - IgM Tickborne Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Base Excess Arterial Blood Gas Analysis (ABG) mmol/L
-2.50 - 2.50 mmol/L
Base Excess (ECF) - Arterial Arterial Blood Gas Analysis (ABG) mmol/L
-2.50 - 2.50 mmol/L
Basil Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Baski sleepy Immune System N/A
baski sore Liver Health N/A
legs are sore
arms are sore
Basófilos (Absoluto) Brazilian Biomarkers x10E3/µL
0.00 - 0.20 x10E3/µL
Basófilos (Percentual) Brazilian Biomarkers %
0.00 - 1.00 %
Basophils (Absolute) White Blood Cell Differential Test x10E3/uL
0.00 - 0.20 x10E3/uL
0.00 - 200.00 cells/uL
Basophils (Percent) White Blood Cell Differential Test %
0.00 - 1.00 %
Basophils, % Cell Count and Differential, Synovial Fluid %
0.00 - 0.00 %
Bean Agglutinins Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Bedtime Glucose Lifestyle Dashboard mg/dL
80.00 - 120.00 mg/dL
Beef, cooked medium Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Beef, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Beet, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Behenic Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
0.60 - 2.90 µmol/L
Behenic Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) wt %
0.92 - 1.68 wt %
Behenic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile %
0.20 - 1.59 %
Behenic C22:0 Metabolimix+ wt %
0.88 - 1.61 wt %
Bell Pepper Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Beneficial SCFAs Stool micromol/g
13.60 - 150.00 micromol/g
Benzene Ring Compounds IgG+IgA Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.40 - 1.60 ELISA Index
Benzene Ring Compounds IgM Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 2.10 ELISA Index
Benzoate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.05 mmol/mol creatinine
Benzoate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 9.30 mcg/mg creatinine
Benzoate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 6.87 ug/mg creatinine
Benzoate (OA) NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 7.00 ug/mgCR
Benzoic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 621.40 nmol/mg Creatinine
Benzoic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.05 mmol/mol creatinine
Benzoic Acid Male Comprehensive Metabolic Performance Profile (Urine) Physicians Lab ug/mg CR
0.00 - 4.40 ug/mg CR
Benzoic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.05 mmol/mol creatinine
Benzoylform OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 3.60 nmol/mg Creatinine
Berberine The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
100% Inhibition
80% Inhibition
60% Inhibition
40% Inhibition
20% Inhibition
0% Inhibition
Bermuda grass IgE Allergen Panel kUA/L
0.00 - 0.34 kUA/L
Beryllium Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 0.05 ug/g
BERYLLIUM NutriStat Basic Profile ug/L
0.00 - 4.00 ug/L
Beryllium Toxic Metals; stool mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.01 mg/kg Dry Wt
Beryllium Toxic Metals (Urine) µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 0.10 µg/g creatinine
Beryllium Complete Heavy Metals Test (Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 0.42 ug/L
Beryllium Heavy Metals ug/g
0.00 - 0.90 ug/g
Beryllium Toxic Metals (Stool) mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.01 mg/kg Dry Wt
Beryllium Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 0.20 ug/g
Beryllium Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Beryllium Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.00 - 0.02 µg/g
Beta 2 Transferrin Quest Diagnostics N/A
Not Detected
BETA ALANINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 12.00 mmol/mol creatinine
BETA AMINO ISOBUTYRIC ACID Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 102.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Beta Aminoisobutyric Acid Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
0.00 - 3.00 umol/L
Beta defensin 2 Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness ng/mL
0.00 - 34.90 ng/mL
Beta Diversity BiomeFx index
0.00 - 10.00 index
Beta Globulin, Serum Liver Health g/dL
0.70 - 1.30 g/dL
Beta Globulin, Urine Urinalysis %
0.00 - 0.00 %
Beta Globulins Protein, Total and Protein Electrophoresis, 24 Hour Urine and Immunofixation %
0.00 - 100.00 %
Beta glucuronidase The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) U/g
368.00 - 6266.00 U/g
Beta glucuronidase Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) U/g
368.00 - 6266.00 U/g
Beta-1-Globulin, Serum Liver Health g/dL
0.40 - 0.60 g/dL
4.00 - 6.00 g/L
Beta-2 Glycoprotein I Ab, IgA Blood Health U/mL
0.00 - 26.00 U/mL
Beta-2 Glycoprotein I, IgG Blood Health SGU
0.00 - 21.00 SGU
Beta-2 Glycoprotein I, IgM Blood Health SMU
0.00 - 33.00 SMU
Beta-2 Microglobulin, Serum Infectious Disease Profile mg/L
0.60 - 2.40 mg/L
Beta-2-Globulin, Serum Liver Health g/dL
0.20 - 0.50 g/dL
2.00 - 5.00 g/L
Beta-alanine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
0.00 - 15.00 qM/g creatinine
Beta-alanine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
1.10 - 9.00 umol/L
Beta-Alanine Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
0.00 - 5.00 µmol/L
0.00 - 0.50 µmol/dL
Beta-Alanine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
0.00 - 5.00 umol/L
Beta-alanine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
1.00 - 869.80 umol/g Cr
beta-Alanine Urinary Amino Acids (Synlab) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 4.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Beta-alanine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
0.00 - 35.00 qmol/24 hours
beta-Alanine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
3.00 - 15.40 umol/L
Beta-aminoisobutyrate Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
0.00 - 400.00 qmol/24 hours
Beta-aminoisobutyrate Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
0.00 - 160.00 qM/g creatinine
Beta-aminoisobutyrate Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
0.00 - 4.30 umol/L
Beta-aminoisobutyrate Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
0.50 - 807.90 umol/g Cr
beta-Aminoisobutyric Acid NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
2.10 - 12.20 umol/L
beta-Aminoisobutyric Acid NutriStat umol/L
2.10 - 12.20 umol/L
Beta-Aminoisobutyric Acid (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
0.00 - 3.20 µmol/L
0.00 - 0.32 µmol/dL
Beta-Carotene Genova Diagnostics (various) mg/L
0.10 - 2.71 mg/L
Beta-Glucan Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Beta-glucuronidase 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool U/g
368.00 - 6266.00 U/g
Beta-glucuronidase activity Adult Gut Health Test U/h*g
4000.00 - 9400.00 U/h*g
Beta-Hydroxybutyrate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 8.09 ug/mg creatinine
Beta-Hydroxybutyrate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 9.90 mcg/mg creatinine
Beta-Hydroxybutyrate Quest Diagnostics mmol/L
0.00 - 0.28 mmol/L
Beta-Hydroxyisovalerate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 11.50 mcg/mg creatinine
Beta-Hydroxyisovalerate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 8.86 ug/mg creatinine
beta-Hydroxyisovaleric Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 9.16 ug/mgCR
Beta-OH-Butyric Acid (BHBA) Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.80 mmol/mol creatinine
Beta-Pregnanediol FU Female FMV Urine Comprehensive Hormone ng/mg CR
201.00 - 1669.00 ng/mg CR
Beta-Pregnanediol MALE: First AM Comp - Urine Profile + Metabolites (Physicians Lab) ng/mg CR
97.00 - 279.00 ng/mg CR
Beta-Pregnanediol (w/ Oral Pg) FU Female FMV Urine Comprehensive Hormone ng/mg CR
1600.00 - 12474.00 ng/mg CR
Beta-sitosterol Boston Heart Cholesterol Balance Test umol x 100/mmol of Total Cholesterol
0.00 - 115.00 umol x 100/mmol of Total Cholesterol
Betaine Methylation Panel micromol/L
21.00 - 71.00 micromol/L
Betaine/Choline Ratio Methylation Panel Ratio
2.60 - 7.70 Ratio
BICARBONATE NutriStat mmol/L
20.00 - 32.00 mmol/L
Bicarbonate Arterial Blood Gas Analysis (ABG) mmol/L
19.00 - 25.00 mmol/L
Bicarbonate (HCO3), Serum Blood Health mmol/L
22.00 - 29.00 mmol/L
Bifidobacterium Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 1000.00 Units
Bifidobacterium Adult Gut Health Test %
10.00 - 100.00 %
Bifidobacterium adolescentis The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 CFU/g
4.60 - 1000.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Bifidobacterium adolescentis BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
0.10 - 1.72 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Bifidobacterium animalis Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Bifidobacterium animalis subspecies lactis Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Bifidobacterium bifidum VibrantAmerica (various) Relative Abundance
10.00 - 100.00 Relative Abundance
Bifidobacterium bifidum The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^6 CFU/g
4.60 - 1000.00 x10^6 CFU/g
Bifidobacterium dentium Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Bifidobacterium infantis Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Bifidobacterium infantis VibrantAmerica (various) Relative Abundance
10.00 - 100.00 Relative Abundance
Bifidobacterium lactis VibrantAmerica (various) Relative Abundance
10.00 - 100.00 Relative Abundance
Bifidobacterium longum The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 CFU/g
5.20 - 1000.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Bifidobacterium longum BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
0.06 - 0.75 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Bifidobacterium longum Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^5 CFU/g
5.20 - 1000.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Bifidobacterium longum Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Bifidobacterium longum 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
0.00 - 130000000.00 CFU/g stool
Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
0.00 - 130000000.00 CFU/g stool
Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
0.03 - 0.46 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Bifidobacterium species The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 CFU/g
6.70 - 1000.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Bifidobacterium species Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^5 CFU/g
6.70 - 1000.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Bifidobacterium spp. GI EcologiX (Invivo Healthcare) Units
7.30 - 16.30 Units
Bifidobacterium spp. Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) cfu/ml
0.00 - 0.00 cfu/ml
Bifidobacterium spp. GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
67000000.00 - 100000000000000.00 Units
Bifidobacterium spp. 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool Units
460000.00 - 260000000.00 Units
Bifidobacterium spp. GI360 stool profile N/A
Bile Acid Liver Health umol/L
0.00 - 10.00 umol/L
Bile Acids Liver Health umol/L
0.00 - 10.00 umol/L
Bilfidobacterium Stool Units
4.00 - 10.00 Units
BILIRUBIN Urinalysis, complete N/A
BILIRUBIN (TOTAL) NutriStat umol/L
0.00 - 20.00 umol/L
Bilirubin Direct Liver Health mg/dL
0.00 - 0.40 mg/dL
0.00 - 6.84 µmol/L
Bilirubin Indirect Liver Health mg/dL
0.20 - 0.90 mg/dL
3.42 - 15.39 umol/L
Bilirubin Total Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained mg/dL
0.00 - 1.20 mg/dL
0.00 - 20.52 µmol/L
Bilirubin, Urine Urinalysis mg/dL
0.00 - 0.00 mg/dL
Bilophila wadsworthia GI EcologiX (Invivo Healthcare) Units
2.40 - 9.50 Units
Bilophila wadsworthia BiomeFx IQR in Reference (%)
0.00 - 0.13 IQR in Reference (%)
Biotin Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
34.00 - 100.00 %
Biotin (Vit H) NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
1.06 - 6.66 ug/mgCR
Biotin (Vitamin B7) Vitamins & Minerals pg/mL
221.00 - 3004.00 pg/mL
Bismuth Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 5.00 ug/g
Bismuth NutriStat Basic Profile ug/L
0.00 - 1.00 ug/L
Bismuth Toxic Metals; stool mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.10 mg/kg Dry Wt
Bismuth Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.00 - 2.00 µg/g
Bismuth Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
0.00 - 2.28 ug/g creat
Bismuth Toxic Metals (Stool) mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.10 mg/kg Dry Wt
Bismuth Toxic Metals (Urine) µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 1.00 µg/g creatinine
Bismuth Heavy Metals ug/g
0.00 - 14.90 ug/g
Bismuth Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 0.04 Units
Bismuth, Urine Heavy Metal Basic Panel (5520) (Access Medical Labs) ug/g
0.00 - 10.00 ug/g
Bisphenol A Urinary Hormones mcg/g
0.00 - 3.20 mcg/g
Bisphenol A Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
1.11 - 3.74 µg/g creatinine
Bisphenol A (BPA) Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) mcg/g
0.00 - 3.20 mcg/g
Bisphenol A (BPA) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 2.12 ug/g
Bisphenol A (Postmenopausal) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile ug/g Cr
1.50 - 4.50 ug/g Cr
Bisphenol A IgG+IgA Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Bisphenol A IgM Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.00 ELISA Index
Bisphenol-A IgA+IgM Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.20 ELISA Index
Black Bean, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 2.10 ELISA Index
Black Tea, brewed Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 1.60 ELISA Index
Black Walnut The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
100% Inhibition
80% Inhibition
60% Inhibition
40% Inhibition
20% Inhibition
0% Inhibition
blaSHV Urinary Tract Infection Panel (RealTime Laboratories) N/A
Blastocystis hominis The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 org/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 org/g
Blastocystis hominis GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 2000.00 Units
Blastocystis hominis Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) N/A
Not Detected
Blastocystis hominis Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^5 org/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 org/g
Blastocystis hominis Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.60 ELISA Index
Blastocystis spp. GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Blastocystis spp. 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Not Detected
Blastocystis spp. (Microscopic O&P) 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Not Detected
Rare Detected
Blautia Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Blood Type Blood Health N/A
Type A
Type B
Type AB
Type O
O negative
O positive
A negative
A positive
B negative
B positive
AB negative
AB positive
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained mg/dL
6.00 - 24.00 mg/dL
2.14 - 8.57 mmol/L
Blood-Brain Barrier Proteins IgA+IgM Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.60 ELISA Index
Blue Cheese, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Blueberry Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.60 ELISA Index
Body Mass Index Lifestyle Dashboard Kg/m2
18.50 - 25.00 Kg/m2
Body Weight Lifestyle Dashboard lbs
0.00 - 250.00 lbs
0.00 - 113.40 kg
Bone Isoenzymes Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained %
28.00 - 66.00 %
Bordetella Pertussis (IgG/IgM) Other index
0.00 - 0.94 index
Boron Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 0.83 Units
Boron Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.25 - 1.50 µg/g
Boron Essential Elements (Urine) mEq/g creat
0.60 - 4.00 mEq/g creat
Boron (B) Hair Tissue Analysis [ARL (Analytical Research Labs)] Units
0.05 - 0.30 Units
Borrelia BORRELIOSIS- Relapsing Fever Borrelia Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Borrelia afzelii DbpA - IgG Tickborne Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Borrelia afzelii OspA - IgG Tickborne Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Borrelia afzelii p100 - IgG Tickborne Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Borrelia b. Full Antigen Lyme Testing N/A
0-1 (negative)
2-3 (weak positive)
>3 (positive)
Borrelia b. OSP-Mix Lyme Testing N/A
0-1 (negative)
2-3 (weak positive)
>3 (positive)
Borrelia burgdorferi Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.00 ELISA Index
Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease) serology Lyme Disease Serology N/A
Borrelia burgdorferi 297 strain WCS - IgM Tickborne Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Borrelia burgdorferi C6 peptide - IgM Tickborne Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Borrelia Burgdorferi IGG ABS -IB Lyme Testing Units
0.00 - 0.90 Units
Borrelia Burgdorferi IGM ABS -IB Lyme Testing Units
0.00 - 0.90 Units
Borrelia burgdorferi LFA-1 Lyme Testing N/A
0-1 (negative)
2-3 (weak positive)
>3 (positive)
Borrelia burgdorferi p23-25 (OspC) Tickborne Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Borrelia burgdorferi p31 (OspA) - IgG Tickborne Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Borrelia burgdorferi p31 (OspA) - IgM Tickborne Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Borrelia burgdorferi p34 (OspB) - IgG Tickborne Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Borrelia burgdorferi p66 - IgG Tickborne Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Borrelia burgdorferi p66 - IgM Tickborne Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato BORRELIOSIS- Relapsing Fever Borrelia Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Borrelia burgdorferi VlsE1 - IgG Tickborne Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Borrelia WB IgG Borreliosis N/A
Borrelia yangtzensis - IgG Tickborne Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Borrelia-WB-IgM Borreliosis N/A
Borrella turicatae - IgM Tickborne Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Boysenberry LRA (Lymphocyte Response Assay) N/A
Strong reaction
Moderate reaction
No reaction
BPA Binding Protein IgG+IgA Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.40 - 1.50 ELISA Index
BPA Binding Protein IgM Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.20 ELISA Index
Bradyrhizobiaceae Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Bran, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Branched Chain Alpha-Keto Organic Acids OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
2.20 - 91.90 nmol/mg Creatinine
Brazil Nut (F18) IgE Tree Nut Allergen Panel kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
Brazil Nut, raw + roasted Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Broccoli Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Broccoli / Brussel Sprouts, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Broccoli, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.00 ELISA Index
Bromine Urinary Toxic & Essential Elements ug/g Cr
0.00 - 0.00 ug/g Cr
Brucella spp by Agglutination Infectious Disease Profile N/A
Non-reactive <= 1:20
Brushite StoneRisk Diagnostic Profile Ratio
0.00 - 3.00 Ratio
Brussels Sprouts, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 3.00 ELISA Index
Buckwheat Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity ELISA Index
0.00 - 0.80 ELISA Index
BUN/Creatinine Ratio Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained :1 ratio
10.00 - 24.00 :1 ratio
Burdock Root, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Buttermilk, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Button Mushroom, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Butylparaben Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 0.25 ug/g
Butyrate Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) %
10.80 - 33.50 %
Butyrate The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) %
10.80 - 33.50 %
Butyrate Comprehensive Stool Analysis / Parasitology %
11.00 - 32.00 %
Butyrate Adult Gut Health Test rpkm
0.00 - 800.00 rpkm
Butyrate Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness %
5.10 - 12.40 %
Butyrate (mg/ml) Comprehensive Stool Analysis / Parasitology mg/ml
0.80 - 4.00 mg/ml
Butyrate production BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
4.84 - 21.88 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Butyricimonas Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Butyrivibrio Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Butyrivibrio crossotus 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
0.00 - 33000000.00 CFU/g stool
Butyrylglycine Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
C difficile Toxins A+B, EIA LabCorp (various) N/A
C-Peptide, LC/MS/MS Metabolic Health ng/mL
0.68 - 2.16 ng/mL
C-Peptide, Serum Metabolic Health ng/mL
1.10 - 4.40 ng/mL
0.36 - 1.46 nmol/L
C-Peptide, Ultrasensitive (Endocrine Sciences) Metabolic Health ng/mL
0.40 - 2.10 ng/mL
C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Blood Health mg/L
0.00 - 3.00 mg/L
0.00 - 0.30 mg/dL
C-Reactive Protein, Cardiac Blood Health mg/L
0.00 - 3.00 mg/L
C-Telopeptide, Serum Endocrinology pg/mL
38.00 - 724.00 pg/mL
C. Albicans IGA Allergen Profile, Mold Units
0.00 - 0.99 Units
C. Albicans IGG Allergen Profile, Mold Units
0.00 - 0.99 Units
C. Albicans IGM Allergen Profile, Mold Units
0.00 - 0.99 Units
C. difficile, Toxin A Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^4 CFU/g
C. difficile, Toxin A GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 999.00 Units
C. difficile, Toxin A The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^4 CFU/g
C. difficile, Toxin B The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^4 CFU/g
C. difficile, Toxin B GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 999.00 Units
C. difficile, Toxin B Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^4 CFU/g
C. PNEUMONIAE AB (IGA) Chlamydia/Chlamydophila Ab PNL 3 (IgG, IgA, IgM) N/A
<1:16 titer
=>1:16 titer
C. PNEUMONIAE AB (IGG) Chlamydia/Chlamydophila Ab PNL 3 (IgG, IgA, IgM) N/A
<1:64 titer
=>1:64 titer
C. PNEUMONIAE AB (IGM) Chlamydia/Chlamydophila Ab PNL 3 (IgG, IgA, IgM) N/A
<1:10 titer
=>1:10 titer
C. PSITTACI AB (IGA) Chlamydia/Chlamydophila Ab PNL 3 (IgG, IgA, IgM) N/A
C. PSITTACI AB (IGG) Chlamydia/Chlamydophila Ab PNL 3 (IgG, IgA, IgM) N/A
<1:64 titer
=>1:64 titer
C. PSITTACI AB (IGM) Chlamydia/Chlamydophila Ab PNL 3 (IgG, IgA, IgM) N/A
<1:10 titer
=>1:10 titer
C. TRACHOMATIS AB (IGA) Chlamydia/Chlamydophila Ab PNL 3 (IgG, IgA, IgM) N/A
<1:16 titer
=>1:16 titer
C. TRACHOMATIS AB (IGG) Chlamydia/Chlamydophila Ab PNL 3 (IgG, IgA, IgM) N/A
less than 1:64 titer
equal or greater than 1:64 titer
C. TRACHOMATIS AB (IGM) Chlamydia/Chlamydophila Ab PNL 3 (IgG, IgA, IgM) N/A
<1:10 titer
=>1:10 titer
C1 Esterase Inhibitor, Func Immune System %
67.00 - 100.00 %
C1 Esterase Inhibitor, Serum Immune System mg/dL
21.00 - 39.00 mg/dL
C14-Hydroxy Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.02 umol/L
C18-Hydroxy Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.02 umol/L
C3 Complement (RDL) ANA 12 Plus Profile (RDL) mg/dL
82.00 - 167.00 mg/dL
C3A Desarg Fragment Immune System ng/mL
55.00 - 486.00 ng/mL
C4 Complement (RDL) ANA 12 Plus Profile (RDL) mg/dL
14.00 - 44.00 mg/dL
C4a Level by RIA Immune System ng/mL
0.00 - 2830.00 ng/mL
C6 Qual Result Lyme Testing Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
CA 125 Tumor / Cancer screening tests U/mL
0.00 - 45.90 U/mL
CA 15-3 Tumor / Cancer screening tests U/mL
0.00 - 31.00 U/mL
CA 19-9 Tumor / Cancer screening tests U/mL
0.00 - 35.00 U/mL
CA 27.29 Tumor / Cancer screening tests U/mL
0.00 - 38.00 U/mL
CA 72-4 Tumor / Cancer screening tests U/mL
0.00 - 6.90 U/mL
Ca/K Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Ratio
2.20 - 6.20 Ratio
Ca/K Minerals & Metals Test Ratio
3.68 - 4.30 Ratio
Ca/Mg Minerals & Metals Test Ratio
6.00 - 7.00 Ratio
Ca/Mg Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Ratio
3.00 - 11.00 Ratio
Ca/P Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Ratio
1.60 - 3.60 Ratio
Ca/P Minerals & Metals Test Units
2.30 - 2.70 Units
Ca/Pb Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Ratio
84.00 - 300.00 Ratio
Cabbage, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Cabbage, red + green Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.50 ELISA Index
Cabbage, red + green, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.50 ELISA Index
Cadmium Toxic Metals (Urine) µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 0.90 µg/g creatinine
Cadmium Complete Heavy Metals Test (Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 4.00 ug/L
Cadmium Heavy Metals ug/g
0.00 - 1.50 ug/g
Cadmium 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 mcg/L
0.00 - 1.22 mcg/L
Cadmium Toxic & Essential Elements (Whole Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 1.00 ug/L
Cadmium Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 0.29 ug/g
Cadmium Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 0.01 Units
Cadmium Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.00 - 0.05 µg/g
Cadmium Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 0.30 ug/g
CADMIUM NutriStat Basic Profile ug/L
0.00 - 1.10 ug/L
Cadmium Toxic Metals; stool mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.50 mg/kg Dry Wt
Cadmium Urinary Toxic & Essential Elements ug/g Cr
0.00 - 0.00 ug/g Cr
Cadmium Blood Spot Toxic & Essential Elements ug/L
0.00 - 0.75 ug/L
Cadmium Minerals & Metals Test Units
0.00 - 0.01 Units
Cadmium Genova Diagnostics (various) ppb
0.00 - 1.10 ppb
Cadmium Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
0.00 - 0.64 ug/g creat
Cadmium Toxic Metals (Stool) mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.50 mg/kg Dry Wt
Cadmium (whole blood) Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) mcg/L
0.00 - 1.22 mcg/L
Cadmium, Blood Heavy Metals Profile I, Blood ug/L
0.00 - 1.20 ug/L
Cadmium, Urine Heavy Metal Basic Panel (5520) (Access Medical Labs) ug/g
0.00 - 2.00 ug/g
Cadmium, Urine Urinalysis ug/L
0.00 - 1.00 ug/L
Calc Free Testosterone (Vermeulen) NutriStat pmol/L
260.00 - 740.00 pmol/L
Calcitonin, Serum Endocrinology pg/mL
0.00 - 8.40 pg/mL
Calcitriol (1,25 di-OH Vit D) Vitamins & Minerals pg/mL
24.80 - 81.50 pg/mL
Calcium Genova Diagnostics (various) ppm
24.00 - 65.00 ppm
Calcium Minerals & Metals Test Units
32.00 - 65.00 Units
Calcium Essential Elements (Urine) mEq/g creat
30.00 - 350.00 mEq/g creat
Calcium Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
38.10 - 100.00 %
Calcium Metabolimix+ mg/g creat
37.00 - 313.00 mg/g creat
Calcium Toxic & Essential Elements (Whole Blood) mg/dL
4.80 - 7.10 mg/dL
Calcium Essential Elements (Serum) mg/dL
8.90 - 10.30 mg/dL
Calcium Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
22.00 - 104.00 Units
Calcium Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
300.00 - 1200.00 µg/g
Calcium (Ca) Hair Tissue Analysis [ARL (Analytical Research Labs)] Units
32.00 - 64.00 Units
Calcium (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) mg/dL
8.90 - 10.60 mg/dL
Calcium (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) ng/MM WBC
15.00 - 120.00 ng/MM WBC
Calcium Oxalate Crystals Urinalysis N/A
None or few
Calcium Oxalate Crystals, UA StoneRisk Diagnostic Profile Ratio
0.00 - 6.00 Ratio
Calcium score Coronary calcium scan N/A
O - No evidence of CAD
1-10 - Minimal evidence of CAD
11-100 - Mild evidence of CAD
101-400 - Moderate evidence of CAD
Over 400 - Extensive evidence of CAD
Calcium, Ionized, Serum Electrolytes mg/dL
4.50 - 5.60 mg/dL
1.12 - 1.40 mmol/L
Calcium, Serum Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained mg/dL
8.60 - 10.20 mg/dL
2.15 - 2.55 mmol/L
Calcium, Urine Urinalysis mg/dL
0.00 - 0.00 mg/dL
Calcium, Urine StoneRisk Diagnostic Profile mg/24 hr
0.00 - 320.00 mg/24 hr
Calcium, Urine 24hr Urinalysis mg/24 hr
mmol/24 hr
47.00 - 462.00 mg/24 hr
1.17 - 11.53 mmol/24 hr
Calcium/ Albumin Ratio Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained Ratio
0.00 - 2.70 Ratio
Calcium/Copper Ratio Hair Mineral Analysis Level 1- Hair Ratio
5.50 - 292.00 Ratio
Calcium/Phosphorous Ratio Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained Ratio
1.90 - 4.20 Ratio
Calculated Total (E+NE) Catecholamines, Fractionated, Random Urine mcg/g Cr
30.00 - 130.00 mcg/g Cr
Calprotectin Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) ug/g
0.00 - 50.00 ug/g
Calprotectin GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions ug/g
0.00 - 173.00 ug/g
Calprotectin 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool mcg/g
0.00 - 50.00 mcg/g
Calprotectin Comprehensive Stool Analysis / Parasitology µg/g
0.00 - 50.00 µg/g
Calprotectin The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) ug/g
0.00 - 50.00 ug/g
Calprotectin Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness mcg/g
0.00 - 50.00 mcg/g
Calprotectin IgA+IgM Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.10 ELISA Index
Campesterol Boston Heart Cholesterol Balance Test umol x 100/mmol of Total Cholesterol
0.00 - 170.00 umol x 100/mmol of Total Cholesterol
Campylobacter GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 999.00 Units
Campylobacter (C. jejuni, C. coli and C. lari) GI360 stool profile N/A
Campylobacter jejuni Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.40 ELISA Index
Campylobacter species The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Campylobacter species Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Campylobacter spp. 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Can f 6 (e230) IgE Allergen Panel N/A
Class 0 (< 0.34)
Class 1 (0.35 – 0.69)
Class 2 (0.70 – 3.49)
Class 3 (3.50 – 17.49)
Class 4 (17.50 – 49.99)
Class 5 (50.0 – 100.0)
Class 6 (100+)
Candida albicans The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 5.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Candida albicans GI EcologiX (Invivo Healthcare) Units
0.00 - 0.60 Units
Candida albicans Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) cfu/ml
0.00 - 0.00 cfu/ml
Candida albicans Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 5.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Candida albicans Allergen Profile, Mold kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
Candida albicans GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 500.00 Units
Candida Albicans IgG Yeasts Allergy Test Units
0.00 - 3.49 Units
Candida albicans Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Candida albicans, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Candida albicans/dubliniensis 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
NG - No Growth
NP - Non-Pathogen
PP - Potential Pathogen
P - Pathogen
Candida Antibodies IgA Candida IgA, IgM, IgG Blood Test N/A
Candida Antibodies IgG Candida IgA, IgM, IgG Blood Test N/A
Candida Antibodies IgM Candida IgA, IgM, IgG Blood Test N/A
Candida Immune Complex CIC Candida IgA, IgM, IgG Blood Test index
0.00 - 0.90 index
Candida sp. Full GI Panel N/A
0 (No Presence)
1 (Low Presence)
2 (Moderate Presence)
3 (High Presence)
4 (Heavy Presence)
Candida species The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 5.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Candida species Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 5.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Candida spp. Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) cfu/ml
0.00 - 0.00 cfu/ml
Candida spp. GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 5000.00 Units
Cane Sugar, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Canola Oleosin Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Canola Seed, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Cantaloupe + Honeydew Melon Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.20 ELISA Index
Cantaloupe, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Capillaria hepatica GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Capillaria philippinensis GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Capillaria philippinensis 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Not Detected
Capric Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
0.80 - 6.20 µmol/L
Caprylic Acid The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
100% Inhibition
80% Inhibition
60% Inhibition
40% Inhibition
20% Inhibition
0% Inhibition
CAR Decline Response Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) %
0.00 - 33.00 %
CAR Rise Response Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) %
35.00 - 60.00 %
Caraway seed, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Carbohydrates GI360 stool profile N/A
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained mEq/L
20.00 - 29.00 mEq/L
20.00 - 29.00 mmol/L
Carbon Monoxide, Blood LabCorp (various) %
0.00 - 3.60 %
0.00 - 20.00 EU/ml
0.00 - 20.00 EU/ml
0.00 - 20.00 EU/ml
Carboxycitric Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 29.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Carboxycitric (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 20.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Carboxycitric (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 25.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Carboxycitric acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 30.00 mmol/mol
Carboxyhemoglobin - Arterial Arterial Blood Gas Analysis (ABG) %
0.00 - 2.00 %
Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) Tumor / Cancer screening tests ng/mL
0.00 - 3.90 ng/mL
0.00 - 11.00 APL
0.00 - 14.00 GPL
0.00 - 12.00 MPL
Carnitine Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
46.00 - 100.00 %
Carnitine (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) nmol/ML
11.60 - 43.40 nmol/ML
Carnitine (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) ng/MM WBC
0.30 - 1.50 ng/MM WBC
Carnitine Esters Immune System umol/L
4.00 - 13.00 umol/L
Carnitine, Free Immune System umol/L
19.00 - 48.00 umol/L
Carnitine, Total Immune System umol/L
25.00 - 58.00 umol/L
Carnosine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
0.00 - 60.00 qmol/24 hours
Carnosine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
0.10 - 1.10 umol/L
Carnosine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
0.00 - 75.00 qM/g creatinine
Carnosine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
3.90 - 70.00 nmol/mg Creatinine
Carnosine (dipeptide) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
1.00 - 28.00 micromol/g creatinine
Carnosine (dipeptide) Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
1.00 - 32.00 micromol/g creatinine
Carnosine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
0.00 - 2.70 nmol/ML
Carnosine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
0.00 - 6.30 µmol/L
Carnosine, Urine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g creatinine
10.00 - 200.00 umol/g creatinine
Carob LRA (Lymphocyte Response Assay) N/A
Strong reaction
Moderate reaction
No reaction
Carotene Vitamins & Minerals mcg/dL
6.00 - 77.00 mcg/dL
Carotene, Beta Vitamins & Minerals ug/dL
3.00 - 91.00 ug/dL
Carotid Artery Disease - Left Cardiovascular & Stroke Screenings N/A
Possible Occlusion
Carotid Artery Disease - Right Cardiovascular & Stroke Screenings N/A
Possible Occlusion
Carrageenan Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.10 ELISA Index
Carrot Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.70 ELISA Index
Carrot, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.20 ELISA Index
Carrot, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Casein, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Cashew Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Cashew (F202) IgE Tree Nut Allergen Panel kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
Cashew Nut, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Cashew Vicilin Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Cashew, roasted Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.30 ELISA Index
Casomorphin Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Casomorphin IgA+IgM Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.50 ELISA Index
Cat Dander IgE Allergen Panel kUA/L
0.00 - 0.34 kUA/L
Cat Dander, IgE Other kunits/L
0.00 - 0.10 kunits/L
Catecholamines, Total Catecholamine blood test pg/mL
242.00 - 1125.00 pg/mL
Catenibacterium Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Catenibacterium mitsuokai GI360 stool profile N/A
Cauliflower, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.20 ELISA Index
Cauliflower, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
CCL3 (MIP-1alpha) Cytokine assay panel for immune profile pg/mL
0.00 - 26.50 pg/mL
CCL4 (MIP-1beta) Cytokine assay panel for immune profile pg/mL
0.00 - 8.63 pg/mL
CCL5 (RANTES) Cytokine assay panel for immune profile pg/mL
0.00 - 10318.20 pg/mL
CCP Antibodies IgG/IgA Immune System Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
CD 19 Lymphocyte Activity Profile %
5.00 - 20.00 %
CD 2 Lymphocyte Activity Profile %
71.00 - 91.00 %
CD 20 Lymphocyte Activity Profile %
5.00 - 20.00 %
CD 3 Lymphocyte Activity Profile %
57.00 - 89.00 %
CD 4 Lymphocyte Activity Profile %
31.00 - 58.00 %
CD 4:8 Lymphocyte Activity Profile Ratio
0.92 - 3.72 Ratio
CD 5 Lymphocyte Activity Profile %
58.00 - 85.00 %
CD 7 Lymphocyte Activity Profile %
70.00 - 89.00 %
CD 8 Lymphocyte Activity Profile %
19.00 - 43.00 %
CD15S EXPRESSION (LAD 2) Quest Diagnostics %CD15s
90.00 - 100.00 %CD15s
CD16 Lymphocyte Activity Profile %
3.00 - 22.00 %
CD16+ Lymphocyte Activity Profile x10/9/l
0.00 - 0.00 x10/9/l
CD16+orCD56+/CD3+ (%) Lymph Monitoring %
0.30 - 7.90 %
CD16+orCD56+/CD3+ (abs) Lymph Monitoring abs
3.00 - 146.00 abs
CD1656 Other U/L
100.00 - 1000.00 U/L
CD18 EXPRESSION (LAD 1) Quest Diagnostics %CD18
90.00 - 100.00 %CD18
CD19 Tumor / Cancer screening tests U/L
200.00 - 2100.00 U/L
CD19+ Lymphocyte Activity Profile x10/9/l
0.06 - 0.60 x10/9/l
CD19+CD27+IgM+IgD+ (% of CD27+) B Cell Panel %
42.00 - 72.00 %
CD19+CD27-CD21-CD38- (% Pos of B) B Cell Panel %
0.50 - 2.90 %
CD19+CD27-IGM+IGD+ (% Pos of B) B Cell Panel %
58.00 - 78.00 %
CD20+ % Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 % of CD19
96.00 - 100.00 % of CD19
CD20, Abs Count Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 cells/mcL
110.00 - 450.00 cells/mcL
CD3+ Lymphocyte Activity Profile x10/9/l
0.80 - 2.40 x10/9/l
CD3+/CD4-/CD8- (%) Lymph Monitoring %
0.40 - 5.00 %
CD3+/CD4-/CD8- (abs) Lymph Monitoring abs
4.00 - 104.00 abs
CD3-/CD16+CD56+ (%) Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 %
4.00 - 25.00 %
CD3-/CD16+CD56+ (Absolute) Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 cells/mcL
70.00 - 760.00 cells/mcL
CD3/CD8/CD45RO Memory T Cells %
1.00 - 8.30 %
CD3/gamma-delta T Cell monitoring & Activation %
0.20 - 5.80 %
CD4+ Lymphocyte Activity Profile x10/9/l
0.50 - 1.60 x10/9/l
CD4/CD8 Ratio Lymphocyte Activity Profile Ratio
0.92 - 3.72 Ratio
CD4/CD8 Ratio Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 Ratio
0.86 - 5.00 Ratio
CD4/CD8 Ratio T + B-Lymphocyte Differential Ratio
0.92 - 3.72 Ratio
CD4/CD8 Ratio The Lymphocyte MAP Ratio
1.00 - 4.00 Ratio
CD4/CRTH2 Memory T Cells %
0.20 - 3.29 %
CD56 Lymphocyte Activity Profile %
5.00 - 24.00 %
CD56+ Lymphocyte Activity Profile x10/9/l
0.07 - 0.60 x10/9/l
CD56+CD3- % Lymphocyte Activity Profile %
5.00 - 27.00 %
CD56+CD3- (absolute) Lymphocyte Activity Profile uL
77.00 - 427.00 uL
CD57+ NK-cells (%) Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 %
2.00 - 77.00 %
CD57+ NK-cells (absolute) Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 uL
100.00 - 360.00 uL
CD8+ Lymphocyte Activity Profile x10/9/l
0.20 - 1.00 x10/9/l
CD8-CD57 + Lymphs (Absolute) Lyme Testing uL
60.00 - 360.00 uL
CD8-CD57 + Lymphs (Percent) Lyme Testing %
2.00 - 17.00 %
Cefazolin The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Tested
Celery Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.30 ELISA Index
Celikey tTG IgA Celiac Comprehensive Panel U/mL
0.00 - 7.00 U/mL
Celikey tTG IgG Celiac Comprehensive Panel U/mL
0.00 - 7.00 U/mL
Células Brancas do Sangue (Leucócitos / WBC) Brazilian Biomarkers x10E3/µL
3.40 - 10.80 x10E3/µL
Células Vermelhas do Sangue (Eritrócitos / RBC) Brazilian Biomarkers cells/mcL
4.14 - 5.80 cells/mcL
CENP-A Systemic Sclerosis SI
0.00 - 11.00 SI
CENP-B Systemic Sclerosis SI
0.00 - 11.00 SI
Centromere Immune System units/ml
0.00 - 100.00 units/ml
Cerebellar IgG+IgA Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.40 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Cerebellar IgM Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Ceruloplasmin Metabolic Health mg/dL
16.00 - 31.00 mg/dL
0.16 - 0.31 g/L
Ceruloplasmin (BLOOD - SERUM) NutriStat Basic Profile mg/dL
16.00 - 45.00 mg/dL
Cesium Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 0.01 ug/g
Cesium Toxic Metals; stool mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.10 mg/kg Dry Wt
Cesium Toxic Metals (Urine) µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 10.00 µg/g creatinine
Cesium Heavy Metals ug/g
0.00 - 9.90 ug/g
Cesium Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 6.37 ug/g
Cesium Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
0.00 - 10.50 ug/g creat
Cesium Toxic Metals (Stool) mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.10 mg/kg Dry Wt
Cesium. Urine Heavy Metal Basic Panel (5520) (Access Medical Labs) ug/g
0.00 - 12.00 ug/g
CH4 Breath test (Trio-Smart) ppm
0.00 - 10.00 ppm
Chaetoglobosin A MycoTOX Profile (Mold Exposure) ng/g creatinine
0.00 - 10.00 ng/g creatinine
Chaetoglobosin A (CHA) Total Tox-Burden ng/g
0.00 - 17.90 ng/g
Chaetomium globosum (m208) IgE Allergy Mold Panel, Complete kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
Charcot-Leyden Crystals GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Cheddar Cheese, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness %
0.00 - 1.25 %
Cherry Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.40 ELISA Index
Chia Seed Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Chicken Egg White, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Chicken Egg Yolk, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Chicken, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Chickenpox (Varicella/VAR) Vaccination Tracker N/A
Not Vaccinated
Chickpea, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Chili Pepper Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Chilomastix mesnili GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 100000.00 Units
Chilomastix mesnili GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Chlamydia pneumoniae IgA Chl. pneumoniae (IgG/IgM/IgA) N/A
Negative (<1:16)
Chlamydia pneumoniae IgG Chl. pneumoniae (IgG/IgM/IgA) N/A
Negative (<1:16)
Chlamydia pneumoniae IgM Chl. pneumoniae (IgG/IgM/IgA) N/A
Negative (<1:16)
Chlamydia trachomatis, NAA, Urine Sexually transmitted disease N/A
Chlamydia, NAAT, Urine Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) panel N/A
Chlamydias Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.80 ELISA Index
CHLORIDE NutriStat mmol/L
95.00 - 110.00 mmol/L
Chloride Conc, Urine StoneRisk Diagnostic Profile mmol/24 hr
38.00 - 210.00 mmol/24 hr
CHLORIDE, RANDOM URINE Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained mmol/L
32.00 - 290.00 mmol/L
Chloride, Serum Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained mEq/L
96.00 - 106.00 mEq/L
96.00 - 106.00 mmol/L
Chloride, Urine Urinalysis mmol/24 hr
110.00 - 250.00 mmol/24 hr
CHLORIDE/CREAT RATIO Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained mmol/g creatinine
38.00 - 318.00 mmol/g creatinine
CHOLESTEROL NutriStat mmol/L
0.00 - 5.50 mmol/L
Cholesterol 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool mg/g
0.40 - 4.80 mg/g
Cholesterol Balance Score (Production/Absorption) Boston Heart Cholesterol Balance Test Score
0.50 - 1.10 Score
Cholic acid (CA) Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness %
0.00 - 0.36 %
Choline Methylation Panel micromol/L
5.20 - 13.00 micromol/L
Choline Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
20.00 - 100.00 %
Choline Metabolic Health mg/g Creat.
1.70 - 4.00 mg/g Creat.
Choline (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) nmol/ML
6.80 - 31.00 nmol/ML
Choline (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) ng/MM WBC
0.20 - 1.50 ng/MM WBC
Cholinesterase, Serum Liver Health IU/L
1801.00 - 3637.00 IU/L
Christensenella minuta Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Chromatin Immune System units/ml
0.00 - 99.00 units/ml
Chromium Toxic & Essential Elements (Whole Blood) ug/L
0.20 - 0.80 ug/L
Chromium Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.02 - 0.08 Units
Chromium Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.40 - 0.65 µg/g
Chromium Essential Elements (Urine) mEq/g creat
0.00 - 2.00 mEq/g creat
Chromium Complete Heavy Metals Test (Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 20.00 ug/L
Chromium Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
40.00 - 100.00 %
Chromium Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 0.95 ug/g
Chromium NutriStat Basic Profile ug/L
1.00 - 2.00 ug/L
Chromium Minerals & Metals Test Units
0.09 - 0.15 Units
Chromium Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
0.60 - 9.40 ug/g creat
Chromium (Cr) Hair Tissue Analysis [ARL (Analytical Research Labs)] Units
0.09 - 0.15 Units
Chromium (hair) Hair Mineral Analysis Level 1- Hair ppm
0.02 - 0.21 ppm
Chromium (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) ng/mL
0.10 - 0.70 ng/mL
Chromium, Plasma Metabolic Health ug/L
0.10 - 2.10 ug/L
Chromogranin A (CgA) Tumor / Cancer screening tests ng/mL
0.00 - 311.00 ng/mL
Chymotrypsin Stool U/g
0.90 - 26.80 U/g
Cilantro Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Cinnamon Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Ciprofloxacin The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Tested
Cis-Aconitate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 40.54 ug/mg creatinine
cis-Aconitate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
37.30 - 153.30 mcg/mg creatinine
Cis-Aconitate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
10.00 - 36.00 mmol/mol creatinine
cis-Aconitic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
10.00 - 36.00 mmol/mol creatinine
cis-Aconitic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
18.00 - 78.00 ug/mgCR
Cis-Aconitic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
10.00 - 36.00 mmol/mol creatinine
cis-Aconitic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
126.30 - 668.90 nmol/mg Creatinine
cis-Aconitic Acid Male Comprehensive Metabolic Performance Profile (Urine) Physicians Lab ug/mg CR
12.60 - 38.80 ug/mg CR
Citramalate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 5.80 mmol/mol creatinine
Citramalic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 3.60 mmol/mol creatinine
Citramalic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.11 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Citramalic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 5.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Citramalic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 5.80 mmol/mol creatinine
Citramalic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 5.80 mmol/mol creatinine
Citramalic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 8.40 ug/mgCR
Citramalic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol
Citrate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
40.00 - 520.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Citrate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
71.30 - 772.63 ug/mg creatinine
Citrate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
56.00 - 987.00 mcg/mg creatinine
Citric Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 507.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Citric Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
24.00 - 1174.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Citric (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
2.20 - 260.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Citric (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 597.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Citric Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
40.00 - 520.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Citric Acid Organic Acids, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 100.00 umol/L
Citric Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
203.00 - 3208.60 nmol/mg Creatinine
Citric acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 498.80 mmol/mol
Citric Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
40.00 - 520.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Citric Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
132.50 - 645.60 ug/mgCR
Citric Acid (Citrate) StoneRisk Diagnostic Profile mg/24 hr
320.00 - 1240.00 mg/24 hr
Citrinin Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) ng/g
0.00 - 9.40 ng/g
Citrinin (CTN) Total Tox-Burden ng/g
0.00 - 7.05 ng/g
Citrinin (Dihydrocitrinone DHC) MycoTOX Profile (Mold Exposure) ng/g creatinine
0.00 - 25.00 ng/g creatinine
Citrobacter farmeri / amalonaticus GI360 stool profile N/A
No Growth
Citrobacter freundii Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 5.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Citrobacter freundii The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 5.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Citrobacter freundii GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 500000.00 Units
Citrobacter freundii complex GI360 stool profile N/A
No Growth
Citrobacter freundii complex The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 5.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Citrobacter species The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 5.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Citrobacter species 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
NG - No Growth
NP - Non-Pathogen
PP - Potential Pathogen
P - Pathogen
Citrobacter species Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 5.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Citrobacter spp. Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) cfu/ml
0.00 - 0.00 cfu/ml
Citrobacter spp. GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 5000000.00 Units
Citrullinated EBV Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 1.10 ELISA Index
Citrulline Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
1.00 - 26.00 qM/g creatinine
Citrulline Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
15.60 - 46.90 umol/L
Citrulline OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 12.60 nmol/mg Creatinine
CITRULLINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Citrulline NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
1.60 - 5.70 Units
Citrulline 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
1.60 - 5.70 qmol/dL
Citrulline Male Comprehensive Metabolic Performance Profile (Urine) Physicians Lab ng/mg CR
220.10 - 595.30 ng/mg CR
Citrulline Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
1.00 - 40.00 qmol/24 hours
Citrulline NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
19.30 - 57.10 umol/L
Citrulline Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
18.00 - 57.00 µmol/L
1.80 - 5.70 µmol/dL
Citrulline Metabolimix+ mmol/g creatinine
0.70 - 3.40 mmol/g creatinine
Citrulline Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
16.00 - 51.00 umol/L
Citrulline Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
1.00 - 27.40 umol/g Cr
Citrulline (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
13.80 - 59.70 nmol/ML
Citrulline (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) nmol/ML
18.70 - 47.50 nmol/ML
Citrulline (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
0.60 - 3.90 micromol/g creatinine
Citrus Seed The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
100% Inhibition
80% Inhibition
60% Inhibition
40% Inhibition
20% Inhibition
0% Inhibition
CK-BB Heart and Muscle Health %
0.00 - 0.00 %
CK-MB Heart and Muscle Health %
0.00 - 3.00 %
CK-MM Heart and Muscle Health %
97.00 - 100.00 %
Cladosporium herbarum Allergen Profile, Mold kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
CLADOSPORIUM HERBARUM (M2)IGE Allergy Mold Panel, Complete N/A
Class 0 (<0.1 kU/L)
Class 0/1 (0.10-0.34 kU/L)
Class 1 (0.35-0.69 kU/L)
Class 2 (0.70-3.49 kU/L)
Class 3 (3.50-17.4 kU/L)
Class 4 (17.5-49.9 kU/L)
Class 5 (50-100 kU/L)
Class 6 (>100 kU/L)
Cladosporium Herbarum mold IgE Allergen Panel kUA/L
0.00 - 0.34 kUA/L
Cladosporium Toxin (Cladosporium HSP70) - IgE Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Cladosporium Toxin (Cladosporium HSP70) - IgG Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Clam, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Clam, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Clarithromycin GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions N/A
Class A (fast) Semen analysis %
25.00 - 100.00 %
Class B (middle) Semen analysis %
0.00 - 0.00 %
Class C (slowly) Semen analysis %
0.00 - 0.00 %
Class D (slowly or not moving) Semen analysis %
0.00 - 0.00 %
Class-switched CD27+IgD-IgM- % Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 % of CD19
5.10 - 22.00 % of CD19
Class-switched CD27+IgD-IgM- Abs Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 cells/mcL
11.00 - 61.00 cells/mcL
Clauss fibrinogen level Blood Health g/L
2.00 - 4.00 g/L
Clindamycin, Azithromycin and Erythromycin NxGen MDx Vaginosis Test N/A
Not detected
Clonorchis sinensis GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Clonorchis/Opisthorchis Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) N/A
Not Detected
Clostridia (class) GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
5000000.00 - 50000000.00 Units
Clostridia Class GI360 stool profile N/A
Clostridia clusters XIVa Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Clostridiales Family XIV Incertae Sedis Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness %
10.00 - 100.00 %
Clostridioides difficile (Toxin A/B) GI360 stool profile N/A
Clostridium Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Clostridium VibrantAmerica (various) Relative Abundance
0.00 - 20.00 Relative Abundance
Clostridium difficile Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Clostridium difficile 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Clostridium hathewayi Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Clostridium L2-50 GI360 stool profile N/A
Clostridium methylpentosum GI360 stool profile N/A
Clostridium ramosum Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Clostridium scindens BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
0.00 - 0.05 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Clostridium species The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^7 CFU/g
5.00 - 50.00 x10^7 CFU/g
Clostridium species Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^7 CFU/g
5.00 - 50.00 x10^7 CFU/g
Clostridium spp. Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) cfu/ml
0.00 - 0.00 cfu/ml
Clostridium spp. 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
0.00 - 15000000.00 CFU/g stool
Clostridium symbiosum Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Clotridiales Incertae Sedis IV Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Clotridiales Incertae Sedis IV VibrantAmerica (various) Relative Abundance
0.00 - 20.00 Relative Abundance
Clove Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.40 - 1.80 ELISA Index
CMV Latent Cytomegalovirus SI
0.00 - 1.00 SI
CMV lytic Cytomegalovirus SI
0.00 - 1.00 SI
CMV-IgG Antibody Lyme Testing Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Cobalt Toxic & Essential Elements (Whole Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 0.80 ug/L
Cobalt Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Cobalt Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.00 - 0.04 µg/g
Cobalt Essential Elements (Urine) mEq/g creat
0.00 - 1.70 mEq/g creat
Cobalt Complete Heavy Metals Test (Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 0.40 ug/L
Cobalt Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
0.01 - 2.60 ug/g creat
Cobalt Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 0.08 ug/g
COBALT NutriStat Basic Profile ug/L
0.13 - 1.70 ug/L
Cobalt Minerals & Metals Test Units
0.00 - 0.06 Units
Cobalt (Co) Hair Tissue Analysis [ARL (Analytical Research Labs)] Units
0.03 - 0.06 Units
Coccidioides Ab by CF Immune System N/A
Coccidioides Ab, IgG, EIA Immune System EIA Units
0.00 - 1.00 EIA Units
Coccidioides Ab, IgM, EIA Immune System EIA Units
0.00 - 1.00 EIA Units
Cockroach IgE Allergen Panel kUA/L
0.00 - 0.34 kUA/L
Cocoa Bean (Chocolate) 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Coconut, meat + water Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.00 ELISA Index
Cod, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Cod, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Coenzyme Q10 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 mcg/mL
0.43 - 1.49 mcg/mL
Coenzyme Q10 Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
86.00 - 100.00 %
Coenzyme Q10 Other mg/L
0.48 - 3.04 mg/L
Coenzyme Q10 (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) mg/L
0.48 - 3.04 mg/L
Coenzyme Q10 (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) ug/ml
0.56 - 2.78 ug/ml
Coenzyme Q10 (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) pg/MM WBC
39.60 - 225.30 pg/MM WBC
Coenzyme Q10, Total Other ug/ml
0.37 - 2.20 ug/ml
Coenzyme Q10, Ubiquinone (serum) Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) mcg/mL
0.43 - 1.49 mcg/mL
CoEnzyme-Q10 (CoQ10) NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
1.27 - 4.29 ug/mgCR
Coffee Bean Protein, brewed Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Cold Agglutinin Titer, Quant LabCorp (various) N/A
Colesterol HDL Brazilian Biomarkers mg/dL
39.00 - 80.00 mg/dL
Colesterol LDL Brazilian Biomarkers mg/dL
0.00 - 99.10 mg/dL
Colesterol Total Brazilian Biomarkers mg/dL
0.00 - 199.00 mg/dL
Collagen Complex Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Collinsella Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Collinsella aerofaciens 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
0.00 - 130000000.00 CFU/g stool
Color GI360 stool profile N/A
Color Urinalysis N/A
Light orange
Dark Yellow
Dark Brown
Color Cell Count and Differential, Synovial Fluid N/A
Common Yeast Full GI Panel N/A
0 (No Presence)
1 (Low Presence)
2 (Moderate Presence)
3 (High Presence)
4 (Heavy Presence)
Complement C1q, Quantitative Immune System mg/dL
10.30 - 20.50 mg/dL
Complement C3 Immune System mg/dL
82.00 - 167.00 mg/dL
Complement C3a Immune System ng/mL
69.20 - 273.60 ng/mL
Complement C4, Serum Immune System mg/dL
12.00 - 38.00 mg/dL
Complement C4a Immune System ng/mL
215.70 - 2025.90 ng/mL
Complement Component C1Q Immune System mg/dL
5.00 - 8.60 mg/dL
Complement, Total (CH50) Immune System U/mL
42.00 - 999999.00 U/mL
Complement, Total (CH50), Quest Diagnostics Immune System U/mL
31.00 - 60.00 U/mL
Concentração de Hemoglobina Corpuscular Média (CHCM) Brazilian Biomarkers g/dL
31.50 - 35.70 g/dL
Consistency GI360 stool profile N/A
Contagem de plaquetas / Plaquetas Brazilian Biomarkers µl
150.00 - 450.00 µl
Copeptin Quest Diagnostics pmol/L
0.00 - 14.00 pmol/L
Copper Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
11.00 - 37.00 µg/g
Copper Essential Elements (Urine) mEq/g creat
0.01 - 0.03 mEq/g creat
Copper Complete Heavy Metals Test (Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 1400.00 ug/L
Copper Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
42.00 - 100.00 %
Copper Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
4.00 - 11.40 ug/g creat
Copper Toxic Metals (Stool) mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 60.00 mg/kg Dry Wt
Copper Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 60.00 ug/g
Copper NutriStat Basic Profile mg/L
0.52 - 0.80 mg/L
Copper Toxic Metals; stool mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 60.00 mg/kg Dry Wt
Copper Blood Spot Toxic & Essential Elements mg/L
0.64 - 1.10 mg/L
Copper Minerals & Metals Test Units
1.50 - 3.00 Units
Copper 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 mcg/dL
75.30 - 192.00 mcg/dL
Copper Toxic & Essential Elements (Whole Blood) ug/dL
70.00 - 140.00 ug/dL
Copper Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.90 - 3.20 Units
Copper Genova Diagnostics (various) ppb
753.00 - 1920.00 ppb
Copper (BLOOD - SERUM) NutriStat Basic Profile ug/dL
70.00 - 140.00 ug/dL
Copper (Cu) Hair Tissue Analysis [ARL (Analytical Research Labs)] Units
1.50 - 3.00 Units
Copper (hair) Hair Mineral Analysis Level 1- Hair ppm
10.00 - 41.00 ppm
Copper (plasma) Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) mcg/dL
75.30 - 192.00 mcg/dL
Copper (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) mcg/mL
0.60 - 1.80 mcg/mL
Copper (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) ng/MM WBC
2.00 - 15.00 ng/MM WBC
Copper to Zinc Ratio VibrantAmerica (various) Units
0.90 - 2.60 Units
Copper, 24 Hour Urine Quest Diagnostics Urine Markers mcg/24h
15.00 - 60.00 mcg/24h
Copper, Pl Vitamins & Minerals ug/ml
0.80 - 1.75 ug/ml
12.59 - 27.54 umol/L
Copper, RBC LabCorp (various) ug/ml
0.50 - 1.00 ug/ml
Copper, Serum or Plasma Blood Health ug/dL
80.00 - 158.00 ug/dL
Copper/Zinc Ratio NutriStat Ratio
0.80 - 1.00 Ratio
Copper/Zinc Ratio (BLOOD - SERUM) NutriStat Basic Profile Ratio
0.80 - 1.00 Ratio
Coprobacillus cateniformis GI360 stool profile N/A
Coprococcus Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Coprococcus eutactus GI EcologiX (Invivo Healthcare) Units
10.40 - 16.50 Units
Coprococcus eutactus 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
0.00 - 120000000.00 CFU/g stool
Coproporphyrin (CP) I Porphyrins, Quantitative, Random Urine ug/L
0.00 - 15.00 ug/L
Coproporphyrin (CP) III Porphyrins, Quantitative, Random Urine ug/L
0.00 - 49.00 ug/L
Coproporphyrin I Urinalysis mcg/g creat
7.10 - 48.70 mcg/g creat
Coproporphyrin III Urinalysis mcg/g creat
4.10 - 76.40 mcg/g creat
Coptis The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
100% Inhibition
80% Inhibition
60% Inhibition
40% Inhibition
20% Inhibition
0% Inhibition
CoQ10 Metabolic Health mg/L
1.40 - 10.00 mg/L
Coriander, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Corn Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.70 ELISA Index
Corn + Aquaporin, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Corn IgA+IgM Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.30 ELISA Index
Corn Oleosin Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.40 ELISA Index
Corticosterone Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
3.19 - 9.59 µg/g creatinine
Corticosterone ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
11.00 - 66.00 pg/mL
Corticosterone Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
6.00 - 34.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Corticosterone Urinary Hormones mcg/g
2.18 - 9.47 mcg/g
Corticosterone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
10.00 - 47.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Cortisol OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 82.00 nmol/mg Creatinine
Cortisol (10PM-12AM) Cortisol Awakening Response + DHEA (Saliva) nmol/L
0.00 - 0.94 nmol/L
Cortisol (11AM-1PM) Cortisol Awakening Response + DHEA (Saliva) nmol/L
0.75 - 2.93 nmol/L
Cortisol (30 Minutes) Cortisol Awakening Response + DHEA (Saliva) nmol/L
0.00 - 0.00 nmol/L
Cortisol (3PM-5PM) Cortisol Awakening Response + DHEA (Saliva) nmol/L
0.36 - 1.88 nmol/L
Cortisol (7AM-9AM) Cortisol Awakening Response + DHEA (Saliva) nmol/L
2.68 - 9.30 nmol/L
Cortisol (evening) ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) ng/mL
0.60 - 1.90 ng/mL
Cortisol (F) Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
32.00 - 121.00 ug/g Creatinine
Cortisol (morning) ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) ng/mL
2.50 - 6.20 ng/mL
Cortisol (night) ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) ng/mL
0.40 - 1.00 ng/mL
Cortisol (noon) ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) ng/mL
1.20 - 3.00 ng/mL
Cortisol (OA) Organic Acids Metabolomic Mapping nmol/L
166.00 - 507.00 nmol/L
Cortisol (OA) NutriStat Basic Profile ng/mL
5.00 - 65.00 ng/mL
Cortisol (OA) NutriStat ng/mL
5.00 - 65.00 ng/mL
Cortisol (Waking) Cortisol Awakening Response + DHEA (Saliva) nmol/L
0.00 - 0.00 nmol/L
Cortisol - ACTH (Cortrosyn) Stimulation Test Endocrinology Units
2.50 - 19.50 Units
Cortisol - AM (Serum) Endocrinology ug/dL
6.20 - 19.40 ug/dL
171.03 - 535.17 nmol/L
62.00 - 194.00 ng/mL
Cortisol A (Waking) Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
10.00 - 50.00 ng/mg
Cortisol AM30 Adrenal Function Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) nmol/L
14.00 - 25.00 nmol/L
Cortisol Awakening Response, Percent Increase One Day Hormone Check %
50.00 - 150.00 %
Cortisol Awakening Response, Percent Increase Progesterone Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH %
50.00 - 150.00 %
Cortisol B (Morning) Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
30.00 - 130.00 ng/mg
Cortisol Bedtime Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat
2.00 - 10.00 ng/mg Creat
Cortisol Bedtime (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mgCreat
3.00 - 12.00 ng/mgCreat
Cortisol C (Afternoon) Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
7.00 - 30.00 ng/mg
Cortisol D (Night) Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
0.00 - 14.00 ng/mg
Cortisol Dinnertime Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat
3.00 - 18.00 ng/mg Creat
Cortisol Dinnertime (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mgCreat
5.00 - 27.00 ng/mgCreat
Cortisol Evening Adrenal Function Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) nmol/L
2.00 - 5.00 nmol/L
Cortisol Night Adrenal Function Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) nmol/L
1.00 - 4.00 nmol/L
Cortisol Noon Adrenal Function Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) nmol/L
5.00 - 10.00 nmol/L
Cortisol Profile, Afternoon Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) nmol/L
2.00 - 11.00 nmol/L
Cortisol Profile, Evening Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) nmol/L
1.00 - 8.00 nmol/L
Cortisol Profile, Midday Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) nmol/L
4.00 - 14.00 nmol/L
Cortisol Profile, Total CAR Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) nmol/L
19.00 - 81.00 nmol/L
Cortisol Profile, Waking Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) nmol/L
12.00 - 48.00 nmol/L
Cortisol Profile, Waking+30min Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) nmol/L
12.00 - 48.00 nmol/L
Cortisol Profile, Waking+60min Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) nmol/L
12.00 - 48.00 nmol/L
Cortisol Waking Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat
6.00 - 40.00 ng/mg Creat
Cortisol Waking (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mgCreat
5.00 - 47.00 ng/mgCreat
Cortisol Waking+2hrs Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat
14.00 - 110.00 ng/mg Creat
Cortisol Waking+2hrs (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mgCreat
13.00 - 80.00 ng/mgCreat
Cortisol – saliva Endocrinology ng/mL
1.50 - 9.60 ng/mL
Cortisol, Free (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) mcg/dL
0.00 - 0.00 mcg/dL
Cortisol, Free, Urine Quest Diagnostics Urine Markers mcg/L
3.10 - 42.30 mcg/L
0.04 - 0.56 mcg/dL
0.00 - 0.21 mcg/dL
0.00 - 0.15 mcg/dL
0.00 - 0.09 mcg/dL
Cortisol, Serum Endocrinology µg/dL
2.30 - 19.40 µg/dL
63.46 - 535.25 nmol/L
Cortisol, Soro Brazilian Biomarkers ug/dL
2.30 - 19.40 ug/dL
CORTISOL,FREE,LC/MS,S Quest Diagnostics mcg/dL
0.04 - 0.93 mcg/dL
Cortisol-Binding Globulin (CBG) Endocrinology mg/L
19.00 - 45.00 mg/L
1.90 - 4.50 mg/dL
Cortisol/Cortione 11B-HSD II MALE: First AM Comp - Urine Profile + Metabolites (Physicians Lab) Ratio
0.40 - 1.20 Ratio
Cortisol/Cortisone Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile Ratio
0.50 - 0.70 Ratio
Cortisol/Cortisone Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.18 - 0.60 Ratio
Cortisol/Cortisone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.24 - 0.45 Ratio
Cortisol/Cortisone Ratio (11b-HSD II) Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) Ratio
0.50 - 1.20 Ratio
Cortisol/day Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
9.00 - 35.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Cortisol/day (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
8.00 - 27.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Cortisol/DHEAS Ratio CAR Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) Ratio
4.00 - 6.00 Ratio
Cortisol: Metabolite Ratio MALE: First AM Comp - Urine Profile + Metabolites (Physicians Lab) Ratio
0.50 - 1.50 Ratio
Cortisone OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions mcg/g Creat.
0.00 - 250.00 mcg/g Creat.
Cortisone (E) Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
39.00 - 143.00 ug/g Creatinine
Cortisone (Morning) ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) ng/mL
10.00 - 23.30 ng/mL
Cortisone A (Waking) Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
40.00 - 120.00 ng/mg
Cortisone B (Morning) Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
90.00 - 230.00 ng/mg
Cortisone Bedtime Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat
10.00 - 55.00 ng/mg Creat
Cortisone Bedtime (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mgCreat
11.00 - 40.00 ng/mgCreat
Cortisone C (Afternoon) Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
32.00 - 95.00 ng/mg
Cortisone D (Night) Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
0.00 - 55.00 ng/mg
Cortisone Dinnertime Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat
15.00 - 100.00 ng/mg Creat
Cortisone Dinnertime (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat
18.00 - 70.00 ng/mg Creat
Cortisone Waking Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat
25.00 - 95.00 ng/mg Creat
Cortisone Waking (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mgCreat
20.00 - 80.00 ng/mgCreat
Cortisone Waking+2hrs Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat
45.00 - 280.00 ng/mg Creat
Cortisone Waking+2hrs (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mgCreat
30.00 - 110.00 ng/mgCreat
Cortisone/day Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
30.00 - 95.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Cortisone/day (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
24.00 - 65.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Cottage Cheese 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Cottage Cheese, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
COVID-19 Vaccination Tracker N/A
Not vaccinated
COVID-19 (Corona Virus) Corona Virus COVID-19 N/A
Cow's Milk Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.00 ELISA Index
Cow's Milk, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Coxsackie A16 IgG Coxsackie A IgG Antibody N/A
Coxsackie A16 IgM Coxsackie A IgM Antibody N/A
Coxsackie A24 IgG Coxsackie A IgG Antibody N/A
Coxsackie A24 IgM Coxsackie A IgM Antibody N/A
Coxsackie A7 IgG Coxsackie A IgG Antibody N/A
Coxsackie A7 IgM Coxsackie A IgM Antibody N/A
Coxsackie A9 IgG Coxsackie A IgG Antibody N/A
Coxsackie A9 IgM Coxsackie A IgM Antibody N/A
Coxsackie B-1 Ab Coxsackie B Virus Antibodies N/A
Coxsackie B-2 Ab Coxsackie B Virus Antibodies N/A
Coxsackie B-3 Ab Coxsackie B Virus Antibodies N/A
Coxsackie B-4 Ab Coxsackie B Virus Antibodies N/A
Coxsackie B-5 Ab Coxsackie B Virus Antibodies N/A
Coxsackie B-6 Ab Coxsackie B Virus Antibodies N/A
Crab + Lobster, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.10 ELISA Index
Cranberry Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 2.40 ELISA Index
Crayfish, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Cream Cheese, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Creatine Clearance Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained ml/min
97.00 - 137.00 ml/min
Creatine kinase Heart and Muscle Health U/L
24.00 - 204.00 U/L
0.41 - 3.47 µkat/L
24.00 - 204.00 IU/L
Creatine Kinase (CK), MB Heart and Muscle Health ng/mg
0.00 - 5.30 ng/mg
Creatine phosphokinase (CPK) Heart and Muscle Health U/L
29.00 - 168.00 U/L
Creatinina, Sérica Brazilian Biomarkers mg/dL
0.57 - 1.00 mg/dL
Creatinine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) mg/24 hr
900.00 - 3000.00 mg/24 hr
Creatinine Urinary Toxic & Essential Elements mg/ml
0.30 - 2.00 mg/ml
Creatinine NutriStat umol/L
60.00 - 110.00 umol/L
Creatinine Neuro Basic Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) mg/dL
30.00 - 225.00 mg/dL
Creatinine Genova Diagnostics (various) mmol/L
3.10 - 19.50 mmol/L
Creatinine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] mg/dL
30.00 - 225.00 mg/dL
Creatinine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions mg/dL
29.30 - 296.80 mg/dL
Creatinine Organic Acids mg/ml
0.00 - 0.00 mg/ml
Creatinine Metabolimix+ mmol/L
3.10 - 19.50 mmol/L
Creatinine 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/L
3.10 - 19.50 mmol/L
Creatinine HPA (NeuroLab) mg/dL
0.25 - 2.16 mg/dL
Creatinine (1st morning) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile mg/ml
0.30 - 2.00 mg/ml
Creatinine (2nd morning) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile mg/ml
0.30 - 2.00 mg/ml
Creatinine (CRT), Urine Urinalysis g/L
0.30 - 3.00 g/L
30.00 - 300.00 mg/dL
Creatinine (Evening) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile mg/ml
0.30 - 2.00 mg/ml
CREATININE (mmol/L) NutriStat mmol/L
0.06 - 0.13 mmol/L
Creatinine (Night) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile mg/ml
0.30 - 2.00 mg/ml
Creatinine (pooled) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile mg/ml
0.30 - 2.00 mg/ml
Creatinine (pooled) ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) mg/ml
0.30 - 2.00 mg/ml
Creatinine A (Waking) Creatinine (Urine) - DUTCH mg/ml
0.20 - 2.00 mg/ml
Creatinine B (Morning) Creatinine (Urine) - DUTCH mg/ml
0.20 - 2.00 mg/ml
Creatinine Bedtime (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile mg/dL
35.00 - 240.00 mg/dL
Creatinine Bedtime (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile mg/dL
30.00 - 225.00 mg/dL
Creatinine Bedtime (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile mg/dL
30.00 - 225.00 mg/dL
Creatinine C (Afternoon) Creatinine (Urine) - DUTCH mg/ml
0.20 - 2.00 mg/ml
Creatinine Conc, Urine StoneRisk Diagnostic Profile mg/24 hr
800.00 - 1800.00 mg/24 hr
Creatinine Concentration (Amino Acids FMV) Metabolimix+ mmol/L
3.10 - 19.50 mmol/L
Creatinine D (Night) Creatinine (Urine) - DUTCH mg/ml
0.20 - 2.00 mg/ml
Creatinine Dinnertime (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile mg/dL
35.00 - 240.00 mg/dL
Creatinine Dinnertime (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile mg/dL
30.00 - 225.00 mg/dL
Creatinine Dinnertime (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile mg/dL
30.00 - 225.00 mg/dL
Creatinine Timed Urine Urinalysis mg/dL
0.00 - 0.00 mg/dL
Creatinine Urine Excretion Urinalysis mg/d
1400.00 - 2600.00 mg/d
Creatinine Waking (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile mg/dL
35.00 - 240.00 mg/dL
Creatinine Waking (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile mg/dL
30.00 - 225.00 mg/dL
Creatinine Waking (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile mg/dL
30.00 - 225.00 mg/dL
Creatinine Waking+2hrs (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile mg/dL
35.00 - 240.00 mg/dL
Creatinine Waking+2hrs (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile mg/dL
30.00 - 225.00 mg/dL
Creatinine Waking+2hrs (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile mg/dL
30.00 - 225.00 mg/dL
Creatinine, 24 Hour Urine Protein, Total and Protein Electrophoresis, 24 Hour Urine and Immunofixation g/24 h
0.50 - 2.15 g/24 h
Creatinine, Random Urine Quest Diagnostics Urine Markers mg/dL
2.00 - 130.00 mg/dL
CREATININE, RANDOM URINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/L
1.77 - 23.31 mmol/L
Creatinine, Random Urine Metabolic Health mg/dL
20.00 - 320.00 mg/dL
Creatinine, Random Urine Protein Electrophoresis and Total Protein, Random Urine mg/dL
20.00 - 275.00 mg/dL
Creatinine, Serum Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained mg/dL
0.57 - 1.00 mg/dL
50.39 - 88.40 µmol/L
50.39 - 88.40 umol/L
Creatinine, Ur 24hr Urinalysis mg/24 hr
800.00 - 1800.00 mg/24 hr
Creatinine, Urine Heavy Metal Basic Panel (5520) (Access Medical Labs) mg/dL
0.00 - 0.00 mg/dL
Creatinine, Urine Quest Diagnostics Urine Markers g/24 h
0.50 - 2.15 g/24 h
Creatinine, Urine Urine Microalbumin mg/dL
47.00 - 110.00 mg/dL
Creatinine, Urine Spot Organic Acids Metabolomic Mapping mmol/L
5.00 - 13.00 mmol/L
Creatinine-corrected Urine Iodine Urinalysis ug/L
100.00 - 500.00 ug/L
Creatinine/day (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile mg/dL/Day
35.00 - 240.00 mg/dL/Day
Creatinine/day (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile mg/dL/Day
30.00 - 225.00 mg/dL/Day
Creatinine/day (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile mg/dL/Day
30.00 - 225.00 mg/dL/Day
Crenated Erythrocytes (CSF) Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis %
0.00 - 0.00 %
Crotonylglycine Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
CRYOGLOBULIN, QL Sensory Motor Neuropathy Complete Antibody Panel N/A
Cryptosporidium GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 999999.00 Units
Cryptosporidium Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.40 - 2.60 ELISA Index
Cryptosporidium (C. parvum and C. hominis) GI360 stool profile N/A
Cryptosporidium parvum/hominis 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Not Detected
Cryptosporidium species Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^5 org/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 org/g
Cryptosporidium species The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 org/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 org/g
Cryptosporidium spp. Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) N/A
Not Detected
Crystals, Synovial Fluid Cell Count and Differential, Synovial Fluid N/A
No crystals found
Crystals found
CSF Glucose Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis mg/dL
50.00 - 80.00 mg/dL
2.78 - 4.44 mmol/L
CSF RBC Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis MM3
0.00 - 0.00 MM3
CSF Total Protein Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis mg/dL
5.00 - 40.00 mg/dL
50.00 - 400.00 mg/L
CSF WBC Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis MM3
0.00 - 5.00 MM3
Cucumber, pickled Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.60 ELISA Index
Cumin Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.30 ELISA Index
Curry Powder, IgG4 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Cyclic AMP, Plasma Metabolic Health pmol/mL
12.00 - 22.00 pmol/mL
Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibody Immune System Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Cyclospora cayetanensis 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Not Detected
Cyclospora spp. GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 50000.00 Units
CYFRA 21-1 (Cytokeratin 19 Fragment) Tumor / Cancer screening tests ug/L
0.00 - 2.08 ug/L
CYP450, mimic Hepatitis C Peptide Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.40 ELISA Index
Cyst(e)ine Methylation Panel micromol/L
271.00 - 392.00 micromol/L
Cyst(e)ine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
5.90 - 19.90 Units
Cyst(e)ine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
5.90 - 19.90 qmol/dL
Cystathionine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
0.00 - 0.09 qmol/dL
Cystathionine Methylation Panel nanomol/L
74.00 - 369.00 nanomol/L
Cystathionine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
7.00 - 40.00 qM/g creatinine
Cystathionine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
0.00 - 0.70 umol/L
Cystathionine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
2.50 - 57.50 nmol/mg Creatinine
CYSTATHIONINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 10.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Cystathionine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
0.00 - 0.09 Units
Cystathionine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
4.00 - 48.00 micromol/g creatinine
Cystathionine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
0.00 - 1.00 umol/L
Cystathionine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
0.50 - 80.80 umol/g Cr
Cystathionine Urinary Amino Acids (Synlab) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Cystathionine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
9.00 - 65.00 qmol/24 hours
Cystathionine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
0.10 - 0.60 umol/L
Cystathionine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
0.00 - 0.30 µmol/L
0.00 - 0.03 µmol/dL
Cystathionine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
0.00 - 0.30 nmol/ML
Cystathionine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
2.00 - 68.00 micromol/g creatinine
Cystathionine, Serum Vitamins & Minerals nmol/L
44.00 - 342.00 nmol/L
Cystatin C Kidney Health mg/L
0.52 - 1.27 mg/L
Cysteine Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
41.00 - 100.00 %
Cysteine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
31.00 - 90.00 qmol/24 hours
Cysteine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
5.20 - 41.80 umol/L
Cysteine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
20.00 - 65.00 qM/g creatinine
Cysteine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
9.00 - 60.00 micromol/g creatinine
Cysteine (FMV urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
8.00 - 74.00 micromol/g creatinine
Cysteine (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) nmol/ML
3.40 - 37.00 nmol/ML
Cysteine (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) pg/MM WBC
60.00 - 565.00 pg/MM WBC
Cysticercosis (Taenia solium) Immune System N/A
Cystine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
10.00 - 116.00 micromol/g creatinine
Cystine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
0.30 - 223.80 umol/g Cr
Cystine Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
0.80 - 27.50 µmol/L
Cystine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
25.00 - 90.00 qM/g creatinine
Cystine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
15.80 - 47.30 umol/L
Cystine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 48.50 nmol/mg Creatinine
CYSTINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
4.00 - 15.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Cystine Urinary Amino Acids (Synlab) mmol/mol creatinine
4.00 - 12.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Cystine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
32.00 - 130.00 qmol/24 hours
Cystine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
31.00 - 50.00 umol/L
Cystine (FMV Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
10.00 - 104.00 micromol/g creatinine
Cystine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
13.40 - 51.90 nmol/ML
Cystine, Quant, Ur StoneRisk Diagnostic Profile mg/24 hr
2.10 - 58.00 mg/24 hr
Cytochrome P450 (Hepatocyte) Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.30 ELISA Index
Cytomegalovirus GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 100000.00 Units
Cytomegalovirus Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.20 ELISA Index
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Ab, IgG Cytomegalovirus U/mL
0.00 - 0.60 U/mL
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Ab, IgM Cytomegalovirus AU/mL
0.00 - 30.00 AU/mL
Cytomegalovirus Antibody (IGG) Cytomegalovirus Units
0.00 - 0.89 Units
Cytomegalovirus Antibody (IGM) Cytomegalovirus Units
0.00 - 0.80 Units
Cytomegalovirus IgG CLIA Cytomegalovirus N/A
Cytoplasmic (C-ANCA) ANCA Panel N/A
Cytoskeletal Proteins IgM Array 22 - Irritable Bowel/SIBO Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.30 ELISA Index
D-Arabinitol Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 36.00 mmol/mol creatinine
D-Arabinitol 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 36.00 mmol/mol creatinine
D-Arabinitol Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 73.00 mcg/mg creatinine
D-Dimer Blood Health mg/L FEU
0.00 - 0.49 mg/L FEU
D-Dimer, Quantitative Blood Health ng/mL FEU
ug/mL FEU
0.00 - 500.00 ng/mL FEU
0.00 - 0.50 ug/mL FEU
D-Glucaric Acid (Phase I) Hepatic Detox Profile nM/mg
40.00 - 400.00 nM/mg
D-Lactate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 4.10 mcg/mg creatinine
D-Lactate NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 7.70 ug/mgCR
D-Lactic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.60 - 29.90 nmol/mg Creatinine
Daily Average Temperature (Dr. Rind) Body Temperature Measurements F
97.00 - 99.00 F
DAO: Histamine Ratio Advanced Intestinal Barrier Assessment (Plasma) ng/mL
0.00 - 34.00 ng/mL
Dark Chocolate + Cocoa Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.20 ELISA Index
Date Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.40 ELISA Index
DDT LRA (Lymphocyte Response Assay) N/A
Strong reaction
Moderate reaction
No reaction
Deamidated Gliadin Abs, IgA Celiac Comprehensive Panel Units
0.00 - 19.00 Units
Deamidated Gliadin Abs, IgG Celiac Comprehensive Panel Units
0.00 - 19.00 Units
Decadienedioic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Decadienoylcarnitine, C10:2 Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.05 umol/L
Decanoylcarnitine, C10 Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.38 umol/L
Decenoylcarnitine (C10:1) Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.01 - 0.32 umol/L
Deformity rate Semen analysis %
0.00 - 96.00 %
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) LabCorp (various) ng/dL
31.00 - 701.00 ng/dL
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) Saliva Cortisol Awakening Response + DHEA (Saliva) pg/mL
137.00 - 336.00 pg/mL
Dehydroepiandrosterone (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
18.00 - 170.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Dehydroepiandrosterone (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
10.00 - 120.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Dehydroepiandrosterone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
40.00 - 500.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
25.00 - 660.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
15.00 - 320.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
30.00 - 1180.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Delta 6 Desaturase Activity NutriStat Basic Profile Ratio
7.80 - 22.30 Ratio
Delta Aminolevulinic Acid, Urine, 24 Hour Blood Health mg/24 hr
0.00 - 4.50 mg/24 hr
Density Semen analysis 10e6/ml
20.00 - 200.00 10e6/ml
Density of a+b Semen analysis 10e6/ml
0.00 - 0.00 10e6/ml
Deoxycholic acid (DCA) Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness %
24.25 - 75.84 %
Deoxycholic acid (DCA) Stool mg/g
0.67 - 6.76 mg/g
Deoxycorticosterone Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
0.69 - 2.23 µg/g creatinine
Deoxynivalenol (Vomitoxin/DON) Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) Units
0.00 - 50.60 Units
Deoxyuridine LabCorp (various) umol/L
0.00 - 0.25 umol/L
Class 0 (< 0.34)
Class 1 (0.35 – 0.69)
Class 2 (0.70 – 3.49)
Class 3 (3.50 – 17.49)
Class 4 (17.50 – 49.99)
Class 5 (50.0 – 100.0)
Class 6 (100+)
Des-g-carboxy Prothrombin (DCP) Vitamins & Minerals ng/mL
0.00 - 7.50 ng/mL
Desmosterol Boston Heart Cholesterol Balance Test umol x 100/mmol of Total Cholesterol
0.00 - 65.00 umol x 100/mmol of Total Cholesterol
Desulfovibrio Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Desulfovibrio piger Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Desulfovibrio piger The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^7 CFU/g
0.00 - 18.00 x10^7 CFU/g
Desulfovibrio piger 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
0.00 - 54000000.00 CFU/g stool
Desulfovibrio piger Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^7 CFU/g
0.00 - 18.00 x10^7 CFU/g
Desulfovibrio spp. GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 798000000.00 Units
Dexamethasone Endocrinology ng/dL
200.00 - 1000.00 ng/dL
DGP IGA Celiac Comprehensive Panel U/mL
0.00 - 14.90 U/mL
DHA OmegaCheck % by wt
1.20 - 3.90 % by wt
DHA Fatty Acids Profile, Essential (Serum/Plasma) qg/mL
100.00 - 200.00 qg/mL
DHA (RBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) %
2.42 - 10.52 %
DHEA Adrenal Function Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) pg/mL
106.00 - 300.00 pg/mL
DHEA Cortisol Awakening Response + DHEA (Saliva) nmol/L
0.25 - 2.22 nmol/L
0.87 - 7.70 pg/mL
DHEA Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
15.82 - 129.17 µg/g creatinine
DHEA ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
77.00 - 287.00 pg/mL
DHEA Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
100.00 - 1333.00 ug/g Creatinine
DHEA (24hr urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) micromol/24 hr
0.20 - 0.90 micromol/24 hr
DHEA (7AM - 9AM) One Day Hormone Check pg/mL
71.00 - 640.00 pg/mL
DHEA (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) nmol/dL (SG)
11.00 - 76.30 nmol/dL (SG)
DHEA (FMV urine, menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female nmol/dL (SG)
2.80 - 33.00 nmol/dL (SG)
DHEA (Male) ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) ug/g Cr
9.01 - 93.80 ug/g Cr
DHEA - Saliva Endocrinology pg/mL
42.00 - 578.00 pg/mL
DHEA Sulphate NutriStat umol/L
2.70 - 9.20 umol/L
DHEA+DHEAS (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
39.00 - 762.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
DHEA+DHEAS (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
25.00 - 370.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
DHEA+DHEAS (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
106.00 - 1502.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
DHEA, Unconjugated Endocrinology ng/dL
147.00 - 1760.00 ng/dL
DHEA-S (Urine) Androgens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
20.00 - 750.00 ng/mg
DHEA-S (Urine) (male) Androgens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
30.00 - 1500.00 ng/mg
DHEA-S : Cortisol Ratio Endocrinology :1 ratio
4.00 - 7.00 :1 ratio
DHEA: Cortisol Ratio Cortisol Awakening Response + DHEA (Saliva) Ratio
0.05 - 0.32 Ratio
DHEA: Cortisol Ratio/10,000 One Day Hormone Check Ratio
358.00 - 2538.00 Ratio
DHEA:Cortisol Ratio One Day Hormone Check Ratio
358.00 - 2538.00 Ratio
DHEAS ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) ng/mL
0.80 - 8.00 ng/mL
DHEAS (Age Dependent) ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) ng/mL
2.00 - 23.00 ng/mL
DHEAS (Serum) Endocrinology mcg/dL
71.60 - 375.40 mcg/dL
1.94 - 10.17 umol/L
DHEAS Profile, Waking+30min Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) nmol/L
5.00 - 30.00 nmol/L
DHPPA (Beneficial Bacteria) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.38 mmol/mol creatinine
DHPPA (Beneficial Bacteria) (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.23 mmol/mol creatinine
DHPPA (Beneficial Bacteria) (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.59 mmol/mol creatinine
DHPPA (dihydroxyphenylpropionic acid) Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 0.44 mmol/mol
DHT ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
0.00 - 7.00 pg/mL
DHT Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
0.30 - 2.90 ug/g Creatinine
DHT (Dihidrotestosterona) Brazilian Biomarkers ng/dL
4.00 - 22.00 ng/dL
DHT, Free Endocrinology pg/mL
2.30 - 11.60 pg/mL
DHT, Percent Free Dialysis Endocrinology %
0.54 - 2.58 %
Diabetes Risk Index (DRI) (Female) Metabolic Health DRI Score
0.00 - 40.00 DRI Score
Diabetes Risk Index (DRI) (Male) Metabolic Health DRI Score
0.00 - 50.00 DRI Score
diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS) Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) ng/g
0.00 - 3.20 ng/g
Dialister invisus GI360 stool profile N/A
Dialister invisus & Megasphaera micronuciformis GI360 stool profile N/A
Diamine Oxidase (DAO) Advanced Intestinal Barrier Assessment (Plasma) ng/mL
42.90 - 200.00 ng/mL
Dientamoeba fragilis The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 org/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 org/g
Dientamoeba fragilis GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Dientamoeba fragilis GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 100000.00 Units
Dientamoeba fragilis 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Not Detected
Dientamoeba fragilis Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) N/A
Not Detected
Dientamoeba fragilis Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^5 org/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 org/g
Diethyl phosphate (DEP) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 3.20 ug/g
Diethyldithiophosphate (DEDTP) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 0.17 ug/g
Diethylphosphate (DEP) Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 0.60 µg/g creatinine
Diethylthiophosphate (DETP) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 1.24 ug/g
Dihomo-g-linolenic Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) wt %
1.19 - 10.00 wt %
Dihomo-g-linolenic (DGLA) 20:3 n6 Metabolimix+ wt %
1.02 - 5.00 wt %
Dihomo-g-linolenic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile %
0.50 - 2.50 %
Dihomogamma Linolenic (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
27.00 - 140.00 µmol/L
Dihydrocitrinone Total Tox-Burden ng/g
0.00 - 9.30 ng/g
Dihydrocitrinone Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) ng/g
0.00 - 12.40 ng/g
Dihydrotestosterone FU Female FMV Urine Comprehensive Hormone ng/mg CR
0.00 - 3.20 ng/mg CR
Dihydrotestosterone (female) Metabolic Health ng/dL
4.00 - 22.00 ng/dL
Dihydrotestosterone (male) Metabolic Health ng/dL
30.00 - 85.00 ng/dL
Dihydroxyphenylacetic (DOPAC) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 3.50 mmol/mol creatinine
Dihydroxyphenylacetic (DOPAC) (Females Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.07 - 4.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Dihydroxyphenylacetic (DOPAC) (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.27 - 1.90 mmol/mol creatinine
Dihydroxyphenylacetic (DOPAC) (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.13 - 4.90 mmol/mol creatinine
Dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) Organic Acids mcg/g
577.30 - 1655.50 mcg/g
Dihydroxyphenylpropionic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 0.00 ug/mgCR
Dihydroxyphenylpropionic Acid (DHPPA) Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 5.30 mmol/mol creatinine
Dihydroxyphenylpropionic Acid (DHPPA) Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 5.30 mmol/mol creatinine
Dill Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Dilute Russell's viper venom time (dRVVT) Immune System seconds
29.00 - 42.00 seconds
Dimethyl phosphate (DMP) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 9.10 ug/g
Dimethyldithiophosphate (DMDTP) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 0.67 ug/g
Dimethylglycine (DMG) Methylation Panel micromol/L
1.60 - 5.00 micromol/L
Dimethylphosphate (DMP) Environmental Toxins mcg/g
0.00 - 5.20 mcg/g
Dimethylphosphate (DMP) Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 4.00 µg/g creatinine
Dimethylthiophosphate (DMTP) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 5.91 ug/g
Diphenyl Phosphate (DPP) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 1.10 ug/g
Diphenyl phosphate (DPP) Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 1.00 µg/g creatinine
Diphenyl Phosphate (DPP) Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) mcg/g
0.00 - 1.30 mcg/g
Diphtheria Antibodies Other IU/ml
0.10 - 0.30 IU/ml
Diphtheria Antitoxoid Antibody Immune System N/A
Non-Protective <0.10
Protective >=0.10
Diphyllobothrium Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) N/A
Not Detected
Diphyllobothrium latum GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Diphyllobothrium latum 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Not Detected
Dipylidium caninum 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Not Detected
Dipylidium caninum GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
DNA Ab (ds) Crithidia, IFA Quest Diagnostics N/A
DNA AB Double Stranded Titer Immune System N/A
DNA Double-Stranded Ab, IgG Immune System N/A
<or=4 IU/mL: Negative
5 - 9 IU/mL: Indeterminate
>or=10 IU/mL: Positive
DNT/gamma-delta T Cell monitoring & Activation %
0.20 - 4.30 %
Docosadienoic (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
0.00 - 2.00 µmol/L
Docosahexaenoic Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) wt %
2.10 - 10.00 wt %
Docosahexaenoic (DHA) 22:6 n3 Metabolimix+ wt %
0.80 - 5.00 wt %
Docosahexaenoic (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
31.00 - 213.00 µmol/L
Docosahexanoic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile %
1.00 - 6.50 %
Docosapentaenoic Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) wt %
1.14 - 3.00 wt %
Docosapentaenoic (DPA) 22:5 n3 Metabolimix+ wt %
0.34 - 5.00 wt %
Docosapentaenoic (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
11.00 - 50.00 µmol/L
Docosapentaenoic Acid (n6) NutriStat Basic Profile %
0.08 - 0.83 %
Docosapentanoic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile %
0.53 - 2.81 %
Docosatetraenoic Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) wt %
1.50 - 4.20 wt %
Docosatetraenoic (DTA) 22:4 n6 Metabolimix+ wt %
0.45 - 1.25 wt %
Docosatetraenoic (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
2.60 - 18.10 µmol/L
Docosatetraenoic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile %
0.30 - 2.50 %
Dodecadienoyl (C12:2) Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.20 umol/L
Dodecanedioic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
DODECANOYLCARNITINE, C12 Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.15 umol/L
Dodecenoyl (C12:1) Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.60 umol/L
DODECENOYLCARNITINE, C12:1 Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma nmol/ML
0.00 - 0.19 nmol/ML
Dog Dander IgE Allergen Panel kUA/L
0.00 - 0.34 kUA/L
DOPAC ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
658.00 - 1449.00 µg/g creatinine
Dopamine ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
144.00 - 240.00 µg/g creatinine
Dopamine Neuro Basic Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) µg/g
125.00 - 250.00 µg/g
Dopamine HPA (NeuroLab) ug/g Cr
250.00 - 400.00 ug/g Cr
Dopamine Catecholamine blood test pg/mL
0.00 - 20.00 pg/mL
Dopamine Neurotransmitters ug/g creat
64.00 - 261.00 ug/g creat
Dopamine Catecholamines, Fractionated, Random Urine mcg/g Cr
295.00 - 1123.00 mcg/g Cr
Dorea spp. GI360 stool profile N/A
DPA OmegaCheck % by wt
0.80 - 1.80 % by wt
DPA (RBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) %
0.45 - 1.80 %
DQ2 Celiac Comprehensive Panel Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.00 Positive / Negative
DQ8 Celiac Comprehensive Panel Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.00 Positive / Negative
Dr. Barnes' Basal Temperature Test (BBTT) Body Temperature Measurements F
97.00 - 99.00 F
dRVVT Confirm Immune System Ratio
0.80 - 1.20 Ratio
DRVVT SCREEN Immune System seconds
0.00 - 45.00 seconds
dRVVT Screen Ratio Immune System Ratio
0.00 - 1.20 Ratio
ds-DNA Antibody, IgG Immune System IU/ml
0.00 - 29.90 IU/ml
dsDNA Immune System I.U./ml
0.00 - 80.00 I.U./ml
Duloxetine (Cymbalta) LRA (Lymphocyte Response Assay) N/A
Strong reaction
Moderate reaction
No reaction
Dust Mite (Dermatophagoides Pteronyssinus) IgE Allergen Panel kUA/L
0.00 - 0.34 kUA/L
DYSBIOSIS 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool Score
0.00 - 2.00 Score
Dysbiosis Patterns 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3
Zone 4
E Quotient MALE: First AM Comp - Urine Profile + Metabolites (Physicians Lab) Ratio
1.00 - 10.00 Ratio
E. chaffeensis (HME) IgG Titer Ehrlichia Ab Panel Units
0.00 - 0.02 Units
E. chaffeensis (HME) IgM Titer Ehrlichia Ab Panel Units
0.00 - 0.05 Units
E. Chaffeensis Ab IgG Anaplasma Phagocytophilum and Ehrlichia Chaffeensi Antibody Panel N/A
E. CHAFFEENSIS AB IGG Ehrlichia Chaffeensis (IgG, IgM) N/A
E. Chaffeensis Ab IgM Anaplasma Phagocytophilum and Ehrlichia Chaffeensi Antibody Panel N/A
E. CHAFFEENSIS AB IGM Ehrlichia Chaffeensis (IgG, IgM) N/A
E. coli O157 GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 999.00 Units
E/A: 5b/5a Ratio (24hr urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) Ratio
0.80 - 2.60 Ratio
E/A: 5b/5a Ratio (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) Ratio
0.34 - 1.76 Ratio
E/A: 5b/5a Ratio (FMV urine, menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female Ratio
0.55 - 2.45 Ratio
E3/(E1+E2) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile Ratio
0.30 - 2.00 Ratio
EA Antigen (IgG) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
EA Antigen (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
EBNA Ab/IgG Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) U/mL
0.00 - 18.00 U/mL
EBNA1 (IgG) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
EBNA1 (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
EBV Ab VCA, IgG Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) U/mL
0.00 - 18.00 U/mL
EBV Ab VCA, IgM Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) U/mL
0.00 - 36.00 U/mL
EBV CAPSID Ag.ab/IgG Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) U/mL
0.00 - 18.00 U/mL
EBV CAPSID Ag.Ab/IgM Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) U/mL
0.00 - 36.00 U/mL
EBV EA IgG Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) U/mL
0.00 - 100.00 U/mL
EBV EARLY Ag.Ab Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) U/mL
0.00 - 9.00 U/mL
EBV Early Antigen Ab, IgG Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) U/mL
0.00 - 9.00 U/mL
EBV Nuclear Ag Ab Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) U/mL
0.00 - 100.00 U/mL
EBV Nuclear Antigen Ab, IgG Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) U/mL
0.00 - 18.00 U/mL
EBV PCR Whole Blood LOG Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) LOG IU/mL
0.00 - 2.70 LOG IU/mL
EBV PCR, Quant, Whole Blood Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) IU/ml
0.00 - 500.00 IU/ml
EBV VCA, IgG Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) U/mL
0.00 - 100.00 U/mL
EBV VCA, IgM Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) U/mL
0.00 - 100.00 U/mL
EBV-VCA, IgG Lyme Testing Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Eel, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
eGFR - Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (African Am) Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained mL/min per 1.73 m2
60.00 - 150.00 mL/min per 1.73 m2
eGFR - Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (Non-African Am) Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained mL/min per 1.73 m2
60.00 - 150.00 mL/min per 1.73 m2
eGFR / Cystatin C Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained mL/min /1.73m2
60.00 - 150.00 mL/min /1.73m2
Egg IgA+IgM Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.00 ELISA Index
Egg white (Chicken) LRA (Lymphocyte Response Assay) N/A
Strong reaction
Moderate reaction
No reaction
Egg White, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.60 ELISA Index
Egg Yolk, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Egg, Raw Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity ELISA Index
0.00 - 0.60 ELISA Index
Eggerthella lenta VibrantAmerica (various) Relative Abundance
0.00 - 20.00 Relative Abundance
Eggerthella lenta Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Eggplant, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.10 ELISA Index
EIA Antigen (IgG) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
EIA Antigen (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
Eicosadienoic Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) wt %
0.00 - 0.26 wt %
Eicosadienoic (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
5.20 - 22.50 µmol/L
Eicosadienoic 20:2 n6 Metabolimix+ wt %
0.00 - 0.26 wt %
Eicosadienoic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile %
0.10 - 0.43 %
Eicosapentaenoic Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) wt %
0.16 - 5.00 wt %
Eicosapentaenoic (EPA) 20:5 n3 Metabolimix+ wt %
0.12 - 5.00 wt %
Eicosapentaenoic (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
5.00 - 210.00 µmol/L
Eicosapentanoic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile %
0.14 - 6.92 %
Elaidic Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) wt %
0.00 - 0.59 wt %
Elaidic 18:1 n9t Metabolimix+ wt %
0.00 - 0.59 wt %
Elastase Comprehensive Stool Analysis / Parasitology µg/mL
200.00 - 1000.00 µg/mL
Elastase GI360 stool profile µg/mL
200.00 - 1000.00 µg/mL
Elastase-1 GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions ug/g
200.00 - 2000.00 ug/g
Elderberry, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Elm Tree IgE Allergen Panel kUA/L
0.00 - 0.34 kUA/L
ENA Screen Immune System N/A
ENA to Smith (Sm) Antibody Immune System AU/mL
0.00 - 40.00 AU/mL
ENA-6 Reflexed Immune System N/A
Endolimax nana The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 org/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 org/g
Endolimax nana GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 10000.00 Units
Endolimax nana Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^5 org/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 org/g
Endolimax nana GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Endomysial Antibody IgA Celiac Comprehensive Panel Units
0.00 - 0.10 Units
Endomysial Antibody Scr (IgA) w/Refl to Titer Celiac Comprehensive Panel N/A
Endomysial Antibody Titer Celiac Comprehensive Panel N/A
<1:5 titer
1:5 H
Enniatin B MycoTOX Profile (Mold Exposure) ng/g creatinine
0.00 - 0.30 ng/g creatinine
Entamoeba coli GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Entamoeba coli The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 org/g
0.00 - 5.00 x10^5 org/g
Entamoeba coli GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 5000000.00 Units
Entamoeba coli Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^5 org/g
0.00 - 5.00 x10^5 org/g
Entamoeba hartmanni GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Entamoeba histolytica Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Entamoeba histolytica GI360 stool profile N/A
Entamoeba histolytica Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) N/A
Not Detected
Entamoeba histolytica Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^5 org/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 org/g
Entamoeba histolytica GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 9999.00 Units
Entamoeba histolytica 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Not Detected
Entamoeba histolytica The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 org/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 org/g
Entamoeba histolytica/Entamoeba dispar GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Entamoeba polecki GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) Stool Units
0.00 - 99.00 Units
Enterobacter cloacae 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
NG - No Growth
NP - Non-Pathogen
PP - Potential Pathogen
P - Pathogen
Enterobacter cloacae complex The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 5.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Enterobacter cloacae complex GI360 stool profile N/A
No Growth
Enterobacter complex Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 5.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Enterobacter ludwigii The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Non-Pathogen (< 4+)
Possible Pathogen (4+)
Enterobacter spp. GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
1000000.00 - 50000000.00 Units
Enterobacteriaceae Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Enterobacteriaceae GI360 stool profile N/A
Enterobius vermicularis GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Enterobius vermicularis 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Not Detected
Enterobius vermicularis, Pinworm The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Detected
Enterobius vermicularis, Pinworm Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Not Detected
Enterococcus faecalis Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Enterococcus faecalis GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 10000.00 Units
Enterococcus faecalis 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
NG - No Growth
NP - Non-Pathogen
PP - Potential Pathogen
P - Pathogen
Enterococcus faecalis The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Enterococcus faecalis Urinary Tract Infection Panel (RealTime Laboratories) N/A
Enterococcus faecium The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Enterococcus faecium Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Enterococcus faecium GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 10000.00 Units
Enterococcus faecium. The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Non-Pathogen (< 4+)
Possible Pathogen (4+)
Enterococcus species The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^3 CFU/g
1.90 - 2000.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Enterococcus species Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^3 CFU/g
1.90 - 2000.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Enterococcus species Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Enterococcus spp. GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
190000.00 - 200000000.00 Units
Enterococcus spp. Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) cfu/ml
10000000.00 - 100000000.00 cfu/ml
Enterocytozoon spp Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Not Detected
Enterocytozoon spp The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Detected
Enterohemorrhagic E. coli The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Enterohemorrhagic E. coli Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 999.00 Units
Enteroinvasive E. coli/Shigella GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 999.00 Units
Enteroinvasive E. coli/Shigella Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^3 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Enteroinvasive E. coli/Shigella The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^3 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Enteromonas hominis GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) Stool Units
0.00 - 99.00 Units
Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) It/st Stool Units
0.00 - 99.00 Units
Enterotoxigenic E. coli LT/ST The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Enterotoxigenic E. coli LT/ST Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 0.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Enterotoxigenic E. coli LT/ST GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 999.00 Units
Enterotoxigenic E.coli (ETEC) Lt/St Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 2000.00 Units
Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) lt/st GI360 stool profile N/A
Eosinófilos (Absoluto) Brazilian Biomarkers x10E6/µL
0.00 - 0.40 x10E6/µL
Eosinófilos (Percentual) Brazilian Biomarkers %
0.00 - 6.00 %
Eosinophil Activation Protein (EDN/EPX) GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions ug/g
0.00 - 2.34 ug/g
Eosinophil Cationic Protein (ECP) Immune System mcg/L
2.00 - 10.00 mcg/L
Eosinophil Protein X 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool mcg/g
0.00 - 4.60 mcg/g
Eosinophils "Eos" (Absolute) White Blood Cell Differential Test x10E3/uL
0.00 - 0.40 x10E3/uL
0.00 - 400.00 cells/mcL
Eosinophils "Eos" (Percent) White Blood Cell Differential Test %
0.00 - 6.00 %
Eosinophils, % Cell Count and Differential, Synovial Fluid %
0.00 - 2.00 %
EPA OmegaCheck % by wt
0.20 - 2.30 % by wt
EPA Fatty Acids Profile, Essential (Serum/Plasma) qg/mL
50.00 - 100.00 qg/mL
EPA (RBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) %
0.15 - 2.26 %
EPA+DPA+DHA OmegaCheck % by wt
5.40 - 50.00 % by wt
EPA/AA Ratio Fatty Acids Profile, Essential (Serum/Plasma) Ratio
0.17 - 1.00 Ratio
EPA/ARACHIDONIC ACID Ratio Quest Diagnostics Ratio
0.00 - 0.20 Ratio
EPA/DGLA Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) Ratio
0.00 - 0.60 Ratio
EPA/DGLA (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) Ratio
0.07 - 5.98 Ratio
Epi-Testosterone Androgens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
2.30 - 14.00 ng/mg
Epi-Testosterone Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
2.01 - 4.66 µg/g creatinine
EPI-Testosterone (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.00 - 40.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Epi-Testosterone (Male) ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) ug/g Cr
3.15 - 8.85 ug/g Cr
Epi-Testosterone (male) Androgens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
25.00 - 115.00 ng/mg
EPI-Testosterone (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.00 - 5.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
EPI-Testosterone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.00 - 15.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Epicoccum purpur Allergen Profile, Mold kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) Immune System pg/mL
3.00 - 109.00 pg/mL
Epinephrine Catecholamine blood test pg/mL
0.00 - 95.00 pg/mL
Epinephrine Neurotransmitters ug/g creat
4.70 - 20.80 ug/g creat
Epinephrine Catecholamines, Fractionated, Random Urine mcg/g Cr
0.00 - 20.00 mcg/g Cr
Epinephrine HPA (NeuroLab) ug/g Cr
10.00 - 15.00 ug/g Cr
Epinephrine Neuro Basic Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) µg/g
1.60 - 8.30 µg/g
Epinephrine (2nd Morning) Neurotransmitters (VibrantWellness) mcg/g
0.70 - 6.00 mcg/g
Epinephrine (pooled) ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
1.40 - 4.20 µg/g creatinine
Epstein Barr Virus (EBNA) AB (IGG) Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) index
0.00 - 0.90 index
Epstein Barr Virus EBNA IgG MFI Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) N/A
Epstein Barr Virus EBNA1 (IgG) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Epstein Barr Virus p18 (IgG) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Epstein Barr Virus VCA AB (IGG) Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) index
0.00 - 0.90 index
Epstein Barr Virus VCA AB (IGM) Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) index
0.00 - 0.90 index
Epstein Barr Virus VCA gp125 (IgG) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Epstein Barr Virus VCA IgG MFI Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) N/A
Epstein-Barr Virus GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 10000000.00 Units
EQ (E3 / (E1 + E2)) Ratio Hormone Report (Labrix, Doctor's Data) Ratio
1.00 - 10.00 Ratio
Equol OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 15.40 nmol/mg Creatinine
ermB Urinary Tract Infection Panel (RealTime Laboratories) N/A
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Immune System mm/hr
0.00 - 40.00 mm/hr
Erythrocytes (CSF) Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis cells/uL
0.00 - 0.00 cells/uL
Erythromycin The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Erythropoietin (EPO), Serum Blood Health mIU/ml
2.60 - 18.50 mIU/ml
Escherichia coli Urinalysis cfu/ml
0.00 - 99999.00 cfu/ml
Escherichia coli Stool Units
2.00 - 10.00 Units
Escherichia coli GI EcologiX (Invivo Healthcare) Units
4.50 - 12.00 Units
Escherichia coli Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) cfu/ml
10000000.00 - 100000000.00 cfu/ml
Escherichia coli 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
0.00 - 7500000.00 CFU/g stool
Escherichia coli Full GI Panel N/A
0 (No Presence)
1 (Low Presence)
2 (Moderate Presence)
3 (High Presence)
4 (Heavy Presence)
Escherichia coli BiomeFx %
0.00 - 0.14 %
Escherichia coli Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Escherichia coli Nissle VibrantAmerica (various) Relative Abundance
10.00 - 100.00 Relative Abundance
Escherichia coli O157 GI360 stool profile N/A
Escherichia species Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^4 CFU/g
3.70 - 3800.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Escherichia species The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^4 CFU/g
3.70 - 3800.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Escherichia spp. GI360 stool profile N/A
Escherichia spp. GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
3700000.00 - 3800000000.00 Units
Esterified/Free Ratio Immune System Ratio
0.13 - 0.42 Ratio
Estimated Average Glucose (eAG) Metabolic Health mg/dL
68.00 - 114.00 mg/dL
3.77 - 6.33 mmol/L
Estimated CHD Risk Lipid Panel times avg.
0.00 - 1.00 times avg.
Estradiol Endocrinology pmol/L
45.40 - 1461.00 pmol/L
12.37 - 397.98 pg/mL
Estradiol FU Female FMV Urine Comprehensive Hormone ng/mg CR
0.80 - 3.30 ng/mg CR
Estradiol Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
0.78 - 1.79 µg/g creatinine
ESTRADIOL NutriStat pmol/L
0.00 - 0.00 pmol/L
Estradiol (E2) Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
1.60 - 6.60 ug/g Creatinine
Estradiol (E2) Estrogens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
1.80 - 4.50 ng/mg
Estradiol (E2) One Day Hormone Check pmol/L
2.90 - 13.70 pmol/L
Estradiol (E2) Hormone Report (Labrix, Doctor's Data) pg/mL
0.60 - 4.50 pg/mL
Estradiol (E2) (24hr) Complete Hormones (24hr) mcg/g Creat.
0.60 - 11.20 mcg/g Creat.
Estradiol (E2) (male) DUTCH (male) ng/mg
0.50 - 2.20 ng/mg
Estradiol (E2) - Premenopause (luteal) Complete Hormones (24hr) mcg/g Creat.
0.60 - 11.20 mcg/g Creat.
Estradiol (E2) Postmenopausal Estrogens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
0.20 - 0.70 ng/mg
Estradiol (FMV urine, menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female mcg/g Creat.
0.60 - 15.40 mcg/g Creat.
Estradiol (male) Endocrinology pg/mL
7.60 - 42.60 pg/mL
27.90 - 156.40 pmol/L
Estradiol (male) ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) ug/g Cr
0.18 - 0.49 ug/g Cr
Estradiol (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.40 - 2.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Estradiol (portuguese) Brazilian Biomarkers pg/mL
30.00 - 400.00 pg/mL
Estradiol (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.20 - 1.50 ng/mg Creat/Day
Estradiol (Postmenopausal) ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
0.50 - 1.70 pg/mL
Estradiol (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
2.58 - 13.90 ng/mg Creat/Day
ESTRADIOL (Quest) Quest Diagnostics pg/mL
0.00 - 357.00 pg/mL
Estradiol - Saliva Endocrinology pg/mL
0.40 - 3.30 pg/mL
Estradiol [Premenopausal (Luteal)] ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
1.30 - 3.30 pg/mL
Estradiol, Ultrasensitive, LC/MS Endocrinology pg/mL
30.00 - 100.00 pg/mL
Estriol Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g
0.78 - 1.98 µg/g
Estriol FU Female FMV Urine Comprehensive Hormone ng/mg CR
0.00 - 0.00 ng/mg CR
Estriol (E3) Estrogens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
5.00 - 18.00 ng/mg
Estriol (E3) Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
5.40 - 23.20 ug/g Creatinine
Estriol (E3) One Day Hormone Check pmol/L
0.00 - 135.00 pmol/L
Estriol (E3) Hormone Report (Labrix, Doctor's Data) pg/mL
7.50 - 66.00 pg/mL
Estriol (E3) (24hr) Complete Hormones (24hr) mcg/g Creat.
0.60 - 19.90 mcg/g Creat.
Estriol (E3) (male) DUTCH (male) ng/mg
2.00 - 8.00 ng/mg
Estriol (E3) - Premenopause (luteal) Complete Hormones (24hr) mcg/g Creat.
0.60 - 19.90 mcg/g Creat.
Estriol (E3) Postmenopausal Estrogens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
0.60 - 4.00 ng/mg
Estriol (FMV urine, menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female mcg/g Creat.
0.70 - 30.80 mcg/g Creat.
Estriol (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
1.20 - 4.10 ng/mg Creat/Day
Estriol (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
1.00 - 5.40 ng/mg Creat/Day
Estriol (Postmeno or Premeno-Follicular or Synthetic HRT) ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
0.00 - 1.90 pg/mL
Estriol (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
8.57 - 17.80 ng/mg Creat/Day
Estriol (Premenopausal Luteal) ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
0.00 - 3.00 pg/mL
Estriol, Serum Endocrinology ng/mL
0.00 - 0.21 ng/mL
Estrogen Quotient Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) Ratio
1.00 - 10.00 Ratio
Estrogen recycling (Estrobolome) BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
2.60 - 21.05 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Estrogens, Total (female) Endocrinology pg/mL
50.00 - 170.00 pg/mL
Estrogens, Total (male) Endocrinology pg/mL
60.00 - 190.00 pg/mL
Estrone Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g
2.27 - 5.22 µg/g
Estrone FU Female FMV Urine Comprehensive Hormone ng/mg CR
1.70 - 8.50 ng/mg CR
Estrone (E1) One Day Hormone Check pmol/L
36.60 - 253.20 pmol/L
Estrone (E1) Hormone Report (Labrix, Doctor's Data) pg/mL
0.00 - 35.00 pg/mL
Estrone (E1) Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
4.10 - 21.60 ug/g Creatinine
Estrone (E1) Estrogens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
12.00 - 26.00 ng/mg
Estrone (E1) (24hr) Complete Hormones (24hr) mcg/g Creat.
2.00 - 26.20 mcg/g Creat.
Estrone (E1) (Male) Comprehensive 24-Hour Urine Steroid Hormone Profile Test ug/24hrs
3.00 - 12.00 ug/24hrs
Estrone (E1) - Premenopause (luteal) Complete Hormones (24hr) mcg/g Creat.
2.00 - 26.20 mcg/g Creat.
Estrone (E1) Postmenopausal Estrogens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
1.00 - 7.00 ng/mg
Estrone (FMV urine, menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female mcg/g Creat.
1.10 - 26.20 mcg/g Creat.
Estrone (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
1.80 - 5.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Estrone (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
1.50 - 4.40 ng/mg Creat/Day
Estrone (Postmeno Premeno-Follicular or Synthetic HRT) ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
0.90 - 3.10 pg/mL
Estrone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
9.41 - 34.73 ng/mg Creat/Day
Estrone (Premeno-luteal) ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
3.20 - 7.90 pg/mL
Estrone Sulfate Endocrinology ng/dL
10.00 - 373.00 ng/dL
Estrone(E1) (male) DUTCH (male) ng/mg
4.00 - 16.00 ng/mg
Estrone, Serum (Female) Endocrinology pg/mL
22.00 - 200.00 pg/mL
Estrone, Serum (Male) Endocrinology pg/mL
15.00 - 65.00 pg/mL
Ethanol, Blood LabCorp (various) g/dL
0.00 - 0.01 g/dL
Ethanolamine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
125.00 - 600.00 qmol/24 hours
Ethanolamine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
100.00 - 425.00 qM/g creatinine
Ethanolamine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
108.80 - 492.40 nmol/mg Creatinine
ETHANOLAMINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
24.00 - 75.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Ethanolamine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
0.19 - 0.78 Units
Ethanolamine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
40.00 - 226.00 micromol/g creatinine
Ethanolamine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
5.00 - 13.00 umol/L
Ethanolamine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
0.19 - 0.78 qmol/dL
Ethanolamine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
0.00 - 11.60 µmol/L
0.00 - 1.16 µmol/dL
Ethanolamine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
0.00 - 16.90 nmol/ML
Ethanolamine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
50.00 - 235.00 micromol/g creatinine
Ethanolamine, Plasma Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
0.00 - 50.00 umol/L
Ethinyl Estradiol ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
0.00 - 0.40 pg/mL
Ethylmalonate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 3.88 ug/mg creatinine
Ethylmalonate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 6.30 mcg/mg creatinine
Ethylmalonic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.44 - 2.80 mmol/mol creatinine
Ethylmalonic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 6.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Ethylmalonic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.13 - 2.70 mmol/mol creatinine
Ethylmalonic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.06 - 4.80 mmol/mol creatinine
Ethylmalonic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 2.83 ug/mgCR
Ethylmalonic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
9.90 - 65.60 nmol/mg Creatinine
Ethylmalonic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.47 - 2.74 mmol/mol
Ethylmalonic Acid NutriStat ug/mgCR
0.00 - 2.83 ug/mgCR
Ethylparaben Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 5.41 ug/g
Ethylparaben Environmental Toxins mcg/g
0.00 - 6.10 mcg/g
Etiocholanolone Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
330.00 - 960.00 µg/g creatinine
Etiocholanolone Androgens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
200.00 - 1000.00 ng/mg
Etiocholanolone Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
630.00 - 3006.00 ug/g Creatinine
Etiocholanolone (24hr urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) micromol/24 hr
1.20 - 6.10 micromol/24 hr
Etiocholanolone (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) nmol/dL (SG)
121.00 - 1209.00 nmol/dL (SG)
Etiocholanolone (FMV urine, menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female nmol/dL (SG)
82.00 - 765.00 nmol/dL (SG)
Etiocholanolone (male) Androgens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
400.00 - 1500.00 ng/mg
Etiocholanolone (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
490.00 - 2100.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Etiocholanolone (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
290.00 - 1700.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Etiocholanolone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
620.00 - 2440.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Eubacterium Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 1000.00 Units
Eubacterium biforme GI360 stool profile N/A
Eubacterium hallii GI360 stool profile N/A
Eubacterium rectale Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Eubacterium rectale GI360 stool profile N/A
Eubacterium rectale BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
0.46 - 4.20 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Eubacterium rectale GI EcologiX (Invivo Healthcare) Units
7.70 - 14.80 Units
Eubacterium siraeum GI360 stool profile N/A
Euryarchaeota Phylum Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) %
0.00 - 0.02 %
Euryarchaeota Phylum 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Euryarchaeota Phylum The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) %
0.00 - 0.02 %
Evening Cortisol HPA (NeuroLab) nm
1.00 - 2.40 nm
F004-IgE Wheat Immune System kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
F078-IgE Casein LabCorp (various) N/A
Class 0 (Negative)
Class 0/I (Equivocal/Low)
Class I (Low)
Class II (Moderate)
Class III (High)
Class IV (Very High)
Class V (Very High)
Class VI (Very High)
F078-IgG Casein LabCorp (various) ug/ml
0.00 - 1.90 ug/ml
F079-IgE Gluten LabCorp (various) N/A
Class 0 (Negative)
Class 0/I (Equivocal/Low)
Class I (Low)
Class II (Moderate)
Class III (High)
Class IV (Very High)
Class V (Very High)
Class VI (Very High)
F079-IgG Gluten LabCorp (various) ug/ml
0.00 - 1.90 ug/ml
F2-Isoprostane Blood Health ng/mg
0.00 - 0.86 ng/mg
F2-Isoprostane/Creatinine LabCorp (various) ng/mg
0.00 - 0.86 ng/mg
Factor IX Activity Blood Health %
60.00 - 177.00 %
Factor V Leiden Mutation Blood Health N/A
Normal / Not detected
Abnormal / Detected
Factor VII Activity Blood Health %
51.00 - 186.00 %
Factor VIII Activity Blood Health %
56.00 - 140.00 %
Factor X Activity Blood Health %
76.00 - 183.00 %
Factor XI Activity Blood Health %
60.00 - 150.00 %
Faecalibacterium VibrantAmerica (various) Relative Abundance
10.00 - 100.00 Relative Abundance
Faecalibacterium prausnitzii The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^6 CFU/g
200.00 - 3500.00 x10^6 CFU/g
Faecalibacterium prausnitzii BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
1.29 - 4.79 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Faecalibacterium prausnitzii Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^6 CFU/g
200.00 - 3500.00 x10^6 CFU/g
Faecalibacterium prausnitzii Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Faecalibacterium prausnitzii GI360 stool profile N/A
Faecalibacterium prausnitzii GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
1000.00 - 500000000.00 Units
Faecalibacterium prausnitzii 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
1100000.00 - 1100000000.00 CFU/g stool
Farinins IgG VibrantAmerica (various) Units
0.00 - 0.90 Units
Fasciola hepatica/Fasciolopsis buski GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Fasciola/Fasciolopsis Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) N/A
Not Detected
Fast Lifestyle Dashboard hrs
13.00 - 16.00 hrs
Fasting Specimen Glucose Tolerance Test mg/dL
65.00 - 99.00 mg/dL
Fat Stain GI360 stool profile N/A
Fator Reumatoide (FR) Brazilian Biomarkers IU/ml
0.00 - 14.00 IU/ml
Fats, Neutral LabCorp (various) Droplets/HPF
0.00 - 60.00 Droplets/HPF
Fats, Total LabCorp (various) Droplets/HPF
0.00 - 100.00 Droplets/HPF
Fava Bean, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Fe/Cu Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Ratio
0.20 - 1.60 Ratio
Fe/Hg Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Ratio
10.00 - 40.00 Ratio
Fe/Pb Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Ratio
4.40 - 20.00 Ratio
Fecal Anti Gliadin Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness U/L
0.00 - 148.00 U/L
Fecal Color 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Light Brown
Not Given
Fecal Consistency 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Not Given
Fecal Eosinophil Protein X Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness mcg/g
0.00 - 4.80 mcg/g
Fecal Fat, Total 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool mg/g
3.20 - 38.60 mg/g
Fecal Lactoferrin 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Fecal lactoferrin Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness mcg/mL
0.00 - 6.40 mcg/mL
Fecal Occult Blood Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness mcg/g
0.00 - 10.00 mcg/g
Fecal Occult Blood 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Fecal Occult Blood (Negative, Positive) 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Fecal pH Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness pH
6.10 - 7.80 pH
Fecal secretory IgA 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool mcg/g
0.00 - 680.00 mcg/g
Fecal Zonulin Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness ng/mL
25.10 - 160.80 ng/mL
Ferritin NutriStat ug/L
30.00 - 400.00 ug/L
Ferritin Blood Health µg/dL
30.00 - 400.00 µg/dL
5.37 - 71.60 µmol/L
30.00 - 400.00 ng/mL
30.00 - 400.00 ug/L
Ferritin (female range) Blood Health ng/mL
15.00 - 150.00 ng/mL
15.00 - 150.00 ug/L
Ferritina Brazilian Biomarkers ug/dL
30.00 - 400.00 ug/dL
FIB 4 Index Liver Health Units
0.00 - 1.30 Units
FIB-4 Index Liver Health index
0.00 - 2.67 index
Fibrillarin Systemic Sclerosis SI
0.00 - 11.00 SI
Fibrinogen Lipid Panel mg/dL
0.00 - 370.00 mg/dL
0.00 - 3.70 g/L
2.00 - 4.50 g/L
Fibrinogen Activity Blood Health mg/dL
193.00 - 507.00 mg/dL
1.93 - 5.07 g/L
Fibrinogen Antigen Blood Health mg/dL
149.00 - 353.00 mg/dL
Fibrosis-4 (FIB-4) Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained Score
0.00 - 1.33 Score
Fibulin Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.40 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Fig Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.20 ELISA Index
Finasteride ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
0.00 - 5.00 pg/mL
Firmicutes GI360 stool profile N/A
Firmicutes GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
57000000000.00 - 300000000000.00 Units
Firmicutes Phylum 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Firmicutes Phylum Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) %
3.50 - 40.00 %
Firmicutes Phylum The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) %
3.50 - 40.00 %
Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes (F/B Ratio) 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool Ratio
12.00 - 620.00 Ratio
Firmicutes:Bacteroidetes Ratio GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Ratio
0.00 - 1.00 Ratio
Firmicutes:Bacteroidetes Ratio The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) Ratio
0.00 - 1.00 Ratio
Firmicutes:Bacteroidetes Ratio BiomeFx Ratio
0.68 - 2.91 Ratio
Flavivirus IgG EIA Infectious Disease Profile N/A
Flavivirus IgM Zika Virus Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Flax Seed Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Flu (Influenza) Vaccination Tracker N/A
Not Vaccinated
Fluoroquinolones GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions N/A
Fluoroquinolones Stool Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Folate Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
38.00 - 100.00 %
Folate (RBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) ng/mL
95.50 - 1000.00 ng/mL
Folate (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) ng/mL
4.60 - 100.00 ng/mL
Folate, Hemolysate LabCorp (various) ng/mL
0.00 - 1000.00 ng/mL
Folate, RBC LabCorp (various) ng/mL
498.00 - 2000.00 ng/mL
Folinic Acid Folate Metabolism Profile (NutriPATH) nmol/L
9.00 - 35.50 nmol/L
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Gonadotropins IU/L
1.50 - 12.40 IU/L
Food Coloring Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.50 - 1.10 ELISA Index
Food Ranking Lifestyle Dashboard scale
7.00 - 10.00 scale
Formaldehyde and Glutaraldehyde IgG+IgA Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.60 - 2.40 ELISA Index
Formaldehyde and Glutaraldehyde IgM Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.40 - 2.70 ELISA Index
Formiminoglutamate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 2.20 mcg/mg creatinine
Formiminoglutamate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.50 mmol/mol creatinine
Formiminoglutamic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 2.70 nmol/mg Creatinine
Formiminoglutamic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 5.10 ug/mgCR
Formiminoglutamic Acid (FIGlu) Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.50 mmol/mol creatinine
Formiminoglutamic Acid (FIGlu) Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.50 mmol/mol creatinine
Free Androgen Index Metabolic Health u
0.00 - 6.60 u
Free Carnitine (C0) Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
19.00 - 48.00 umol/L
Free Cortisol (1st Morning) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
7.80 - 29.50 µg/g creatinine
Free Cortisol (2nd Morning) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
23.40 - 68.90 µg/g creatinine
Free Cortisol (Evening) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
6.00 - 19.20 µg/g creatinine
Free Cortisol (Night) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
2.60 - 8.40 µg/g creatinine
Free Cortisol, Serum Endocrinology ug/dL
0.20 - 1.80 ug/dL
Free Cortisone (1st Morning) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
31.60 - 91.60 µg/g creatinine
Free Cortisone (2nd Morning) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
63.30 - 175.80 µg/g creatinine
Free Cortisone (Evening) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
30.60 - 88.50 µg/g creatinine
Free Cortisone (Night) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
15.50 - 44.70 µg/g creatinine
Free DHEA FU Female FMV Urine Comprehensive Hormone ng/mg CR
6.10 - 17.30 ng/mg CR
Free DHEA MALE: First AM Comp - Urine Profile + Metabolites (Physicians Lab) ng/mg CR
9.60 - 30.20 ng/mg CR
Free Estradiol, Percent Endocrinology %
1.60 - 3.60 %
Free Estradiol, Serum Endocrinology pg/mL
0.60 - 7.10 pg/mL
Free insulin Metabolic Health uU/mL
0.00 - 17.00 uU/mL
Free Kappa Lt Chains, Serum Immune System mg/L
3.30 - 19.40 mg/L
Free Lambda Lt Chains, Serum Immune System mg/L
5.71 - 26.30 mg/L
FREE T3 NutriStat pmol/L
3.10 - 6.80 pmol/L
Free T3 Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ng/g creatinine
266.00 - 938.00 ng/g creatinine
Free T3 Blood Spot Thyroids pg/mL
2.40 - 4.20 pg/mL
Free T4 Blood Spot Thyroids ng/dL
0.70 - 2.50 ng/dL
Free T4 NutriStat pmol/L
12.00 - 22.00 pmol/L
Free T4 Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ng/g creatinine
341.00 - 1524.00 ng/g creatinine
Free testosterone Metabolic Health pg/mL
35.00 - 155.00 pg/mL
3.50 - 15.50 ng/dL
10.09 - 44.67 pmol/L
Free Testosterone (female) Metabolic Health pg/dL
0.70 - 2.00 pg/dL
Free Testosterone (Male) in pmol/L Metabolic Health pmol/L
200.00 - 600.00 pmol/L
Free Testosterone (Male/Serum) in ng/ml Metabolic Health ng/mL
0.06 - 0.18 ng/mL
Free Testosterone - Saliva Endocrinology pg/mL
48.00 - 185.00 pg/mL
Free Testosterone, Direct (Female) Metabolic Health pg/mL
0.00 - 4.20 pg/mL
Free Testosterone, Direct (Male) Metabolic Health pg/mL
8.70 - 25.10 pg/mL
Free Testosterone, Percent (Female) Metabolic Health %
1.60 - 2.90 %
Free Thyroxine Thyroid Panel ng/dL
0.60 - 1.20 ng/dL
7.72 - 15.45 pmol/L
Free Thyroxine Index Thyroid Panel Units
1.20 - 4.90 Units
Fructosamine Metabolic Health umol/L
0.00 - 285.00 umol/L
Fructose OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.10 - 9.20 nmol/mg Creatinine
Fructose Sensitivity Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
34.00 - 100.00 %
FSH (Hormônio Folículo-Estimulante) Brazilian Biomarkers IU/L
1.50 - 12.40 IU/L
FT3 : Reverse T3 Ratio ( X 100) NutriStat Ratio
1.20 - 2.20 Ratio
Fumarate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 1.35 mcg/mg creatinine
Fumarate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 1.13 ug/mg creatinine
Fumaric Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.94 mmol/mol creatinine
Fumaric Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Fumaric (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.49 mmol/mol creatinine
Fumaric (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.80 mmol/mol creatinine
Fumaric Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.18 - 2.07 ug/mgCR
Fumaric Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 16.10 nmol/mg Creatinine
Fumaric acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 0.91 mmol/mol
Fumonisin B1 - IgE Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Fumonisin B1 - IgG Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Fumonisins B1 Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) ng/g
0.00 - 4.60 ng/g
Fumonisins B2 Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) ng/g
0.00 - 5.40 ng/g
Fumonisins B3 Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) ng/g
0.00 - 8.10 ng/g
Fungitell® (1-3)-ß-D-Glucan Assay Quest Diagnostics pg/mL
0.00 - 60.00 pg/mL
Furan-2,5-dicarboxylic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 16.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Furan-2,5-dicarboxylic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 13.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Furan-2,5-dicarboxylic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 18.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Furan-2,5-dicarboxylic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 16.70 mmol/mol
Furancarbonylglycine Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 1.82 mmol/mol
Furancarbonylglycine Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.90 mmol/mol creatinine
Furancarbonylglycine (Females Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 3.60 mmol/mol creatinine
Furancarbonylglycine (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.30 mmol/mol creatinine
Furancarbonylglycine (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 3.10 mmol/mol creatinine
Fusarium proliferatum Allergen Profile, Mold kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
Fusobacteria Phylum 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Fusobacterium Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Fusobacterium species Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 10.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Fusobacterium species The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 10.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Fusobacterium spp. GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 100000000.00 Units
Fusobacterium spp. 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
0.00 - 180000.00 CFU/g stool
G- Aminobutyr. acid /g Krea. Urinary Amino Acids (Synlab) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.00 mmol/mol creatinine
G-6-PD, Quant LabCorp (various) U/10E12 RBC
127.00 - 427.00 U/10E12 RBC
G-6-PD, RBC Quest Diagnostics U/g Hgb
7.00 - 20.50 U/g Hgb
g-Aminobutyric Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 9.50 nmol/mg Creatinine
g-Aminobutyric Acid NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
0.00 - 0.06 Units
g-Aminobutyric Acid Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
0.00 - 3.00 micromol/g creatinine
g-aminobutyric acid (GABA) 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
0.00 - 0.06 qmol/dL
g-Aminobutyric Acid (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
0.00 - 2.90 µmol/L
0.00 - 0.29 µmol/dL
g-Aminobutyric Acid (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
0.00 - 1.50 nmol/ML
g-Aminobutyric Acid (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
0.00 - 5.00 micromol/g creatinine
g-Linolenic Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) wt %
0.03 - 0.13 wt %
g-Linolenic (GLA) 18:3 n6 Metabolimix+ wt %
0.15 - 0.54 wt %
G6PD LabCorp (various) U/g Hb
4.80 - 15.70 U/g Hb
GABA ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
193.00 - 367.00 µg/g creatinine
GABA Male Comprehensive Metabolic Performance Profile (Urine) Physicians Lab ng/mg CR
0.00 - 264.50 ng/mg CR
GABA HPA (NeuroLab) ug/g Cr
600.00 - 1100.00 ug/g Cr
GABA Organic Acids mcg/g
250.20 - 599.20 mcg/g
GABA NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
0.30 - 0.90 umol/L
GABA production BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
0.00 - 3.58 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Gadolinium Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 0.01 ug/g
Gadolinium Toxic Metals; stool mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.03 mg/kg Dry Wt
Gadolinium Toxic Metals (Urine) µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 0.80 µg/g creatinine
Gadolinium Heavy Metals ug/g
0.00 - 0.39 ug/g
Gadolinium Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 0.17 ug/g
Gadolinium Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
0.00 - 0.02 ug/g creat
Gadolinium Toxic Metals (Stool) mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.03 mg/kg Dry Wt
Gadolinium, Urine Heavy Metal Basic Panel (5520) (Access Medical Labs) ug/g
0.00 - 0.90 ug/g
Galectin-3 LabCorp (various) ng/mL
0.00 - 22.20 ng/mL
Gallbladder polyp size Gallbladder mm
0.00 - 10.00 mm
Galleri test result Galleri test N/A
No Cancer Signal Detected
Cancer Signal Detected
Gallium Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
0.00 - 0.03 ug/g creat
GAMMA AMINO BUTYRIC ACID Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Gamma Aminobutyric Acid Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
0.00 - 3.00 umol/L
Gamma Gliadin IgG VibrantAmerica (various) Units
0.00 - 0.90 Units
Gamma Globulin, Serum Liver Health g/dL
0.40 - 1.80 g/dL
4.00 - 18.00 g/L
Gamma Globulin, Urine Urinalysis %
0.00 - 0.00 %
Gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) Cytokine assay panel for immune profile pg/mL
0.00 - 8.41 pg/mL
Gamma Linolenic (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
5.00 - 46.00 µmol/L
gamma Linolenic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile %
0.05 - 0.72 %
Gamma-aminobutyrate Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
0.00 - 7.00 qmol/24 hours
Gamma-aminobutyrate Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
0.00 - 7.00 qM/g creatinine
Gamma-aminobutyrate Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
0.00 - 0.60 umol/L
Gamma-aminobutyrate Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
0.50 - 13.10 umol/g Cr
Gamma-aminobutyrate (GABA) Neuro Basic Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) qmol/g
2.00 - 5.60 qmol/g
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) Neurotransmitters uMol/gCr
2.40 - 12.70 uMol/gCr
Gamma-Gliadin-15-mer IgA Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Gamma-Gliadin-15-mer IgA+IgM Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.10 ELISA Index
Gamma-Gliadin-15-mer IgG Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.20 ELISA Index
Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) Liver Health U/L
0.00 - 65.00 U/L
0.00 - 65.00 IU/L
gamma-Tocopherol 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 mg/L
0.70 - 4.90 mg/L
gamma-Tocopherol (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) mg/L
0.06 - 2.99 mg/L
Ganglioside Antibodies - GM1 (IgG) Immune System N/A
Not Detected
Ganglioside Antibodies - GM1 (IgM) Immune System N/A
Not Detected
Ganglioside Antibodies - GQ1b (IgG) Immune System N/A
Not Detected
Garbanzo Bean, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Gardenerella vaginalis Sexually transmitted disease N/A
Garlic Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.20 ELISA Index
Garlic The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
100% Inhibition
80% Inhibition
60% Inhibition
40% Inhibition
20% Inhibition
0% Inhibition
Garlic, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.90 ELISA Index
gASCA IBD Expanded Panel (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) Units
0.00 - 45.00 Units
Gastrin Immune System pg/mL
0.00 - 100.00 pg/mL
Gelatin Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Gentamicin The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Tested
GenX/HPFO-DA Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 6.69 ug/g
Geotrichum candidum Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) cfu/ml
0.00 - 1000.00 cfu/ml
Geotrichum species Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^2 CFU/g
0.00 - 3.00 x10^2 CFU/g
Geotrichum species The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^2 CFU/g
0.00 - 3.00 x10^2 CFU/g
Geotrichum spp. GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 300.00 Units
Germanium Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.03 - 0.04 µg/g
Germanium Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 0.04 ug/g
Germanium Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Germanium, Urine Heavy Metal Basic Panel (5520) (Access Medical Labs) ug/g
0.00 - 2.00 ug/g
GGT NutriStat units/L
5.00 - 50.00 units/L
GGT (Gama Glutamil Transferase) Brazilian Biomarkers U/L
0.00 - 65.00 U/L
Ghrelin (Total) Metabolic Health pg/mL
520.00 - 700.00 pg/mL
Giardia GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 5000.00 Units
Giardia 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Not Detected
Giardia duodenalis GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Giardia duodenalis (AKA intestinalis & lamblia) GI360 stool profile N/A
Giardia intestinalis The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 org/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 org/g
Giardia intestinalis Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^5 org/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 org/g
Giardia lamblia Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) N/A
Not Detected
Giardia lamblia Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.60 ELISA Index
Ginger Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.50 ELISA Index
Ginger, IgG4 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Gliadin Toxic Peptides IgA Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Gliadin Toxic Peptides IgG Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Gliadin-Transglutaminase Complex IgA Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.60 ELISA Index
Gliadin-Transglutaminase Complex IgG Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Glicose (jejum) Brazilian Biomarkers mg/dL
65.00 - 99.00 mg/dL
Gliotoxin MycoTOX Profile (Mold Exposure) ng/g creatinine
0.00 - 200.00 ng/g creatinine
Gliotoxin Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) ng/g
0.00 - 155.90 ng/g
Gliotoxin (GTX) MycoTOX Profile (Mold Exposure) ng/g creatinine
0.00 - 200.00 ng/g creatinine
Gliotoxin Derivative Mycotoxin Panel (RealTime Laboratories) ppb
0.00 - 0.50 ppb
GLOBULIN NutriStat g/L
26.00 - 39.00 g/L
Globulin, Serum (aka Globulin, Total) Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained g/dL
1.50 - 4.50 g/dL
15.00 - 45.00 g/L
Globulins IgG VibrantAmerica (various) Units
0.00 - 0.90 Units
Glucagon Endocrinology pg/mL
11.00 - 78.00 pg/mL
Glucarate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 10.70 mcg/mg creatinine
Glucaric Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 31.50 nmol/mg Creatinine
Glucaric Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 15.18 ug/mgCR
Glucose OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions mg/dL
0.00 - 15.20 mg/dL
GLUCOSE Urinalysis, complete N/A
Glucose Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained mg/dL
65.00 - 99.00 mg/dL
3.61 - 5.49 mmol/L
GLUCOSE (FASTING) NutriStat mmol/L
3.00 - 5.40 mmol/L
Glucose (OA) NutriStat Basic Profile mmol/L
0.10 - 1.10 mmol/L
Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD), Quantitative Blood Health Units
3.80 - 14.20 Units
Glucose Non-Fasting Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained mg/dL
65.00 - 125.00 mg/dL
Glucose Qualitative, Urine Urinalysis mg/dL
0.00 - 15.00 mg/dL
7.00 - 20.50 U/g Hgb
Glucose-Insulin Interaction Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
38.00 - 100.00 %
Glutaconic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Glutamate HPA (NeuroLab) mg/g Cr
5.00 - 10.00 mg/g Cr
Glutamate Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
5.00 - 92.40 umol/g Cr
Glutamate Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
10.00 - 60.00 qM/g creatinine
Glutamate Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
18.10 - 155.90 umol/L
Glutamate Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
10.00 - 65.00 qmol/24 hours
Glutamate ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
1515.00 - 2710.00 µg/g creatinine
Glutamate Neuro Basic Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) qmol/g
12.00 - 45.00 qmol/g
Glutamate Neurotransmitters uMol/gCr
6.90 - 71.80 uMol/gCr
Glutamate/Glutamine NutriStat Basic Profile Ratio
0.10 - 0.38 Ratio
Glutamic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
63.90 - 237.00 umol/L
Glutamic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
7.20 - 129.20 nmol/mg Creatinine
GLUTAMIC ACID Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 4.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Glutamic Acid NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
2.00 - 14.50 Units
Glutamic Acid 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
2.00 - 14.50 qmol/dL
Glutamic Acid Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
2.00 - 16.00 micromol/g creatinine
Glutamic Acid Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
10.00 - 97.00 umol/L
Glutamic Acid (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
38.30 - 251.20 nmol/ML
Glutamic Acid (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
24.00 - 214.00 µmol/L
2.40 - 21.40 µmol/dL
Glutamic Acid (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
4.00 - 27.00 micromol/g creatinine
Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Metabolic Health nmol/L
0.00 - 0.50 nmol/L
Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 65 (GAD 65) Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.40 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 65 AB Quest Diagnostics IU/ml
0.00 - 5.00 IU/ml
Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Autoantibody Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen U/mL
0.00 - 5.00 U/mL
Glutamic Acid/Glutamine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 Ratio
0.00 - 0.31 Ratio
Glutamic Acid/Glutamine Amino Acids 40 Profile Ratio
0.06 - 0.23 Ratio
Glutamine ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
37.00 - 71.00 µg/g creatinine
Glutamine Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
37.00 - 100.00 %
Glutamine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
190.00 - 725.00 qmol/24 hours
Glutamine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
289.00 - 615.00 umol/L
Glutamine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
85.00 - 518.00 micromol/g creatinine
Glutamine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
428.00 - 747.00 umol/L
Glutamine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
5.00 - 1756.20 umol/g Cr
Glutamine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
41.00 - 111.00 qmol/dL
Glutamine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
155.00 - 650.00 qM/g creatinine
Glutamine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
372.80 - 701.40 umol/L
Glutamine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
11.80 - 538.40 nmol/mg Creatinine
GLUTAMINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
24.00 - 211.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Glutamine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
41.00 - 111.00 Units
Glutamine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
352.40 - 1017.10 nmol/ML
Glutamine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
372.00 - 876.00 µmol/L
37.20 - 87.60 µmol/dL
Glutamine (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) nmol/ML
393.50 - 699.30 nmol/ML
Glutamine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
110.00 - 632.00 micromol/g creatinine
Glutamine (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) ng/MM WBC
1.40 - 7.00 ng/MM WBC
Glutamine / Glutamate Ratio OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions Ratio
0.10 - 30.50 Ratio
Glutamine / Glutamate Ratio (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
2.10 - 21.70 nmol/ML
Glutamine/Glutamate Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] Ratio
3.00 - 120.00 Ratio
Glutarate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.51 mmol/mol creatinine
Glutaric Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Glutaric Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.04 - 0.36 mmol/mol creatinine
Glutaric (Females Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.10 mmol/mol creatinine
Glutaric (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.43 mmol/mol creatinine
Glutaric (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.40 mmol/mol creatinine
Glutaric Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.51 mmol/mol creatinine
Glutaric Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.51 mmol/mol creatinine
Glutaric Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 8.50 nmol/mg Creatinine
Glutaric Acid (Vit B2) NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.30 - 1.20 ug/mgCR
Glutaric Acid (Vit B2) NutriStat ug/mgCR
0.30 - 1.20 ug/mgCR
Glutaric acid (Vitamin B2) Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.03 - 0.38 mmol/mol
Glutarylcarnitine, C5DC (C5-Dicarboxylic) Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.10 umol/L
Glutathione 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 umol/L
669.00 - 5000.00 umol/L
Glutathione Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
42.00 - 100.00 %
Glutathione Methylation Panel micromol/L
669.00 - 5000.00 micromol/L
Glutathione (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) pg/MM WBC
98.70 - 1163.00 pg/MM WBC
Glutathione (whole blood) Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) micromol/L
669.00 - 5000.00 micromol/L
Glutathione production BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
15.81 - 34.81 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Glutathione; Erythrocytes Blood Health umole/L
1100.00 - 5000.00 umole/L
Gluten (f79) IgE ImmunoCAP Specific IgE Blood Test (Allergy Testing by Quest Diagnostics) N/A
0 (<0.10 kU/L)
0/1 (0.10-0.34 kU/L)
1 (0.35-0.69 kU/L)
2 (0.70-3.49 kU/L)
3 (3.50-17.4 kU/L)
4 (17.5-49.9 kU/L)
5 (50-100 kU/L)
6 (>100 kU/L)
Gluten (F79) IgG Quest Diagnostics mcg/mL
0.00 - 2.00 mcg/mL
Gluten Peptide GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions ng/g
0.00 - 5.00 ng/g
Gluten, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Glutenin-21-mer IgA Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.10 ELISA Index
Glutenin-21-mer IgA+IgM Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.60 ELISA Index
Glutenin-21-mer IgG Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Gluteomorphin IgA+IgM Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.50 ELISA Index
Gluteomorphin IgG VibrantAmerica (various) Units
0.00 - 0.90 Units
Gluteomorphin+Prodynorphin IgA Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 2.40 ELISA Index
Gluteomorphin+Prodynorphin IgG Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.20 ELISA Index
GLYB (IgG) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
GLYB (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
GlycA Immune System umol/L
0.00 - 400.00 umol/L
Glycated Hb (HbA1c) Metabolic Health mmol/mol
20.00 - 41.00 mmol/mol
Glycated Serum Protein (GSP) Metabolic Health umol/L
0.00 - 200.00 umol/L
Glycerate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
3.50 - 16.40 mmol/mol creatinine
Glyceric Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.77 - 7.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Glyceric (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.21 - 4.90 mmol/mol creatinine
Glyceric (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.74 - 13.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Glyceric Acid Genova Diagnostics (various) mmol/mol creatinine
3.50 - 16.40 mmol/mol creatinine
Glyceric Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
3.50 - 16.40 mmol/mol creatinine
Glyceric Acid Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 21.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Glyceric acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.74 - 7.40 mmol/mol
Glyceric Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.20 - 0.90 ug/mgCR
Glycine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
380.00 - 3500.00 qmol/24 hours
Glycine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
207.00 - 617.00 umol/L
Glycine ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) mcg/g Creat.
61.00 - 159.00 mcg/g Creat.
Glycine Neuro Basic Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) qmol/g
450.00 - 2200.00 qmol/g
Glycine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
5.00 - 23.00 qmol/dL
Glycine NutriStat umol/L
207.00 - 617.00 umol/L
Glycine Methylation Panel micromol/L
181.00 - 440.00 micromol/L
Glycine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
340.00 - 3500.00 qM/g creatinine
Glycine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
144.00 - 411.00 umol/L
Glycine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
231.30 - 3103.30 nmol/mg Creatinine
GLYCINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 383.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Glycine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
5.00 - 23.00 Units
Glycine Neurotransmitters uMol/gCr
182.00 - 2225.00 uMol/gCr
Glycine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
47.00 - 435.00 micromol/g creatinine
Glycine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
122.00 - 322.00 umol/L
Glycine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
277.30 - 7996.90 umol/g Cr
Glycine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
155.00 - 518.00 µmol/L
15.50 - 51.80 µmol/dL
Glycine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
154.20 - 582.70 nmol/ML
Glycine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
95.00 - 683.00 micromol/g creatinine
Glycolate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 67.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Glycolic Genova Diagnostics (various) Units
0.00 - 67.00 Units
Glycolic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
16.00 - 117.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Glycolic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
18.00 - 81.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Glycolic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
27.00 - 221.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Glycolic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 67.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Glycolic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
13.50 - 85.90 ug/mgCR
Glycolic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol
Glycomark (1 ,5-Anhydroglucitol) Lipid Panel ug/ml
6.80 - 29.00 ug/ml
Glycylproline OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 18.90 nmol/mg Creatinine
Glycylproline (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
0.00 - 2.60 nmol/ML
Glyphosate Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) mcg/g
0.00 - 0.75 mcg/g
Glyphosate Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile ug/g creat
0.00 - 0.38 ug/g creat
Glyphosate Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 1.65 ug/g
GM-CSF Cytokine Response Profile (CytoDx), Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 3.00 Units
Goat's Milk Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Goat's Milk, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Gogiberry, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Gold Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 0.30 ug/g
Golden seal The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
100% Inhibition
80% Inhibition
60% Inhibition
40% Inhibition
20% Inhibition
0% Inhibition
Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Endocrinology pg/mL
0.00 - 25.00 pg/mL
Gondoic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile %
0.10 - 0.77 %
Gonorrhea, NAAT, Urine Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) panel N/A
GRAN# (Absolute Granulocyte Count) White Blood Cell Differential Test x10E3/µL
1.50 - 6.50 x10E3/µL
Gran% (Granulocyte Percentage) White Blood Cell Differential Test %
39.00 - 78.00 %
Granulocyte and Monocyte CSF (GM-CSF) Cytokine assay panel for immune profile pg/mL
0.00 - 12.22 pg/mL
Grape, red + green Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.00 ELISA Index
Grapefruit Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 1.20 ELISA Index
Grapeseed Oil LRA (Lymphocyte Response Assay) N/A
Strong reaction
Moderate reaction
No reaction
Green Bean, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Green Bean, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Green Pea, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Green Tea, brewed Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Growth Hormone Endocrinology ng/mL
0.00 - 6.00 ng/mL
GSG Index OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions index
0.00 - 0.08 index
GSTM1 DetoxiGenomic Profile and a la carte SNPs N/A
Gum Guar Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.40 ELISA Index
Gum Tragacanth Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.40 ELISA Index
Gum, Xanthan LRA (Lymphocyte Response Assay) N/A
Strong reaction
Moderate reaction
No reaction
Gut Microbiome Index (GMI) BiomeFx index
30.00 - 40.00 index
Gycine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
0.00 - 0.00 umol/L
gyrA D91G GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions N/A
gyrA D91N GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions N/A
gyrA N87K GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions N/A
gyrB R484K GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions N/A
gyrB S479N GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions N/A
H. pylori Breath Test H pylori, IgM, IgG, IgA Ab Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
H. PYLORI, Antigen H pylori, IgM, IgG, IgA Ab N/A
H. pylori, IgA Abs H pylori, IgM, IgG, IgA Ab Units
0.00 - 9.00 Units
H. pylori, IgG Abs H pylori, IgM, IgG, IgA Ab U/mL
0.00 - 0.80 U/mL
H. pylori, IgM Abs H pylori, IgM, IgG, IgA Ab Units
0.00 - 9.00 Units
H.pylori Virulence Factor, babA The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Detected
H.pylori Virulence Factor, babA Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Not Detected
H.pylori Virulence Factor, cagA Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Not Detected
H.pylori Virulence Factor, cagA The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Detected
H.pylori Virulence Factor, dupA The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Detected
H.pylori Virulence Factor, dupA Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Not Detected
H.pylori Virulence Factor, iceA Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Not Detected
H.pylori Virulence Factor, iceA The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Detected
H.pylori Virulence Factor, oipA The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Detected
H.pylori Virulence Factor, oipA Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Not Detected
H.pylori Virulence Factor, vacA Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Not Detected
H.pylori Virulence Factor, vacA The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Detected
H.pylori Virulence Factor, virB The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Detected
H.pylori Virulence Factor, virB Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Not Detected
H.pylori Virulence Factor, virD Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Not Detected
H.pylori Virulence Factor, virD The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Detected
H2 Breath test (Trio-Smart) ppm
0.00 - 29.46 ppm
H2S Breath test (Trio-Smart) ppm
0.00 - 3.00 ppm
Haemoglobin (g/L) Complete Blood Count Results: How to Interpret a CBC – A Comprehensive Guide g/L
138.00 - 151.00 g/L
Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Antibody (IgG) Immune System N/A
Protective Antibody Level
Indeterminate for protective antibody
Nonprotective Antibody Level
Hafnia alvei GI EcologiX (Invivo Healthcare) Units
0.80 - 9.00 Units
Halibut, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.60 ELISA Index
Halibut, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Haptoglobin Blood Health mg/dL
33.00 - 346.00 mg/dL
0.33 - 3.46 g/L
Hazelnut (F17) IgE Tree Nut Allergen Panel kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
Hazelnut, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Hazelnut, raw + roasted Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.70 ELISA Index
HBsAg Screen Infectious Disease Profile N/A
HCO3-, Arterial Arterial Blood Gas Analysis (ABG) mmol/L
19.00 - 25.00 mmol/L
Hct Arterial Blood Gas Analysis (ABG) %
0.00 - 0.00 %
HCV Antibody RFX to Quant PCR Infectious Disease Profile N/A
Non Reactive
HCV RNA, Quantitative Real Time PCR Infectious Disease Profile N/A
<15 IU/mL mL (<1.18 log IU/mL)
15 to 100,000,000 IU/mL (1.18-8.00 log IU/mL)
>100,000,000 IU/mL (>8.00 log IU/mL)
HDL % of Total Cholesterol Lipid Panel %
17.50 - 64.00 %
HDL Large Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nmol/L
6729.00 - 20000.00 nmol/L
HDL PARTICLE SUBFRACTIONS HDL, SMALL Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nmol/L
11906.00 - 26738.00 nmol/L
HDL Size Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nm
9.20 - 30.00 nm
HDL(Protective) NutriStat mmol/L
0.90 - 2.00 mmol/L
HDL-2 Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins mg/dL
10.00 - 100.00 mg/dL
HDL-3 Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins mg/dL
30.00 - 100.00 mg/dL
HDL-C Lipid Panel mg/dL
39.00 - 80.00 mg/dL
1.01 - 2.07 mmol/L
HDL-C/TG Lipid Panel Ratio
0.50 - 5.00 Ratio
HDL-P Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins umol/L
30.50 - 100.00 umol/L
Helicobacter pylori Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) N/A
Helicobacter pylori Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^3 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Helicobacter pylori GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 999.00 Units
Helicobacter pylori Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.50 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Helicobacter pylori The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^3 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Helicobacter pylori Abs, Serum Immune System N/A
Helicobacter Pylori Ag, EIA, STOOL Quest Diagnostics N/A
Not Detected
Helicobacter Pylori, Urea Breath Test Quest Diagnostics N/A
Not detected
Heliocobater Pylori Antibody IgA (ARUP) Other EV
0.00 - 1.70 EV
Hematocrit (Female range) Complete Blood Count Results: How to Interpret a CBC – A Comprehensive Guide %
35.00 - 45.00 %
Hematocrit (HCT) / Packed Cell Volume (PCV) Complete Blood Count Results: How to Interpret a CBC – A Comprehensive Guide %
37.50 - 51.00 %
Hematócrito (HCT) / Volume de Glóbulos Compactados (VGC) Brazilian Biomarkers %
37.50 - 51.00 %
Hemoglobin Complete Blood Count Results: How to Interpret a CBC – A Comprehensive Guide g/dL
13.00 - 17.70 g/dL
130.00 - 177.00 g/L
Hemoglobin (Female range) Complete Blood Count Results: How to Interpret a CBC – A Comprehensive Guide g/dL
11.10 - 15.90 g/dL
Hemoglobin (HGB) - Arterial Arterial Blood Gas Analysis (ABG) g/dL
13.00 - 17.00 g/dL
Hemoglobin A Blood Health %
96.00 - 100.00 %
Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Metabolic Health %
4.80 - 5.60 %
Hemoglobin A2 (Quant) Immune System %
2.20 - 3.20 %
Hemoglobin F Blood Health %
0.00 - 2.00 %
Hemoglobina Brazilian Biomarkers g/dL
13.00 - 17.70 g/dL
Hemoglobina Corpuscular Média (HCM) Brazilian Biomarkers pg
26.60 - 33.00 pg
Hemoglobina Glicada (HbA1c) Brazilian Biomarkers %
4.80 - 5.60 %
Hemp Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.30 ELISA Index
Heneicosanoic (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
0.00 - 0.74 µmol/L
Hep A Ab, IgM Infectious Disease Profile N/A
Hep A Ab, Total Infectious Disease Profile N/A
Hep B Core Ab, IgM Infectious Disease Profile N/A
Hep B Core Ab, Tot Infectious Disease Profile N/A
Hep B Surface Ab, Qual Infectious Disease Profile N/A
Non Reactive
Hep C Virus Ab Infectious Disease Profile N/A
Non Reactive
Hepatitis A Vaccination Tracker N/A
Not vaccinated
Hepatitis A Virus Antibody Infectious Disease Profile index
0.00 - 1.00 index
Hepatitis B Vaccination Tracker N/A
Not vaccinated
Hepatitis B Core Antibody (Total) Infectious Disease Profile index
0.00 - 0.50 index
Hepatitis B Surf Ab Quant Infectious Disease Profile mIU/ml
9.90 - 100.00 mIU/ml
Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Infectious Disease Profile index
0.00 - 7.50 index
Hepatitis B Surface Antibody, Qualitative Infectious Disease Profile N/A
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg Screen) Infectious Disease Profile index
0.00 - 1.00 index
Hepatitis C Virus Antibody Infectious Disease Profile index
0.00 - 0.80 index
Heptacarboxyl (7-CP) Porphyrins, Quantitative, Random Urine ug/L
0.00 - 2.00 ug/L
Heptacarboxyporphyrin Urinalysis mcg/g creat
0.00 - 2.90 mcg/g creat
Heptadecanoic Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) wt %
0.22 - 0.37 wt %
Heptadecanoic (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
0.00 - 24.40 µmol/L
Herpes Simplex 1 Ab, IgG Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) panel N/A
Herpes Simplex 2 Ab, IgG Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) panel N/A
Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2 (IgG), Type-Specific Antibodies Herpes Testing N/A
Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2 (IgM), Type-Specific Antibodies Herpes Testing N/A
Herpesvirus 6 IGG (HHV-6) Herpes Testing index
0.00 - 10.00 index
Herpesvirus 6 IGM (HHV-6) Herpes Testing index
0.00 - 20.00 index
Heterophyes heterophyes GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Hexacarboxyl (6-CP) Porphyrins, Quantitative, Random Urine ug/L
0.00 - 1.00 ug/L
Hexacarboxyporphyrin Urinalysis mcg/g creat
0.00 - 5.40 mcg/g creat
Hexacosanoic (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
0.00 - 0.43 µmol/L
Hexadecadienoyl (C16:2) Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.02 umol/L
Hexadecanoylcarnitine (C16-DC) Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.03 umol/L
Hexadecanoylcarnitine, C16 Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.03 - 0.13 umol/L
Hexadecenoylcarn, C16:1 Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.04 umol/L
Hexagonal Phase Confirm Quest Diagnostics N/A
Hexagonal Phase Phospholipid Immune System seconds
0.00 - 11.00 seconds
Hexagonal Phospholipid Neutral LabCorp (various) seconds
0.00 - 11.00 seconds
Hexanoylcarnitine, C6 Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.10 umol/L
Hexanoylglycine Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Hexanoylglycine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.70 - 9.60 nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 40.00 titer
0.00 - 20.00 titer
Hgb A Hemoglobin Fractionation Profile %
96.40 - 98.80 %
Hgb A2 Hemoglobin Fractionation Profile %
1.80 - 3.20 %
Hgb C Hemoglobin Fractionation Profile %
0.00 - 0.00 %
Hgb F Hemoglobin Fractionation Profile %
0.00 - 2.00 %
Hgb S Hemoglobin Fractionation Profile %
0.00 - 0.00 %
Hgb Solubility Hemoglobin Fractionation Profile N/A
Hgb Variant Hemoglobin Fractionation Profile %
0.00 - 0.00 %
HGE IgG Titer Ehrlichia Ab Panel Units
0.00 - 0.02 Units
HGE IgM Titer Ehrlichia Ab Panel Units
0.00 - 0.05 Units
HHV 6 IgG Antibodies Herpes Testing index
0.00 - 0.90 index
HHV-7 - IgG Tickborne Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
HIGH SEN CRP NutriStat mg/L
0.00 - 5.00 mg/L
Hippurate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 603.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Hippurate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
17.13 - 768.53 ug/mg creatinine
Hippurate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 1070.00 mcg/mg creatinine
Hippurate (OA) NutriStat ug/mgCR
0.00 - 237.00 ug/mgCR
Hippurate (OA) NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 237.00 ug/mgCR
Hippuric Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 613.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Hippuric (Females Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 717.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Hippuric (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 241.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Hippuric (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 680.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Hippuric Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 603.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Hippuric Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
198.70 - 3104.60 nmol/mg Creatinine
Hippuric acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 607.00 mmol/mol
Hippuric Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol
0.00 - 603.00 mmol/mol
Histamine Advanced Intestinal Barrier Assessment (Plasma) ng/mL
0.00 - 1.20 ng/mL
Histamine ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
5.20 - 15.30 µg/g creatinine
Histamine Neuro Basic Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) qg/g
14.00 - 44.00 qg/g
Histamine Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine ug/g creat
4.00 - 71.00 ug/g creat
Histamine Determination, Blood LabCorp (various) ng/mL
12.00 - 127.00 ng/mL
Histamine production BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
0.00 - 0.00 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
0.00 - 16.00 %
Histamine, Plasma Immune System ng/mL
0.00 - 0.99 ng/mL
HISTAMINE, PLASMA Quest Diagnostics ng/mL
0.00 - 1.80 ng/mL
Histamine, Whole Blood Immune System nmol/L
180.00 - 1800.00 nmol/L
Histidine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
390.00 - 1900.00 qmol/24 hours
Histidine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
71.30 - 206.00 umol/L
Histidine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
102.00 - 763.00 micromol/g creatinine
Histidine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
60.00 - 109.00 umol/L
Histidine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
106.40 - 2534.20 umol/g Cr
Histidine ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
19.70 - 58.40 µg/g creatinine
Histidine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
6.50 - 13.30 qmol/dL
Histidine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
370.00 - 1600.00 qM/g creatinine
Histidine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
47.20 - 98.50 umol/L
Histidine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
106.90 - 1235.70 nmol/mg Creatinine
HISTIDINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
20.00 - 309.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Histidine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
6.50 - 13.30 Units
Histidine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
61.20 - 104.70 nmol/ML
Histidine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
57.00 - 114.00 µmol/L
5.70 - 11.40 µmol/dL
Histidine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
124.00 - 894.00 micromol/g creatinine
Histone Immune System units/ml
0.00 - 96.00 units/ml
Histoplasma Antigen, Serum Other ng/mL
0.00 - 0.50 ng/mL
HIV 1 Ab Sexually transmitted disease N/A
Non Reactive
HIV 1 ANTIBODY Sexually transmitted disease N/A
HIV 1/2 4th Gen, RFLX Conf Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) panel N/A
HIV 2 Ab Sexually transmitted disease N/A
Non Reactive
HIV 2 ANTIBODY Sexually transmitted disease N/A
HIV Ab/p24 Ag with Reflex Infectious Disease Profile N/A
Non Reactive
HIV Ag/Ab, 4th Gen Sexually transmitted disease N/A
HIV-1/HIV-2 Antibodies -EIA Infectious Disease Profile index
0.00 - 1.00 index
HLA-B27 (Human Leukocyte Antigen B27) Immune System N/A
0.00 - 40.00 titer
0.00 - 20.00 titer
HMW Glutenin IgG VibrantAmerica (various) Units
0.00 - 0.90 Units
Holdemanella bioformis GI360 stool profile N/A
Holotranscobalamin (active Vitamin B12) Vitamins & Minerals pmol/L
25.10 - 165.00 pmol/L
HOMA-B Metabolic Health %
100.00 - 200.00 %
HOMA-IR Metabolic Health Units
0.00 - 2.00 Units
HOMA-S Metabolic Health Units
50.00 - 150.00 Units
Homocisteína Brazilian Biomarkers umol/L
0.00 - 14.50 umol/L
Homocitrulline Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
0.00 - 1.70 umol/L
Homocitrulline OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 42.20 nmol/mg Creatinine
Homocitrulline Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
0.50 - 80.00 umol/g Cr
Homocitrulline (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
0.00 - 3.40 nmol/ML
Homocysteine Methylation Panel micromol/L
3.70 - 10.40 micromol/L
HOMOCYSTEINE Methionine Metabolism Profile (NutriPATH) umol/L
0.00 - 0.00 umol/L
Homocysteine Metabolic Health µmol/L
0.00 - 14.50 µmol/L
0.00 - 14.50 umol/L
Homocysteine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 umol/L
3.70 - 10.40 umol/L
5.00 - 15.00 umol/L
Homocysteine (Genova) Amino Acids 40 Profile nmol/ML
3.00 - 14.00 nmol/ML
Homocystine Urinary Amino Acids (Synlab) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Homocystine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
0.00 - 1.20 qmol/24 hours
Homocystine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
0.00 - 1.00 qM/g creatinine
Homocystine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
0.00 - 0.20 umol/L
Homocystine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 2.60 nmol/mg Creatinine
HOMOCYSTINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Homocystine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
0.00 - 1.00 umol/L
Homocystine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
0.30 - 1.40 umol/g Cr
Homocystine (Genova) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
0.00 - 0.60 µmol/L
Homocystine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
0.00 - 2.20 nmol/ML
Homogeneous Pattern ANA 12 Plus Profile (RDL) N/A
Homogentisic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Homogentisic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Homogentisic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Homogentisic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Homogentisic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 19.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Homogentisic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 153.70 nmol/mg Creatinine
Homogentisic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 0.35 mmol/mol
Homovanillate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 6.66 ug/mg creatinine
Homovanillate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
1.20 - 5.30 mmol/mol creatinine
Homovanillate (Genova) Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
1.40 - 7.60 mcg/mg creatinine
Homovanillate (HVA) (DUTCH) Neurotransmitter Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ug/mg
3.00 - 11.00 ug/mg
Homovanillate (HVA) (Male) Nutritional Organic Acids (Urine) - DUTCH ug/mg
4.00 - 16.00 ug/mg
Homovanillic (HVA) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.80 - 3.60 mmol/mol creatinine
Homovanillic (HVA) (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.39 - 2.20 mmol/mol creatinine
Homovanillic (HVA) (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.49 - 13.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Homovanillic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
1.20 - 5.30 mmol/mol creatinine
Homovanillic Acid Male Comprehensive Metabolic Performance Profile (Urine) Physicians Lab ng/mg CR
1374.20 - 2960.50 ng/mg CR
Homovanillic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 42.10 nmol/mg Creatinine
Homovanillic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
1.20 - 5.30 mmol/mol creatinine
HOMOVANILLIC ACID Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 11.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Homovanillic acid (HVA) Organic Acids mcg/g
3535.00 - 8455.00 mcg/g
Homovanillic Acid (HVA) NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
2.39 - 14.92 ug/mgCR
Homovanillic Acid (HVA), Random Urine Quest Diagnostics Urine Markers mg/g creat
2.10 - 23.00 mg/g creat
Honey, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Honey, raw +processed Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Hookworm Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) N/A
Not Detected
Hookworm GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Hormônio Estimulante da Tireoide (TSH) Brazilian Biomarkers mIU/L
0.45 - 4.50 mIU/L
Horse Dander (Equus caballus) LRA (Lymphocyte Response Assay) N/A
Strong reaction
Moderate reaction
No reaction
HPHPA Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/g creatinine
0.00 - 208.00 mmol/g creatinine
HPHPA (3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-3-hydroxypropionic acid) Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 227.00 mmol/mol
HPHPA (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 102.00 mmol/mol creatinine
HPHPA (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 220.00 mmol/mol creatinine
HpSA - H. pylori 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
HPV (Human Papillomavirus) Vaccination Tracker N/A
Not vaccinated
hsCRP Lipid Panel mg/L
0.00 - 1.00 mg/L
HSV 1 IgG, Type Spec Herpes Testing index
0.00 - 0.91 index
HSV 1 IgM Antibodies Herpes Testing titer
0.00 - 0.10 titer
HSV 2 IgG Inhibition, IA Herpes Testing N/A
HSV 2 IgG, Type Spec Herpes Testing index
0.00 - 0.91 index
HSV 2 IGG, TYPE SPECIFIC AB Herpes Testing Value
0.00 - 0.90 Value
HSV 2 IgM Antibodies Herpes Testing titer
0.00 - 0.10 titer
HSV Type 1-Specific Ab, IgG Infectious Disease Profile / index
0.00 - 0.90 / index
HSV-2 Ab, IgG Infectious Disease Profile / index
0.00 - 0.91 / index
HU Ab Screen, IFA, Serum HU Antibody Screen w/Refl to Titer and WB N/A
Fluorescence noted
HU AB SCREEN, IFA, SERUM Sensory Motor Neuropathy Complete Antibody Panel N/A
Human + Chlamydia HSP-60 Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
1.00 - 2.60 ELISA Index
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), Total Endocrinology N/A
Human Herpes Virus 6 PCR Herpes Testing N/A
Human Herpes Virus Type 6 IgM Herpes Testing Units
0.00 - 0.10 Units
Human Herpesvirus-6 Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.40 ELISA Index
Human Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1 (TGF-b1) Immune System pg/mL
344.00 - 2382.00 pg/mL
HVA ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
3737.00 - 7048.00 µg/g creatinine
HVA / VMA Ratio Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile Ratio
0.16 - 1.80 Ratio
HVA / VMA Ratio (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile Ratio
0.32 - 1.40 Ratio
HVA / VMA Ratio (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.23 - 2.80 mmol/mol creatinine
HVA/ DOPAC Ratio Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile Ratio
0.10 - 1.80 Ratio
HVA/ DOPAC Ratio (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.17 - 1.60 mmol/mol creatinine
HVA/ DOPAC Ratio (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.37 - 3.30 mmol/mol creatinine
HVA/DOPAC Organic Acids Ratio
2.60 - 8.30 Ratio
HVA/DOPAC Ratio Organic Acids Ratio
2.60 - 8.30 Ratio
HVA/VMA Ratio Neurotransmitters (VibrantWellness) Ratio
0.74 - 1.88 Ratio
Hyaline Cast Urinalysis casts/lpf
0.00 - 1.90 casts/lpf
HYALINE CAST Urinalysis, complete N/A
Hydrogen (H2) Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) 3 Hour ppm
0.00 - 20.00 ppm
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) production BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
2.23 - 12.41 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Hydroxykynurenine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 18.00 nmol/mg Creatinine
Hydroxylysine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
0.10 - 0.80 umol/L
HYDROXYLYSINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 9.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Hydroxylysine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
0.10 - 37.30 umol/g Cr
Hydroxylysine NutriStat umol/L
0.20 - 0.40 umol/L
Hydroxylysine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
0.20 - 0.40 umol/L
Hydroxylysine (Genova) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
0.00 - 0.60 µmol/L
Hydroxymethylglutarate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 7.20 ug/mg creatinine
Hydroxymethylglutarate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 15.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Hydroxymethylglutarate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 5.10 mcg/mg creatinine
Hydroxyproline Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
0.00 - 55.00 qmol/24 hours
Hydroxyproline NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
10.30 - 39.00 umol/L
Hydroxyproline Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
0.00 - 40.00 qM/g creatinine
Hydroxyproline Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
4.70 - 35.20 umol/L
Hydroxyproline OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 25.30 nmol/mg Creatinine
HYDROXYPROLINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Hydroxyproline Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
0.50 - 87.90 umol/g Cr
Hydroxyproline NutriStat umol/L
10.30 - 39.00 umol/L
Hydroxyproline (Genova) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
0.00 - 26.00 µmol/L
Hydroxyproline (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
0.00 - 30.60 nmol/ML
Hydroxyproline, Plasma Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
4.00 - 27.00 umol/L
Hydroxyproline/Proline NutriStat Basic Profile Ratio
0.00 - 0.27 Ratio
Hydroxyproline/Proline (Genova) Amino Acids 40 Profile Ratio
0.00 - 0.15 Ratio
Hymenolepis diminuta GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Hymenolepis nana GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Hymenolepis spp, Tapeworm Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Not Detected
Hymenolepis spp, Tapeworm The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Detected
Hymenolepsis Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) N/A
Not Detected
IA-2 Autoantibodies Endocrinology N/A
Negative (<7.5)
Positive (> or = 7.5)
IA-2 Autoantibody Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen U/mL
0.00 - 7.49 U/mL
IDL Cholesterol Lipid Panel mg/dL
0.00 - 20.00 mg/dL
IDL PARTICLE SUBFRACTIONS IDL, SMALL Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nmol/L
82.00 - 304.00 nmol/L
IDL, LARGE Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nmol/L
86.00 - 255.00 nmol/L
IFN gamma Cytokine Response Profile (CytoDx), Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 5.00 Units
0.00 - 168.00 ng/mL
IGF 1, LC/MS Quest Diagnostics ng/mL
52.00 - 328.00 ng/mL
IGF Binding Protein 1 (IGFBP 1) Endocrinology ng/mL
5.00 - 34.00 ng/mL
IGF Binding Protein 3 (IGFBP 3) Endocrinology mg/L
3.40 - 7.00 mg/L
3400.00 - 7000.00 ng/mL
IGF-BP3 Endocrinology ug/L
2571.00 - 5982.00 ug/L
IgG, Subclass 1 IgG Subclass Deficiency mg/dL
382.00 - 929.00 mg/dL
IgG, Subclass 2 IgG Subclass Deficiency mg/dL
241.00 - 700.00 mg/dL
IgG, Subclass 3 IgG Subclass Deficiency mg/dL
22.00 - 176.00 mg/dL
IgG, Subclass 4 IgG Subclass Deficiency mg/dL
4.00 - 86.00 mg/dL
IL-1 beta Cytokine Response Profile (CytoDx), Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 4.90 Units
IL-10 Cytokine Response Profile (CytoDx), Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 2.00 Units
IL-12 p70 Cytokine Response Profile (CytoDx), Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 3.00 Units
IL-13 Cytokine Response Profile (CytoDx), Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 5.00 Units
IL-15 Cytokine Response Profile (CytoDx), Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 2.00 Units
IL-17A Cytokine Response Profile (CytoDx), Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 1.90 Units
IL-18 Cytokine Response Profile (CytoDx), Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 19.00 Units
IL-2 Cytokine Response Profile (CytoDx), Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 12.00 Units
IL-4 Cytokine Response Profile (CytoDx), Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 2.00 Units
IL-5 Cytokine Response Profile (CytoDx), Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 1.00 Units
IL-6 Cytokine Response Profile (CytoDx), Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 1.80 Units
IL-7 Cytokine Response Profile (CytoDx), Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 8.20 Units
IL-8 Cytokine Response Profile (CytoDx), Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 27.80 Units
Imitation Crab, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Immatue Reticulocyte Fraction Blood Health %
0.61 - 16.68 %
Immature Grans (Abs) Immune System x10E3/µL
0.00 - 0.10 x10E3/µL
Immature Granulocytes (%) Immune System %
0.00 - 0.50 %
Immature Platelet Fraction Blood Health %
0.00 - 7.20 %
Immature Retic Fraction Blood Health %
0.00 - 23.00 %
Immune Complexes IgA+IgM Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.90 ELISA Index
Immune Complexes, C1q Binding LabCorp (various) ug Eq/mL
0.00 - 4.40 ug Eq/mL
Immunofixation Result, Serum Immune System N/A
Immunoglobulin A, Qn, Serum Immune System mg/dL
87.00 - 352.00 mg/dL
0.87 - 3.52 g/L
Immunoglobulin D, Quant, Serum Immune System mg/dL
0.00 - 14.11 mg/dL
immunoglobulin E Immune System kU/L
0.00 - 114.00 kU/L
Immunoglobulin E, Total Immune System IU/ml
6.00 - 495.00 IU/ml
Immunoglobulin E, Total Allergens w/ Total IgE Area 2 IU/ml
6.00 - 495.00 IU/ml
Immunoglobulin G, Qn, Serum Immune System mg/dL
586.00 - 1602.00 mg/dL
5.86 - 16.02 g/L
IMMUNOGLOBULIN M Quest Diagnostics mg/dL
50.00 - 300.00 mg/dL
Immunoglobulin M, Qn, Serum Immune System mg/dL
26.00 - 217.00 mg/dL
0.26 - 2.17 g/L
Immunoglobulin Subclass 4 Quest Diagnostics mg/dL
4.00 - 86.00 mg/dL
Indican Nutritional Organic Acids (Urine) - DUTCH ug/mg
0.00 - 100.00 ug/mg
Indican Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 90.00 mcg/mg creatinine
Indican (Male) Nutritional Organic Acids (Urine) - DUTCH ug/mg
0.00 - 131.00 ug/mg
Indole production BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
2.45 - 13.43 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Indoleacetate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 4.20 mmol/mol creatinine
Indoleacetic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 4.20 mmol/mol creatinine
Indoleacetic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 6.80 ug/mgCR
Indoleacetic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
3.00 - 55.50 nmol/mg Creatinine
Indoleacetic Acid (IAA) Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 4.20 mmol/mol creatinine
INFECTION 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool Score
0.00 - 2.00 Score
INFg Immune System pg/mL
0.00 - 28.00 pg/mL
INFLAMMATION 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool Score
0.00 - 2.00 Score
Inflammation-Associated Dysbiosis (IAD) 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool Level
0.00 - 60.00 Level
Influenza Type A Antibody Serum Immune System N/A
> or = 1:8
> or = 1:64
Influenza Type B Antibody Serum Immune System N/A
> or = 1:8
> or = 1:64
Inositol Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
64.00 - 100.00 %
Inositol (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) nmol/ML
20.50 - 60.70 nmol/ML
Inositol (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) ng/MM WBC
0.10 - 2.50 ng/MM WBC
Instant Coffee Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Insulin (Fasting) Metabolic Health uIU/ml
2.60 - 24.90 uIU/ml
26.00 - 249.00 pmol/L
Insulin + Islet Cell Antigen Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.50 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Insulin Antibody Metabolic Health U/mL
0.00 - 0.40 U/mL
Insulin Resistance Score Metabolic Health Score
0.00 - 66.00 Score
Insulin, Free (Bioactive) Metabolic Health uIU/ml
1.50 - 14.90 uIU/ml
Insulin, Intact, LC/MS/MS Metabolic Health uIU/ml
0.00 - 16.00 uIU/ml
Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-1) Metabolic Health ng/dL
64.00 - 240.00 ng/dL
8.36 - 31.37 nmol/L
Insulina (Jejum) Brazilian Biomarkers uIU/ml
2.60 - 24.90 uIU/ml
Interferon Gamma, Serum Cytokine Panel 13, Serum pg/mL
0.00 - 4.20 pg/mL
Interleukin 1 Beta, Serum Cytokine Panel 13, Serum pg/mL
0.00 - 6.50 pg/mL
Interleukin 10, Serum Cytokine Panel 13, Serum pg/mL
0.00 - 2.80 pg/mL
Interleukin 12, Serum Cytokine Panel 13, Serum pg/mL
0.00 - 1.90 pg/mL
Interleukin 13, Serum Cytokine Panel 13, Serum pg/mL
0.00 - 2.30 pg/mL
Interleukin 17, Serum Cytokine Panel 13, Serum pg/mL
0.00 - 1.40 pg/mL
Interleukin 2 Receptor, Soluble, Serum Cytokine Panel 13, Serum pg/mL
175.30 - 858.20 pg/mL
Interleukin 2, Serum Cytokine Panel 13, Serum pg/mL
0.00 - 2.10 pg/mL
Interleukin 4, Serum Cytokine Panel 13, Serum pg/mL
0.00 - 2.20 pg/mL
Interleukin 5, Serum Cytokine Panel 13, Serum pg/mL
0.00 - 2.10 pg/mL
Interleukin 6, Serum Cytokine Panel 13, Serum pg/mL
0.00 - 2.00 pg/mL
Interleukin 8, Serum Cytokine Panel 13, Serum pg/mL
0.00 - 3.00 pg/mL
Interleukin-10 (IL-10) Cytokine assay panel for immune profile pg/mL
0.00 - 5.76 pg/mL
Interleukin-13 (IL-13) Cytokine assay panel for immune profile pg/mL
0.00 - 4.78 pg/mL
Interleukin-2 (IL-2) Cytokine assay panel for immune profile pg/mL
0.00 - 8.89 pg/mL
Interleukin-2 Receptor Alpha Chain (IL-2Ra/CD25), Soluble Cytokine Panel 13, Serum pg/mL
532.00 - 1891.00 pg/mL
Interleukin-2, Serum Immune System pg/mL
0.00 - 31.20 pg/mL
Interleukin-4 (IL-4) Cytokine assay panel for immune profile pg/mL
0.00 - 12.19 pg/mL
Interleukin-6 Immune System pg/mL
0.00 - 1.80 pg/mL
Interleukin-6 (IL-6) Cytokine assay panel for immune profile pg/mL
0.00 - 8.00 pg/mL
Interleukin-8 (IL-8 o CXCL8) Cytokine assay panel for immune profile pg/mL
0.00 - 13.87 pg/mL
Interleukin-8, Serum LabCorp (various) pg/mL
0.00 - 66.10 pg/mL
Intermediate Density Lipoprotein (IDL-1) NutriStat mmol/L
0.10 - 0.60 mmol/L
Intermediate Density Lipoprotein (IDL-2) NutriStat mmol/L
0.10 - 0.40 mmol/L
Intermediate Density Lipoprotein (IDL-3) NutriStat mmol/L
0.10 - 0.60 mmol/L
Interpretation Protein, Total and Protein Electrophoresis, 24 Hour Urine and Immunofixation N/A
Normal Pattern
Abnormal Pattern
Intestinal Isoenzymes (Alkaline Phosphatase) Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained %
1.00 - 24.00 %
Intrinsic Factor Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.50 ELISA Index
Intrinsic Factor Antibodies (Serum) Vitamins & Minerals AU/mL
0.00 - 1.10 AU/mL
Intrinsic Factor Blocking Antibody Vitamins & Minerals N/A
Iodamoeba bütschlii GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Iodine NutriStat ug/L
15.00 - 160.00 ug/L
Iodine Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.25 - 1.80 µg/g
Iodine NutriStat Basic Profile ug/L
0.00 - 160.00 ug/L
Iodine Urinary Toxic & Essential Elements ug/g Cr
100.00 - 380.00 ug/g Cr
Iodine, 24 Hr Urine Urinalysis ug/24 hr
100.00 - 460.00 ug/24 hr
34.00 - 523.00 mcg/L
Iodine, Serum/Plasma Metabolic Health mcg/L
40.00 - 92.00 mcg/L
Iodine, Urine Urinalysis ug/L
28.00 - 544.00 ug/L
Iron Blood Health µg/dL
27.00 - 159.00 µg/dL
4.83 - 28.46 µmol/L
27.00 - 159.00 umol/L
Iron Minerals & Metals Test Units
2.20 - 4.30 Units
Iron Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
5.00 - 64.00 ug/g creat
Iron Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
7.00 - 16.00 µg/g
Iron Essential Elements (Urine) mEq/g creat
0.00 - 50.00 mEq/g creat
Iron Essential Elements (Serum) ug/dL
50.00 - 170.00 ug/dL
IRON NutriStat umol/L
5.00 - 30.00 umol/L
Iron Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.50 - 2.00 Units
Iron (Fe) Hair Tissue Analysis [ARL (Analytical Research Labs)] Units
2.10 - 4.20 Units
Iron (RBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) mg/dL
88.90 - 117.00 mg/dL
Iron (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) ug/dL
37.00 - 145.00 ug/dL
IRON (Serum) Blood Health umol/L
9.00 - 30.40 umol/L
Iron/Copper Ratio Hair Mineral Analysis Level 1- Hair Ratio
0.10 - 2.50 Ratio
ISO-/BUTYRYLCARNITINE, C4 Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.08 - 0.38 umol/L
Isobutyrylglycine Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 3.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Isocitrate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
22.00 - 65.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Isocitrate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
39.00 - 143.00 mcg/mg creatinine
Isocitrate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
19.94 - 74.88 ug/mg creatinine
Isocitric Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
10.00 - 131.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Isocitric Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
22.00 - 65.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Isocitric Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
19.00 - 79.20 ug/mgCR
Isocitric Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
137.10 - 794.90 nmol/mg Creatinine
Isocitric Acid Organic Acids Metabolomic Mapping ug/mgCR
35.00 - 143.00 ug/mgCR
Isocitric Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
22.00 - 65.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Isocyanate IgG+IgA Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Isocyanate IgM Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.10 ELISA Index
Isoleucine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
5.00 - 30.00 qM/g creatinine
Isoleucine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
32.80 - 88.30 umol/L
ISOLEUCINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 4.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Isoleucine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
4.09 - 17.43 Units
Isoleucine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
6.00 - 32.00 qmol/24 hours
Isoleucine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
53.30 - 143.00 umol/L
Isoleucine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
3.00 - 25.00 micromol/g creatinine
Isoleucine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
34.00 - 98.00 umol/L
Isoleucine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
5.00 - 48.10 umol/g Cr
Isoleucine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
4.09 - 17.43 qmol/dL
Isoleucine Male Comprehensive Metabolic Performance Profile (Urine) Physicians Lab ng/mg CR
447.70 - 1211.30 ng/mg CR
Isoleucine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
35.00 - 104.00 µmol/L
3.50 - 10.40 µmol/dL
Isoleucine (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) nmol/ML
25.50 - 158.90 nmol/ML
Isoleucine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
3.00 - 28.00 micromol/g creatinine
Isoleucine/allo-Isoleucine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 18.30 nmol/mg Creatinine
Isoleucine/allo-Isoleucine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
35.50 - 112.40 nmol/ML
Isopropanol, Blood LabCorp (various) g/dL
0.00 - 0.01 g/dL
Isosatratoxin F Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) ng/g
0.00 - 0.10 ng/g
Isospora belli GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Isovaleryglycine Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 3.00 mmol/mol creatinine
ISOVALERYL-2/-METHYLBUT C5 Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.01 - 0.21 umol/L
Isovalerylglycine Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 3.70 mmol/mol creatinine
Isovalerylglycine 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 3.70 mmol/mol creatinine
Isovalerylglycine Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 3.70 mmol/mol creatinine
Japanese Encephalitis Vaccination Tracker N/A
Not Vaccinated
Jo 1 Antibodies, IgG, Serum Immune System Units
0.00 - 0.99 Units
JO-1 Immune System units/ml
0.00 - 90.00 units/ml
K080-IgE Formaldehyde LabCorp (various) kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
Kale, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
kappa Lymphocyte Activity Profile %
0.00 - 0.00 %
Kappa Light Chain, Free, Urine Kappa/Lambda Light Chain, Freee w/Ratio,Rand Urine mg/L
0.00 - 32.90 mg/L
Kappa/Lambda Ratio, Serum Immune System Ratio
0.26 - 1.65 Ratio
Kappa/Lambda, Free Ratio (Urine) Kappa/Lambda Light Chain, Freee w/Ratio,Rand Urine Ratio
0.00 - 8.69 Ratio
Ketoisovalerate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mcg/mg creatinine
KETONES Urinalysis, complete N/A
Ketones, Urine Urinalysis Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Kidney Bean, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Kidney Bean, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Kiwi LRA (Lymphocyte Response Assay) N/A
Strong reaction
Moderate reaction
No reaction
Kiwi Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Kiwi, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Klebsiella Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Klebsiella oxytoca 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
NG - No Growth
NP - Non-Pathogen
PP - Potential Pathogen
P - Pathogen
Klebsiella pneumoniae GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 50000.00 Units
Klebsiella pneumoniae The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 5.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Klebsiella pneumoniae GI360 stool profile N/A
No Growth
Klebsiella pneumoniae GI EcologiX (Invivo Healthcare) Units
0.00 - 2.50 Units
Klebsiella pneumoniae Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 5.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Klebsiella pneumoniae ssp pneumoniae Urinalysis N/A
Klebsiella pneumoniae/variicola GI360 stool profile N/A
No Growth
Klebsiella sp. Full GI Panel N/A
0 (No Presence)
1 (Low Presence)
2 (Moderate Presence)
3 (High Presence)
4 (Heavy Presence)
Klebsiella species The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^3 CFU/g
0.00 - 5.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Klebsiella species 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
NG - No Growth
NP - Non-Pathogen
PP - Potential Pathogen
P - Pathogen
Klebsiella species Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^3 CFU/g
0.00 - 5.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Klebsiella spp. Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) cfu/ml
0.00 - 0.00 cfu/ml
Klebsiella spp. GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 5000.00 Units
KT Ratio OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions Ratio
0.00 - 0.31 Ratio
KT Ratio (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions Ratio
0.02 - 0.10 Ratio
Kynurenate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 2.49 ug/mg creatinine
Kynurenate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 7.10 mmol/mol creatinine
Kynurenate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 1.50 mcg/mg creatinine
Kynurenate (Dutch) Nutritional Organic Acids (Urine) - DUTCH ug/mg
0.80 - 4.50 ug/mg
Kynurenate (Male) Nutritional Organic Acids (Urine) - DUTCH ug/mg
1.00 - 6.60 ug/mg
Kynurenate/Quinolinate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.44 - 5.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Kynurenic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.20 mmol/mol creatinine
Kynurenic Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) mg/g creat
0.75 - 2.06 mg/g creat
Kynurenic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.80 mmol/mol creatinine
Kynurenic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 4.20 mmol/mol creatinine
Kynurenic / Quinolinic Ratio Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) Ratio
0.44 - 5.00 Ratio
Kynurenic / Quinolinic Ratio Metabolimix+ Ratio
0.44 - 5.00 Ratio
Kynurenic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 7.10 mmol/mol creatinine
Kynurenic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
7.80 - 54.00 nmol/mg Creatinine
Kynurenic acid Organic Acids mcg/g
125.60 - 991.30 mcg/g
Kynurenic Acid Organic Acids Metabolomic Mapping ug/mgCR
0.00 - 1.50 ug/mgCR
Kynurenic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 1.51 ug/mgCR
Kynurenic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 7.10 mmol/mol creatinine
Kynurenic Acid ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
639.00 - 1200.00 µg/g creatinine
Kynurenine ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
257.00 - 960.00 µg/g creatinine
Kynurenine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 11.60 nmol/mg Creatinine
Kynurenine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
0.00 - 4.40 nmol/ML
L-Lactate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.60 - 16.40 mcg/mg creatinine
LA (RBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) %
3.22 - 10.49 %
LA/DGLA Genova Diagnostics (various) Ratio
11.00 - 46.00 Ratio
LA/DGLA Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) Ratio
6.00 - 12.30 Ratio
Lachnospiraceae GI360 stool profile N/A
Lactate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
1.90 - 19.80 mmol/mol creatinine
Lactate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 23.35 ug/mg creatinine
Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH or LD) Blood Health U/L
121.00 - 224.00 U/L
Lactate production BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
18.16 - 33.44 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Lactate/Pyruvate Ratio Lactate/Pyruvate, Filtrate Ratio
10.00 - 20.00 Ratio
Lactic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 48.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Lactic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
1.00 - 41.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Lactic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.74 - 19.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Lactic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
2.60 - 48.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Lactic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
1.90 - 19.80 mmol/mol creatinine
Lactic Acid Lactate/Pyruvate, Filtrate mg/dL
9.00 - 16.00 mg/dL
Lactic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mg CR
0.00 - 23.08 ug/mg CR
Lactic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
12.20 - 458.20 nmol/mg Creatinine
Lactic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 50.40 mmol/mol
Lactic Acid Organic Acids, Plasma umol/L
600.00 - 2600.00 umol/L
Lactic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
1.90 - 19.80 mmol/mol creatinine
Lactic Acid Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/L
0.40 - 1.80 mmol/L
Lactic Acid Male Comprehensive Metabolic Performance Profile (Urine) Physicians Lab ug/mg CR
3.70 - 39.20 ug/mg CR
Lactic Acid, Plasma Quest Diagnostics mmol/L
0.40 - 1.80 mmol/L
Lactic Acid, Plasma LabCorp (various) mg/dL
4.80 - 25.70 mg/dL
0.53 - 2.85 mmol/L
Lactobacillaceae Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Lactobacillus Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Lactobacillus acidophilus Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Lactobacillus acidophilus The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^3 CFU/g
1.70 - 500.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Lactobacillus animalis Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Relative Abundance
10.00 - 100.00 Relative Abundance
Lactobacillus brevis Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Lactobacillus bulgaricus Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Lactobacillus casei Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Lactobacillus delbrueckii The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^3 CFU/g
1.70 - 500.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Lactobacillus family GI360 stool profile N/A
Lactobacillus fermentum Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Lactobacillus paracasei VibrantAmerica (various) Relative Abundance
10.00 - 100.00 Relative Abundance
Lactobacillus plantarum The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^3 CFU/g
1.70 - 500.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Lactobacillus plantarum Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Lactobacillus reuteri Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Lactobacillus rhamnosus Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Lactobacillus Rhamnosus Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^3 CFU/g
8.30 - 885.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Lactobacillus rhamnosus The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^3 CFU/g
8.30 - 885.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Lactobacillus ruminis Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Lactobacillus ruminis & Pediococcus acidilactici GI360 stool profile N/A
Lactobacillus salivarius The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^3 CFU/g
1.70 - 500.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Lactobacillus species The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^3 CFU/g
8.60 - 6200.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Lactobacillus species Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^3 CFU/g
8.60 - 6200.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Lactobacillus species Stool Units
2.00 - 10.00 Units
Lactobacillus spp. GI360 stool profile N/A
Lactobacillus spp. GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
860000.00 - 620000000.00 Units
Lactobacillus spp. 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool Units
0.00 - 1600000.00 Units
Lactobacillus spp. GI EcologiX (Invivo Healthcare) Units
2.70 - 8.90 Units
Lactobacillus spp. Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) cfu/ml
0.00 - 0.00 cfu/ml
Lactococcus garvieae GI360 stool profile N/A
No Growth
Lactoferrin Comprehensive Stool Analysis / Parasitology µg/mL
0.00 - 7.30 µg/mL
Lamb, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.30 ELISA Index
lambda Lymphocyte Activity Profile %
0.00 - 0.00 %
Lambda Light Chain, Free, Urine Kappa/Lambda Light Chain, Freee w/Ratio,Rand Urine mg/L
0.00 - 3.79 mg/L
Lamotrigine (Lamictal), Serum LabCorp (various) ug/ml
2.00 - 20.00 ug/ml
Large HDL-P Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins umol/L
4.80 - 20.00 umol/L
Large Neutral Amino Acids (LNAA) NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
469.00 - 899.00 umol/L
Large Unstained Cells (LUC) Blood Health x 10E3/ml
0.00 - 0.40 x 10E3/ml
Large Unstained Cells (Percent) Blood Health %
0.00 - 4.50 %
Large VLDL-P Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nmol/L
0.00 - 2.70 nmol/L
Latex Hevein Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 2.00 ELISA Index
Lathosterol Boston Heart Cholesterol Balance Test umol x 100/mmol of Total Cholesterol
0.00 - 85.00 umol x 100/mmol of Total Cholesterol
Lauric (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
2.20 - 27.30 µmol/L
LCA / DCA Ratio Stool Ratio
0.39 - 2.07 Ratio
LCA/DCA ratio Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Ratio
0.32 - 3.38 Ratio
LD 1 (or LDH-1) Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) Isoenzymes Test %
17.00 - 32.00 %
LD 2 (or LDH-2) Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) Isoenzymes Test %
25.00 - 40.00 %
LD 3 (or LDH-3) Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) Isoenzymes Test %
17.00 - 27.00 %
LD 4 (or LDH-4) Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) Isoenzymes Test %
5.00 - 13.00 %
LD 5 (or LDH-5) Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) Isoenzymes Test %
4.00 - 20.00 %
LDH (CSF) Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis U/L
0.00 - 25.00 U/L
LDL Medium Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nmol/L
0.00 - 215.00 nmol/L
LDL Particle Number Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nmol/L
0.00 - 1138.00 nmol/L
LDL PARTICLE SUBFRACTIONS LDL, VERY SMALL-D Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nmol/L
35.00 - 139.00 nmol/L
LDL Pattern Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins N/A
A Pattern
B Pattern
LDL Peak Size Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins Angstrom
222.90 - 1000.00 Angstrom
LDL Phenotype Pattern NutriStat N/A
LDL Size Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nm
20.51 - 100.00 nm
LDL Small Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nmol/L
0.00 - 142.00 nmol/L
LDL(Atherogenic) NutriStat mmol/L
0.00 - 3.40 mmol/L
LDL, LARGE-A Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nmol/L
100.00 - 536.00 nmol/L
LDL, LARGE-B Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nmol/L
75.00 - 360.00 nmol/L
LDL, VERY SMALL-A Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nmol/L
32.00 - 267.00 nmol/L
LDL, VERY SMALL-B Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nmol/L
38.00 - 312.00 nmol/L
LDL, VERY SMALL-C Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nmol/L
40.00 - 182.00 nmol/L
LDL-C Lipid Panel mg/dL
0.00 - 99.10 mg/dL
0.00 - 2.57 mmol/L
LDL-P Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nmol/L
0.00 - 1000.00 nmol/L
LDL/HDL Cholesterol Ratio Lipid Panel Ratio
0.50 - 3.00 Ratio
LDL/HDL RATIO (Risk Factor) NutriStat Ratio
0.00 - 3.60 Ratio
LDL1 Pattern A Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins mg/dL
0.00 - 57.00 mg/dL
LDL2 Pattern A Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins mg/dL
0.00 - 30.00 mg/dL
LDL3 Pattern B Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins mg/dL
0.00 - 6.00 mg/dL
LDL4 Pattern B Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins mg/dL
0.00 - 0.00 mg/dL
Lead Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.00 - 0.60 µg/g
Lead Toxic Metals (Urine) µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 1.20 µg/g creatinine
Lead Complete Heavy Metals Test (Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 250.00 ug/L
Lead Heavy Metals ug/g
0.00 - 4.40 ug/g
Lead 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 mcg/dL
0.00 - 2.81 mcg/dL
Lead Toxic & Essential Elements (Whole Blood) ug/dL
0.00 - 3.00 ug/dL
Lead Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 0.20 Units
Lead Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
0.00 - 1.40 ug/g creat
Lead Toxic Metals (Stool) mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.30 mg/kg Dry Wt
Lead Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 5.00 ug/g
LEAD NutriStat Basic Profile ug/L
0.00 - 90.00 ug/L
Lead Toxic Metals; stool mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.30 mg/kg Dry Wt
Lead Minerals & Metals Test Units
0.00 - 0.09 Units
Lead (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) ppb
0.00 - 29.00 ppb
Lead (whole blood) Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) mcg/dL
0.00 - 2.81 mcg/dL
Lead, 24 hour urine Urinalysis mcg/L
0.00 - 80.00 mcg/L
Lead, Blood Heavy Metals Profile I, Blood ug/dL
0.00 - 3.40 ug/dL
Lead, Urine Urinalysis ug/L
0.00 - 29.00 ug/L
Lead, Urine Heavy Metal Basic Panel (5520) (Access Medical Labs) ug/g
0.00 - 10.00 ug/g
Left Anterior Descending (LAD) Coronary calcium scan N/A
1 - 10
11 - 100
101 - 400
Over 400
Left Circumflex (LCX) Coronary calcium scan N/A
1 - 10
11 - 100
101 - 400
Over 400
Left Main (LM) Coronary calcium scan N/A
1 - 10
11 - 100
101 - 400
Over 400
Lemon LRA (Lymphocyte Response Assay) N/A
Strong reaction
Moderate reaction
No reaction
Lemon + Lime Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Lentil Lectin Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Lentil, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 2.00 ELISA Index
Leptin Endocrinology ng/mL
0.30 - 13.40 ng/mL
Leptin : Adiponectin ratio Lipid Panel Ratio
1.50 - 3.20 Ratio
Leptina Brazilian Biomarkers ng/mL
0.30 - 13.40 ng/mL
Letrozole ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
0.00 - 5.00 pg/mL
Lettuce Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Leucine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
12.00 - 95.00 qmol/24 hours
Leucine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
121.00 - 254.00 umol/L
Leucine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
15.00 - 80.00 qM/g creatinine
Leucine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
66.70 - 165.70 umol/L
Leucine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 44.80 nmol/mg Creatinine
LEUCINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 7.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Leucine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
9.00 - 25.30 Units
Leucine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
9.00 - 25.30 qmol/dL
Leucine Male Comprehensive Metabolic Performance Profile (Urine) Physicians Lab ng/mg CR
1148.60 - 2711.60 ng/mg CR
Leucine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
6.00 - 61.00 micromol/g creatinine
Leucine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
73.00 - 182.00 umol/L
Leucine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
5.00 - 129.10 umol/g Cr
Leucine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
74.00 - 196.00 µmol/L
7.40 - 19.60 µmol/dL
Leucine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
57.10 - 187.50 nmol/ML
Leucine (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) nmol/ML
101.20 - 249.30 nmol/ML
Leucine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
4.00 - 46.00 micromol/g creatinine
Leuconostoc Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Leukemia/Lymphoma/Myeloma Panel by Flow Cytometry Tumor / Cancer screening tests N/A
No evidence of monoclonal B cell population
Evidence of monoclonal B-cell population
LEUKOCYTE ESTERASE Urinalysis, complete N/A
Leukocyte Esterase, Urine Urinalysis Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Leukocytes (CSF) Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis cells/uL
0.00 - 5.00 cells/uL
LEUKOTRIENE E4, U Quest Diagnostics Urine Markers pg/mg Cr
0.00 - 104.00 pg/mg Cr
LH Quest Diagnostics mIU/ml
0.50 - 76.30 mIU/ml
LH (Hormônio Luteinizante) Brazilian Biomarkers IU/L
0.70 - 12.50 IU/L
Ligando CD40 (sCD40L) Cytokine assay panel for immune profile pg/mL
0.00 - 2068.22 pg/mL
Lignoceric Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) wt %
2.10 - 3.80 wt %
Lignoceric (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
0.63 - 2.45 µmol/L
Lignoceric Acid NutriStat Basic Profile %
0.20 - 1.92 %
Lignoceric C24:0 Metabolimix+ wt %
1.10 - 1.90 wt %
Lima Bean, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Lima Bean, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Limosilactobacillus reuteri BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
0.00 - 0.20 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Linfócitos (Absoluto) Brazilian Biomarkers x10E3/µL
0.70 - 3.10 x10E3/µL
Linfócitos (Percentual) Brazilian Biomarkers %
20.00 - 40.00 %
Linoleic Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) wt %
10.50 - 16.90 wt %
Linoleic (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
821.00 - 2032.00 µmol/L
Linoleic (LA) 18:2 n6 Metabolimix+ wt %
18.80 - 28.30 wt %
Linoleic / DGLA Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) Ratio
6.00 - 12.30 Ratio
Linoleic / DGLA (18:2 n6 / 20:3 n6) Metabolimix+ Ratio
12.60 - 31.50 Ratio
Linoleic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile %
14.00 - 31.30 %
Linoleic Acid OmegaCheck % by wt
18.60 - 29.50 % by wt
Linoleic acid (LA) VibrantAmerica (various) %
3.22 - 10.49 %
Linoleic Acid (LA) Fatty Acids Profile, Essential (Serum/Plasma) qg/mL
0.00 - 930.00 qg/mL
Linoleoylcarnitine, C18:2 Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.11 umol/L
Lipase Pancreas Health U/L
13.00 - 78.00 U/L
Lipid Peroxides 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 umol/g creatinine
0.00 - 10.00 umol/g creatinine
Lipid Peroxides (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) nmol/ML
0.00 - 2.60 nmol/ML
Lipid Peroxides (urine) Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) micromol/g Creat.
0.00 - 10.00 micromol/g Creat.
Lipid Peroxides (urine) Metabolimix+ micromol/g Creat.
0.00 - 10.00 micromol/g Creat.
Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) IgA Array 2 - Intestinal Antigenic Permeability Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) IgG Array 2 - Intestinal Antigenic Permeability Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.60 ELISA Index
Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) IgM Array 2 - Intestinal Antigenic Permeability Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.10 ELISA Index
Lipopolysaccharides IgA+IgM Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.60 ELISA Index
Lipoprotein (a) NutriStat nmol/L
0.00 - 75.00 nmol/L
Lipoprotein (a) Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins mg/dL
0.00 - 30.00 mg/dL
0.00 - 63.00 nmol/L
Liquefaction status Semen analysis N/A
Completely liquefaction
Incomplete liquefaction
Liquefaction time Semen analysis min
20.00 - 30.00 min
Lithium Quest Diagnostics mmol/L
0.60 - 1.20 mmol/L
Lithium Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.01 - 0.02 µg/g
Lithium Essential Elements (Urine) mEq/g creat
0.01 - 0.20 mEq/g creat
Lithium Complete Heavy Metals Test (Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 0.83 ug/L
Lithium Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
9.00 - 129.00 ug/g creat
Lithium Toxic & Essential Elements (Whole Blood) ug/L
0.40 - 20.00 ug/L
Lithium Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 0.01 Units
Lithium Urinary Toxic & Essential Elements ug/g Cr
0.00 - 0.00 ug/g Cr
Lithium Minerals & Metals Test Units
0.00 - 0.30 Units
Lithium (Li) Hair Tissue Analysis [ARL (Analytical Research Labs)] Units
0.10 - 0.30 Units
Lithocholic acid (LCA) Stool mg/g
0.65 - 5.21 mg/g
Lithocholic acid (LCA) Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness %
24.16 - 75.75 %
Liver Isoenzymes Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained %
25.00 - 69.00 %
Liver Kidney Mic IgG Immune System N/A
Liver-Kidney Microsomal Antibodies Immune System Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
LKM-1 Antibody (IgG) Quest Diagnostics u
0.00 - 20.00 u
LMW Glutenin IgG VibrantAmerica (various) Units
0.00 - 0.90 Units
Locust Bean Gum Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 0.80 ELISA Index
Long chain fatty acids Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness mg/g
0.90 - 28.10 mg/g
Long-Chain Fatty Acids 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool mg/g
1.20 - 29.10 mg/g
Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-1) NutriStat mmol/L
0.10 - 1.50 mmol/L
Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-2) NutriStat mmol/L
0.10 - 0.80 mmol/L
Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-3) NutriStat mmol/L
0.00 - 0.20 mmol/L
Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-4) NutriStat mmol/L
0.00 - 0.01 mmol/L
Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-5) NutriStat mmol/L
0.00 - 0.01 mmol/L
Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-6) NutriStat mmol/L
0.00 - 0.01 mmol/L
Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-7) NutriStat mmol/L
0.00 - 0.01 mmol/L
LP PLA2 ACTIVITY Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nmol/min/mL
0.00 - 123.00 nmol/min/mL
LP-IR Score Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins Units
0.00 - 45.00 Units
LPS IgA Advanced Intestinal Barrier Assessment (Plasma) ug/ml
0.83 - 4.47 ug/ml
LPS IgG Advanced Intestinal Barrier Assessment (Plasma) ug/ml
9.09 - 31.50 ug/ml
LPS IgM Advanced Intestinal Barrier Assessment (Plasma) ug/ml
2.50 - 9.40 ug/ml
Lupus Anticoagulant Immune System GPL
0.00 - 0.10 GPL
LUPUS ANTICOAGULANT Quest Diagnostics Units
0.00 - 0.01 Units
Luteinizing Hormone, Human (hLH) Endocrinology uIU/ml
7.70 - 58.50 uIU/ml
Lutenizing Hormone (LH) Gonadotropins IU/L
0.70 - 12.50 IU/L
Lychee/Litchi, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Lyme Disease AB (IGG), Blot Lyme Testing index
0.00 - 0.00 index
Lyme Disease AB (IGM), Blot Lyme Testing index
0.00 - 0.00 index
Lyme Disease Ab, Quant, IgM Lyme Testing index
0.00 - 0.80 index
Lyme Disease Screen Lyme Testing index
0.00 - 0.90 index
Lyme IgG CIA Lyme Disease Serology N/A
Lyme IgG Line Blot Interp. Lyme Testing N/A
Lyme IgG/IgM Ab Lyme Testing ISR
0.00 - 0.91 ISR
Lyme IgM CIA Lyme Disease Serology N/A
Lyme IgM Line Blot Interp. Lyme Testing N/A
Lyme Index (C6 ELISA) Lyme Testing index
0.00 - 0.91 index
Lyme Tier 1 EIA Lyme Disease Serology N/A
Lyme Total Antibody CIA Lyme Disease Serology N/A
Lyme WB IgM Lyme Testing Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Lymph CD16&56 (NK) % Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 %
7.00 - 14.00 %
Lymphocyte Absolute CD16&56 (NK) Count Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 #/cumm
50.00 - 375.00 #/cumm
Lymphocyte Count Micronutrient (Vibrant America) x10E3/uL
1.18 - 3.74 x10E3/uL
Lymphocytes "Lymphs" (Absolute) White Blood Cell Differential Test x10E3/uL
0.70 - 3.10 x10E3/uL
700.00 - 3100.00 cells/uL
Lymphocytes "Lymphs" (Percent) White Blood Cell Differential Test %
20.00 - 40.00 %
Lymphocytes, % Cell Count and Differential, Synovial Fluid %
0.00 - 74.00 %
Lymphocytes, CSF Cell Count and Differential, Synovial Fluid %
40.00 - 80.00 %
Lymphs, CSF Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis %
40.00 - 80.00 %
Lysine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
13.70 - 34.70 qmol/dL
Lysine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
15.00 - 231.00 micromol/g creatinine
Lysine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
119.00 - 233.00 umol/L
Lysine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
15.30 - 1020.60 umol/g Cr
Lysine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
45.00 - 700.00 qmol/24 hours
Lysine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
139.00 - 437.00 umol/L
Lysine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
32.00 - 300.00 qM/g creatinine
Lysine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
94.00 - 278.00 umol/L
Lysine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
13.70 - 329.30 nmol/mg Creatinine
LYSINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
4.00 - 69.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Lysine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
13.70 - 34.70 Units
Lysine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
210.60 - 498.20 nmol/ML
Lysine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
120.00 - 318.00 µmol/L
12.00 - 31.80 µmol/dL
Lysine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
11.00 - 175.00 micromol/g creatinine
Lysozyme Comprehensive Stool Analysis / Parasitology ng/mL
0.00 - 500.00 ng/mL
Lysozyme Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness ng/mL
0.00 - 575.00 ng/mL
Lysozyme, Serum Immune System ug/ml
3.00 - 12.80 ug/ml
m-Hydroxyphenylacetate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 8.10 mmol/mol creatinine
M-Spike LabCorp (various) g/dL
0.00 - 0.00 g/dL
M-Spike (Urine) Urinalysis %
0.00 - 0.00 %
M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 5000.00 Units
M001-IgG Penicillium chrysog IgG Allergens (14), Molds ug/ml
0.00 - 1.90 ug/ml
M002-IgG Cladosporium herbar IgG Allergens (14), Molds ug/ml
0.00 - 1.90 ug/ml
M003-IgG Aspergillus fumigat IgG Allergens (14), Molds ug/ml
0.00 - 1.90 ug/ml
M004-IgG Mucor racemosus IgG Allergens (14), Molds ug/ml
0.00 - 1.90 ug/ml
M005-IgE Candida albicans IgG Allergens (14), Molds kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
M005-IgG Candida albican IgG Allergens (14), Molds ug/ml
0.00 - 1.90 ug/ml
M006-IgE Alternaria alternata Allergens w/ Total IgE Area 2 N/A
Class 0 (0-0.10 kU/L)
Class 0/I (0.10-0.31 kU/L)
Class I (0.32-0.55 kU/L)
Class II (0.56-1.40 kU/L)
Class III (1.41-3.90 kU/L)
Class IV (3.91-19.00 kU/L)
Class V (19.01-100 kU/L)
Class VI (>100 kU/L)
M006-IgG Alternaria alternat IgG Allergens (14), Molds ug/ml
0.00 - 1.90 ug/ml
M007-IgG Botrytis cinerea IgG Allergens (14), Molds ug/ml
0.00 - 1.90 ug/ml
M008-IgG Setomelanomma rosta IgG Allergens (14), Molds ug/ml
0.00 - 1.90 ug/ml
M009-IgG Fusarium proliferat IgG Allergens (14), Molds ug/ml
0.00 - 1.90 ug/ml
M010-IgE Stemphylium herbarum Allergens w/ Total IgE Area 2 N/A
Class 0 (0-0.10 kU/L)
Class 0/I (0.10-0.31 kU/L)
Class I (0.32-0.55 kU/L)
Class II (0.56-1.40 kU/L)
Class III (1.41-3.90 kU/L)
Class IV (3.91-19.00 kU/L)
Class V (19.01-100 kU/L)
Class VI (>100 kU/L)
M010-IgG Stemphylium herbaru IgG Allergens (14), Molds ug/ml
0.00 - 1.90 ug/ml
M011-IgG Rhizopus nigricans IgG Allergens (14), Molds ug/ml
0.00 - 1.90 ug/ml
M012-IgG Aureobasidi pullula IgG Allergens (14), Molds ug/ml
0.00 - 1.90 ug/ml
M014-IgG Epicoccum purpur IgG Allergens (14), Molds ug/ml
0.00 - 1.90 ug/ml
M2 Pyruvate Kinase Stool U/mL
0.00 - 4.00 U/mL
M207-IgG Aspergillus niger IgG Allergens (14), Molds ug/ml
0.00 - 1.90 ug/ml
Macadamia Nut (rf345) IgE Tree Nut Allergen Panel kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
Macadamia Nut, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Macadamia Nut, raw + roasted Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 2.30 ELISA Index
Mackerel, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.00 ELISA Index
Macrocytosis Blood Health N/A
Macrohepatic Isoenzymes Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained %
0.00 - 0.00 %
MAG AB (IGM), WESTERN BLOT Sensory Motor Neuropathy Complete Antibody Panel N/A
Magnesium Essential Elements (Urine) mEq/g creat
25.00 - 230.00 mEq/g creat
Magnesium Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
37.00 - 100.00 %
Magnesium 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 mcg/g
30.10 - 56.50 mcg/g
Magnesium Toxic & Essential Elements (Whole Blood) mg/dL
3.00 - 4.20 mg/dL
Magnesium Essential Elements (Serum) mg/dL
1.70 - 2.50 mg/dL
Magnesium Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
1.30 - 9.40 Units
Magnesium Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
35.00 - 120.00 µg/g
Magnesium Electrolytes mg/dL
1.60 - 2.30 mg/dL
0.66 - 0.95 mmol/L
Magnesium Metabolimix+ mg/g creat
41.00 - 267.00 mg/g creat
Magnesium NutriStat Basic Profile mg/L
39.00 - 58.00 mg/L
Magnesium Blood Spot Toxic & Essential Elements mg/L
29.00 - 51.00 mg/L
Magnesium Minerals & Metals Test Units
5.00 - 11.00 Units
Magnesium (24 Hour Urine) Urinalysis mmol/24 hr
2.00 - 8.00 mmol/24 hr
Magnesium (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) ppm
34.00 - 63.00 ppm
Magnesium (Mg) Hair Tissue Analysis [ARL (Analytical Research Labs)] Units
4.00 - 10.00 Units
Magnesium (RBC) Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) mcg/g
30.10 - 56.50 mcg/g
Magnesium (RBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) mg/dL
3.60 - 7.70 mg/dL
Magnesium (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) mg/dL
1.60 - 2.60 mg/dL
Magnesium, RBC Blood Health mg/dL
4.20 - 6.80 mg/dL
1.73 - 2.79 mmol/L
Magnesium, Ur (24 hr) StoneRisk Diagnostic Profile mg/24 hr
12.00 - 293.00 mg/24 hr
Malate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 3.10 mcg/mg creatinine
Malate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 3.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Malate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 2.62 ug/mg creatinine
MALDIGESTION 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool Score
0.00 - 2.00 Score
Malic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.06 - 1.80 mmol/mol creatinine
Malic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 3.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Malic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.10 mmol/mol creatinine
Malic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.30 mmol/mol creatinine
Malic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 3.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Malic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 3.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Malic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
1.00 - 27.10 nmol/mg Creatinine
Malic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.08 - 1.74 mmol/mol
Malic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 3.59 ug/mgCR
Malonic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 9.70 mmol/mol creatinine
Malonic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Malonic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 9.90 mmol/mol creatinine
Malonic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 18.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Malonic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 9.80 mmol/mol
Malonylcarnitine, C3-DC Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.02 - 0.12 umol/L
Mandelate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 0.34 ug/mg creatinine
Mandelate + Phenylglyoxylate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 0.61 ug/mg creatinine
Mandelic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Mandelic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Mandelic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Mandelic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 16.90 nmol/mg Creatinine
Mandelic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 0.24 mmol/mol
Manganese Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.08 - 0.60 µg/g
Manganese Essential Elements (Urine) mEq/g creat
0.00 - 0.60 mEq/g creat
Manganese Complete Heavy Metals Test (Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 1.00 ug/L
Manganese Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
50.00 - 100.00 %
Manganese 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 mcg/L
3.00 - 16.50 mcg/L
Manganese Toxic & Essential Elements (Whole Blood) ug/L
4.00 - 22.00 ug/L
Manganese Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.01 - 0.11 Units
Manganese Vitamins & Minerals nmol/L
16.60 - 27.70 nmol/L
Manganese Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
0.03 - 1.16 ug/g creat
Manganese Toxic Metals (Stool) mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 200.00 mg/kg Dry Wt
Manganese Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 1.30 ug/g
MANGANESE NutriStat Basic Profile ug/L
9.00 - 33.00 ug/L
Manganese Toxic Metals; stool mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 200.00 mg/kg Dry Wt
Manganese Minerals & Metals Test Units
0.02 - 0.06 Units
Manganese (Mn) Hair Tissue Analysis [ARL (Analytical Research Labs)] Units
0.02 - 0.06 Units
Manganese (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) ng/mL
0.30 - 2.00 ng/mL
Manganese (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) pg/MM WBC
2.00 - 75.00 pg/MM WBC
Manganese (whole blood) Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) mcg/L
3.00 - 16.50 mcg/L
Manganese, Blood Vitamins & Minerals ug/L
8.00 - 18.70 ug/L
Manganese, Plasma LabCorp (various) ng/mL
0.00 - 2.00 ng/mL
Manganese, RBC LabCorp (various) ng/mL
11.00 - 23.00 ng/mL
Mango Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Mannose Binding Lectin (MBL) Immune System ng/mL
500.00 - 5000.00 ng/mL
Maple Sugar, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
MAR-test IgA Semen analysis %
0.00 - 49.90 %
MAR-test IgG Semen analysis %
0.00 - 49.90 %
Margaric Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) wt %
0.22 - 0.37 wt %
Margaric C17:0 Metabolimix+ %
0.24 - 0.45 %
Mastic Gum + Gum Arabic Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 (MMP 9) Tumor / Cancer screening tests ng/mL
0.00 - 900.00 ng/mL
MB Relative Index Heart and Muscle Health index
0.00 - 3.00 index
Mead (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
0.00 - 8.30 µmol/L
Mean Cell Volume Complete Blood Count Results: How to Interpret a CBC – A Comprehensive Guide fL/red cell
75.00 - 95.00 fL/red cell
75.00 - 95.00 fl
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH) Complete Blood Count Results: How to Interpret a CBC – A Comprehensive Guide pg
26.60 - 33.00 pg
26.60 - 33.00 pg/cell
1.65 - 2.05 fmol
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) Complete Blood Count Results: How to Interpret a CBC – A Comprehensive Guide g/dL
31.50 - 35.70 g/dL
19.59 - 22.20 mmol/L
315.00 - 357.00 g/L
Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) Complete Blood Count Results: How to Interpret a CBC – A Comprehensive Guide fl
79.00 - 97.00 fl
Mean Particle Size NutriStat Angstrom
268.00 - 500.00 Angstrom
Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) Complete Blood Count Results: How to Interpret a CBC – A Comprehensive Guide fl
7.50 - 11.50 fl
Mean RBC Iron Complete Blood Count Results: How to Interpret a CBC – A Comprehensive Guide pg
27.00 - 33.00 pg
Mean RBC Iron Concentration Complete Blood Count Results: How to Interpret a CBC – A Comprehensive Guide g/dL
32.00 - 36.00 g/dL
Mean RBC Volume Complete Blood Count Results: How to Interpret a CBC – A Comprehensive Guide fl
80.00 - 100.00 fl
Measles Antibodies, IgG Immune System N/A
Immune >16.4 AU/mL
Negative <13.5 AU/mL
Equivocal 13.5 - 16.4 AU/mL
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Vaccination Tracker N/A
Not vaccinated
Meat Fiber Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness N/A
Not Detected
Meat Glue Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Meditation Lifestyle Dashboard min
20.00 - 100.00 min
Melanocyte-stimulating Hormone (MSH) LabCorp (various) pg/mL
0.00 - 40.00 pg/mL
Melatonin ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
3.00 - 22.00 pg/mL
Melatonin (1st Morning) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
18.00 - 40.90 µg/g creatinine
Melatonin (1st Morning) ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) ug/g Cr
10.10 - 26.00 ug/g Cr
Melatonin (2nd Morning) ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) ug/g Cr
6.00 - 17.00 ug/g Cr
Melatonin (2nd Morning) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
7.30 - 31.90 µg/g creatinine
Melatonin (Evening) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
0.70 - 2.20 µg/g creatinine
Melatonin (Evening) ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) ug/g Cr
0.50 - 3.60 ug/g Cr
Melatonin (Night) ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) ug/g Cr
1.30 - 8.40 ug/g Cr
Melatonin (Night) Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
1.70 - 11.10 µg/g creatinine
Melatonin (Waking) Neurotransmitter Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
10.00 - 85.00 ng/mg
Meningococcal ACWY (MenACWY) Vaccination Tracker N/A
Not vaccinated
Meningococcal B (e.g., MenB-4C, MenBFHbp) Vaccination Tracker N/A
Not vaccinated
Mercapturic Acids (Phase II) Hepatic Detox Profile qM/mM
40.00 - 95.00 qM/mM
Mercury Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
0.00 - 2.19 ug/g creat
Mercury Toxic Metals (Stool) mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.05 mg/kg Dry Wt
Mercury Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.00 - 0.80 µg/g
Mercury Toxic Metals (Urine) µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 1.30 µg/g creatinine
Mercury Complete Heavy Metals Test (Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 35.00 ug/L
Mercury Heavy Metals ug/g
0.00 - 3.90 ug/g
Mercury Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 3.00 ug/g
MERCURY NutriStat Basic Profile ug/L
0.00 - 2.00 ug/L
Mercury Toxic Metals; stool mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.05 mg/kg Dry Wt
Mercury Urinary Toxic & Essential Elements ug/g Cr
0.00 - 0.00 ug/g Cr
Mercury Blood Spot Toxic & Essential Elements ug/L
0.00 - 6.98 ug/L
Mercury Minerals & Metals Test Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Mercury 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 mcg/L
0.00 - 4.35 mcg/L
Mercury Toxic & Essential Elements (Whole Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 4.50 ug/L
Mercury NutriStat ug/L
0.00 - 2.00 ug/L
Mercury Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 0.57 ug/g
Mercury Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Mercury Other ug/L
0.00 - 14.90 ug/L
Mercury (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) ppb
0.00 - 9.80 ppb
Mercury (whole blood) Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) mcg/L
0.00 - 4.35 mcg/L
Mercury Compounds IgG+IgA Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Mercury Compounds IgM Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.20 ELISA Index
Mercury IgA+IgM Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Mercury, Blood Heavy Metals Profile I, Blood ug/L
0.00 - 14.90 ug/L
Mercury, Urine Urinalysis ug/L
0.00 - 19.00 ug/L
Mercury, Urine Heavy Metal Basic Panel (5520) (Access Medical Labs) ug/g
0.00 - 10.00 ug/g
Mercury, Urine 24 Hr Urinalysis ug/24 hr
0.00 - 20.00 ug/24 hr
Mercury/Creatinine Ratio, Urine Urinalysis ug/g creat
0.00 - 5.00 ug/g creat
Meropenem The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Tested
Met/Sulf Balance Ratio Methylation Panel Ratio
0.55 - 0.64 Ratio
METABOLIC IMBALANCE 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool Score
0.00 - 2.00 Score
Metabolized Cortisol (THF+THE) Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
2750.00 - 6500.00 ng/mg
Metabolized Cortisol (THF+THE) Urinary Hormones mcg/g
881.68 - 2319.75 mcg/g
Metabolized Cortisol (THF+THE) (male) Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
4550.00 - 10000.00 ng/mg
Metamycoplasma hominis GI360 stool profile N/A
METAMYELOCYTES (%) White Blood Cell Differential Test %
0.00 - 0.00 %
Metanephrine Neuro Basic Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) ug/g
45.00 - 119.00 ug/g
Metanephrine (24hr Urine) Neurotransmitters mcg/24h
90.00 - 315.00 mcg/24h
Metanephrine Plasma Other pg/mL
0.00 - 62.00 pg/mL
0.00 - 0.29 nmol/L
Metanephrine, Free Quest Diagnostics pg/mL
0.00 - 57.00 pg/mL
0.00 - 0.34 nmol/L
Metanephrines, Total (24hr Urine) Neurotransmitters mcg/24h
224.00 - 832.00 mcg/24h
Methane (CH4) Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) 3 Hour ppm
0.00 - 10.00 ppm
Methane Dysbiosis Score 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool Score
5.00 - 16.00 Score
Methane Production BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
0.00 - 0.04 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Methanobacteriaceae (family) GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 338000000.00 Units
Methanobrevibacter Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Relative Abundance
0.00 - 20.00 Relative Abundance
Methanobrevibacter smithii Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Methanobrevibacter smithii 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
0.00 - 20000000.00 CFU/g stool
Methanobrevibacter smithii The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 3.50 x10^5 CFU/g
Methanobrevibacter smithii Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 3.50 x10^5 CFU/g
Methanol, Blood LabCorp (various) g/dL
0.00 - 0.01 g/dL
Methemoglobin - Arterial Arterial Blood Gas Analysis (ABG) %
0.00 - 1.00 %
Methionine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
2.30 - 6.50 qmol/dL
Methionine Male Comprehensive Metabolic Performance Profile (Urine) Physicians Lab ng/mg CR
466.90 - 1569.50 ng/mg CR
Methionine Methylation Panel micromol/L
23.00 - 38.00 micromol/L
Methionine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
8.00 - 55.00 qM/g creatinine
Methionine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
14.70 - 35.20 umol/L
Methionine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 9.10 nmol/mg Creatinine
METHIONINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Methionine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
2.30 - 6.50 Units
Methionine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
2.00 - 16.00 micromol/g creatinine
Methionine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
16.00 - 34.00 umol/L
Methionine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
1.00 - 37.10 umol/g Cr
Methionine Methionine Metabolism Profile (NutriPATH) umol/L
0.00 - 0.00 umol/L
Methionine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
9.00 - 56.00 qmol/24 hours
Methionine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
8.50 - 34.80 umol/L
Methionine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
12.10 - 38.50 nmol/ML
Methionine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
14.00 - 48.00 µmol/L
1.40 - 4.80 µmol/dL
Methionine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
2.00 - 18.00 micromol/g creatinine
Methionine Sulfoxide Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
0.00 - 10.00 qmol/24 hours
Methionine Sulfoxide Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
0.00 - 10.00 qM/g creatinine
Methyl Histamine/Crea.ratio Urinalysis ug/mmol
0.00 - 25.00 ug/mmol
Methyl-Succinic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 4.92 ug/mgCR
Methylation Balance Ratio Methylation Panel Ratio
1.03 - 1.20 Ratio
Methylation Index (SAM/SAH Ratio) Methylation Panel micromol/L
2.20 - 6.40 micromol/L
Methylation Ratio Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) Ratio
0.20 - 0.65 Ratio
Methylcitric Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.19 - 2.70 mmol/mol creatinine
Methylcitric Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 14.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Methylcitric (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.15 - 1.70 mmol/mol creatinine
Methylcitric (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 5.70 mmol/mol creatinine
Methylcitric acid (Vitamin H) Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.15 - 2.96 mmol/mol
Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR), DNA Genetics N/A
Methylmalonate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 1.64 ug/mg creatinine
Methylmalonate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.90 mmol/mol creatinine
Methylmalonate (Genova) Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 2.30 mcg/mg creatinine
Methylmalonate (MMA) Nutritional Organic Acids (Urine) - DUTCH ug/mg
0.00 - 2.50 ug/mg
Methylmalonate (MMA) (Male) Nutritional Organic Acids (Urine) - DUTCH ug/mg
0.00 - 3.50 ug/mg
Methylmalonic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.30 mmol/mol creatinine
Methylmalonic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Methylmalonic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.30 mmol/mol creatinine
Methylmalonic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 5.20 mmol/mol creatinine
Methylmalonic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.90 mmol/mol creatinine
Methylmalonic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 24.90 nmol/mg Creatinine
Methylmalonic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.90 mmol/mol creatinine
Methylmalonic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 1.85 ug/mgCR
Methylmalonic acid (Vitamin B12) Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 2.21 mmol/mol
Methylmalonic Acid, Serum Vitamins & Minerals nmol/L
0.00 - 378.00 nmol/L
0.00 - 0.38 nmol/ML
METHYLMALONYLCARN, C4DC (C4-Dicarboxylic) Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.01 - 0.07 umol/L
Methylparaben Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 180.00 ug/g
Methylsuccinate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 2.20 ug/mg creatinine
Methylsuccinic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 3.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Methylsuccinic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.10 - 2.20 mmol/mol creatinine
Methylsuccinic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.30 mmol/mol creatinine
Methylsuccinic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 4.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Methylsuccinic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.13 - 2.14 mmol/mol
Mevalonolactone Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Microalb, Ur Urine Microalbumin mg/dL
0.51 - 29.00 mg/dL
Microalbumin OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 130.40 nmol/mg Creatinine
Microalbumin/Creatinine Ratio Urine Microalbumin mg/g
1.00 - 30.00 mg/g
Microbial Transglutaminase IgA Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.10 ELISA Index
Microbial Transglutaminase IgG Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.00 ELISA Index
Micrococcus Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Microsporidium spp. GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 5000.00 Units
MicroVascular Health Score GlycoCheck N/A
>=10 - Very High
9 - Very High
8 - High
7 - High
6 - High Average
5 - Average
4 - Average
3 - Low Average
2 - Low
1 - Low
0.0 - Very Low
MID# White Blood Cell Differential Test MM3
0.00 - 0.50 MM3
MID% White Blood Cell Differential Test %
2.00 - 6.00 %
Milk Butyrophilin Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.40 ELISA Index
Milk Chocolate Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.20 ELISA Index
Millet Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Mint Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 2.10 ELISA Index
MIP-1 beta Cytokine Response Profile (CytoDx), Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 35.20 Units
Mitochondrial (M2) Antibody Liver Health Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Mixed Heavy Metals IgA+IgM Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Mixed Heavy Metals IgG+IgA Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Mixed Heavy Metals IgM Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.10 ELISA Index
Mixed Respiratory Flora Sputum Culture, Bacterial N/A
MMA (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) nmol/ML
0.10 - 0.50 nmol/ML
MMP 9 Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness ng/mL
0.00 - 0.20 ng/mL
MMP-9 (Matrix Metalloproteinase-9) Tumor / Cancer screening tests ng/mL
0.00 - 984.00 ng/mL
MOG Antibody, Cell-based IFA LabCorp (various) N/A
Mold Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) N/A
Molybdenum Toxic & Essential Elements (Whole Blood) ug/L
0.30 - 2.50 ug/L
Molybdenum Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 0.01 Units
Molybdenum Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.02 - 0.05 µg/g
Molybdenum Essential Elements (Urine) mEq/g creat
0.01 - 0.13 mEq/g creat
Molybdenum NutriStat Basic Profile ug/L
0.60 - 2.00 ug/L
Molybdenum Minerals & Metals Test Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Molybdenum Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
15.00 - 175.00 ug/g creat
Molybdenum Metabolic Health ng/mL
0.00 - 3.30 ng/mL
Molybdenum (Mo) Hair Tissue Analysis [ARL (Analytical Research Labs)] Units
0.06 - 0.14 Units
Monk Fruit, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Monkey Pox (Mpox) Vaccination Tracker N/A
Not vaccinated
Mono Qual W/Rflx Qn LabCorp (various) N/A
Mono-(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate (MEHHP) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 14.10 ug/g
Mono-(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl) phthalate (MEOHP) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 8.99 ug/g
mono-(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl) phthalate (MEOHP) Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) mcg/g
0.00 - 20.00 mcg/g
Mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (MEHP) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 2.73 ug/g
mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (MEHP) Environmental Toxins mcg/g
0.00 - 5.00 mcg/g
Mono-ethyl phthalate (MEtP) Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) mcg/g
0.00 - 305.00 mcg/g
Mono-ethyl phthalate (MEtP) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 94.20 ug/g
Monócitos (Absoluto) Brazilian Biomarkers x10E3/µL
0.10 - 0.90 x10E3/µL
Monócitos (Percentual) Brazilian Biomarkers %
4.00 - 8.00 %
Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 (MCP-1) Immune System pg/mL
45.00 - 396.00 pg/mL
Monocyte/Macrophage, % Cell Count and Differential, Synovial Fluid %
0.00 - 69.00 %
Monocytes (Absolute) White Blood Cell Differential Test x10E3/uL
0.10 - 0.90 x10E3/uL
0.10 - 0.90 abs
0.10 - 0.90 x10^9/L
100.00 - 900.00 cells/uL
Monocytes (Percent) White Blood Cell Differential Test %
4.00 - 8.00 %
Monocytes, % Cell Count and Differential, Synovial Fluid %
15.00 - 45.00 %
Monoethyl Phthalate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 0.10 ug/mg creatinine
Monoethylphthalate (MEP) Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 5.00 µg/g creatinine
Monos, CSF Cell Count and Differential, Synovial Fluid %
15.00 - 45.00 %
Monosodium Urate StoneRisk Diagnostic Profile Ratio
0.00 - 4.00 Ratio
Monospot Heterophile antibody Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) index
0.00 - 0.00 index
Monounsaturated Fats, Total NutriStat Basic Profile %
15.65 - 31.82 %
Monounsaturated Fatty Acid Index Fatty Acids Profile, Essential (Serum/Plasma) index
0.00 - 20.00 index
Morganella species The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Morganella species Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Morganella spp. GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 1000.00 Units
Morning Cortisol HPA (NeuroLab) nm
5.10 - 11.60 nm
Morning DHEA-s HPA (NeuroLab) ng/mL
1.00 - 6.00 ng/mL
Morphology - leucocytes Semen analysis mill/ml
0.00 - 1.00 mill/ml
Morphology - Round cells Semen analysis mill/ml
0.00 - 0.00 mill/ml
Motility Semen analysis %
40.00 - 81.00 %
Motility - immotil Semen analysis %
0.00 - 0.00 %
Motility - not Progressive Semen analysis %
0.00 - 0.00 %
Motility - Progressive, fast (A) Semen analysis %
31.00 - 34.00 %
Motility - Progressive, slow (B) Semen analysis %
0.00 - 0.00 %
Motility in fast rectilineal movement Semen analysis %
0.00 - 0.00 %
Motility in rectilineal movement Semen analysis %
0.00 - 0.00 %
MOUNTAIN CEDAR (T6) IGE Allergen Panel N/A
Class 0 (< 0.34)
Class 1 (0.35 – 0.69)
Class 2 (0.70 – 3.49)
Class 3 (3.50 – 17.49)
Class 4 (17.50 – 49.99)
Class 5 (50.0 – 100.0)
Class 6 (100+)
Mouth Swab Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) cfu/ml
0.00 - 0.00 cfu/ml
Mozzarella Cheese 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
MTHFR Genetics Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Mucor racemosus Allergen Profile, Mold kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
MUCOR RACEMOSUS (M4) 1GE Allergy Mold Panel, Complete N/A
Class 0 (<0.1 kU/L)
Class 0/1 (0.10-0.34 kU/L)
Class 1 (0.35-0.69 kU/L)
Class 2 (0.70-3.49 kU/L)
Class 3 (3.50-17.4 kU/L)
Class 4 (17.5-49.9 kU/L)
Class 5 (50-100 kU/L)
Class 6 (>100 kU/L)
Class 0 (<0.1 kU/L)
Class 0/1 (0.10-0.34 kU/L)
Class 1 (0.35-0.69 kU/L)
Class 2 (0.70-3.49 kU/L)
Class 3 (3.50-17.4 kU/L)
Class 4 (17.5-49.9 kU/L)
Class 5 (50-100 kU/L)
Class 6 (>100 kU/L)
Mucous Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Not Detected
Mucous The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Detected
Mucus GI360 stool profile N/A
Mucus Urinalysis N/A
Mucus Full GI Panel N/A
0 (No Presence)
1 (Low Presence)
2 (Moderate Presence)
3 (High Presence)
4 (Heavy Presence)
Mugwort Weed IgE Allergen Panel kUA/L
0.00 - 0.34 kUA/L
Mumps Abs, IgG Immune System N/A
Immune >10.9
Equivocal 9 - 10.9
Negative <9.0
Murine typhus IgG by IFA Infectious Disease Profile N/A
Muscle fibers GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Mushroom, raw + cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.60 ELISA Index
Mussel, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Mustard Seed Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.40 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Mutated Citrullinated Vimentin (MCV) Ab Quest Diagnostics U/mL
0.00 - 20.00 U/mL
MXD # Complete Blood Count Results: How to Interpret a CBC – A Comprehensive Guide x10E3/uL
0.00 - 0.90 x10E3/uL
MXD % Complete Blood Count Results: How to Interpret a CBC – A Comprehensive Guide %
0.00 - 12.00 %
Mycobacterium avium Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (avium) Stool Units
0.00 - 4999.00 Units
Mycophenolic Acid Total Tox-Burden ng/g
0.00 - 3.60 ng/g
Mycophenolic Acid MycoTOX Profile (Mold Exposure) ng/g creatinine
0.00 - 37.40 ng/g creatinine
Mycophenolic Acid (MPA) MycoTOX Profile (Mold Exposure) ng/g creatinine
0.00 - 37.40 ng/g creatinine
Mycoplasma hominis GI360 stool profile N/A
Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Antibody (IgG) Mycoplasma Units
0.00 - 0.90 Units
Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Antibody (IgM) Mycoplasma U/mL
0.00 - 770.00 U/mL
0.00 - 0.80 Ratio
Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgG Abs Mycoplasma U/mL
0.00 - 100.00 U/mL
Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM Abs Mycoplasma U/mL
0.00 - 770.00 U/mL
Mycoplasmas Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Myelin Basic Protein IgA+IgM Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 3.20 ELISA Index
Myelin Basic Protein IgG + IgA Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.60 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Myelin Basic Protein IgM Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 2.00 ELISA Index
Myelocytes White Blood Cell Differential Test %
0.00 - 0.10 %
Myeloperoxidase (MPO) Lipid Panel pmol/L
0.00 - 469.00 pmol/L
MYELOPEROXIDASE ANTIBODY Sensory Motor Neuropathy Complete Antibody Panel AI
0.00 - 1.00 AI
Myocardial Peptide Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Myoglobin, Serum Muscle Health mcg/L
0.00 - 66.00 mcg/L
Myristic (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
15.00 - 139.00 µmol/L
Myristic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile %
0.10 - 2.45 %
Myristoleic (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
0.80 - 9.70 µmol/L
N ACETYLASPARTIC Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 41.00 mmol/mol creatinine
N-Acetyl (2,Hydroxypropyl) Cysteine (NAHP) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 101.00 ug/g
N-Acetyl (2-Cyanoethyl) Cysteine (NACE) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 5.28 ug/g
N-Acetyl (2-Cyanoethyl) Cysteine (NACE) Environmental Toxins mcg/g
0.00 - 11.80 mcg/g
N-Acetyl (3,4-Dihydroxybutyl) Cysteine Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 374.00 ug/g
N-Acetyl (Propyl) Cysteine (NAPR) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 11.30 ug/g
N-acetyl phenyl cysteine (NAP) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 1.29 ug/g
N-acetyl phenyl cysteine (NAP) Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 0.20 µg/g creatinine
N-Acetyl Propyl Cysteine (NAPR) Environmental Toxins mcg/g
0.00 - 5.00 mcg/g
N-acetyl(2-cyanoethyl)cysteine (NACE) Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 5.80 µg/g creatinine
N-acetyl(2-hydroxypropyl)cysteine (NAHP) Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 4.00 µg/g creatinine
N-acetyl(3,4-dihydroxybutyl)cysteine (NADB) Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 4.00 µg/g creatinine
N-acetyl(propyl)cysteine (NAPR) Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 4.00 µg/g creatinine
N-acetyl-S-(2-carbamoylethyl)-cysteine Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 82.00 ug/g
N-acetyl-S-(2-carbamoylethyl)cysteine (NAE) Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 4.00 µg/g creatinine
N-Acetylaspartic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 38.00 mmol/mol creatinine
N-Acetylaspartic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 38.00 mmol/mol creatinine
N-Acetylaspartic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 38.00 mmol/mol creatinine
N-Acetylaspartic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 3.90 mmol/mol
N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.28 mmol/mol creatinine
N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.15 - 0.83 ug/mgCR
N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.13 mmol/mol creatinine
N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.34 mmol/mol creatinine
N-Acetylcysteine acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 0.26 mmol/mol
N-AcetylTyrosine Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 4.00 mmol/mol creatinine
n-Butyrate % 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool %
11.80 - 33.30 %
n-Butyrate Concentration 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool micromol/g
3.60 - 100.00 micromol/g
N-Methylhistamine ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
79.00 - 140.00 µg/g creatinine
N-methylhistamine, Urine Quest Diagnostics Urine Markers mcg/g Creat.
30.00 - 200.00 mcg/g Creat.
N-Valerylglycine Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Na/K Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Ratio
1.40 - 3.40 Ratio
Na/K Minerals & Metals Test Units
2.30 - 2.70 Units
Na/K Ratio Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) Ratio
1.20 - 4.80 Ratio
Na/Mg Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Ratio
2.00 - 6.00 Ratio
Na/Mg Minerals & Metals Test Ratio
3.90 - 4.50 Ratio
Native + Deamidated Alpha-Gliadin-33-mer IgA Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.40 ELISA Index
Native + Deamidated Alpha-Gliadin-33-mer IgG Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 1.80 ELISA Index
NATURAL KILLER CELLS CD3-CD16+CD56+ (ABS) Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 cells/uL
70.00 - 760.00 cells/uL
Navy Bean / White Bean, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Necator americanus GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Necator americanus, Hookworm Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Not Detected
Necator americanus, Hookworm The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Detected
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, NAA, Urine Sexually transmitted disease N/A
Neopterin, Serum LabCorp (various) ng/mL
0.00 - 2.50 ng/mL
Nervonic Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) wt %
2.10 - 3.50 wt %
Nervonic (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
1.10 - 2.70 µmol/L
Nervonic 24:1 n9 Metabolimix+ wt %
1.10 - 1.80 wt %
Nervonic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile %
0.13 - 1.96 %
Nervonic Acid, C24:1w9 Fatty Acids Profile, Essential (Serum/Plasma) nmol/ML
35.00 - 145.00 nmol/ML
Neurofilament Light Chain (NfL) Other pg/mL
0.00 - 2.13 pg/mL
Neuron Specific Enolase (NSE) Quest Diagnostics ng/mL
0.00 - 10.80 ng/mL
Neuron-specific Enolase (NSE) Tumor / Cancer screening tests ng/mL
0.00 - 17.60 ng/mL
Neurone Specific Enolase Tumor / Cancer screening tests ug/L
0.00 - 16.30 ug/L
Neut/Lymph Ratio White Blood Cell Differential Test Ratio
0.00 - 2.90 Ratio
Neutrófilos (Absoluto) Brazilian Biomarkers x10E3/µL
1.40 - 7.00 x10E3/µL
Neutrófilos (Percentual) Brazilian Biomarkers %
50.00 - 70.00 %
Neutrophil Antibody, Flow Cytometry - Neutrophil Antibody Quest Diagnostics N/A
Neutrophil Count Micronutrient (Vibrant America) x10E3/uL
1.56 - 6.13 x10E3/uL
Neutrophils (Absolute) White Blood Cell Differential Test x10E3/uL
1.40 - 7.00 x10E3/uL
1400.00 - 7000.00 cells/uL
Neutrophils (Percent) White Blood Cell Differential Test %
50.00 - 70.00 %
Neutrophils, % Cell Count and Differential, Synovial Fluid %
0.00 - 24.00 %
Nickel Toxic & Essential Elements (Whole Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 3.00 ug/L
Nickel Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 0.08 Units
Nickel Toxic Metals (Urine) µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 5.00 µg/g creatinine
Nickel Complete Heavy Metals Test (Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 28.00 ug/L
Nickel Heavy Metals ug/g
0.00 - 11.90 ug/g
Nickel Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.00 - 0.30 µg/g
Nickel Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 0.60 ug/g
NICKEL NutriStat Basic Profile ug/L
0.00 - 2.00 ug/L
Nickel Toxic Metals; stool mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 8.00 mg/kg Dry Wt
Nickel Minerals & Metals Test Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Nickel Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
0.00 - 3.88 ug/g creat
Nickel Toxic Metals (Stool) mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 8.00 mg/kg Dry Wt
Nickel (Ni) Hair Tissue Analysis [ARL (Analytical Research Labs)] Units
0.00 - 0.10 Units
Nickel, Urine Heavy Metal Basic Panel (5520) (Access Medical Labs) ug/g
0.00 - 7.00 ug/g
Nicotinamide Vitamins & Minerals ng/mL
5.20 - 72.10 ng/mL
Nicotinic Acid Vitamins & Minerals ng/mL
0.00 - 5.00 ng/mL
Night Cortisol HPA (NeuroLab) nm
0.40 - 2.10 nm
Night Cortisol Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g
0.00 - 0.00 ug/g
Night Cortisone Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g
0.00 - 0.00 ug/g
Night Creatinine Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) mg/dL
0.00 - 0.00 mg/dL
Niobium Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
0.00 - 0.08 ug/g creat
Niobium, Urine Heavy Metal Basic Panel (5520) (Access Medical Labs) ug/g
0.00 - 1.00 ug/g
NITRITE Urinalysis, complete N/A
Nitrite, Urine Urinalysis Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Nivalenol (NIV) Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) Units
0.00 - 2.40 Units
NK Cells (CD16/CD56) Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 %
5.00 - 30.00 %
NMDAR Antibody, Cell-based IFA LabCorp (various) N/A
NMO IgG Autoantibodies LabCorp (various) U/mL
0.00 - 3.00 U/mL
Non switched CD27+IgD+IgM+ % Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 % of CD19
2.40 - 15.00 % of CD19
Non switched CD27+IgD+IgM+ Abs Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 cells/mcL
5.00 - 46.00 cells/mcL
Non-Crenated Erythrocytes (CSF) Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis %
0.00 - 0.00 %
Non-Gluten Proteins-A IgA Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Non-Gluten Proteins-A IgG Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Non-Gluten Proteins-B IgA Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Non-Gluten Proteins-B IgG Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 3.00 ELISA Index
Non-HDL Cholesterol Lipid Panel mg/dL
0.00 - 130.00 mg/dL
0.00 - 3.37 mmol/L
Non-HDL Cholesterol NutriStat mmol/L
0.00 - 4.00 mmol/L
Nonadecanoic (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
0.00 - 1.89 µmol/L
Nonesterified Fatty Acids (Free Fatty Acids) Metabolic Health mmol/L
0.07 - 0.88 mmol/L
Norepi/Epi Ratio HPA (NeuroLab) Ratio
0.00 - 13.00 Ratio
Norepinephrine HPA (NeuroLab) ug/g Cr
30.00 - 50.00 ug/g Cr
Norepinephrine Catecholamine blood test pg/mL
217.00 - 1109.00 pg/mL
Norepinephrine Neurotransmitters ug/g creat
19.00 - 76.00 ug/g creat
Norepinephrine Neuro Basic Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) µg/g
22.00 - 50.00 µg/g
Norepinephrine Catecholamines, Fractionated, Random Urine mcg/g Cr
20.00 - 108.00 mcg/g Cr
Norepinephrine (pooled) ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
15.00 - 28.10 µg/g creatinine
Norepinephrine / Epinephrine ratio Neuro Basic Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) Ratio
0.00 - 13.00 Ratio
Norepinephrine/Epinephrine Neurotransmitters (VibrantWellness) mcg/g
6.70 - 12.80 mcg/g
Norfloxacin The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Tested
Normetanephrine ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
17.90 - 31.70 µg/g creatinine
Normetanephrine Neuro Basic Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) ug/g
85.00 - 300.00 ug/g
Normetanephrine Neurotransmitters pg/mL
0.00 - 145.00 pg/mL
0.00 - 0.64 nmol/L
Normetanephrine (24hr Urine) Neurotransmitters mcg/24h
122.00 - 676.00 mcg/24h
Normetanephrine, Free Quest Diagnostics pg/mL
0.00 - 148.00 pg/mL
0.00 - 0.87 nmol/L
Norovirus GI/GII GI360 stool profile N/A
Norovirus GI/II GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 10000000.00 Units
Norovirus GI/II The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Detected
Norovirus GI/II Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Not Detected
NT PROBNP Quest Diagnostics pg/mL
0.00 - 253.00 pg/mL
NT-proBNP LabCorp (various) pg/mL
0.00 - 210.00 pg/mL
Nuclear Dot Pattern ANA 12 Plus Profile (RDL) N/A
Nucleated RBC (NRBC) (%) Blood Health %
0.00 - 0.00 %
Nucleated red blood cell (NRBC) Blood Health / 100 WBCs
0.00 - 0.00 / 100 WBCs
Nutmeg Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.90 ELISA Index
OAK (T7) IGE Allergen Panel N/A
Class 0 (< 0.34)
Class 1 (0.35 – 0.69)
Class 2 (0.70 – 3.49)
Class 3 (3.50 – 17.49)
Class 4 (17.50 – 49.99)
Class 5 (50.0 – 100.0)
Class 6 (100+)
Oat, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Oats Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.40 ELISA Index
Occludin IgG1-4+C3d Gut Barrier Panel N/A
Occludin/Zonulin IgA Array 2 - Intestinal Antigenic Permeability Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.60 ELISA Index
Occludin/Zonulin IgA+IgM Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.30 ELISA Index
Occludin/Zonulin IgG Array 2 - Intestinal Antigenic Permeability Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 1.60 ELISA Index
Occludin/Zonulin IgM Array 2 - Intestinal Antigenic Permeability Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.80 ELISA Index
OCCULT BLOOD Urinalysis, complete N/A
Occult Blood GI360 stool profile N/A
Occult Blood Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Occult Blood The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Occult Blood - FIT GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions ug/g
0.00 - 10.00 ug/g
Ochratoxin (A and B) - IgE Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Ochratoxin (A and B) - IgG Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Ochratoxin A MycoTOX Profile (Mold Exposure) ng/g creatinine
0.00 - 7.50 ng/g creatinine
Ochratoxin A Mycotoxin Panel (RealTime Laboratories) ppb
0.00 - 1.80 ppb
Ochratoxin A (OTA) Total Tox-Burden ng/g
0.00 - 3.83 ng/g
Octadecanoyl (C18:0) Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.11 umol/L
Octanoic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 19.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Octanoylcarnitine, C8 Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.27 umol/L
Octenoyl (C8:1) Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.70 umol/L
OCTENOYLCARNITINE, C8:1 Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma nmol/ML
0.00 - 1.26 nmol/ML
Odoribacter spp. 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
0.00 - 95000000.00 CFU/g stool
OH Butyrylcarnitine, C4OH (C4-Hydroxy) Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.09 umol/L
OH DODECANOYLCARN, C12-OH Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma nmol/ML
0.00 - 0.02 nmol/ML
OH Hexadecanoyl C16:1 OH Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.02 umol/L
OH Hexadecanoylcarn C16OH Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.02 umol/L
oh Isovalerylcarnitine, C5oh (C5-Hydroxy) Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.06 umol/L
OH-Butyrylcarnitine, C4OH Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma nmol/ML
0.00 - 0.05 nmol/ML
OH-HEXANOYLCARNITINE, C6OH Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma nmol/ML
0.00 - 0.02 nmol/ML
OH-Hexanoylcarnitine, C6OH Quest Diagnostics nmol/ML
0.00 - 0.00 nmol/ML
OH-LINOLEOYLCARN, C18:2-OH (C18:2-Hydroxy) Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.02 umol/L
OH-OLEOYLCARN, C18:1-OH (C18:1-Hydroxy) Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.02 umol/L
OH-TETRADECANOYLCARN, C14OH Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma nmol/ML
0.00 - 0.02 nmol/ML
OH-TETRADECENOYL; C14:1-OH Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma nmol/ML
0.00 - 0.02 nmol/ML
Okra, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Oleic Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) wt %
10.00 - 13.00 wt %
Oleic (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
466.00 - 1470.00 µmol/L
Oleic 18:1 n9 Metabolimix+ wt %
14.00 - 21.00 wt %
Oleic Acid Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
65.00 - 100.00 %
Oleic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile %
14.20 - 25.50 %
Oleoylcarnitine, C18:1 Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.04 - 0.17 umol/L
Oleylcarnitine (C18:1-DC) Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.03 umol/L
Oligoclonal Bands (IgG), CSF Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis N/A
Olive Tree IgE Allergen Panel kUA/L
0.00 - 0.34 kUA/L
Olive, green + black, pickled Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.70 ELISA Index
OMEGA 3 (EPA+DHA) INDEX Quest Diagnostics N/A
OMEGA 3 (EPA+DHA) INDEX (numer.) Quest Diagnostics %
1.40 - 4.90 %
Omega 3 Index Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) index
4.00 - 16.00 index
OMEGA 3 INDEX NutriStat Basic Profile %
2.90 - 12.90 %
Omega 3, Total NutriStat Basic Profile %
2.57 - 15.15 %
Omega 3/Omega 6 Ratio NutriStat Basic Profile Ratio
0.10 - 0.46 Ratio
Omega 3/Omega 6 Ratio NutriStat Ratio
0.40 - 0.50 Ratio
Omega 6, Total NutriStat Basic Profile %
24.85 - 44.15 %
Omega 6/Omega 3 Ratio NutriStat Basic Profile Ratio
1.90 - 14.60 Ratio
OMEGA 6/OMEGA 3 Ratio Quest Diagnostics Ratio
5.70 - 21.30 Ratio
Omega 6s / Omega 3s Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) Ratio
3.40 - 10.70 Ratio
Omega Gliadin IgG VibrantAmerica (various) Units
0.00 - 0.90 Units
Omega-3 Fatty Acid Index Fatty Acids Profile, Essential (Serum/Plasma) index
4.50 - 30.00 index
Omega-3 Index Metabolimix+ index
4.00 - 15.00 index
Omega-3 Index Micronutrient (Vibrant America) %
8.00 - 12.65 %
Omega-3 Index Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) index
4.00 - 20.00 index
Omega-3 Index (RBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) %
8.00 - 12.65 %
Omega-3 total OmegaCheck % by wt
5.40 - 10.00 % by wt
Omega-3/Omega-6 Ratio Fatty Acids Profile, Essential (Serum/Plasma) Ratio
0.00 - 0.07 Ratio
Omega-6 Fatty Acid Index Fatty Acids Profile, Essential (Serum/Plasma) index
0.00 - 39.00 index
Omega-6 total OmegaCheck % by wt
11.00 - 43.00 % by wt
Omega-6/Omega-3 Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) Ratio
3.40 - 10.70 Ratio
Omega-6/Omega-3 Ratio OmegaCheck Ratio
3.70 - 14.40 Ratio
Omega-6:Omega-3 OmegaQuant Units
3.10 - 5.10 Units
Omega-6s /Omega-3s Metabolimix+ Ratio
8.50 - 27.40 Ratio
Omega-Gliadin-17-mer IgA Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Omega-Gliadin-17-mer IgG Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.40 ELISA Index
OmegaCheck OmegaCheck % by wt
5.40 - 15.00 % by wt
Onion + Scallion Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Onion + Scallion, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Orange Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Orange Juice Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Oregano Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.40 - 2.60 ELISA Index
Oregano The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
100% Inhibition
80% Inhibition
60% Inhibition
40% Inhibition
20% Inhibition
0% Inhibition
Oregano, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Ornithine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
4.38 - 15.42 qmol/dL
Ornithine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
3.00 - 55.00 qmol/24 hours
Ornithine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
101.00 - 407.00 umol/L
Ornithine Metabolimix+ mmol/g creatinine
3.00 - 17.00 mmol/g creatinine
Ornithine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
27.00 - 83.00 umol/L
Ornithine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
5.00 - 76.30 umol/g Cr
Ornithine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
3.00 - 27.00 qM/g creatinine
Ornithine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
30.10 - 101.30 umol/L
Ornithine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 26.80 nmol/mg Creatinine
ORNITHINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 5.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Ornithine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
4.38 - 15.42 Units
Ornithine (Genova) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
28.00 - 117.00 µmol/L
2.80 - 11.70 µmol/dL
Ornithine (Ornithine transcarbamylase) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 26.80 nmol/mg Creatinine
Ornithine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
39.00 - 132.10 nmol/ML
Ornithine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
3.00 - 17.00 micromol/g creatinine
Orotate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.33 - 1.01 mmol/mol creatinine
Orotate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 1.04 ug/mg creatinine
Orotate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 1.01 mcg/mg creatinine
Orotic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Orotic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.06 - 0.54 mmol/mol creatinine
Orotic (Females Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.88 mmol/mol creatinine
Orotic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.46 mmol/mol creatinine
Orotic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.04 - 0.80 mmol/mol creatinine
Orotic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.33 - 1.01 mmol/mol creatinine
Orotic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.33 - 1.01 mmol/mol creatinine
Orotic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 1.09 ug/mgCR
Orotic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
1.20 - 13.10 nmol/mg Creatinine
Orotic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol
Oscillospira VibrantAmerica (various) Relative Abundance
0.00 - 20.00 Relative Abundance
Osmolality Electrolytes mOsm/kg
275.00 - 295.00 mOsm/kg
OSMOLALITY (U) Urinalysis mOsm/kg
50.00 - 1200.00 mOsm/kg
Osmolality, Urine StoneRisk Diagnostic Profile mOsmol/kg
300.00 - 900.00 mOsmol/kg
Osteocyte Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.70 - 2.00 ELISA Index
Osteoporosis Risk Analysis Cardiovascular & Stroke Screenings N/A
Low Probability of Osteoporosis
Additional Investigation
High Probability of Osteoporosis
Other Enterobacteriaceae Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) cfu/ml
0.00 - 0.00 cfu/ml
Other worms or unicellular intestinal parasites Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) N/A
Not Detected
Ovary/Testis Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Oxalate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 78.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Oxalates, Urine StoneRisk Diagnostic Profile mg/24 hr
4.00 - 31.00 mg/24 hr
Oxalic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
6.80 - 101.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Oxalic (Females Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
15.00 - 174.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Oxalic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
8.90 - 67.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Oxalic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
35.00 - 185.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Oxalic Acid Genova Diagnostics (various) Units
0.00 - 78.00 Units
Oxalic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 78.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Oxalic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
144.90 - 1749.50 nmol/mg Creatinine
Oxalic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol
Oxalic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
3.15 - 41.69 ug/mgCR
Oxalobacter formigenes The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^6 CFU/g
5.00 - 500.00 x10^6 CFU/g
Oxalobacter formigenes BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
0.01 - 0.07 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Oxalobacter formigenes Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^6 CFU/g
5.00 - 500.00 x10^6 CFU/g
Oxalobacter formigenes 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
0.00 - 11000000.00 CFU/g stool
Oxidized LDL Lipid Panel ng/mL
10.00 - 170.00 ng/mL
Oxidized LDL : LDL-C Lipid Panel Ratio
0.00 - 0.55 Ratio
OxLDL (Oxidized LDL) Lipid Panel U/L
0.00 - 60.00 U/L
OxPL-apoB1 Blood Health nmol/L
0.00 - 2.00 nmol/L
Oxygen Saturation (sO2) - Arterial Arterial Blood Gas Analysis (ABG) %
75.00 - 100.00 %
Oxyhemoglobin - Arterial Arterial Blood Gas Analysis (ABG) %
92.00 - 100.00 %
Oyster, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.60 ELISA Index
P-Cresol (Phenol) BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
5.84 - 19.72 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
P-Ethanolamine, Plasma Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
0.00 - 20.00 umol/L
P-Ethanolamine, Urine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g creatinine
0.00 - 150.00 umol/g creatinine
p-Hydroxybenzoate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 1.80 mcg/mg creatinine
p-Hydroxyphenylacetate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 34.00 mcg/mg creatinine
p-Hydroxyphenylacetate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 29.00 mmol/mol creatinine
p-HydroxyPhenylacetate NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 1.50 ug/mgCR
p-Hydroxyphenyllactate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 0.66 mcg/mg creatinine
P/E2 Ratio One Day Hormone Check Ratio
10.00 - 106.00 Ratio
p100 Borreliosis N/A
p150 (IgG) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
p150 (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
p18 (IgG) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
p18 (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
p23 (IgG) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
p23 (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
p28 (IgG) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
p28 (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
p38 (IgG) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
p38 (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
p52 (IgG) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
p52 (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
p65 (IgG) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
p65 (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
PAD Left Side (Peripheral Arterial Disease Screening) Cardiovascular & Stroke Screenings N/A
Abnormal < 0.3
Abnormal 0.31-0.89
Normal 0.9 - 1.4
Abnormal > 1.4
PAD Right Side (Peripheral Arterial Disease Screening) Cardiovascular & Stroke Screenings N/A
Abnormal < 0.3
Abnormal 0.31-0.89
Normal 0.9-1.4
Abnormal >1.40
Palladium Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 0.01 ug/g
Palladium Toxic Metals (Urine) µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 0.30 µg/g creatinine
Palladium Heavy Metals ug/g
0.00 - 0.20 ug/g
Palmitelaidic Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
0.00 - 1.80 µmol/L
Palmitic Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) wt %
18.00 - 23.00 wt %
Palmitic (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
667.00 - 2526.00 µmol/L
Palmitic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile %
17.50 - 27.10 %
Palmitic C16:0 Metabolimix+ wt %
19.00 - 27.00 wt %
Palmitoleic Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) wt %
0.00 - 0.64 wt %
Palmitoleic (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
30.00 - 256.00 µmol/L
Palmitoleic 16:1 n7 Metabolimix+ wt %
0.00 - 2.58 wt %
Palmitoleic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile %
0.13 - 2.90 %
Palmitoyl (C16) Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 1.00 umol/L
Pancreatic Elastase Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) ug/g
200.00 - 1000.00 ug/g
Pancreatic Elastase The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) ug/g
200.00 - 1000.00 ug/g
Pancreatic elastase 1 Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) ug/g
0.00 - 0.00 ug/g
Pancreatic Elastase 1 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool mcg/g
200.00 - 1000.00 mcg/g
Pancreatic elastase 1 Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness mcg/g
200.00 - 1000.00 mcg/g
Pancreatic Elastase-1 Stool mcg/g
200.00 - 1000.00 mcg/g
Pantothenate Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
13.00 - 100.00 %
Pantothenic (B5) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 10.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Pantothenic (B5) (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 5.40 mmol/mol creatinine
Pantothenic (B5) (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 14.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Pantothenic Acid (Vit B5) NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.50 - 7.40 ug/mgCR
Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 9.91 mmol/mol
Papaya Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Papaya, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
PapIG, HPV, rfx 16/18 Tumor / Cancer screening tests N/A
Paprika Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.10 ELISA Index
Paprika, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Para-Hydroxybenzoate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 1.43 ug/mg creatinine
Para-Hydroxyphenylacetate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 26.39 ug/mg creatinine
Para-Hydroxyphenyllactate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 1.55 ug/mg creatinine
Parabacteroides goldsteinii BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
0.01 - 0.11 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Parabacteroides johnsonii GI360 stool profile N/A
Parabacteroides merdae BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
0.15 - 1.00 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Parabacteroides spp. GI360 stool profile N/A
Parabens IgG+IgA Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Parabens IgM Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.20 ELISA Index
Paragonimus westermani GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
ParaHydroxyBenzoate NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 2.00 ug/mgCR
ParaHydroxyphenyllactate NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 1.47 ug/mgCR
ParaHydroxyphenyllactate Organic Acids Metabolomic Mapping ug/mgCR
0.00 - 1.47 ug/mgCR
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH), Serum Thyroid Panel pg/mL
15.00 - 65.00 pg/mL
Parathyroid Hormone, intact Quest Diagnostics pg/mL
16.00 - 77.00 pg/mL
1.68 - 8.11 pmol/L
Parietal Cell + ATPase Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.20 ELISA Index
0.00 - 20.00 EU/ml
0.00 - 20.00 EU/ml
0.00 - 20.00 EU/ml
Parovirus B19 VLP VP1/Vp2 Co Capsid - IgG Tickborne Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Parsley Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.30 ELISA Index
22.00 - 34.00 seconds
Parvalbumin Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Parvovirus B19 Antibody (IGG) Parvovirus Units
0.00 - 0.89 Units
Parvovirus B19 Antibody (IGM) Parvovirus Units
0.00 - 0.89 Units
Pathogen Control Index BiomeFx index
0.00 - 10.00 index
Patulin Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) ng/g
0.00 - 8.70 ng/g
PBG/Creatinine Ratio Porphyrins, Quantitative, Random Urine mg/g Creat.
0.20 - 2.20 mg/g Creat.
PBP1A N562Y GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions N/A
PBP1A S414R GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions N/A
PBP1A T556S GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions N/A
PCO2 Arterial Blood Gas Analysis (ABG) mmHg
35.00 - 39.00 mmHg
pCO2 - Arterial Arterial Blood Gas Analysis (ABG) mm/Hg
35.00 - 39.00 mm/Hg
PCR-us (Proteína C-reativa ultrassensível) Brazilian Biomarkers mg/L
0.00 - 1.00 mg/L
PEA ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
5.30 - 16.10 µg/g creatinine
PEA HPA (NeuroLab) mcg/g Cr
1.64 - 7.27 mcg/g Cr
PEA Neurotransmitters uMol/gCr
15.00 - 167.00 uMol/gCr
Pea Lectin Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Pea Protein Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.30 ELISA Index
Pea, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Peach + Nectarine Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.00 ELISA Index
Peak Combined Gas Production Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) 3 Hour ppm
0.00 - 19.99 ppm
Peak Hydrogen (H2) Production Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) ppm
0.00 - 19.99 ppm
Peak Methane (CH4) Production Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) ppm
0.00 - 2.99 ppm
Peanut Agglutinin Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Peanut Allergen Tree Nut Allergen Panel kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
Peanut Allergen, Class 0, Specific IgE Tree Nut Allergen Panel kUA/L
0.00 - 0.35 kUA/L
Peanut Butter Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Peanut Oleosin Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Peanut, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Peanut, roasted Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.40 ELISA Index
Pear Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.60 ELISA Index
Pecan nut (F201) IgE Tree Nut Allergen Panel kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
Pecan, raw + roasted Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Penicillin The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Tested
Penicillium Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Penicillium chrysogen Allergen Profile, Mold kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
Penicillium Chrysogenum/notatum IgG Quest Diagnostics mcg/mL
0.00 - 22.00 mcg/mL
PENICILLIUM GLABRUM (P. FREQUENTANS) (M209) IGE Allergy Mold Panel, Complete N/A
Class 0 (<0.1 kU/L)
Class 0/1 (0.10-0.34 kU/L)
Class 1 (0.35-0.69 kU/L)
Class 2 (0.70-3.49 kU/L)
Class 3 (3.50-17.4 kU/L)
Class 4 (17.5-49.9 kU/L)
Class 5 (50-100 kU/L)
Class 6 (>100 kU/L)
PENICILLIUM NOTATUM (M1) IGE Allergy Mold Panel, Complete N/A
Class 0 (<0.1 kU/L)
Class 0/1 (0.10-0.34 kU/L)
Class 1 (0.35-0.69 kU/L)
Class 2 (0.70-3.49 kU/L)
Class 3 (3.50-17.4 kU/L)
Class 4 (17.5-49.9 kU/L)
Class 5 (50-100 kU/L)
Class 6 (>100 kU/L)
Penicillium Toxin (Mycophynolic acid) - IgE Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Penicillium Toxin (Mycophynolic acid) - IgG Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Pentacarboxyl (5-CP) Porphyrins, Quantitative, Random Urine ug/L
0.00 - 2.00 ug/L
Pentacarboxyporphyrin Urinalysis mcg/g creat
0.00 - 3.50 mcg/g creat
Pentadecanoic Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) wt %
0.07 - 0.15 wt %
Pentadecanoic (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
0.00 - 20.60 µmol/L
Pentadecanoic C15:0 Metabolimix+ wt %
0.14 - 0.30 wt %
Pentatrichomonas hominis Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^5 org/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 org/g
Pentatrichomonas hominis GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 100.00 Units
Pentatrichomonas hominis The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 org/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 org/g
Pentatrichomonas hominis GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
PEP A2Glob Immune System g/dL
0.66 - 0.91 g/dL
Peptostreptococcus Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Percent of a+b Semen analysis %
50.00 - 100.00 %
Perchlorate (PERC) Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 µg/g creatinine
Perchlorate (PERC) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 4.89 ug/g
Perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 0.14 ug/g
Perfluoropentanoic acid (PFPeA) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 0.19 ug/g
Perfluoroundecanoic acid (PFUnA) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 1.27 ug/g
Perinuclear (P-ANCA) ANCA Panel N/A
Pg/E2 Ratio Hormone Report (Labrix, Doctor's Data) Ratio
200.00 - 1000.00 Ratio
Pgdiol/E2 Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
1000.00 - 1500.00 µg/g creatinine
pH OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions Units
5.50 - 7.70 Units
PH Urinalysis, complete pH
5.00 - 8.00 pH
pH Semen analysis pH
7.20 - 8.00 pH
pH Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) Units
6.20 - 6.80 Units
pH Arterial Blood Gas Analysis (ABG) pH
7.35 - 7.45 pH
pH (stool) Comprehensive Stool Analysis / Parasitology pH
5.80 - 7.00 pH
pH - Arterial Arterial Blood Gas Analysis (ABG) pH
7.35 - 7.45 pH
PH, 24 HR Urine StoneRisk Diagnostic Profile pH
4.50 - 8.00 pH
Phascolarctobacterium Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Phascolarctobacterium spp. GI360 stool profile N/A
Phenethylamine (PEA) Neuro Basic Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) nmol/g
32.00 - 84.00 nmol/g
Phenyl glyoxylic Acid (PGO) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 285.00 ug/g
Phenylacetate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.12 mmol/mol creatinine
Phenylacetate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 0.18 mcg/mg creatinine
Phenylacetate NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 0.40 ug/mgCR
Phenylacetic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Phenylacetic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.12 mmol/mol creatinine
Phenylacetic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 8.70 nmol/mg Creatinine
Phenylacetic Acid (PAA) Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.12 mmol/mol creatinine
Phenylalanine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
7.00 - 92.00 micromol/g creatinine
Phenylalanine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
40.00 - 74.00 umol/L
Phenylalanine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
5.00 - 239.00 umol/g Cr
Phenylalanine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
6.07 - 17.46 qmol/dL
Phenylalanine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
25.00 - 100.00 qM/g creatinine
Phenylalanine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
35.80 - 76.90 umol/L
Phenylalanine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
7.40 - 69.60 nmol/mg Creatinine
PHENYLALANINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
2.00 - 10.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Phenylalanine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
6.07 - 17.46 Units
Phenylalanine Urinary Amino Acids (Synlab) mmol/mol creatinine
5.00 - 20.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Phenylalanine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
30.00 - 130.00 qmol/24 hours
Phenylalanine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
51.20 - 121.00 umol/L
Phenylalanine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
42.00 - 95.00 µmol/L
4.20 - 9.50 µmol/dL
Phenylalanine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
31.70 - 71.00 nmol/ML
Phenylalanine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
8.00 - 71.00 micromol/g creatinine
Phenylalanine/Tyrosine NutriStat Basic Profile Ratio
0.00 - 2.01 Ratio
Phenylalanine/Tyrosine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 Ratio
0.53 - 1.46 Ratio
Phenylalanine/Tyrosine (Genova) Amino Acids 40 Profile Ratio
0.00 - 1.19 Ratio
Phenylglyoxylate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 0.30 ug/mg creatinine
Phenylglyoxylic Acid (PGO) Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 5.00 µg/g creatinine
Phenylglyoxylic Acid (PGO) Environmental Toxins mcg/g
0.00 - 105.60 mcg/g
Phenyllactic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Phenyllactic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Phenyllactic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Phenyllactic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Phenyllactic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 0.21 mmol/mol
Phenylpropionate NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 0.20 ug/mgCR
Phenylpropionate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 0.06 mcg/mg creatinine
Phenylpropionylglycine Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Phenylpyruvic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Phenylpyruvic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Phenylpyruvic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Phenylpyruvic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 4.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Phenylpyruvic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.23 - 2.20 mmol/mol
Phocaeicola vulgatus 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
0.00 - 830000000.00 CFU/g stool
Phocaeicola vulgatus BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
0.30 - 6.34 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Phoma betae Allergen Profile, Mold kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
Phosphate OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
11.20 - 192.40 nmol/mg Creatinine
Phosphate (Phosphorus) Vitamins & Minerals mg/dL
2.80 - 4.10 mg/dL
0.90 - 1.32 mmol/L
0.00 - 10.00 U/mL
0.00 - 10.00 U/mL
0.00 - 10.00 U/mL
0.00 - 20.00 U/mL
0.00 - 10.00 U/mL
0.00 - 25.00 U/mL
Phosphoethanolamine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
24.00 - 85.00 qM/g creatinine
Phosphoethanolamine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 55.00 nmol/mg Creatinine
Phosphoethanolamine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
0.09 - 0.57 Units
Phosphoethanolamine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
1.00 - 9.00 micromol/g creatinine
Phosphoethanolamine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
0.09 - 0.57 qmol/dL
Phosphoethanolamine Urinary Amino Acids (Synlab) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 3.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Phosphoethanolamine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
20.00 - 100.00 qmol/24 hours
Phosphoethanolamine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
0.00 - 6.30 nmol/ML
Phosphoethanolamine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
0.00 - 7.40 µmol/L
0.00 - 0.74 µmol/dL
Phosphoethanolamine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
1.00 - 13.00 micromol/g creatinine
Phospholipid Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.40 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Phospholipids 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool mg/g
0.20 - 6.90 mg/g
Phosphoric Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
1000.00 - 5000.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Phosphoric (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
1000.00 - 4900.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Phosphoric (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
1000.00 - 7300.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Phosphoric acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
1000.00 - 5000.00 mmol/mol
Phosphorus Minerals & Metals Test Units
12.80 - 19.20 Units
Phosphorus Urinalysis mg/24 hr
400.00 - 1300.00 mg/24 hr
Phosphorus Essential Elements (Serum) mg/dL
2.50 - 4.50 mg/dL
Phosphorus Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
10.00 - 21.00 Units
Phosphorus Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
150.00 - 220.00 µg/g
Phosphorus Essential Elements (Urine) mEq/g creat
180.00 - 1100.00 mEq/g creat
Phosphorus (P) Hair Tissue Analysis [ARL (Analytical Research Labs)] Units
13.00 - 20.80 Units
Phosphorus, Urine StoneRisk Diagnostic Profile mg/24 hr
261.00 - 1078.00 mg/24 hr
Phosphorylated Tau 181 (pTau181) Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis pg/mL
0.00 - 61.00 pg/mL
Phosphoserine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
0.00 - 0.39 qmol/dL
Phosphoserine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
0.05 - 0.80 qM/g creatinine
Phosphoserine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
0.00 - 0.39 Units
Phosphoserine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
0.06 - 0.80 qmol/24 hours
Phosphoserine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
14.10 - 102.00 umol/L
Phosphoserine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
0.00 - 13.00 micromol/g creatinine
Phosphoserine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
0.00 - 0.80 µmol/L
0.00 - 0.08 µmol/dL
Phosphoserine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
0.00 - 13.00 micromol/g creatinine
Phthalate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 0.17 ug/mg creatinine
Picolinate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
2.80 - 13.50 mcg/mg creatinine
Picolinic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 4.00 nmol/mg Creatinine
Picolinic Acid Organic Acids Metabolomic Mapping ug/mgCR
2.80 - 13.50 ug/mgCR
Picolinic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 1.50 ug/mgCR
Pimelic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 3.00 ug/mgCR
Pimelic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
1.50 - 24.80 nmol/mg Creatinine
Pineapple Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Pineapple Bromelain Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.60 ELISA Index
Pineapple, IgG4 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Pinto Bean, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.40 - 2.40 ELISA Index
Pinto Bean, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Pistachio (F203) IgE Tree Nut Allergen Panel kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
Pistachio, raw + roasted Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.40 - 2.00 ELISA Index
PLAC Lipid Panel nmol/min/mL
0.00 - 224.00 nmol/min/mL
PLAC (LP-PLA2 Activity) Lipid Panel nmol/min/mL
0.00 - 151.00 nmol/min/mL
Placental Isoenzymes Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained %
0.00 - 0.00 %
Plasmablasts CD38+IgM- % Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 % of CD19
0.40 - 4.10 % of CD19
Plasmablasts CD38+IgM- Abs Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 cells/mcL
1.00 - 8.00 cells/mcL
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor (PAI-1) AG Immune System ng/mL
4.00 - 43.00 ng/mL
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) Activity Blood Health IU/ml
0.00 - 31.10 IU/ml
Platelet Ab, Indirect (IgA) Blood Health N/A
Platelet Ab, Indirect (IgG) Blood Health N/A
Platelet Ab, Indirect (IgM) Blood Health N/A
Platelet count / Platelets Complete Blood Count Results: How to Interpret a CBC – A Comprehensive Guide µl
150.00 - 450.00 µl
150.00 - 450.00 x10^9/L
150.00 - 450.00 x10/9/l
Platelet Distribution Width (PDW) Complete Blood Count Results: How to Interpret a CBC – A Comprehensive Guide fl
9.20 - 16.70 fl
Platelet Glycoprotein Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.60 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Platelet Neutralization LabCorp (various) seconds
0.00 - 3.00 seconds
Platelet-large cell ratio (P-LCR) Complete Blood Count Results: How to Interpret a CBC – A Comprehensive Guide %
16.00 - 41.30 %
Plateletcrit (PCT) Blood Health %
0.22 - 0.24 %
Platinum Toxic Metals (Urine) µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 0.10 µg/g creatinine
Platinum Complete Heavy Metals Test (Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 0.00 ug/L
Platinum Heavy Metals ug/g
0.00 - 0.99 ug/g
Platinum Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 0.01 ug/g
Platinum NutriStat Basic Profile ug/L
0.00 - 0.40 ug/L
Platinum Toxic Metals; stool mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.00 mg/kg Dry Wt
Platinum Toxic & Essential Elements (Whole Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 0.10 ug/L
Platinum Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Platinum Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
0.00 - 0.03 ug/g creat
Platinum Toxic Metals (Stool) mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.00 mg/kg Dry Wt
Platinum Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.00 - 0.00 µg/g
Platinum, Urine Heavy Metal Basic Panel (5520) (Access Medical Labs) ug/g
0.00 - 1.00 ug/g
Plesiomonas shigelloides Stool Units
0.00 - 999.00 Units
Plum Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 2.20 ELISA Index
PM/Scl-100 Systemic Sclerosis SI
0.00 - 11.00 SI
PM/Scl-75 Systemic Sclerosis SI
0.00 - 11.00 SI
Pneumo Ab Type 1 Pneumococcal Ab (23 Serotype) ug/ml
1.30 - 10.00 ug/ml
Pneumo Ab Type 12 (12F) Pneumococcal Ab (23 Serotype) ug/ml
1.30 - 10.00 ug/ml
Pneumo Ab Type 14 Pneumococcal Ab (23 Serotype) ug/ml
1.30 - 50.00 ug/ml
Pneumo Ab Type 17 (17F) Pneumococcal Ab (23 Serotype) ug/ml
1.30 - 10.00 ug/ml
Pneumo Ab Type 19 (19F) Pneumococcal Ab (23 Serotype) ug/ml
1.30 - 50.00 ug/ml
Pneumo Ab Type 2 Pneumococcal Ab (23 Serotype) ug/ml
1.30 - 10.00 ug/ml
Pneumo Ab Type 20 Pneumococcal Ab (23 Serotype) ug/ml
1.30 - 10.00 ug/ml
Pneumo Ab Type 22 (22F) Pneumococcal Ab (23 Serotype) ug/ml
1.30 - 10.00 ug/ml
Pneumo Ab Type 23 (23F) Pneumococcal Ab (23 Serotype) ug/ml
1.30 - 10.00 ug/ml
Pneumo Ab Type 26 (6B) Pneumococcal Ab (23 Serotype) ug/ml
1.30 - 10.00 ug/ml
Pneumo Ab Type 3 Pneumococcal Ab (23 Serotype) ug/ml
1.30 - 10.00 ug/ml
Pneumo Ab Type 34 (10A) Pneumococcal Ab (23 Serotype) ug/ml
1.30 - 10.00 ug/ml
Pneumo Ab Type 4 Pneumococcal Ab (23 Serotype) ug/ml
1.30 - 10.00 ug/ml
Pneumo Ab Type 43 (11A) Pneumococcal Ab (23 Serotype) ug/ml
1.30 - 10.00 ug/ml
Pneumo Ab Type 5 Pneumococcal Ab (23 Serotype) ug/ml
1.30 - 10.00 ug/ml
Pneumo Ab Type 51 (7F) Pneumococcal Ab (23 Serotype) ug/ml
1.30 - 10.00 ug/ml
Pneumo Ab Type 54 (15B) Pneumococcal Ab (23 Serotype) ug/ml
1.30 - 10.00 ug/ml
Pneumo Ab Type 56 (18C) Pneumococcal Ab (23 Serotype) ug/ml
1.30 - 10.00 ug/ml
Pneumo Ab Type 57 (19A) Pneumococcal Ab (23 Serotype) ug/ml
1.30 - 50.00 ug/ml
Pneumo Ab Type 68 (9V) Pneumococcal Ab (23 Serotype) ug/ml
1.30 - 10.00 ug/ml
Pneumo Ab Type 70 (33F) Pneumococcal Ab (23 Serotype) ug/ml
1.30 - 10.00 ug/ml
Pneumo Ab Type 8 Pneumococcal Ab (23 Serotype) ug/ml
1.30 - 50.00 ug/ml
Pneumo Ab Type 9 (9N) Pneumococcal Ab (23 Serotype) ug/ml
1.30 - 50.00 ug/ml
Pneumococcal Vaccination Tracker N/A
Not Vaccinated
PO2 Arterial Blood Gas Analysis (ABG) mmHg
61.00 - 82.00 mmHg
pO2 - Arterial Arterial Blood Gas Analysis (ABG) mm/Hg
65.00 - 85.00 mm/Hg
PO2* Corrected for temp Arterial Blood Gas Analysis (ABG) mmHg
61.00 - 82.00 mmHg
Polio Vaccination Tracker N/A
Not vaccinated
Pollen GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Polyamine production BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
7.08 - 17.93 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Polychromasia Blood Health N/A
Polymorphonuclear Cells (CSF) Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis %
0.00 - 0.00 %
Polymorphs White Blood Cell Differential Test %
40.00 - 75.00 %
Polymorphs Urinalysis ×10^6/L
0.00 - 10.00 ×10^6/L
Polymorphs (Absolute) White Blood Cell Differential Test x10E3/uL
1.30 - 7.00 x10E3/uL
Polys (polymorphonuclear leukocytes) Sputum Culture, Bacterial N/A
Few (1-9/LPF)
Moderate (10-24/LPF)
Many (>25/LPF)
Polys, CSF Cell Count and Differential, Synovial Fluid %
0.00 - 6.00 %
Pomegranate Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Popped Corn Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Poppy Seed, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Pork, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.20 ELISA Index
Porphobilinogen (PBG), Quantitative, Random Urine Porphyrins, Quantitative, Random Urine mg/L
0.00 - 0.00 mg/L
Porphobilinogen Deaminase, Whole Blood Blood Health nmol/L
7.00 - 20.00 nmol/L
Porphyrins Urinalysis mg
50.00 - 300.00 mg
Porphyrins, Total Serum Blood Health mcg/L
1.00 - 5.60 mcg/L
Porphyromonas gingivalis Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.40 - 1.40 ELISA Index
Porphyromonas gingivalis VibrantAmerica (various) Relative Abundance
0.00 - 20.00 Relative Abundance
Potassium Metabolimix+ mg/g creat
759.00 - 4653.00 mg/g creat
Potassium 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 mcg/g
2220.00 - 3626.00 mcg/g
Potassium Essential Elements (Serum) mEq/L
3.50 - 5.00 mEq/L
POTASSIUM NutriStat mmol/L
3.50 - 5.20 mmol/L
Potassium Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
2.00 - 23.00 Units
Potassium Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) mmol/24 hr
25.00 - 150.00 mmol/24 hr
Potassium Essential Elements (Urine) µg/mg creat
20.00 - 110.00 µg/mg creat
Potassium Minerals & Metals Test Units
7.00 - 16.00 Units
Potassium Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
8.00 - 75.00 µg/g
Potassium (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) ppm
2303.00 - 3374.00 ppm
Potassium (K) Hair Tissue Analysis [ARL (Analytical Research Labs)] Units
5.00 - 15.00 Units
Potassium (RBC) Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) mcg/g
2220.00 - 3626.00 mcg/g
Potassium (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) mmol/L
3.50 - 5.10 mmol/L
Potassium Conc, Urine StoneRisk Diagnostic Profile mmol/24 hr
14.00 - 95.00 mmol/24 hr
POTASSIUM, RANDOM URINE Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained mmol/L
12.00 - 129.00 mmol/L
Potassium, Serum (Kalium) Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained mmol/L
3.50 - 5.20 mmol/L
Potassium, Urine Urinalysis mmol/24 hr
25.00 - 125.00 mmol/24 hr
POTASSIUM/CREAT RATIO Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained mmol/g creatinine
17.00 - 121.00 mmol/g creatinine
Potato Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Potato, white, cooked (baked) Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Potato, white, cooked (fried) Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.60 ELISA Index
Pre-Albumin Liver Health mg/dL
18.00 - 38.00 mg/dL
Prealbumin Liver Health mg/dL
14.00 - 35.00 mg/dL
Preb-1 Boston Heart HDL Map Test mg/dL
0.00 - 20.00 mg/dL
Pregnanediol Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
465.00 - 1609.00 µg/g creatinine
Pregnanediol (24hr urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) micromol/24 hr
0.30 - 4.20 micromol/24 hr
Pregnanediol (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) nmol/dL (SG)
13.00 - 370.00 nmol/dL (SG)
Pregnanediol (FMV urine, menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female nmol/dL (SG)
8.00 - 196.00 nmol/dL (SG)
Pregnanediol (Male) ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) ug/g Cr
47.00 - 140.00 ug/g Cr
Pregnanetriol Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
140.00 - 1293.00 ug/g Creatinine
Pregnanetriol (24hr urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) micromol/24 hr
0.60 - 2.50 micromol/24 hr
Pregnanetriol (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) nmol/dL (SG)
46.00 - 269.00 nmol/dL (SG)
Pregnanetriol (FMV urine, menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female nmol/dL (SG)
23.00 - 176.00 nmol/dL (SG)
Pregnenolone Metabolic Health ng/dL
22.00 - 237.00 ng/dL
0.22 - 2.37 ng/mL
Pregnenolone (male) Endocrinology ng/mL
0.38 - 3.50 ng/mL
Pregnenolone Sulfate ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
1.00 - 23.00 pg/mL
PREGNENOLONE, LC/MS Quest Diagnostics ng/dL
22.00 - 237.00 ng/dL
Prevotella Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Prevotella bivia NxGen MDx Vaginosis Test Copies/ul eq.
0.00 - 2000.00 Copies/ul eq.
Prevotella copri Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Prevotella copri The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^9 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^9 CFU/g
Prevotella copri Stool Units
0.00 - 9999999.00 Units
Prevotella copri Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^9 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^9 CFU/g
Prevotella spp. GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 100000000.00 Units
Prevotella spp. 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
66000000.00 - 3800000000.00 CFU/g stool
Prevotella:Bacteroides Ratio BiomeFx Ratio
0.00 - 11.30 Ratio
Procalcitonin Immune System ng/mL
0.00 - 0.08 ng/mL
Production Markers Boston Heart Cholesterol Balance Test N/A
Products of Protein Breakdown (Total) 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool micromol/g
1.80 - 9.90 micromol/g
Prodynorphin IgG VibrantAmerica (various) Units
0.00 - 0.90 Units
Progesterona Brazilian Biomarkers ng/mL
2.00 - 25.00 ng/mL
Progesterone One Day Hormone Check pmol/L
52.00 - 850.00 pmol/L
0.20 - 0.50 nmol/L
Progesterone DUTCH (male) ng/mL
6.00 - 20.00 ng/mL
Progesterone (male) Endocrinology ng/mL
0.27 - 0.90 ng/mL
0.86 - 2.86 nmol/L
858.61 - 2862.05 pmol/L
Progesterone (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.00 - 0.34 ng/mg Creat/Day
Progesterone (Pg) Hormone Report (Labrix, Doctor's Data) pg/mL
127.00 - 446.00 pg/mL
Progesterone (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.00 - 0.22 ng/mg Creat/Day
Progesterone (Postmenopausal) ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
12.00 - 100.00 pg/mL
Progesterone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.29 - 1.60 ng/mg Creat/Day
Progesterone (Serum) Endocrinology nmol/L
0.30 - 50.60 nmol/L
0.09 - 15.91 ng/mL
Progesterone [Premenopausal (Luteal)] ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
75.00 - 270.00 pg/mL
Progesterone [Top, Troche, Vag Pg (10-30mg)] ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
126.00 - 2265.00 pg/mL
PROGESTERONE, LC/MS Quest Diagnostics ng/mL
0.00 - 0.30 ng/mL
Proinsulin Metabolic Health pmol/L
0.00 - 18.80 pmol/L
Prolactin Gonadotropins mU/L
102.00 - 496.00 mU/L
4.79 - 23.31 ng/mL
Prolactin Endocrinology ng/mL
3.00 - 30.00 ng/mL
3.00 - 30.00 ug/L
63.83 - 638.30 mUI/L
Prolactina Brazilian Biomarkers ng/mL
3.00 - 30.00 ng/mL
Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) Immune System N/A
Proline Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
1.00 - 70.00 qmol/24 hours
Proline NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
108.00 - 223.00 umol/L
Proline Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
1.00 - 50.00 qM/g creatinine
Proline Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
84.80 - 352.50 umol/L
Proline OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 27.90 nmol/mg Creatinine
PROLINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Proline NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
11.00 - 57.00 Units
Proline Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
1.00 - 9.00 micromol/g creatinine
Proline Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
104.00 - 383.00 umol/L
Proline Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
5.00 - 168.60 umol/g Cr
Proline 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
11.00 - 57.00 qmol/dL
Proline Male Comprehensive Metabolic Performance Profile (Urine) Physicians Lab ng/mg CR
299.70 - 809.70 ng/mg CR
Proline (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
99.00 - 363.00 µmol/L
9.90 - 36.30 µmol/dL
Proline (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
117.20 - 411.90 nmol/ML
Proline (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
1.00 - 13.00 micromol/g creatinine
Propeptide Type I Collagen LabCorp (various) ug/L
19.00 - 83.00 ug/L
Propionate 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool %
0.00 - 29.30 %
Propionate Comprehensive Stool Analysis / Parasitology %
11.00 - 25.00 %
Propionate Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) %
0.00 - 32.00 %
Propionate The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) %
0.00 - 32.00 %
Propionate Adult Gut Health Test rpkm
0.00 - 500.00 rpkm
Propionate Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness %
15.40 - 30.30 %
Propionate production BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
6.86 - 16.91 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Propionibacterium Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 1000.00 Units
Propionibacterium freudenreichii Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Propionylcarnitine, C3 Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.16 - 0.62 umol/L
Propionylglycine Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Propylparaben Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 36.70 ug/g
Prostaglandin D2 (PG D2), Urine Quest Diagnostics ng/g creatinine
0.00 - 175.00 ng/g creatinine
Prostaglandin E2, Serum/Plasma Quest Diagnostics pg/mL
200.00 - 400.00 pg/mL
35.00 - 115.00 pg/mL
80.00 - 240.00 pg/mL
Prostate Cancer Risk Score Tumor / Cancer screening tests Score
0.00 - 0.05 Score
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Tumor / Cancer screening tests ng/mL
0.00 - 4.00 ng/mL
Prostate Volume Prostate cc
20.00 - 25.00 cc
Protein Urinalysis, complete N/A
60.00 - 80.00 g/L
Protein C-Functional LabCorp (various) %
73.00 - 180.00 %
Protein S, Activity LabCorp (various) %
60.00 - 140.00 %
Protein, 24hr calculated (Urine) Urinalysis mg/24 hr
30.00 - 150.00 mg/24 hr
Protein, Total, 24 HR Ur Protein, Total and Protein Electrophoresis, 24 Hour Urine and Immunofixation mg/24 hr
0.00 - 150.00 mg/24 hr
Protein, Total, Random Ur Protein Electrophoresis and Total Protein, Random Urine mg/dL
5.00 - 24.00 mg/dL
Protein/Creat Ratio Urinalysis mg/g creat
0.00 - 200.00 mg/g creat
Protein/Creatinine Ratio Protein Electrophoresis and Total Protein, Random Urine mg/g creat
mg/mg creat
24.00 - 184.00 mg/g creat
0.02 - 0.18 mg/mg creat
Protein/Creatinine Ratio Protein, Total and Protein Electrophoresis, 24 Hour Urine and Immunofixation mg/g creat
mg/mg creat
0.00 - 100.00 mg/g creat
0.00 - 0.10 mg/mg creat
PROTEINASE-3 ANTIBODY Sensory Motor Neuropathy Complete Antibody Panel AI
0.00 - 1.00 AI
Proteobacteria GI360 stool profile N/A
Proteobacteria Phylum The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) %
0.50 - 12.50 %
Proteobacteria Phylum 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Proteobacteria Phylum Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) %
0.50 - 12.50 %
Proteobacteria:Actinobacteria Ratio BiomeFx Ratio
0.37 - 7.99 Ratio
Proteus mirabilis The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Proteus mirabilis Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Proteus mirabilis Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Proteus mirabilis GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 1000.00 Units
Proteus mirabilis 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
NG - No Growth
NP - Non-Pathogen
PP - Potential Pathogen
P - Pathogen
Proteus species The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 5.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Proteus species Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 5.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Proteus spp. Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) cfu/ml
0.00 - 0.00 cfu/ml
Proteus spp. GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 50000.00 Units
PROTHROMBIN ANTIBODY (IGG) Quest Diagnostics G units
0.00 - 20.00 G units
Prothrombin Fragment 1.2 Immune System pmol/L
41.00 - 372.00 pmol/L
Prothrombin Time (PT) Immune System seconds
9.00 - 11.50 seconds
Prothrombin Time (PT) INR Immune System seconds
0.80 - 1.10 seconds
PSA, % Free Tumor / Cancer screening tests %
25.00 - 50.00 %
Pseudobutyrivibrio VibrantAmerica (various) Relative Abundance
10.00 - 100.00 Relative Abundance
Pseudoflavonifractor spp. 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
13000.00 - 29000000.00 CFU/g stool
Pseudomonas aeruginosa GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 500.00 Units
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 3.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Pseudomonas aeruginosa The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 3.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Pseudomonas species The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Pseudomonas species Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Pseudomonas spp. Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) cfu/ml
0.00 - 0.00 cfu/ml
Pseudomonas spp. GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 10000.00 Units
PTT-LA Ratio Blood Health Ratio
0.00 - 1.20 Ratio
PTT-LA Screen Blood Health seconds
0.00 - 40.00 seconds
Pumpkin + Squash, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Pumpkin Seeds, roasted Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.60 ELISA Index
Purinin IgG VibrantAmerica (various) Units
0.00 - 0.90 Units
Pus Cells Urinalysis cells / HPF
5.00 - 7.00 cells / HPF
Putrefactive SCFAs Stool micromol/g
1.30 - 8.60 micromol/g
Pyridoxal 5-Phosphate (PLP) Vitamins & Minerals mcg/L
5.00 - 50.00 mcg/L
Pyridoxic (B6) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 34.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Pyridoxic (B6) (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 26.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Pyridoxic (B6) (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 53.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Pyridoxic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 98.30 nmol/mg Creatinine
Pyridoxic Acid (Pa), B6Pro Vitamins & Minerals mcg/L
3.00 - 30.00 mcg/L
Pyridoxic Acid (Vit B6) NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.70 - 20.30 ug/mgCR
Pyridoxic acid (Vitamin B6) Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 34.00 mmol/mol
Pyroglutamate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
14.58 - 37.47 ug/mg creatinine
Pyroglutamate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
16.00 - 34.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Pyroglutamate Nutritional Organic Acids (Urine) - DUTCH ug/mg
28.00 - 58.00 ug/mg
Pyroglutamate (Genova) Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
28.00 - 88.00 mcg/mg creatinine
Pyroglutamate (Male) Nutritional Organic Acids (Urine) - DUTCH ug/mg
38.00 - 83.00 ug/mg
Pyroglutamic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
10.00 - 33.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Pyroglutamic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
5.70 - 25.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Pyroglutamic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
13.00 - 62.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Pyroglutamic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
16.00 - 34.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Pyroglutamic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
5.30 - 15.70 ug/mgCR
Pyroglutamic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
75.80 - 543.80 nmol/mg Creatinine
Pyroglutamic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
10.14 - 32.45 mmol/mol
Pyroglutamic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
16.00 - 34.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Pyruvate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
7.00 - 32.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Pyruvate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 1.90 ug/mg creatinine
Pyruvate Other mg/dL
0.30 - 1.50 mg/dL
Pyruvate (Genova) Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 6.40 mcg/mg creatinine
Pyruvic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 14.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Pyruvic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 9.10 mmol/mol creatinine
Pyruvic (Females Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.88 - 9.10 mmol/mol creatinine
Pyruvic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.28 - 6.70 mmol/mol creatinine
Pyruvic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.32 - 8.80 mmol/mol creatinine
Pyruvic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
7.00 - 32.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Pyruvic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
7.00 - 32.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Pyruvic Acid Organic Acids, Plasma umol/L
20.00 - 140.00 umol/L
Pyruvic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 8.11 ug/mgCR
Pyruvic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 67.40 nmol/mg Creatinine
Pyruvic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 9.40 mmol/mol
Pyruvic Acid (Pyruvate), Blood Lactate/Pyruvate, Filtrate mg/dL
0.30 - 1.50 mg/dL
Q Fever P1 IgG FA Infectious Disease Profile N/A
Non-reactive <1:16
Q Fever P1 IgM FA Infectious Disease Profile N/A
Non-reactive <1:16
Q Fever P2 IgG FA Infectious Disease Profile N/A
Non-reactive <1:16
Q Fever P2 IgM FA Infectious Disease Profile N/A
Non-reactive <1:16
Quail LRA (Lymphocyte Response Assay) N/A
Strong reaction
Moderate reaction
No reaction
Quercetin OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 14.90 nmol/mg Creatinine
Quinoa Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Quinoa Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.50 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Quinolinate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 9.10 mmol/mol creatinine
Quinolinate Neurotransmitter Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ug/mg
0.00 - 9.60 ug/mg
Quinolinate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 5.37 ug/mg creatinine
Quinolinate (Male) Nutritional Organic Acids (Urine) - DUTCH ug/mg
0.00 - 12.50 ug/mg
Quinolinic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.85 - 3.90 mmol/mol creatinine
Quinolinic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.52 - 2.40 mmol/mol creatinine
Quinolinic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.48 - 8.80 mmol/mol creatinine
Quinolinic / 5-HIAA Ratio Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile Ratio
0.42 - 2.00 Ratio
Quinolinic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 9.10 mmol/mol creatinine
Quinolinic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 9.10 mmol/mol creatinine
Quinolinic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
29.40 - 178.50 nmol/mg Creatinine
Quinolinic acid Organic Acids mcg/g
610.30 - 2432.90 mcg/g
Quinolinic Acid (OA) NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 9.74 ug/mgCR
Quinolinic acid (Quinolinate) (Genova) Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 5.80 mcg/mg creatinine
Quinolinic acid/5-HIAA Organic Acids Ratio
0.32 - 1.10 Ratio
Quinolinic acid/5-HIAA Ratio Neurotransmitters (VibrantWellness) Ratio
0.32 - 1.10 Ratio
R. rickettsii IFA - IgG Rickettsiosis titer
0.00 - 40.00 titer
R. typhi IFA - IgG Rickettsiosis titer
0.00 - 40.00 titer
RA Latex Turbid Immune System IU/ml
0.00 - 13.90 IU/ml
Radish LRA (Lymphocyte Response Assay) N/A
Strong reaction
Moderate reaction
No reaction
Radish Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Radish / Daikon, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
RANTES Cytokine Response Profile (CytoDx), Diagnostic Solutions Units
26460.90 - 96117.30 Units
Rapid plasma reagin (RPR) Infectious Disease Profile Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
RATIO (APO B / APO A-1) NutriStat Ratio
0.45 - 1.25 Ratio
RATIO (CBA/VW AG) Immune System Ratio
0.50 - 1.00 Ratio
Ratio: DHEA/7keto DHEA ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) Ratio
0.50 - 2.00 Ratio
Ratio: Norepi/Epi ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
5.20 - 13.70 µg/g creatinine
Ratio: Pg/E2 ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) Ratio
100.00 - 500.00 Ratio
Ratio: Pg/E2 (Saliva LCMS) ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) Ratio
23.00 - 196.00 Ratio
Ratio: Zn/Cu Blood Spot Toxic & Essential Elements Ratio
6.16 - 10.30 Ratio
RBC Urinalysis, complete N/A
RBC GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
RBC (Female range) Complete Blood Count Results: How to Interpret a CBC – A Comprehensive Guide x10E3/uL
3.77 - 5.28 x10E3/uL
RBC Distribution Width Complete Blood Count Results: How to Interpret a CBC – A Comprehensive Guide %
11.00 - 15.00 %
RBC, CSF Cell Count and Differential, Synovial Fluid MM3
0.00 - 0.00 MM3
RDW-CV (Largura de Distribuição das Hemácias) em % Brazilian Biomarkers %
11.70 - 15.40 %
RDW-CV (Red Cell Distribution Width) in % Complete Blood Count Results: How to Interpret a CBC – A Comprehensive Guide %
11.70 - 15.40 %
RDW-SD (Red Cell Distribution Width) in fL Complete Blood Count Results: How to Interpret a CBC – A Comprehensive Guide fl
39.00 - 46.00 fl
Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes / RBC) Complete Blood Count Results: How to Interpret a CBC – A Comprehensive Guide cells/mcL
4.14 - 5.80 cells/mcL
4.14 - 5.80 x10^12/L
4.14 - 5.80 x10/12/l
Red Blood Cells (RBC), Urine Urinalysis /hpf
0.00 - 2.00 /hpf
Red Snapper, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Red Wine Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.30 ELISA Index
Relapsing Fever Borrelia Genus BORRELIOSIS- Relapsing Fever Borrelia Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Renin Activity, Plasma Endocrinology ng/mL/hr
0.17 - 5.38 ng/mL/hr
Reptilase Clotting Time Immune System seconds
14.00 - 20.00 seconds
Resistome Occurrence Index BiomeFx index
0.00 - 10.00 index
Retic Hgb Equivalent Blood Health pg
25.00 - 30.00 pg
Reticulocyte Count Blood Health %
0.60 - 2.60 %
Reticulocyte hemoglobin Blood Health pg
30.89 - 40.59 pg
Reticulocyte, Absolute Blood Health cells/uL
25000.00 - 90000.00 cells/uL
Retinol binding Protein (RbP) Vitamins & Minerals mg/dL
1.60 - 6.10 mg/dL
Retortamonas intestinalis GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Reverse T3 NutriStat pmol/L
230.00 - 540.00 pmol/L
Reverse T3, Serum Thyroid Panel ng/dL
9.20 - 24.10 ng/dL
141.32 - 370.20 pmol/L
RF Borrelia Subgroup Species BORRELIOSIS- Relapsing Fever Borrelia Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
RF, IgA by EIA (RDL) Immune System u
0.00 - 7.00 u
RF, IgG by EIA (RDL) Immune System u
0.00 - 7.00 u
RF, IgM by EIA (RDL) Immune System u
0.00 - 7.00 u
Rheumatoid factor (RF) Immune System IU/ml
0.00 - 14.00 IU/ml
Rheumatoid Factor by Turb RDL ANA 12 Plus Profile (RDL) IU/ml
0.00 - 14.00 IU/ml
Rheumatoid Factor IgA Immune System Units
0.00 - 14.00 Units
Rheumatoid Factor IgG Immune System u
0.00 - 6.00 u
Rheumatoid Factor IgM Immune System Units
0.00 - 3.50 Units
Rhodotorula LRA (Lymphocyte Response Assay) N/A
Strong reaction
Moderate reaction
No reaction
Rhodotorula species Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^3 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Rhodotorula species The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^3 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Rhodotorula spp. GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 1000.00 Units
Ri Ab Screen, IFA, Serum Ri Antibody Screen with Reflex to Titer and Western Blot N/A
Fluorescence Noted
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Vitb2 Vitamins & Minerals mcg/L
1.00 - 19.00 mcg/L
Ribosomal P Antibody ANA Comprehensive Panel NEG AI
0.00 - 1.00 NEG AI
Rice Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.20 ELISA Index
Rice Cake Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Rice Endochitinase Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Rice Protein Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Rice, white + brown, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Rickettsia typhi Surface antigen - IgG Tickborne Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Right Coronary Artery (RCA) Coronary calcium scan N/A
1 - 10
11 - 100
101 - 400
Over 400
Risk (of cardiovascular disease) Quest Diagnostics N/A
Ristocetin Cofactor Immune System % normal
42.00 - 200.00 % normal
RMSF IGG (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever) Other N/A
Positive (1:64)
Positive (>1:64)
RMSF IgG by IFA Infectious Disease Profile N/A
Reactive 1:64
RMSF IGM (Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever) Other N/A
RNA Polymerase III Antibodies Immune System Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
RNP Antibodies LabCorp (various) AI
0.00 - 0.90 AI
RNP Antibodies, IgG, Serum ANA Comprehensive Panel Units
0.00 - 1.00 Units
RNP/Sm Immune System units/ml
0.00 - 83.00 units/ml
Ro-52kD Antibody Immune System Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Rocky Mtn Spotted Fev, IgG, Qn Other Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Rodotorula spp. GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 1000.00 Units
Roridin A Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) ng/g
0.00 - 5.70 ng/g
Roridin E MycoTOX Profile (Mold Exposure) ng/g creatinine
0.00 - 0.20 ng/g creatinine
Roridin H Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) ng/g
0.00 - 6.30 ng/g
Roridin L-2 Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) ng/g
0.00 - 5.10 ng/g
Roseburia Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Roseburia homini GI EcologiX (Invivo Healthcare) Units
5.70 - 10.20 Units
Roseburia intestinalis BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
0.04 - 0.50 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Roseburia spp. GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
50000000.00 - 20000000000.00 Units
Roseburia spp. 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
360000.00 - 460000000.00 CFU/g stool
Rosemary Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 2.20 ELISA Index
Rotavirus Stool Units
0.00 - 99.00 Units
Rotavirus Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 3.00 ELISA Index
Rotavirus A GI360 stool profile N/A
Rotavirus A The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Detected
Rotavirus A Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Not Detected
Rotavirus IgA+IgM Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Rothia dentocariosa GI360 stool profile N/A
No Growth
Rothia mucilaginosa GI360 stool profile N/A
No Growth
RP11 Systemic Sclerosis SI
0.00 - 11.00 SI
RP155 Systemic Sclerosis SI
0.00 - 11.00 SI
RPR (DX) W/Refl Titer and Confirmatory Non-Reactive Testing Infectious Disease Profile N/A
RPR Result Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) panel N/A
RPR Titer Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) panel N/A
RPR, Rfx Qn RPR/Confirm TP Infectious Disease Profile N/A
Non Reactive
rs1801131 (MTHFR) Genetics N/A
(-/-) No clinical abnormality
(+/-) Heterozygous
(+/+) Homozygous
Rubella Antibodies, IgG LabCorp (various) N/A
Rubidium Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.01 - 0.10 µg/g
Rubidium Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 0.02 Units
Rubidium Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
0.00 - 2263.00 ug/g creat
Rubidium, Urine Heavy Metal Basic Panel (5520) (Access Medical Labs) ug/g
0.00 - 4000.00 ug/g
Ruminococcus albus & R. bromii GI360 stool profile N/A
Ruminococcus bromii 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
0.00 - 1500000000.00 CFU/g stool
Ruminococcus bromii GI EcologiX (Invivo Healthcare) Units
14.20 - 17.70 Units
Ruminococcus bromii BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
0.16 - 2.61 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Ruminococcus gnavus GI360 stool profile N/A
Ruminococcus obeum Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Ruminococcus spp. 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
95000000.00 - 1600000000.00 CFU/g stool
Rye, Barley, Spelt, Polish Wheat Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.10 ELISA Index
Ryegrass IgE Allergen Panel kUA/L
0.00 - 0.34 kUA/L
S-Adenosyl Homocysteine Methionine Metabolism Profile (NutriPATH) nmol/L
10.00 - 22.00 nmol/L
S-Adenosyl Methionine Methionine Metabolism Profile (NutriPATH) nmol/L
86.00 - 145.00 nmol/L
S-Adenosylhomocysteine Male Comprehensive Metabolic Performance Profile (Urine) Physicians Lab ng/mg CR
0.00 - 0.00 ng/mg CR
S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) Methylation Panel nanomol/L
16.00 - 41.00 nanomol/L
S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) Methylation Panel nanomol/L
65.00 - 150.00 nanomol/L
S. agalactiae (Group B Strep) NxGen MDx Vaginosis Test Copies/ul eq.
0.00 - 2000.00 Copies/ul eq.
S/Cd Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Ratio
71126.00 - 5000000.00 Ratio
S/Hg Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Ratio
28450.00 - 50000.00 Ratio
S/Pb Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Ratio
5690.00 - 50000.00 Ratio
S100 Tumor / Cancer screening tests ug/L
0.00 - 0.10 ug/L
S100A12 Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness mcg/g
0.00 - 4.80 mcg/g
0.00 - 48.00 mcg/mL
Saccharomyces cerevisiae The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^3 CFU/g
0.00 - 3.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^3 CFU/g
0.00 - 3.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, IgA IBD Expanded Panel (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, IgG IBD Expanded Panel (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Safflower + Sunflower Oleosin Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Saliva Cortisol - Afternoon Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mL
0.40 - 1.50 ng/mL
Saliva Cortisol - Extra 1 Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mL
0.00 - 0.90 ng/mL
Saliva Cortisol - Insomnia Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mL
0.00 - 0.90 ng/mL
Saliva Cortisol - Night Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mL
0.00 - 0.90 ng/mL
Saliva Cortisol - W+30 min. Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mL
3.70 - 8.20 ng/mL
Saliva Cortisol - W+60 min. Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mL
2.30 - 5.30 ng/mL
Saliva Cortisol - Waking Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mL
1.60 - 4.60 ng/mL
Saliva Cortisol Total Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mL
9.60 - 19.30 ng/mL
Saliva Cortisone - Afternoon Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mL
2.00 - 7.10 ng/mL
Saliva Cortisone - Extra 1 Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mL
0.00 - 4.80 ng/mL
Saliva Cortisone - Insomnia Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mL
0.00 - 4.80 ng/mL
Saliva Cortisone - Night Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mL
0.00 - 4.80 ng/mL
Saliva Cortisone - W+30 min Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mL
12.40 - 19.40 ng/mL
Saliva Cortisone - W+60 min. Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mL
9.40 - 15.30 ng/mL
Saliva Cortisone - Waking Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mL
6.80 - 14.50 ng/mL
Saliva Cortisone Total Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mL
36.00 - 55.00 ng/mL
Salivary Cortisol (10PM-12AM) One Day Hormone Check mcg/dL
0.00 - 0.03 mcg/dL
Salivary Cortisol (11AM-1PM) One Day Hormone Check mcg/dL
0.03 - 0.11 mcg/dL
Salivary Cortisol (3PM-5PM) One Day Hormone Check mcg/dL
0.01 - 0.07 mcg/dL
Salivary Cortisol (7AM-9AM) One Day Hormone Check mcg/dL
0.10 - 0.34 mcg/dL
Salivary Melatonin (2:30AM - 3:30AM) One Day Hormone Check pg/mL
3.71 - 33.38 pg/mL
Salivary Melatonin (3PM-5PM) One Day Hormone Check pg/mL
0.00 - 1.97 pg/mL
Salivary Melatonin (7AM-9AM) One Day Hormone Check pg/mL
0.00 - 12.12 pg/mL
SALIVARY PROTEIN 1 (SP 1) IGA ANTIBODIES Early Sjogrens Syndrome Profile EU/ml
0.00 - 20.00 EU/ml
SALIVARY PROTEIN 1 (SP 1) IGG ANTIBODIES Early Sjogrens Syndrome Profile EU/ml
0.00 - 20.00 EU/ml
SALIVARY PROTEIN 1 (SP 1) IGM ANTIBODIES Early Sjogrens Syndrome Profile EU/ml
0.00 - 20.00 EU/ml
Salmon Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.30 ELISA Index
Salmon, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.40 ELISA Index
Salmonella GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 9999.00 Units
Salmonella species Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Salmonella species The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Salmonella spp. GI360 stool profile N/A
Saltwort (Russian Thistle) Weed IgE Allergen Panel kUA/L
0.00 - 0.34 kUA/L
SAM/SAH Ratio Methionine Metabolism Profile (NutriPATH) Ratio
4.00 - 20.00 Ratio
Sapovirus (I,II,IV,V) The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Detected
Sapovirus (I,II,IV,V) Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Not Detected
Sapovirus I Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 210.00 Units
Sapovirus V Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 210.00 Units
Sarcosine Methylation Panel nanomol/L
3670.00 - 6743.00 nanomol/L
Sarcosine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
0.00 - 7.00 qM/g creatinine
Sarcosine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
0.00 - 4.00 umol/L
Sarcosine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 118.10 nmol/mg Creatinine
SARCOSINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 80.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Sarcosine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Sarcosine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
0.00 - 0.15 qmol/dL
Sarcosine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
0.00 - 10.00 qmol/24 hours
Sarcosine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
3.90 - 9.70 umol/L
Sarcosine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
0.00 - 1.00 micromol/g creatinine
Sarcosine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
0.00 - 4.00 umol/L
Sarcosine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
0.50 - 27.30 umol/g Cr
Sarcosine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
0.00 - 10.40 nmol/ML
Sarcosine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
0.00 - 10.40 µmol/L
0.00 - 1.04 µmol/dL
Sarcosine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
0.00 - 1.10 micromol/g creatinine
Sardine + Anchovy, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 2.90 ELISA Index
SARS-CoV-2 Antibody (IgG), Spike, Semi-Quantitative Corona Virus COVID-19 index
0.00 - 0.99 index
SARS-CoV-2 Semi-Quant Total Ab Corona Virus COVID-19 ug/ml
0.00 - 0.80 ug/ml
Satratoxin (IgE) Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Satratoxin (IgG) Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Satratoxin G Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) ng/g
0.00 - 0.10 ng/g
Satratoxin H Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) ng/g
0.00 - 0.10 ng/g
Saturated Fats, Total NutriStat Basic Profile %
29.89 - 42.10 %
Saturated Fatty Acid Index Fatty Acids Profile, Essential (Serum/Plasma) %
0.00 - 30.00 %
Sauna Lifestyle Dashboard min
30.00 - 60.00 min
Scallops, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.00 ELISA Index
Schistosoma Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) N/A
Not Detected
Schistosoma IgG Immune System O.D
0.00 - 0.20 O.D
SCL 70 AB, IGG Systemic Sclerosis NEG AI
0.00 - 1.00 NEG AI
Scl-70 Systemic Sclerosis SI
0.00 - 11.00 SI
Scl-70 Immune System units/ml
0.00 - 32.00 units/ml
SDMA Heart and Muscle Health ng/mL
73.00 - 135.00 ng/mL
Se/Hg Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Ratio
0.80 - 2.00 Ratio
Sea Bass, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.80 ELISA Index
Seaweed Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.20 ELISA Index
Sebacic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Sebacic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.24 mmol/mol creatinine
Sebacic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.14 mmol/mol creatinine
Sebacic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.61 mmol/mol creatinine
Sebacic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
1.50 - 21.00 nmol/mg Creatinine
Sebacic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 0.23 mmol/mol
Secretory (sIgA) The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) ng/mL
510.00 - 2040.00 ng/mL
Secretory (sIgA) Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) ng/mL
510.00 - 2040.00 ng/mL
Secretory IgA GI360 stool profile mg/dL
30.00 - 275.00 mg/dL
Secretory IgA GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions ug/g
510.00 - 2010.00 ug/g
Secretory IgA Adrenal Function Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) ug/ml
75.00 - 330.00 ug/ml
Secretory IgA Comprehensive Stool Analysis / Parasitology mg/dL
30.00 - 275.00 mg/dL
Sed Rate by Modified Westergren Immune System mm/h
0.00 - 20.00 mm/h
Segmented Neutrophils White Blood Cell Differential Test cells/mcL
1.50 - 8.50 cells/mcL
Segmented Neutrophils (Percent) White Blood Cell Differential Test %
47.00 - 55.00 %
Segmented Neutrophils, CSF Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis %
0.00 - 6.00 %
Selenium 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 mcg/L
109.00 - 330.00 mcg/L
Selenium Toxic & Essential Elements (Whole Blood) ug/L
140.00 - 350.00 ug/L
Selenium NutriStat ug/L
190.00 - 500.00 ug/L
Selenium Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.04 - 0.12 Units
Selenium Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
32.00 - 333.00 ug/g creat
Selenium Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.55 - 1.10 µg/g
Selenium Essential Elements (Urine) mEq/g creat
0.03 - 0.25 mEq/g creat
Selenium Complete Heavy Metals Test (Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 200.00 ug/L
Selenium Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
74.00 - 100.00 %
Selenium Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 2.10 ug/g
Selenium NutriStat Basic Profile ug/L
190.00 - 500.00 ug/L
Selenium Urinary Toxic & Essential Elements ug/g Cr
0.00 - 0.00 ug/g Cr
Selenium Blood Spot Toxic & Essential Elements ug/L
130.00 - 362.00 ug/L
Selenium Minerals & Metals Test Units
0.12 - 0.21 Units
Selenium Quest Diagnostics mcg/dL
63.00 - 160.00 mcg/dL
Selenium (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) ppm
0.13 - 0.32 ppm
Selenium (Se) Hair Tissue Analysis [ARL (Analytical Research Labs)] Units
0.12 - 0.21 Units
Selenium (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) ng/mL
109.80 - 218.40 ng/mL
Selenium (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) pg/MM WBC
234.00 - 1050.00 pg/MM WBC
Selenium (whole blood) Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) mcg/L
109.00 - 330.00 mcg/L
Selenium, Serum/Plasma Metabolic Health ug/L
93.00 - 198.00 ug/L
Semen pH Semen analysis pH
7.20 - 9.00 pH
Semi-Quant RF Immune System N/A
Seminal Fructose Semen analysis qmol/ejac.
13.00 - 20.00 qmol/ejac.
Seminal neutral glucosidase Semen analysis mU/ejac.
20.00 - 40.00 mU/ejac.
Seminal Zinc Semen analysis qmol/ejac.
2.40 - 5.00 qmol/ejac.
Serine Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
30.00 - 100.00 %
Serine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
2.10 - 7.00 qmol/dL
Serine Male Comprehensive Metabolic Performance Profile (Urine) Physicians Lab ug/mg CR
12.20 - 25.20 ug/mg CR
Serine Methylation Panel micromol/L
91.00 - 161.00 micromol/L
Serine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
135.00 - 540.00 qM/g creatinine
Serine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
48.70 - 145.20 umol/L
Serine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
6.30 - 554.20 nmol/mg Creatinine
SERINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
12.00 - 82.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Serine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
2.10 - 7.00 Units
Serine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
140.00 - 568.00 qmol/24 hours
Serine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
43.80 - 94.30 umol/L
Serine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
24.00 - 140.00 micromol/g creatinine
Serine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
65.00 - 138.00 umol/L
Serine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
98.40 - 1052.80 umol/g Cr
Serine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
60.00 - 172.00 µmol/L
6.00 - 17.20 µmol/dL
Serine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
54.20 - 207.40 nmol/ML
Serine (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) nmol/ML
94.20 - 246.80 nmol/ML
Serine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
40.00 - 163.00 micromol/g creatinine
Serine (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) ng/MM WBC
1.80 - 19.80 ng/MM WBC
Serotonin ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
61.00 - 103.20 µg/g creatinine
Serotonin Neuro Basic Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) µg/g
60.00 - 125.00 µg/g
Serotonin Neurotransmitters (VibrantWellness) mcg/g
51.20 - 127.90 mcg/g
Serotonin HPA (NeuroLab) ug/g Cr
125.00 - 260.00 ug/g Cr
Serotonin Neurotransmitters ug/g creat
57.00 - 306.00 ug/g creat
Serotonin, Serum LabCorp (various) ng/mL
31.00 - 207.00 ng/mL
Serpin IgG VibrantAmerica (various) Units
0.00 - 0.90 Units
Serum - Genomic BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Serum - Plasmid BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
SERUM FOLATE NutriStat nmol/L
6.00 - 45.00 nmol/L
SERUM FOLATE Methionine Metabolism Profile (NutriPATH) nmol/L
0.00 - 0.00 nmol/L
Sesame Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Sesame Albumin Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Sesame Oleosin Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.60 ELISA Index
Setomelanomma rostrat Allergen Profile, Mold kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum (Male) Metabolic Health nmol/L
10.00 - 57.00 nmol/L
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin NutriStat nmol/L
18.00 - 54.00 nmol/L
Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin (SHBG) Metabolic Health nmol/L
24.60 - 122.00 nmol/L
SHBG (Globulina Ligadora de Hormônios Sexuais) Brazilian Biomarkers nmol/L
24.60 - 122.00 nmol/L
Shiga toxin E. coli 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Shiga-like Toxin E. coli stx1 GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 999.00 Units
Shiga-like Toxin E. coli stx1 The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Shiga-like Toxin E. coli stx1 Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Shiga-like Toxin E. coli stx2 Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Shiga-like Toxin E. coli stx2 GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 999.00 Units
Shiga-like Toxin E. coli stx2 The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Shiga-like toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) stx1/stx2 GI360 stool profile N/A
Shigella (S. boydii, S. sonnei, S. flexneri & S. dysenteriae) GI360 stool profile N/A
Shiitake Mushroom, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Short Chain Fatty Acids, Beneficial Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) umol/g
13.60 - 500.00 umol/g
Short Chain Fatty Acids, Beneficial The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) umol/g
13.60 - 500.00 umol/g
Short-Chain Fatty Acids (SCFA), Total 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool micromol/g
23.30 - 200.00 micromol/g
Shrimp Tropomyosin Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.60 ELISA Index
Shrimp, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.10 ELISA Index
Sickle Cell Screen Blood Health N/A
sIgA Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness mcg/g
426.00 - 1450.00 mcg/g
sIgA Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) ug/ml
510.00 - 2040.00 ug/ml
Silver Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 0.50 ug/g
Silver NutriStat Basic Profile ug/L
0.00 - 2.00 ug/L
Silver Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.00 - 0.15 µg/g
Silver Complete Heavy Metals Test (Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 2.00 ug/L
Sirolimus (Rapamune), Blood LabCorp (various) ng/mL
3.00 - 20.00 ng/mL
Sirolimus, Whole Blood Immune System ng/mL
3.00 - 20.00 ng/mL
Sjogren's Anti-SS-A Antinuclear Ab 9 by Multiplex AI
0.00 - 0.90 AI
Sjogren's Anti-SS-B Antinuclear Ab 9 by Multiplex AI
0.00 - 0.90 AI
Sm Immune System units/ml
0.00 - 89.00 units/ml
SM/RNP Antibody Immune System AI
0.00 - 1.00 AI
Small dense LDL Cholesterol Lipid Panel mg/dL
0.00 - 35.00 mg/dL
Small dense LDL-C : LDL-C Lipid Panel Ratio
0.00 - 0.34 Ratio
Small LDL-P Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nmol/L
0.00 - 527.00 nmol/L
Smith Antibodies ANA Comprehensive Panel AI
0.00 - 0.90 AI
Smith/RNP (ENA) Ab, IGG Immune System Units
0.00 - 19.00 Units
Smooth Muscle Abs, IFA Immune System N/A
Sodium Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
20.00 - 250.00 µg/g
Sodium Minerals & Metals Test Units
19.00 - 36.00 Units
Sodium Essential Elements (Serum) mEq/L
135.00 - 145.00 mEq/L
SODIUM NutriStat mmol/L
135.00 - 145.00 mmol/L
Sodium Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
3.00 - 34.00 Units
Sodium Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) mmol/24 hr
40.00 - 220.00 mmol/24 hr
Sodium Essential Elements (Urine) mEq/g creat
45.00 - 200.00 mEq/g creat
Sodium (Na) Hair Tissue Analysis [ARL (Analytical Research Labs)] Units
17.00 - 35.00 Units
Sodium (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) mmol/L
136.00 - 145.00 mmol/L
Sodium Conc, Urine StoneRisk Diagnostic Profile mmol/24 hr
39.00 - 258.00 mmol/24 hr
SODIUM, RANDOM URINE Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained mmol/L
28.00 - 272.00 mmol/L
Sodium, Serum (Natrium) Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained mmol/L
134.00 - 144.00 mmol/L
Sodium, Urine Urinalysis mmol/24 hr
39.00 - 258.00 mmol/24 hr
SODIUM/CREAT RATIO Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained mmol/g creatinine
28.00 - 280.00 mmol/g creatinine
Sodium/Potassium Ratio Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained Ratio
30.00 - 35.00 Ratio
Soft Cheese + Hard Cheese Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Solobacterium moorei Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Soluble Liver Antigen (SLA) Autoantibody Quest Diagnostics u
0.00 - 20.10 u
Sorghum Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.20 ELISA Index
Soy Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.20 ELISA Index
Soy IgA+IgM Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.00 ELISA Index
Soy Sauce, gluten-free Tofu Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Soybean Agglutinin Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Soybean Oleosin + Aquaporin Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Special Stains Other Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
SPECIFIC GRAVITY Urinalysis, complete specific gravity
1.00 - 1.04 specific gravity
Speckled Pattern ANA 12 Plus Profile (RDL) N/A
Spelt, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Sperm concentration (density) Semen analysis mill/ml
14.00 - 50.00 mill/ml
Sperm count Semen analysis mill
15.00 - 50.00 mill
Sperm density in fast rectilineal movement Semen analysis 10e6/ml
0.00 - 0.00 10e6/ml
Sperm density in rectilineal movement Semen analysis 10e6/ml
0.00 - 0.00 10e6/ml
Sperm morphology Semen analysis %
3.00 - 4.00 %
Sperm motility Semen analysis %
40.00 - 100.00 %
Sperm number in fast rectilineal movement Semen analysis Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Sperm number in rectilineal movement Semen analysis Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Spinach + Aquaporin Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Spinach, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Squamous Cell Carcinoma Tumor / Cancer screening tests ng/mL
0.00 - 2.30 ng/mL
Squamous Epithelial Cells Urinalysis HPF
0.00 - 3.00 HPF
> 5 HPF
Squid (Calamari), cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.00 ELISA Index
Ss-B/La Ab Igg Immune System AU/mL
0.00 - 40.00 AU/mL
SSA Immune System units/ml
0.00 - 91.00 units/ml
SSA-52 (Ro52) (ENA) Antibody, IgG Immune System AU/mL
0.00 - 40.00 AU/mL
SSA-60 (Ro60) (ENA) Antibody, IgG Immune System AU/mL
0.00 - 40.00 AU/mL
SSB Immune System units/ml
0.00 - 73.00 units/ml
ssDNA Immune System units/ml
0.00 - 200.00 units/ml
Stachybotrys chartarum Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.40 - 2.70 ELISA Index
Stachybotrys chartarum/atra IgE Allergen Panel kU/L
0.00 - 0.34 kU/L
Stachybotrys chartarum/atra IgG Allergen Panel mcg/mL
0.00 - 20.40 mcg/mL
Stachybotrys Toxin (Trichothecene) - IgE Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Stachybotrys Toxin (Trichothecene) - IgG Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Staphylococcaceae Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Staphylococcus aureus The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^3 CFU/g
0.00 - 5.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Staphylococcus aureus GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 500.00 Units
Staphylococcus aureus Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^3 CFU/g
0.00 - 5.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Staphylococcus epidermidis Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Staphylococcus species Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Staphylococcus species Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^3 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Staphylococcus species The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^3 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Staphylococcus spp. GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 10000.00 Units
Stearic Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) µmol/L
14.00 - 17.00 µmol/L
Stearic (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
250.00 - 629.00 µmol/L
Stearic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile %
8.40 - 15.00 %
Stearic C18:0 Metabolimix+ wt %
9.00 - 12.00 wt %
Stearic/Oleic Genova Diagnostics (various) Ratio
1.10 - 1.64 Ratio
Stearic/Oleic Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) Ratio
1.10 - 1.64 Ratio
Stearoylcarnitine, C18 Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.07 umol/L
Steatocrit The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) %
0.00 - 15.00 %
Steatocrit Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) %
0.00 - 15.00 %
Steatocrit GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions %
0.00 - 15.00 %
STEMPHYLIUM BOTRYOSUM (M10) IGE Allergy Mold Panel, Complete N/A
Class 0 (<0.1 kU/L)
Class 0/1 (0.10-0.34 kU/L)
Class 1 (0.35-0.69 kU/L)
Class 2 (0.70-3.49 kU/L)
Class 3 (3.50-17.4 kU/L)
Class 4 (17.5-49.9 kU/L)
Class 5 (50-100 kU/L)
Class 6 (>100 kU/L)
Stemphylium herbarum Allergen Profile, Mold kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
Sterigmatocystin MycoTOX Profile (Mold Exposure) ng/g creatinine
0.00 - 0.40 ng/g creatinine
Sterigmatocystin (STC) MycoTOX Profile (Mold Exposure) ng/g creatinine
0.00 - 0.40 ng/g creatinine
Stomatocytes Blood Health N/A
Stool Colour Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Stool Colour The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Stool Form Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Stool Form The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Stool pH Stool pH
6.10 - 7.90 pH
Strawberry Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 2.30 ELISA Index
Streptococcal A (IgG) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Streptococcal M Protein Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.40 ELISA Index
Streptococcus VibrantAmerica (various) Relative Abundance
10.00 - 100.00 Relative Abundance
Streptococcus agalactiae & Eubacterium rectale GI360 stool profile N/A
Streptococcus mutans Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.40 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Streptococcus mutans GI360 stool profile N/A
No Growth
Streptococcus mutans The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Streptococcus oralis The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^6 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^6 CFU/g
Streptococcus parasanguinis GI360 stool profile N/A
No Growth
Streptococcus salivarius GI360 stool profile N/A
No Growth
Streptococcus salivarius The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^6 CFU/g
0.00 - 5.00 x10^6 CFU/g
Streptococcus salivarius ssp. GI360 stool profile N/A
Streptococcus salivarius ssp. thermophilus GI360 stool profile N/A
Streptococcus salivarius ssp. thermophilus & S. sanguinis GI360 stool profile N/A
Streptococcus species Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Streptococcus species The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^6 CFU/g
0.00 - 3.00 x10^6 CFU/g
Streptococcus species Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^6 CFU/g
0.00 - 3.00 x10^6 CFU/g
Streptococcus spp. GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 1000.00 Units
Streptococcus spp. GI360 stool profile N/A
Streptococcus thermophilus Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
10.00 - 100.00 Units
Streptozymes Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.40 ELISA Index
Strongyloides Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) N/A
Not Detected
Strongyloides IgG Antibody LabCorp (various) N/A
Strongyloides spp, Roundworm Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Not Detected
Strongyloides spp, Roundworm The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Detected
Strongyloides stercoralis GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Strongyloides stercoralis 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Not Detected
Strontium Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.50 - 7.60 µg/g
Strontium Essential Elements (Urine) mEq/g creat
0.04 - 0.30 mEq/g creat
Strontium Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
47.00 - 346.00 ug/g creat
Strontium Toxic & Essential Elements (Whole Blood) ug/L
10.00 - 45.00 ug/L
Strontium Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 0.58 Units
Struvite StoneRisk Diagnostic Profile Ratio
0.00 - 1.00 Ratio
Subdoligranulum variabile GI EcologiX (Invivo Healthcare) Units
6.30 - 12.50 Units
Suberate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 2.64 ug/mg creatinine
Suberate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 4.60 mcg/mg creatinine
Suberate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.10 mmol/mol creatinine
Suberic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Suberic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.18 - 2.20 mmol/mol creatinine
Suberic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.90 mmol/mol creatinine
Suberic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 7.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Suberic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.10 mmol/mol creatinine
Suberic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 2.90 ug/mgCR
Suberic Acid NutriStat ug/mgCR
0.00 - 2.90 ug/mgCR
Suberic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 2.10 mmol/mol creatinine
Suberic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.70 - 9.30 nmol/mg Creatinine
Suberic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.16 - 2.18 mmol/mol
Suberyl (C8-DC) Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.08 umol/L
Suberylcarnitine, C8DC Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma nmol/ML
0.00 - 0.03 nmol/ML
Suberylglycine Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 3.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Suberylglycine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 0.40 nmol/mg Creatinine
Succinate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 20.99 ug/mg creatinine
Succinate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.40 - 4.60 mmol/mol creatinine
Succinate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 20.90 mcg/mg creatinine
Succinic Other mg/g creat
0.00 - 21.00 mg/g creat
Succinic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 9.30 mmol/mol creatinine
Succinic Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 16.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Succinic (Females Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 15.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Succinic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 5.30 mmol/mol creatinine
Succinic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 23.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Succinic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.40 - 4.60 mmol/mol creatinine
Succinic Acid Organic Acids, Plasma umol/L
16.00 - 25.00 umol/L
Succinic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
12.30 - 260.40 nmol/mg Creatinine
Succinic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 9.40 mmol/mol
Succinic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.40 - 4.60 mmol/mol creatinine
Succinic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
1.88 - 27.59 ug/mgCR
Succinic Acid Male Comprehensive Metabolic Performance Profile (Urine) Physicians Lab ug/mg CR
2.50 - 11.50 ug/mg CR
Succinylacetone Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Sulfate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
690.00 - 2988.00 mcg/mg creatinine
Sulfate, Urine StoneRisk Diagnostic Profile mEq/24 hr
0.00 - 30.00 mEq/24 hr
Sulfato de Deidroepiandrosterona (DHEA-S) Brazilian Biomarkers mcg/dL
71.60 - 375.40 mcg/dL
Sulfocysteine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 12.10 nmol/mg Creatinine
Sulfocysteine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
0.00 - 1.40 nmol/ML
Sulfur Metabolimix+ mg/g creat
367.00 - 1328.00 mg/g creat
Sulfur Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
44000.00 - 50000.00 µg/g
Sulfur Essential Elements (Urine) mEq/g creat
250.00 - 1050.00 mEq/g creat
Sulfur Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
3915.00 - 5528.00 Units
Sunflower Seeds, roasted Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Supernatant CSF Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis N/A
Sutterella wadsworthensis BiomeFx IQR in Reference (%)
0.00 - 0.39 IQR in Reference (%)
Synapsin IgG+IgA Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.10 ELISA Index
Synapsin IgM Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Synoviocytes, % Cell Count and Differential, Synovial Fluid %
0.00 - 15.00 %
Syphilis Scrn w/rflx RPR and Titer, or TPPA Infectious Disease Profile N/A
Non Reactive
T Cell/B Cell Ratio The Lymphocyte MAP Ratio
4.00 - 11.00 Ratio
t,t-Muconic Acid Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 0.15 ug/mg creatinine
T-2 toxin Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) ng/g
0.00 - 0.10 ng/g
T-Helper/Suppressor Ratio Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 Ratio
0.90 - 3.70 Ratio
T-Spot TB Tuberculosis Testing N/A
t-Transglutaminase (tTG) IgA Celiac Comprehensive Panel U/mL
0.00 - 3.00 U/mL
0.00 - 100.00 ug/g
t-Transglutaminase (tTG) IgG Celiac Comprehensive Panel U/mL
0.00 - 5.00 U/mL
T/Epi-T Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
0.50 - 3.00 µg/g creatinine
T/Epi-T (Male) ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) Ratio
0.50 - 3.00 Ratio
T007-IgE Oak, White Allergens w/ Total IgE Area 2 N/A
Class 0 (0-0.10 kU/L)
Class 0/I (0.10-0.31 kU/L)
Class I (0.32-0.55 kU/L)
Class II (0.56-1.40 kU/L)
Class III (1.41-3.90 kU/L)
Class IV (3.91-19.00 kU/L)
Class V (19.01-100 kU/L)
Class VI (>100 kU/L)
T2 Toxin (IgE) Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
T2 Toxin (IgG) Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
T3 - Triiodothyronine (ng/mL) Thyroid Panel ng/mL
0.80 - 2.00 ng/mL
T3 Livre (Triiodotironina) Brazilian Biomarkers pg/mL
2.00 - 4.40 pg/mL
T3 Reverse, LC/MS/MS Quest Diagnostics ng/dL
8.00 - 25.00 ng/dL
T3, FREE Quest Diagnostics pg/mL
2.30 - 4.20 pg/mL
T3, Free (Triiodothyronine) Thyroid Panel pg/mL
2.00 - 4.40 pg/mL
3.07 - 6.76 pmol/L
T4 Livre Brazilian Biomarkers ng/dL
0.82 - 1.77 ng/dL
T4, Free Thyroid Panel ng/dL
0.82 - 1.77 ng/dL
10.55 - 22.78 pmol/L
T4, Total (Thyroxine) Thyroid Panel ug/dL
4.50 - 12.00 ug/dL
57.92 - 154.46 nmol/L
45.00 - 120.00 ng/mL
T7 Index Metabolic Health Units
1.20 - 4.30 Units
Tacrolimus, Highly Sensitive, LC/MS/MS Immune System mcg/L
5.00 - 20.00 mcg/L
Tacrolimus, Whole Blood Immune System ng/mL
2.00 - 20.00 ng/mL
Taenei spp. Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) N/A
Not Detected
Taenia GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Taenia species, Tapeworm Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Not Detected
Taenia species, Tapeworm The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Detected
Taenia spp. GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Tapioca Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.40 ELISA Index
Tartarate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 15.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Tartaric Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 4.50 mmol/mol creatinine
Tartaric (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 5.30 mmol/mol creatinine
Tartaric (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 6.50 mmol/mol creatinine
Tartaric Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 15.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Tartaric Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 15.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Tartaric Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
9.90 - 408.40 nmol/mg Creatinine
Tartaric acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 4.47 mmol/mol
Tartaric Acid Organic Acids Metabolomic Mapping ug/mgCR
0.00 - 7.00 ug/mgCR
Tartaric Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 16.50 ug/mgCR
Tau/Tau-P Ratio Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis Ratio
0.50 - 3.00 Ratio
Taurine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
4.41 - 10.99 qmol/dL
Taurine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
39.00 - 568.00 micromol/g creatinine
Taurine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
31.00 - 102.00 umol/L
Taurine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
24.20 - 5335.70 umol/g Cr
Taurine Neurotransmitters uMol/gCr
52.00 - 1025.00 uMol/gCr
Taurine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
350.00 - 1850.00 qmol/24 hours
Taurine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
89.90 - 301.00 umol/L
Taurine Methylation Panel micromol/L
50.00 - 139.00 micromol/L
Taurine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
200.00 - 1400.00 qM/g creatinine
Taurine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
29.20 - 132.30 umol/L
Taurine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
39.20 - 2436.60 nmol/mg Creatinine
TAURINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 269.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Taurine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
4.41 - 10.99 Units
Taurine ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
24.50 - 134.10 µg/g creatinine
Taurine Neuro Basic Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) umol/g
320.00 - 1000.00 umol/g
Taurine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
29.00 - 136.00 µmol/L
2.90 - 13.60 µmol/dL
Taurine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
25.90 - 107.20 nmol/ML
Taurine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
21.00 - 424.00 micromol/g creatinine
TB2-NIL Immune System IU/ml
0.00 - 0.35 IU/ml
TBRF Borrelia genus Immunoblot IgM Serum BORRELIOSIS- Relapsing Fever Borrelia Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
TBRF Borrelia spp (IgG) BORRELIOSIS- Relapsing Fever Borrelia Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
TBRF Borrelia spp (IgM) BORRELIOSIS- Relapsing Fever Borrelia Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Teff Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Teff, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Tellurium Toxic Metals (Urine) µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 0.50 µg/g creatinine
Tellurium Heavy Metals ug/g
0.00 - 0.79 ug/g
Tellurium Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 0.05 ug/g
Testost., % Free+Weakly Bound Metabolic Health %
9.00 - 46.00 %
Testost., % Free+Weakly Bound (female) Metabolic Health %
3.00 - 18.00 %
Testost., F+W Bound LabCorp (various) ng/dL
40.00 - 250.00 ng/dL
Testost., F+W Bound (female) Metabolic Health ng/dL
0.00 - 9.50 ng/dL
Testost., Free, Calc (Female) Metabolic Health pg/mL
0.70 - 7.90 pg/mL
Testost., Free, Calc (Male) Metabolic Health pg/mL
42.30 - 190.00 pg/mL
Testosterona Total Brazilian Biomarkers ng/dL
264.00 - 916.00 ng/dL
Testosterone FU Female FMV Urine Comprehensive Hormone ng/mg CR
2.30 - 7.80 ng/mg CR
8.60 - 29.00 nmol/L
Testosterone Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
3.00 - 12.20 ug/g Creatinine
Testosterone Metabolic Health ng/dL
264.00 - 916.00 ng/dL
9.16 - 31.79 nmol/L
2.64 - 9.16 ng/mL
Testosterone Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
1.22 - 3.97 µg/g creatinine
Testosterone ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
7.00 - 22.00 pg/mL
Testosterone One Day Hormone Check pmol/L
34.00 - 183.00 pmol/L
Testosterone Hormone Report (Labrix, Doctor's Data) pg/mL
6.00 - 49.00 pg/mL
Testosterone (24hr urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) micromol/24 hr
0.16 - 0.65 micromol/24 hr
Testosterone (Afternoon) One Day Hormone Check pmol/L
66.00 - 304.00 pmol/L
Testosterone (Age Dependent) ZRT Laboratory (Salivary Steroids) pg/mL
16.00 - 55.00 pg/mL
Testosterone (DUTCH) Androgens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
2.30 - 14.00 ng/mg
Testosterone (DUTCH) (male) Androgens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
25.00 - 115.00 ng/mg
Testosterone (Female/Child) Metabolic Health nmol/L
0.00 - 1.70 nmol/L
Testosterone (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) nmol/dL (SG)
10.00 - 48.00 nmol/dL (SG)
Testosterone (FMV urine, menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female nmol/dL (SG)
8.00 - 48.00 nmol/dL (SG)
Testosterone (Male) Comprehensive 24-Hour Urine Steroid Hormone Profile Test ug/24hrs
45.00 - 85.00 ug/24hrs
Testosterone (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
12.00 - 63.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Testosterone (Male) ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) ug/g Cr
3.81 - 14.21 ug/g Cr
Testosterone (Midnight) One Day Hormone Check pmol/L
52.00 - 239.00 pmol/L
Testosterone (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
1.00 - 12.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Testosterone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
0.25 - 10.90 ng/mg Creat/Day
Testosterone / EPI-Testosterone (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.60 - 2.40 Ratio
Testosterone / EPI-Testosterone (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.10 - 2.00 Ratio
Testosterone / EPI-Testosterone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile Ratio
0.70 - 3.00 Ratio
Testosterone, bioavailable Metabolic Health ng/dL
0.50 - 8.50 ng/dL
Testosterone, bioavailable (male) Metabolic Health ng/dL
110.00 - 575.00 ng/dL
Testosterone, Free (female) Metabolic Health ng/dL
0.10 - 0.85 ng/dL
Testosterone, Saliva (Morning) One Day Hormone Check pmol/L
110.00 - 513.00 pmol/L
Testosterone, Saliva (Noon) One Day Hormone Check pmol/L
89.00 - 362.00 pmol/L
Testosterone, Serum (Female) Metabolic Health ng/dL
8.00 - 60.00 ng/dL
0.28 - 2.08 nmol/L
Testosterone:Cortisol Ratio Metabolic Health Ratio
0.02 - 0.10 Ratio
Tetanus Antibodies Other IU/ml
0.10 - 0.50 IU/ml
Tetanus Antitoxoid IgG Ab Immune System N/A
Non-Protective (<0.1 IU/mL)
Protective (equal or greater than 0.10 IU/mL)
Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis Vaccination Tracker N/A
Not vaccinated
Tetrabromobisphenol A IgG+IgA Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 1.40 ELISA Index
Tetrabromobisphenol A IgM Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.50 ELISA Index
Tetrachloroethylene IgG+IgA Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Tetrachloroethylene IgM Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.10 ELISA Index
Tetracycline GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions N/A
Tetradecadienoylcarn, C14:2 Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.11 umol/L
TETRADECANOYLCARNITINE, C14 Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.03 umol/L
TETRADECENOYLCARN, C14:1 Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.17 umol/L
Tetrahydrocorticosterone (THB) Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
32.00 - 166.00 ug/g Creatinine
Tetrahydrocortisol Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
214.00 - 546.00 µg/g creatinine
Tetrahydrocortisol (THF) Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
585.00 - 1631.00 ug/g Creatinine
Tetrahydrocortisol, THF (24hr urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) micromol/24 hr
0.00 - 0.00 micromol/24 hr
Tetrahydrocortisol, THF (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) nmol/dL (SG)
142.00 - 595.00 nmol/dL (SG)
Tetrahydrocortisol, THF (FMV urine, menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female nmol/dL (SG)
126.00 - 559.00 nmol/dL (SG)
Tetrahydrocortisone Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
437.00 - 1184.00 µg/g creatinine
Tetrahydrocortisone (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
1200.00 - 3000.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Tetrahydrocortisone (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
1000.00 - 3000.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Tetrahydrocortisone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
1180.00 - 4000.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Tetrahydrocortisone (THE) Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
1112.00 - 3475.00 ug/g Creatinine
Tetrahydrocortisone, THE (24hr urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) micromol/24 hr
0.00 - 0.00 micromol/24 hr
Tetrahydrocortisone, THE (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) nmol/dL (SG)
522.00 - 6529.00 nmol/dL (SG)
Tetrahydrocortisone, THE (FMV urine, menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female nmol/dL (SG)
627.00 - 6568.00 nmol/dL (SG)
Tetrahydrodehydrocorticosterone Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
44.00 - 150.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Tetrahydrodehydrocorticosterone (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
46.00 - 220.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Tetrahydrodeoxycortisol MALE: First AM Comp - Urine Profile + Metabolites (Physicians Lab) ng/mg CR
35.00 - 90.00 ng/mg CR
Tetrahydrodeoxycortisol (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) nmol/dL (SG)
0.00 - 9.40 nmol/dL (SG)
Tetrahydrodeoxycortisol (FMV urine, menopause) Complete Hormones FMV - Menopause Female nmol/dL (SG)
0.00 - 7.70 nmol/dL (SG)
Tetrahydrodeoxycortisol, THS (24hr urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) micromol/24 hr
0.00 - 0.00 micromol/24 hr
Tetrahydrofolate Folate Metabolism Profile (NutriPATH) nmol/L
0.60 - 6.80 nmol/L
TGF-b1 Immune System pg/mL
867.00 - 6662.00 pg/mL
Th/To Systemic Sclerosis SI
0.00 - 11.00 SI
TH1/TH2 Ratio The Lymphocyte MAP Ratio
1.00 - 5.00 Ratio
Th17/Treg Ratio The Lymphocyte MAP Ratio
1.00 - 3.00 Ratio
Thallium Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 0.00 ug/g
Thallium NutriStat Basic Profile ug/L
0.00 - 0.60 ug/L
Thallium Toxic Metals; stool mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.02 mg/kg Dry Wt
Thallium Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
0.00 - 0.30 ug/g creat
Thallium Toxic Metals (Stool) mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.02 mg/kg Dry Wt
Thallium Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.00 - 0.00 µg/g
Thallium Toxic Metals (Urine) µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 0.50 µg/g creatinine
Thallium Heavy Metals ug/g
0.00 - 0.80 ug/g
Thallium Toxic & Essential Elements (Whole Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 0.50 ug/L
Thallium Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 0.24 ug/g
Thallium Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Thallium, Urine Heavy Metal Basic Panel (5520) (Access Medical Labs) ug/g
0.00 - 0.70 ug/g
THE+5A-THF+5B-THF (male) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
2000.00 - 6000.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
THE+5A-THF+5B-THF (Post-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
2000.00 - 6000.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
THE+5A-THF+5B-THF (Pre-menopausal) Hormone & Urinary Metabolites Assessment Profile ng/mg Creat/Day
2500.00 - 7900.00 ng/mg Creat/Day
Thorium Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
0.00 - 4.19 ug/g creat
Thorium Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 0.00 ug/g
Thorium Toxic Metals (Urine) µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 0.02 µg/g creatinine
Thorium Complete Heavy Metals Test (Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 0.00 ug/L
Thorium Heavy Metals ug/g
0.00 - 0.50 ug/g
Thorium Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.00 - 0.00 µg/g
Thorium, Urine Heavy Metal Basic Panel (5520) (Access Medical Labs) ug/g
0.00 - 0.10 ug/g
Threonine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
6.42 - 16.32 qmol/dL
Threonine Male Comprehensive Metabolic Performance Profile (Urine) Physicians Lab ug/mg CR
4.30 - 10.60 ug/mg CR
Threonine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
56.00 - 300.00 qM/g creatinine
Threonine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
67.80 - 211.60 umol/L
Threonine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
4.20 - 224.10 nmol/mg Creatinine
THREONINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
5.00 - 53.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Threonine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
6.42 - 16.32 Units
Threonine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
9.00 - 97.00 micromol/g creatinine
Threonine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
67.00 - 198.00 umol/L
Threonine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
5.00 - 714.90 umol/g Cr
Threonine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
60.00 - 340.00 qmol/24 hours
Threonine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
59.00 - 206.00 umol/L
Threonine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
51.40 - 184.90 nmol/ML
Threonine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
73.00 - 216.00 µmol/L
7.30 - 21.60 µmol/dL
Threonine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
17.00 - 135.00 micromol/g creatinine
Thrombin Antithrombin Complex Blood Health ng/mL
0.00 - 4.30 ng/mL
Thrombin time Immune System seconds
11.30 - 18.50 seconds
Thrombin-Antithrombin TAT Immune System mcg/L
0.00 - 4.30 mcg/L
Thrombocytes Blood Health µl
150.00 - 400.00 µl
Thyme Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.40 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Thymidine LabCorp (various) umol/L
0.00 - 0.25 umol/L
Thymidine Phosphorylase Acitvity LabCorp (various) nmol/mg/hr
414.00 - 1020.00 nmol/mg/hr
Thymine Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 0.63 mmol/mol
Thymine Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Thymine Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.56 mmol/mol creatinine
Thymine (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.36 mmol/mol creatinine
Thymine (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.91 mmol/mol creatinine
Thyroglobulin Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.50 - 2.00 ELISA Index
Thyroglobulin Metabolic Health ng/mL
0.00 - 55.00 ng/mL
Thyroglobulin Antibodies (0 - 1 IU/L) Metabolic Health IU/L
0.00 - 1.00 IU/L
0.00 - 10.00 IU/ml
Thyroglobulin by RIA Metabolic Health ng/mL
0.00 - 40.00 ng/mL
Thyroglobulin IgG Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen WHO units
0.00 - 200.00 WHO units
Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 2.10 ELISA Index
0.00 - 35.00 IU/ml
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (Anti-TPO Ab) Thyroid Panel IU/ml
0.00 - 34.00 IU/ml
Thyroid Peroxidase IgG Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen WHO units
0.00 - 100.00 WHO units
Thyroid Stim Immunoglobulin Thyroid Panel IU/L
0.00 - 0.55 IU/L
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Thyroid Panel mIU/L
0.45 - 4.50 mIU/L
0.45 - 4.50 IU/L
Thyrotropin Receptor Ab, Serum Metabolic Health IU/L
0.00 - 1.75 IU/L
Thyroxine Binding Globulin LabCorp (various) ug/ml
13.00 - 39.00 ug/ml
Thyroxine-binding globulin, TBG Metabolic Health ug/ml
14.00 - 31.00 ug/ml
TIGLYL/METHYLCROTONYL, C5:1 Acylcarnitine Profile, Plasma umol/L
0.00 - 0.02 umol/L
Tiglylglycine Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 7.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Tiglylglycine (TG) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 0.09 ug/g
Tiglylglycine (TG) Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 0.04 µg/g creatinine
Tilapia, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.80 ELISA Index
TIMOTHY GRASS (G6) IGE Allergen Panel N/A
Class 0 (< 0.34)
Class 1 (0.35 – 0.69)
Class 2 (0.70 – 3.49)
Class 3 (3.50 – 17.49)
Class 4 (17.50 – 49.99)
Class 5 (50.0 – 100.0)
Class 6 (100+)
Tin Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 0.80 ug/g
Tin NutriStat Basic Profile ug/L
0.00 - 1.30 ug/L
Tin Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.00 - 0.30 µg/g
Tin Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 0.07 Units
Tin Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
0.00 - 2.04 ug/g creat
Tin Toxic Metals (Urine) µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 5.00 µg/g creatinine
Tin Complete Heavy Metals Test (Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 2.00 ug/L
Tin Heavy Metals ug/g
0.00 - 9.90 ug/g
Tin (whole blood) Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) mcg/L
0.00 - 0.39 mcg/L
Tin, Urine Heavy Metal Basic Panel (5520) (Access Medical Labs) ug/g
0.00 - 10.00 ug/g
TISSUE TRANSGLUTAMINASE AB, IGA Sensory Motor Neuropathy Complete Antibody Panel U/mL
0.00 - 4.00 U/mL
TISSUE TRANSGLUTAMINASE AB, IGG Sensory Motor Neuropathy Complete Antibody Panel N/A
<15.0 Antibody not detected
> or = 15.0 Antibody detected
Titanium Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 0.24 Units
Titanium Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 1.00 ug/g
Titanium Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.00 - 0.70 µg/g
Titanium, Urine Heavy Metal Basic Panel (5520) (Access Medical Labs) ug/g
0.00 - 6.00 ug/g
TMA Metabolic Health ug/g Creatinine
0.00 - 200.00 ug/g Creatinine
TMAO Metabolic Health mg/g Creat.
0.00 - 70.00 mg/g Creat.
TMAO (Trimethylamine N-oxide) Metabolic Health uM
0.00 - 6.20 uM
TNF alpha Cytokine Response Profile (CytoDx), Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 22.00 Units
TNFb Immune System pg/mL
0.00 - 156.00 pg/mL
Tofu Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.40 ELISA Index
Tofu LRA (Lymphocyte Response Assay) N/A
Strong reaction
Moderate reaction
No reaction
Tomato + Aquaporin Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.20 ELISA Index
Tomato Paste Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 2.10 ELISA Index
Total (E1 + E2 + E3) Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) ug/g Creatinine
12.60 - 47.80 ug/g Creatinine
Total 17-Ketosteroids FU Female FMV Urine Comprehensive Hormone ng/mg CR
0.00 - 0.00 ng/mg CR
Total B Cell The Lymphocyte MAP cells/uL
90.00 - 400.00 cells/uL
Total Branched Chain AAs NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
368.00 - 724.00 umol/L
Total Branched Chain Amino Acids OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 107.40 nmol/mg Creatinine
Total Branched Chain Amino Acids (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
211.90 - 577.30 nmol/ML
Total C:18 Trans Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
0.00 - 59.00 µmol/L
Total CD3- CD57+ Lymphocyte The Lymphocyte MAP cells/uL
45.00 - 144.00 cells/uL
Total CD57+ CD16+ NK Cell The Lymphocyte MAP cells/uL
25.00 - 162.00 cells/uL
Total CD57+ CD8+ T Cell The Lymphocyte MAP cells/uL
30.00 - 317.00 cells/uL
Total Cholesterol Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness mg/g
0.50 - 5.30 mg/g
Total Cholesterol Lipid Panel mg/dL
0.00 - 199.00 mg/dL
0.00 - 5.15 mmol/L
Total Cholesterol subfraction Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness mg/g
0.50 - 5.30 mg/g
Total Cholesterol/HDL Ratio Lipid Panel Ratio
0.00 - 5.00 Ratio
Total Commensal Abundance 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool %
90.00 - 110.00 %
Total Coronary Score Coronary calcium scan N/A
1 - 10
11 - 100
101 - 400
Over 400
Total Cortisol Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
12.26 - 33.12 µg/g creatinine
Total Cortisone Advanced Dried Urine Hormone Profile µg/g creatinine
23.27 - 50.88 µg/g creatinine
Total Cytotoxic (CD8) T Cell The Lymphocyte MAP cells/uL
200.00 - 500.00 cells/uL
Total Cytotoxic NK cells (CD16+) The Lymphocyte MAP cells/uL
30.00 - 200.00 cells/uL
Total DHEA Production Androgens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
400.00 - 3000.00 ng/mg
Total Estrogen Estrogens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
35.00 - 70.00 ng/mg
Total Estrogen Urinary Hormones mcg/g
5.42 - 16.13 mcg/g
Total Estrogen (male) DUTCH (male) ng/mg
10.00 - 34.00 ng/mg
Total Estrogen Load FU Female FMV Urine Comprehensive Hormone ng/mg CR
30.00 - 130.00 ng/mg CR
Total Estrogen Postmenopausal Estrogens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ng/mg
4.00 - 15.00 ng/mg
Total Fecal Fat Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness mg/g
2.90 - 37.50 mg/g
Total Fecal Triglycerides Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness mg/g
0.30 - 2.50 mg/g
Total Glutathione Quest Diagnostics uM
373.00 - 838.00 uM
Total Glutathione Other ug/ml
176.00 - 323.00 ug/ml
Total IgA 1018 Celiac Profile - Serum mg/dL
69.00 - 446.00 mg/dL
Total IgE 1004 lgE Molds Profile - Serum IU/ml
0.00 - 87.00 IU/ml
Total IgE 1003 IgE Inhalant Profile - Serum IU/ml
0.00 - 87.00 IU/ml
Total IgE 1005 IgG Spice Profile - Serum IU/ml
0.00 - 87.00 IU/ml
Total insulin Metabolic Health uU/mL
0.00 - 17.00 uU/mL
Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) Blood Health ug/dL
250.00 - 450.00 ug/dL
44.75 - 80.55 µmol/L
250.00 - 450.00 umol/L
250.00 - 450.00 g/L
TOTAL LACTOBACILLI The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^3 CFU/g
1.70 - 3000.00 x10^3 CFU/g
Total Lymphocyte The Lymphocyte MAP cells/uL
1000.00 - 4000.00 cells/uL
Total Memory CD27+ % Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 % of CD19
10.00 - 33.00 % of CD19
Total Memory CD27+ Abs Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 cells/mcL
23.00 - 110.00 cells/mcL
Total Monounsaturated Fats NutriStat Basic Profile %
15.65 - 31.82 %
Total Motile Count Semen analysis mill
0.00 - 0.00 mill
Total NK Cell (CD56+) The Lymphocyte MAP cells/uL
60.00 - 220.00 cells/uL
Total NK Cells (CD16/CD56) Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 /cumm
108.00 - 680.00 /cumm
Total NKT (CD56+ CD16+ T Cell) The Lymphocyte MAP cells/uL
10.00 - 120.00 cells/uL
Total Nucleated Cell Ct Cell Count and Differential, Synovial Fluid cells/uL
0.00 - 150.00 cells/uL
Total Nucleated Cells CSF Cell Count and Differential, Synovial Fluid MM3
0.00 - 5.00 MM3
Total number Semen analysis Units
39.00 - 928.00 Units
Total Omega 3 Fatty acids NutriStat Basic Profile %
2.57 - 15.15 %
Total Omega 6 Fatty Acids NutriStat Basic Profile %
24.85 - 44.15 %
Total Omega 9 Fatty Acids NutriStat Basic Profile %
16.00 - 27.00 %
Total Omega 9 Fatty Acids NutriStat %
16.00 - 20.60 %
Total Omega-3 (RBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) %
3.25 - 13.99 %
Total Omega-6 VibrantAmerica (various) %
11.03 - 34.96 %
Total Omega-6 (RBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) %
11.03 - 34.96 %
TOTAL PARTICLES TOTAL, HDL Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nmol/L
15758.00 - 34995.00 nmol/L
Total Phospholipid subfraction Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness mg/g
0.30 - 6.40 mg/g
Total Phospholipids Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness mg/g
0.30 - 6.40 mg/g
Total Porphyrins Urinalysis mcg/g creat
23.30 - 132.40 mcg/g creat
Total Prostate Specific Antigen (TPSA) Tumor / Cancer screening tests ug/L
0.00 - 1.40 ug/L
Total Protein, Serum Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained g/dL
6.00 - 8.50 g/dL
60.00 - 85.00 g/L
Total Protein, Urine Urinalysis mg/dL
0.00 - 20.00 mg/dL
Total Regulatory T Cell (Treg) The Lymphocyte MAP cells/uL
15.00 - 45.00 cells/uL
Total Saturated Fats NutriStat Basic Profile %
29.89 - 42.10 %
Total SCFA's Comprehensive Stool Analysis / Parasitology mg/ml
5.00 - 16.00 mg/ml
Total Secretory IgA Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.20 ELISA Index
Total Short chain fatty acids Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness micromol/g
45.40 - 210.10 micromol/g
Total T Cell The Lymphocyte MAP cells/uL
440.00 - 1600.00 cells/uL
Total T-Helper (CD4) Cell The Lymphocyte MAP cells/uL
500.00 - 1100.00 cells/uL
Total T-Helper-1 Cell The Lymphocyte MAP cells/uL
150.00 - 530.00 cells/uL
Total T-Helper-17 (Th17) The Lymphocyte MAP cells/uL
35.00 - 80.00 cells/uL
Total T-Helper-2 Cell The Lymphocyte MAP cells/uL
39.00 - 120.00 cells/uL
Total T3 Thyroid Panel ng/mL
71.00 - 180.00 ng/mL
7100.00 - 18000.00 ng/dL
1.09 - 2.77 nmol/L
Total Tau Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis pg/mL
0.00 - 290.00 pg/mL
Total Testosterone (Female/ng/mL) Endocrinology ng/mL
14.00 - 76.00 ng/mL
Total w3 Fatty Acids Profile, Essential (Serum/Plasma) mmol/L
0.12 - 0.55 mmol/L
Total WBC The Lymphocyte MAP cells/uL
4000.00 - 11000.00 cells/uL
Total, Free (MN+NMN) Quest Diagnostics pg/mL
0.00 - 205.00 pg/mL
TOTAL, NON-HDL Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nmol/L
1044.00 - 2725.00 nmol/L
Toxoplasma Antibody (IGG) Other Units
0.00 - 0.90 Units
Toxoplasma gondii Ab, IgG LabCorp (various) IU/ml
0.00 - 7.20 IU/ml
Toxoplasma gondii MIC3 - IgG Tickborne Units
0.00 - 10.00 Units
Toxoplasma IgG Other IU/ml
0.00 - 40.00 IU/ml
TPOab Blood Spot Thyroids IU/ml
0.00 - 150.00 IU/ml
TRAb (TSH Receptor Binding Antibody) Thyroid Panel IU/L
0.00 - 2.00 IU/L
Trans Fat Index NutriStat Basic Profile %
0.22 - 1.99 %
Trans Fatty Acid Index Fatty Acids Profile, Essential (Serum/Plasma) %
0.00 - 0.50 %
Trans Fatty Acids, Total NutriStat Basic Profile %
0.30 - 2.02 %
Trans Linoleic Fatty Acid NutriStat Basic Profile %
0.07 - 0.92 %
Trans Oleic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile %
0.00 - 0.51 %
Trans Palmitoleic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile %
0.10 - 2.45 %
Trans Palmitoleic Acid NutriStat %
0.10 - 2.45 %
Trans-Cinnamoylglycine Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 48.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Trans. Growth Fact. beta 1 Immune System pg/mL
2537.00 - 22306.00 pg/mL
Transferrin Blood Health mg/dL
200.00 - 390.00 mg/dL
2.00 - 3.90 g/L
1.80 - 3.50 g/L
Transferrin Receptor Blood Health mg/L
1.90 - 4.40 mg/L
Transferrin Saturation NutriStat %
15.00 - 45.00 %
Transferrin saturation (Iron Saturation) Blood Health %
15.00 - 55.00 %
Transforming Growth Factor beta, Plasma Immune System pg/mL
867.00 - 6662.00 pg/mL
Transglutaminase 2 IgA+IgM Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 3.10 ELISA Index
Transglutaminase-2 IgA Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.60 ELISA Index
Transglutaminase-2 IgG Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.40 ELISA Index
Transglutaminase-3 IgA Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Transglutaminase-3 IgG Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.40 ELISA Index
Transglutaminase-6 IgA Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.40 - 2.00 ELISA Index
Transglutaminase-6 IgG Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.20 ELISA Index
Transitional CD38+IgM+ % Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 % of CD19
0.70 - 5.90 % of CD19
Transitional CD38+IgM+ Abs Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2 cells/mcL
1.00 - 17.00 cells/mcL
Treponema Palladium Total Antibodies (FTA abs) Infectious Disease Profile index
0.00 - 0.00 index
Treponema pallidum Antibodies LabCorp (various) N/A
Non Reactive
Tricarballyic acid Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 0.50 mmol/mol
Tricarballylate Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 1.41 mcg/mg creatinine
Tricarballylate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 1.06 ug/mg creatinine
Tricarballylate NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 1.97 ug/mgCR
Tricarballylic Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.44 mmol/mol creatinine
Tricarballylic (Females Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.86 mmol/mol creatinine
Tricarballylic (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.58 mmol/mol creatinine
Tricarballylic (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 1.30 mmol/mol creatinine
Trichomonas Vaginalis, NAA, Urine Sexually transmitted disease N/A
Trichostrongylus Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) N/A
Not Detected
Trichothecene Group Mycotoxin Panel (RealTime Laboratories) ppb
0.00 - 0.07 ppb
Trichuris trichiura Comprehensive Gut Biome & Health Test (Verisana) N/A
Not Detected
Trichuris trichiura GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Trichuris trichiura GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Trichuris trichiura 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Not Detected
Trichuris trichiura, Whipworm Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) N/A
Not Detected
Trichuris trichiura, Whipworm The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Detected
Triclosan Environmental Toxins mcg/g
0.00 - 45.00 mcg/g
Triclosan (TCS) Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 29.90 ug/g
Tricosanoic Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) wt %
0.12 - 0.18 wt %
Tricosanoic (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
0.00 - 0.78 µmol/L
Tricosanoic C23:0 Metabolimix+ wt %
0.19 - 0.26 wt %
Triene/Tetraene (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) Ratio
0.00 - 0.02 Ratio
Triglicerídeos Brazilian Biomarkers mg/dL
0.00 - 149.00 mg/dL
0.00 - 2.00 mmol/L
Triglycerides 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool mg/g
0.30 - 2.80 mg/g
Triglycerides Lipid Panel mg/dL
0.00 - 149.00 mg/dL
0.00 - 1.68 mmol/L
Triglycerides to HDL Ratio Lipid Panel Ratio
0.00 - 2.00 Ratio
Triiodothyronine (T3) Uptake Thyroid Panel %
24.00 - 39.00 %
Triiodothyronine, Serum Metabolic Health pg/mL
2.00 - 4.40 pg/mL
1.30 - 2.86 nmol/L
Triiodothyronine, T3 (FMV urine) Complete Hormones (24hr) mcg/g Creat.
0.00 - 0.00 mcg/g Creat.
Trimellitic and Phthalic Anhydrides IgG+IgA Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Trimellitic and Phthalic Anhydrides IgM Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.40 - 2.60 ELISA Index
Trimethoprim/Sulpha The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) N/A
Not Tested
Tripelphosphates, urine qualitative Urinalysis N/A
Tropomyosin Array 5 Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 3.00 ELISA Index
Troponin Heart and Muscle Health ng/mL
0.00 - 0.06 ng/mL
0.00 - 60.00 ng/L
Troponin T, High Sensitivity Heart and Muscle Health ng/liter
0.00 - 13.00 ng/liter
Trout, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.40 ELISA Index
Trypsin Pancreas Health ng/mL
169.00 - 773.00 ng/mL
Tryptamine Neuro Basic Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) umol/g
0.20 - 0.90 umol/g
TRYPTASE Quest Diagnostics mcg/L
0.00 - 10.99 mcg/L
Tryptase Immune System ug/L
2.20 - 13.20 ug/L
Tryptophan ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
3970.00 - 8450.00 µg/g creatinine
Tryptophan 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
2.65 - 6.67 qmol/dL
Tryptophan Male Comprehensive Metabolic Performance Profile (Urine) Physicians Lab ug/mg CR
3.20 - 8.10 ug/mg CR
Tryptophan Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
20.00 - 93.00 qM/g creatinine
Tryptophan Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
23.50 - 93.00 umol/L
Tryptophan OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
10.10 - 74.30 nmol/mg Creatinine
TRYPTOPHAN Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
2.00 - 16.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Tryptophan NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
2.65 - 6.67 Units
Tryptophan Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
8.00 - 58.00 micromol/g creatinine
Tryptophan Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
40.00 - 91.00 umol/L
Tryptophan Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
1.00 - 207.50 umol/g Cr
Tryptophan Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
25.00 - 140.00 qmol/24 hours
Tryptophan (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
31.00 - 83.00 µmol/L
3.10 - 8.30 µmol/dL
Tryptophan (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
36.90 - 87.10 nmol/ML
Tryptophan (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
5.00 - 53.00 micromol/g creatinine
Tryptophan/LNAA 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 Ratio
0.04 - 0.09 Ratio
Tryptophan/LNAA NutriStat Basic Profile Ratio
0.12 - 0.35 Ratio
Tryptophan/LNAA (Genova) Amino Acids 40 Profile Ratio
0.10 - 0.11 Ratio
Tryptophane Urinary Amino Acids (Synlab) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 5.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Tryptophane NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
61.10 - 211.00 umol/L
TSH Blood Spot Thyroids uU/mL
0.50 - 3.00 uU/mL
TSH NutriStat mIU/L
0.50 - 5.00 mIU/L
0.00 - 1.80 IU/L
TSH Receptor Antibody (TBII) Metabolic Health U/L
0.00 - 1.00 U/L
TSI - Thyroid-Stimulating Immunoglobulin, Serum Quest Diagnostics %
0.00 - 140.00 %
TTG IGA Celiac Comprehensive Panel U/mL
0.00 - 14.90 U/mL
Tumor Necrosis Factor Immune System pg/mL
0.00 - 2.20 pg/mL
Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) Cytokine assay panel for immune profile pg/mL
0.00 - 16.10 pg/mL
Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha, Serum Cytokine Panel 13, Serum pg/mL
0.00 - 7.20 pg/mL
Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha, Highly Sensitive Tumor / Cancer screening tests pg/mL
0.56 - 1.40 pg/mL
Tuna Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.70 ELISA Index
Tuna, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Tungsten Toxic Metals (Urine) µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 0.40 µg/g creatinine
Tungsten Heavy Metals ug/g
0.00 - 0.99 ug/g
Tungsten Toxic & Essential Elements (Whole Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 0.10 ug/L
Tungsten Total Tox-Burden ug/g
0.00 - 0.33 ug/g
Tungsten Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Tungsten Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
0.00 - 0.21 ug/g creat
Tungsten Toxic Metals (Stool) mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.13 mg/kg Dry Wt
Tungsten Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 0.02 ug/g
Tungsten Toxic Metals; stool mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.13 mg/kg Dry Wt
Tungsten, Urine Heavy Metal Basic Panel (5520) (Access Medical Labs) ug/g
0.00 - 1.00 ug/g
Turkey, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Turmeric (Curcumin) Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Typhoid Vaccination Tracker N/A
Not vaccinated
Tyramine ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
279.00 - 588.00 µg/g creatinine
Tyramine Neuro Basic Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) umol/g
2.00 - 4.00 umol/g
Tyrosine ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
4790.00 - 10278.00 µg/g creatinine
Tyrosine Neuro Basic Profile (Labrix, Doctor's Data) umol/g
32.00 - 80.00 umol/g
Tyrosine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
28.00 - 150.00 qM/g creatinine
Tyrosine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
27.80 - 83.30 umol/L
Tyrosine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 99.00 mcg/mg creatinine
TYROSINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
4.00 - 22.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Tyrosine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
4.80 - 17.30 Units
Tyrosine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
30.00 - 188.00 qmol/24 hours
Tyrosine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
30.20 - 76.00 umol/L
Tyrosine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
4.80 - 17.30 qmol/dL
Tyrosine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
19.00 - 135.00 micromol/g creatinine
Tyrosine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
38.00 - 96.00 umol/L
Tyrosine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
5.00 - 388.90 umol/g Cr
Tyrosine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
38.00 - 110.00 µmol/L
3.80 - 11.00 µmol/dL
Tyrosine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
27.80 - 84.50 nmol/ML
Tyrosine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
11.00 - 135.00 micromol/g creatinine
Tyzzerella VibrantAmerica (various) Relative Abundance
0.00 - 20.00 Relative Abundance
Tyzzerella Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
Tyzzerella 4 Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Units
0.00 - 20.00 Units
U1-snRNP RNP A Systemic Sclerosis SI
0.00 - 11.00 SI
U1-snRNP RNP C Systemic Sclerosis SI
0.00 - 11.00 SI
U1-snRNP RNP-70kd Systemic Sclerosis SI
0.00 - 11.00 SI
UIBC Blood Health µg/dL
131.00 - 425.00 µg/dL
23.45 - 76.08 µmol/L
131.00 - 425.00 umol/L
Unsaturated/Saturated Ratio Fatty Acids Profile, Essential (Serum/Plasma) Ratio
2.25 - 10.00 Ratio
Uracil Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 9.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Uracil Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 9.70 mmol/mol creatinine
Uracil Organic Acids mmol/mol
0.00 - 9.40 mmol/mol
Uracil (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 6.90 mmol/mol creatinine
Uracil (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 16.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Uranium Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.00 - 0.06 µg/g
Uranium Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
0.00 - 0.03 ug/g creat
Uranium Toxic Metals (Stool) mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.10 mg/kg Dry Wt
Uranium Toxic Metals (Urine) µg/g creatinine
0.00 - 0.03 µg/g creatinine
Uranium Complete Heavy Metals Test (Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 0.00 ug/L
Uranium Heavy Metals ug/g
0.00 - 0.13 ug/g
Uranium Toxic & Essential Elements (Whole Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 0.10 ug/L
Uranium Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 0.01 Units
Uranium Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 0.20 ug/g
Uranium NutriStat Basic Profile ug/L
0.00 - 0.10 ug/L
Uranium Toxic Metals; stool mg/kg Dry Wt
0.00 - 0.10 mg/kg Dry Wt
Uranium, Urine Heavy Metal Basic Panel (5520) (Access Medical Labs) ug/g
0.00 - 0.05 ug/g
Urea Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP): Biomarkers, Benefits, and Results Explained mg/dL
17.00 - 48.00 mg/dL
2.83 - 7.99 mmol/L
Urea 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
216.00 - 1156.00 qmol/dL
UREA NutriStat mmol/L
3.50 - 8.00 mmol/L
Urea Metabolimix+ mmol/g creatinine
150.00 - 380.00 mmol/g creatinine
Urea Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) mmol/24 hr
180.00 - 900.00 mmol/24 hr
Urea NutriStat Basic Profile mmol/L
2.80 - 8.10 mmol/L
Urea Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] mM/g
100.00 - 550.00 mM/g
Urea NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
216.00 - 1156.00 Units
Urea (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis mmol/g creatinine
168.00 - 465.00 mmol/g creatinine
Urea nitrogen/Creatinine Kidney Health Ratio
9.00 - 23.00 Ratio
Ureaplasma urealyticum / Ureaplasma parvum Sexually transmitted disease N/A
Uric Acid StoneRisk Diagnostic Profile Ratio
0.00 - 1.20 Ratio
Uric Acid Kidney Health mg/dL
3.80 - 8.40 mg/dL
226.02 - 499.63 µmol/L
0.23 - 0.50 mmol/L
Uric Acid, female Kidney Health mg/dL
2.50 - 7.00 mg/dL
Uric acid, Urine StoneRisk Diagnostic Profile mg/24 hr
174.00 - 902.00 mg/24 hr
Urinary Bladder Cancer Antigen Tumor / Cancer screening tests ug/L
0.00 - 33.00 ug/L
Urine Creatinine Heavy Metals mg/ml
0.25 - 2.16 mg/ml
Urine Creatinine Metabolimix+ mmol/L
0.00 - 0.00 mmol/L
Urine Occult Blood Urinalysis mg/d
0.00 - 0.00 mg/d
Urine pH Urinalysis pH
5.00 - 7.50 pH
Urine Specific Gravity Urinalysis SG
1.00 - 1.03 SG
Urobilinogen Bilirubin, Urine Urinalysis mg/dL
0.20 - 2.00 mg/dL
Uroporphyrin I Urinalysis mcg/g creat
4.10 - 22.40 mcg/g creat
Uroporphyrin III Urinalysis mcg/g creat
0.70 - 7.40 mcg/g creat
Uroporphyrins (UP) Porphyrins, Quantitative, Random Urine ug/L
0.00 - 20.00 ug/L
Vaccenic Genova Diagnostics (various) µmol/L
40.00 - 122.00 µmol/L
Vaccenic Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) wt %
0.00 - 1.13 wt %
Vaccenic 18:1 n7 Metabolimix+ wt %
0.00 - 1.65 wt %
Vaccenic Acid, C18:1w7 Fatty Acids Profile, Essential (Serum/Plasma) nmol/ML
50.00 - 250.00 nmol/ML
Valerate Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) %
0.50 - 7.00 %
Valerate Comprehensive Stool Analysis / Parasitology %
0.80 - 5.00 %
Valerate Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness %
0.80 - 3.50 %
Valerate The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) %
0.50 - 7.00 %
Valine Amino Acids; Urine 24-hour (Doctor's Data) qmol/24 hours
18.00 - 85.00 qmol/24 hours
Valine NutriStat Basic Profile umol/L
178.00 - 377.00 umol/L
Valine Metabolimix+ micromol/g creatinine
5.00 - 43.00 micromol/g creatinine
Valine Amino Acid Analysis umol/L
132.00 - 313.00 umol/L
Valine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Urine) umol/g Cr
5.00 - 147.40 umol/g Cr
Valine 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 qmol/dL
18.30 - 42.60 qmol/dL
Valine Male Comprehensive Metabolic Performance Profile (Urine) Physicians Lab ng/mg CR
1653.40 - 3284.80 ng/mg CR
Valine Amino Acids test [Great Plains Laboratory / Doctor's Data] qM/g creatinine
16.00 - 58.00 qM/g creatinine
Valine Amino Acid Profile, Qn (Plasma) umol/L
133.00 - 317.10 umol/L
Valine OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.00 - 51.10 nmol/mg Creatinine
VALINE Amino Acid Analysis, LC/MS mmol/mol creatinine
2.00 - 6.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Valine NutrEval Plasma - Urine and Blood Units
18.30 - 42.60 Units
Valine (Plasma) OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/ML
109.30 - 283.00 nmol/ML
Valine (Plasma) Amino Acids 40 Profile µmol/L
146.00 - 370.00 µmol/L
14.60 - 37.00 µmol/dL
Valine (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) nmol/ML
155.90 - 368.00 nmol/ML
Valine (Urine) Amino Acids Analysis micromol/g creatinine
7.00 - 49.00 micromol/g creatinine
Valproic Acid (Depakote), Serum LabCorp (various) ug/ml
50.00 - 100.00 ug/ml
Vanadium Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.02 - 0.06 µg/g
Vanadium Essential Elements (Urine) mEq/g creat
0.00 - 0.80 mEq/g creat
Vanadium Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
0.10 - 3.20 ug/g creat
Vanadium Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 0.20 ug/g
Vanadium NutriStat Basic Profile ug/L
0.10 - 0.50 ug/L
Vanadium Toxic & Essential Elements (Whole Blood) ug/L
0.04 - 0.30 ug/L
Vanadium Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 0.01 Units
Vanilla Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.40 ELISA Index
Vanillylmandelic (VMA) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.46 - 3.70 mmol/mol creatinine
Vanillylmandelic (VMA) (Males Age 13 and Over) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.53 - 2.20 mmol/mol creatinine
Vanillylmandelic (VMA) (Males Under Age 13) Organic Acids Test (OAT) - Nutritional and Metabolic Profile mmol/mol creatinine
0.72 - 6.40 mmol/mol creatinine
Vanillylmandelic Acid Male Comprehensive Metabolic Performance Profile (Urine) Physicians Lab ng/mg CR
1236.10 - 3430.70 ng/mg CR
Vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) Neurotransmitters (VibrantWellness) mcg/g
2411.20 - 5047.80 mcg/g
Vanillylmandelic Acid (VMA) NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
1.40 - 5.09 ug/mgCR
Vanillylmandelic Acid (VMA), Random Urine Quest Diagnostics Urine Markers mg/g Cr
1.70 - 6.50 mg/g Cr
Vanillylmandelic Acid (VMA), Random Urine LabCorp (various) mg/g creat
0.00 - 18.80 mg/g creat
Vanilmandelate Organic Acids Profile (US BioTek) ug/mg creatinine
0.00 - 3.64 ug/mg creatinine
Vanilmandelate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.40 - 3.60 mmol/mol creatinine
Vanilmandelate (Genova) Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
1.20 - 5.30 mcg/mg creatinine
Vanilmandelate (VMA) Neurotransmitter Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH ug/mg
2.20 - 5.50 ug/mg
Vanilmandelate (VMA) (Male) Nutritional Organic Acids (Urine) - DUTCH ug/mg
2.50 - 7.50 ug/mg
Vanilmandelic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.40 - 3.60 mmol/mol creatinine
Vanilmandelic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.40 - 3.60 mmol/mol creatinine
Vannilylmandelic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
5.30 - 36.10 nmol/mg Creatinine
Varicella Zoster IgG LabCorp (various) N/A
Varicella-Zoster Antibody, IgG Other AI
1.10 - 10.00 AI
Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) DNA, Qualitative, Real-Time PCR Immune System N/A
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Quest Diagnostics pg/mL
31.01 - 86.00 pg/mL
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Cytokine assay panel for immune profile pg/mL
0.00 - 8.43 pg/mL
Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide (VIP), Plasma LabCorp (various) pg/mL
0.00 - 58.80 pg/mL
Vasopressin Antidiuretic Hormone Profile pg/mL
0.00 - 4.70 pg/mL
VCA gp125 (IgG) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
VCA gp125 (IgM) Neural Zoomer Plus Relative Abundance
0.00 - 10.00 Relative Abundance
VDRL Infectious Disease Profile N/A
Non-Reactive / Negative
Reactive / Positive
Vegetable fiber Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness N/A
Not Detected
Vegetable fibers GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
VEGF, Plasma Immune System pg/mL
0.00 - 115.00 pg/mL
VEGF, Serum Immune System pg/mL
62.00 - 707.00 pg/mL
Veillonella Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Relative Abundance
0.00 - 20.00 Relative Abundance
Veillonella spp. GI360 stool profile N/A
Veillonella spp. 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool CFU/g stool
0.00 - 4100000.00 CFU/g stool
Veillonellaceae Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness Relative Abundance
10.00 - 100.00 Relative Abundance
Velocidade de Hemossedimentação (VHS) Brazilian Biomarkers mm/h
0.00 - 40.00 mm/h
Velocity of active path (VAP) Semen analysis um/s
0.00 - 0.00 um/s
Velocity of curved line (VCL) Semen analysis um/s
40.00 - 100.00 um/s
Velocity of straight line (VSL) Semen analysis um/s
25.00 - 100.00 um/s
Verrucarin A MycoTOX Profile (Mold Exposure) ng/g creatinine
0.00 - 1.30 ng/g creatinine
Verrucarin and Verrucarol (IgE) Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Verrucarin and Verrucarol (IgG) Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Verrucarin J Mycotoxins (Vibrant America) ng/g
0.00 - 6.90 ng/g
Verrucomicrobia Phylum 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
Verrucomicrobia Phylum Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) %
0.00 - 2.40 %
Verrucomicrobia Phylum The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) %
0.00 - 2.40 %
Very Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL) NutriStat mmol/L
0.10 - 0.60 mmol/L
Vibrio (parahaemolyticus, vulnificus and cholerae) Stool Units
0.00 - 99999.00 Units
Vibrio cholerae GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 99999.00 Units
Vibrio cholerae GI360 stool profile N/A
Vibrio species Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Vibrio species The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^4 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^4 CFU/g
Virulence Factor, babA GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Virulence Factor, cagA GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Virulence Factor, dupA GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Virulence Factor, iceA GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Virulence Factor, oipA GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Virulence Factor, vacA GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Virulence Factor, virB GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Virulence Factor, virD GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Viscosity Semen analysis N/A
Viscosity, Serum Other Units
1.50 - 1.90 Units
Vit B1 Thiamin BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
37.32 - 50.40 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Vit B12 Binding Capacity, Unsat (Transcobalamin) Vitamins & Minerals pg/mL
650.00 - 1340.00 pg/mL
Vit B12 Cobalamin BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
16.18 - 38.67 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Vit B2 Riboflavin BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
36.18 - 52.52 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Vit B5 Pantothenic acid BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
31.76 - 42.42 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Vit B6 Pyridoxine BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
7.90 - 25.47 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Vit B7 Biotin BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
10.51 - 29.69 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Vit B9 Folate BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
0.00 - 10.80 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Vit K2 Menaquinone BiomeFx Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
0.00 - 6.35 Healthy Relative Abundance IQR (%)
Vitamin A Vitamins & Minerals ug/dL
20.10 - 62.00 ug/dL
0.72 - 2.21 umol/L
Vitamin A Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
70.00 - 100.00 %
Vitamin A (Retinol) 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 mcg/dL
18.90 - 57.30 mcg/dL
Vitamin A (Retinol) (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) mg/L
0.29 - 1.05 mg/L
Vitamin A (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) mcg/dL
40.80 - 154.50 mcg/dL
Vitamin A (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) pg/MM WBC
0.90 - 17.30 pg/MM WBC
Vitamin B1 Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
78.00 - 100.00 %
Vitamin B1 (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) nmol/L
1.40 - 71.30 nmol/L
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Vitamins & Minerals nmol/L
66.50 - 200.00 nmol/L
22.43 - 67.46 ng/mL
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Blood Vitamins & Minerals nmol/L
78.00 - 185.00 nmol/L
Vitamin B1 (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) pg/MM WBC
0.10 - 7.00 pg/MM WBC
Vitamin B12 Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
18.00 - 100.00 %
Vitamin B12 Vitamins & Minerals pg/mL
232.00 - 1245.00 pg/mL
171.22 - 918.81 pmol/L
232.00 - 1245.00 ng/L
Vitamin B12 (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) pg/mL
232.00 - 1245.00 pg/mL
Vitamin B12 (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) pg/MM WBC
2.00 - 11.99 pg/MM WBC
Vitamin B2 Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
53.00 - 100.00 %
Vitamin B2 Vitamins & Minerals nmol/L
6.20 - 39.00 nmol/L
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Plasma Vitamins & Minerals nmol/L
6.20 - 39.00 nmol/L
Vitamin B2 (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) mcg/L
5.60 - 126.10 mcg/L
Vitamin B2 (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) pg/MM WBC
0.20 - 3.60 pg/MM WBC
Vitamin B2, Whole Blood Vitamins & Minerals ug/L
137.00 - 370.00 ug/L
Vitamin B3 Vitamins & Minerals ng/mL
0.00 - 110.00 ng/mL
Vitamin B3 Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
85.00 - 100.00 %
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Vitamins & Minerals ug/ml
0.50 - 8.45 ug/ml
Vitamin B3 (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) ng/mL
2.60 - 36.10 ng/mL
Vitamin B3 (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) pg/MM WBC
39.60 - 303.50 pg/MM WBC
Vitamin B5 Vitamins & Minerals ng/mL
0.00 - 275.00 ng/mL
Vitamin B5 (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) mcg/L
22.70 - 429.20 mcg/L
Vitamin B5 (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) pg/MM WBC
2.50 - 32.80 pg/MM WBC
Vitamin B6 Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
60.00 - 100.00 %
Vitamin B6 Vitamins & Minerals ug/L
3.40 - 65.20 ug/L
13.76 - 263.81 nmol/L
Vitamin B6 (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) ng/mL
2.80 - 76.20 ng/mL
Vitamin B6 (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) pg/MM WBC
0.50 - 9.70 pg/MM WBC
Vitamin B6, Plasma Vitamins & Minerals ng/mL
2.10 - 21.70 ng/mL
Vitamin B7 Vitamins & Minerals ng/mL
0.05 - 0.83 ng/mL
Vitamin B7 Adult Gut Health Test rpkm
351.00 - 500.00 rpkm
Vitamin B9 (Folate) Vitamins & Minerals ng/mL
3.00 - 20.00 ng/mL
6.80 - 45.32 nmol/L
3.00 - 20.00 ug/L
Vitamin C Vitamins & Minerals mg/dL
0.20 - 2.30 mg/dL
11.36 - 130.59 umol/L
Vitamin C Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
40.00 - 100.00 %
Vitamin C (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) mg/dL
0.20 - 1.10 mg/dL
Vitamin C (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) ng/MM WBC
0.50 - 9.70 ng/MM WBC
Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy Vitamins & Minerals ng/mL
30.00 - 100.00 ng/mL
74.88 - 249.60 nmol/L
Vitamin D, 25-OH (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) ng/mL
30.00 - 108.00 ng/mL
Vitamin D3 Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
50.00 - 100.00 %
Vitamin D3 (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) ng/mL
0.40 - 1.80 ng/mL
Vitamin D3 (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) pg/MM WBC
25.90 - 246.60 pg/MM WBC
Vitamin E Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
84.00 - 100.00 %
Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol) Vitamins & Minerals mg/L
5.90 - 19.40 mg/L
Vitamin E (Gamma Tocopherol) Vitamins & Minerals mg/L
0.50 - 5.50 mg/L
Vitamin E (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) mg/L
7.40 - 30.60 mg/L
Vitamin E (Tocopherol) Vitamins & Minerals mg/L
7.00 - 25.10 mg/L
Vitamin E (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) pg/MM WBC
18.40 - 1031.10 pg/MM WBC
Vitamin E, Beta Gamma Tocopherol Vitamins & Minerals mg/L
0.00 - 4.40 mg/L
Vitamin K Vitamins & Minerals pg/mL
130.00 - 1500.00 pg/mL
Vitamin K1 Vitamins & Minerals ng/mL
0.10 - 2.20 ng/mL
Vitamin K1 (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) ng/mL
0.10 - 8.10 ng/mL
Vitamin K1 (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) pg/MM WBC
0.10 - 0.71 pg/MM WBC
Vitamin K2 Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
30.00 - 100.00 %
Vitamin K2 (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) ng/mL
0.10 - 5.19 ng/mL
Vitamin K2 (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) pg/MM WBC
0.10 - 0.89 pg/MM WBC
Vitamina B12 Brazilian Biomarkers pg/mL
232.00 - 1245.00 pg/mL
Vitamina D, 25-Hidroxi Brazilian Biomarkers ng/mL
30.00 - 100.00 ng/mL
VLDL Cholesterol Cal Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins mg/dL
5.00 - 40.00 mg/dL
0.13 - 1.04 mmol/L
VLDL PARTICLE SUBFRACTION VLDL, SMALL Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nmol/L
34.00 - 114.00 nmol/L
VLDL Size Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nm
0.00 - 46.60 nm
VLDL, LARGE Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nmol/L
3.00 - 33.00 nmol/L
VLDL, MEDIUM Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins nmol/L
21.00 - 93.00 nmol/L
VLDL-3 Lipoprotein Particles and Apolipoproteins mg/dL
0.00 - 10.00 mg/dL
VLDL-C/TG Lipid Panel Ratio
0.00 - 30.00 Ratio
VLDL-C/TG (Boston Heart) Lipid Panel Ratio
0.00 - 0.20 Ratio
VMA ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
2580.00 - 4766.00 µg/g creatinine
VMA Organic Acids, Comprehensive, Quantitative mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 5.00 mmol/mol creatinine
Volume Semen analysis ml
2.00 - 5.00 ml
Volume Corpuscular Médio (VCM) Brazilian Biomarkers fl
79.00 - 97.00 fl
Volume of Semen / Ejaculate Volume Semen analysis ml
1.50 - 5.50 ml
Volume Plaquetário Médio (MPV) Brazilian Biomarkers fl
7.50 - 11.50 fl
Volume, Preservative StoneRisk Diagnostic Profile mL/24 hr
600.00 - 1600.00 mL/24 hr
Volume, Urine StoneRisk Diagnostic Profile mL/24 hr
600.00 - 1600.00 mL/24 hr
Vomitoxin aka Deoxynivalenol (IgE) Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Vomitoxin aka Deoxynivalenol (IgG) Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Von Willebrand Factor Antigen (vWF) Immune System %
50.00 - 217.00 %
vWF Activity Immune System %
50.00 - 200.00 %
VWF: COLLAGEN BINDING Immune System % normal
45.00 - 198.00 % normal
WA1 IgG Antibody, IFA Babesiosis Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Waking Cortisol FU Female FMV Urine Comprehensive Hormone ng/mg CR
7.00 - 31.00 ng/mg CR
Waking Glucose Lifestyle Dashboard mg/dL
70.00 - 99.00 mg/dL
Walnut Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 2.00 ELISA Index
Walnut (f256) IGE Tree Nut Allergen Panel kU/L
0.00 - 0.10 kU/L
Wasabi, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Water Content Toxic Metals; stool mg/kg Dry Wt
66.30 - 78.80 mg/kg Dry Wt
Watermelon Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.00 ELISA Index
WBC Micronutrient (Vibrant America) x10E3/uL
3.98 - 10.04 x10E3/uL
WBC Urinalysis, complete N/A
WBC GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
West Nile Virus AB (IgG), Serum Infectious Disease Profile index
0.00 - 1.30 index
West Nile Virus IgM EIA Infectious Disease Profile N/A
Wheat + Alpha-Gliadins Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Wheat germ agglutinin (lectin), IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Wheat Germ Agglutinin IgA Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.60 ELISA Index
Wheat Germ Agglutinin IgA+IgM Array 14 - Mucosal Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 3.60 ELISA Index
Wheat Germ Agglutinin IgG Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.00 ELISA Index
Wheat IgA Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Wheat IgG Array 3X - Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Wheat, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Whey Protein Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Whey, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
White blood cells (Leukocytes / WBC) Complete Blood Count Results: How to Interpret a CBC – A Comprehensive Guide x10E3/µL
3.40 - 10.80 x10E3/µL
3.40 - 10.80 x10^9/L
3.40 - 10.80 x10/9/l
White Blood Cells (WBC), Urine Urinalysis /hpf
0.00 - 10.00 /hpf
White Wine Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.60 ELISA Index
Whitefish, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.40 ELISA Index
Whole blood - Genomic BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Whole blood - Plasmid BORRELIOSIS - Lyme Disease Positive / Negative
0.00 - 0.01 Positive / Negative
Whole Blood Lactate Blood Health mmol/L
0.30 - 2.00 mmol/L
Wild Rice, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.30 ELISA Index
Xanthan Gum Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 1.70 ELISA Index
Xanthochromia Cell Count and Differential, Synovial Fluid N/A
Xanthurenate 3301 Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine (mmol/mol creatinine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.96 mmol/mol creatinine
Xanthurenate Nutritional Organic Acids (Urine) - DUTCH ug/mg
0.12 - 1.20 ug/mg
Xanthurenate (Genova) Organix Comprehensive Profile - Urine mcg/mg creatinine
0.00 - 0.46 mcg/mg creatinine
Xanthurenate (Male) Nutritional Organic Acids (Urine) - DUTCH ug/mg
0.20 - 1.90 ug/mg
Xanthurenic Balance Hormone Profile (Dried Urine) mg/g creat
0.17 - 0.86 mg/g creat
Xanthurenic Acid Metabolic Analysis Markers (Urine) mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.96 mmol/mol creatinine
Xanthurenic Acid ZRT Laboratory (Urinary Neurotransmitters) µg/g creatinine
694.00 - 1510.00 µg/g creatinine
Xanthurenic Acid Metabolimix+ mmol/mol creatinine
0.00 - 0.96 mmol/mol creatinine
Xanthurenic Acid OMX Organic Metabolomics / Diagnostic Solutions nmol/mg Creatinine
0.60 - 10.20 nmol/mg Creatinine
Xanthurenic Acid NutriStat Basic Profile ug/mgCR
0.00 - 0.93 ug/mgCR
Xylooligosaccharide Adult Gut Health Test rpkm
0.00 - 150.00 rpkm
Yam + Sweet Potato, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.30 - 1.90 ELISA Index
Yeast Comprehensive Stool Analysis / Parasitology N/A
Not Detected
Yeast IgG Yeasts Allergy Test Units
1.00 - 3.49 Units
Yeast Array 4 - Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity ELISA Index
0.00 - 1.50 ELISA Index
Yeast Urinalysis N/A
None seen
Yeast GI360 stool profile N/A
Not Detected
Yersinia enterocolitica Array 12 – Pathogen-Associated Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 1.80 ELISA Index
Yersinia enterocolitica GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions Units
0.00 - 99999.00 Units
Yersinia enterocolitica 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool N/A
No Growth
Potential Pathogen
Yersinia species Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 CFU/g
Yersinia species The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) x10^5 CFU/g
0.00 - 1.00 x10^5 CFU/g
YO Ab Screen, IFA, Serum YO AB Screen w/Reflex to Titer and WB, Serum N/A
Fluorescence noted
Yogurt Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.10 - 2.00 ELISA Index
Yogurt, IgG 240 Food Panel: IgA, IgG, IgG4 (US BioTek) N/A
Very Low
Very High
Your Omega-3 Index OmegaQuant %
8.00 - 12.00 %
Your Trans Fat Index OmegaQuant %
0.00 - 1.00 %
Z SCORE (FEMALE) Quest Diagnostics SD
-2.00 - 2.00 SD
Z SCORE (MALE) Quest Diagnostics SD
-2.00 - 2.00 SD
Zearalenone MycoTOX Profile (Mold Exposure) ng/g creatinine
0.00 - 3.20 ng/g creatinine
Zearalenone Mycotoxin Panel (RealTime Laboratories) ppb
0.00 - 0.50 ppb
Zearalenone (ZEN) Total Tox-Burden ng/g
0.00 - 0.38 ng/g
Zearalenone - IgE Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Zearalenone - IgG Serum Antibody Testing for Mycotoxins Units
0.00 - 0.15 Units
Zika virus IgM Zika Virus Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Zika Virus, NAA, Serum Zika Virus Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Zika Virus, NAA, Urine Zika Virus Units
0.00 - 0.00 Units
Zinc Electrolytes µg/dL
60.00 - 130.00 µg/dL
9.18 - 19.89 µmol/L
Zinc Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
140.00 - 220.00 µg/g
Zinc Toxic Element Exposure Profile; Hair (Doctor's Data) ug/g
0.00 - 270.00 ug/g
Zinc NutriStat Basic Profile mg/L
8.60 - 14.50 mg/L
Zinc Blood Spot Toxic & Essential Elements mg/L
5.06 - 8.57 mg/L
Zinc Minerals & Metals Test Units
16.00 - 24.00 Units
Zinc Metabolimix+ ug/g creat
63.00 - 688.00 ug/g creat
Zinc 3102 ION (Blood/Urine) Amino Acids 40 mcg/dL
64.30 - 159.40 mcg/dL
Zinc Toxic & Essential Elements (Whole Blood) ug/dL
480.00 - 780.00 ug/dL
Zinc Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
9.00 - 22.00 Units
Zinc Essential Elements (Urine) mEq/g creat
0.10 - 1.50 mEq/g creat
Zinc Complete Heavy Metals Test (Blood) ug/L
0.00 - 8600.00 ug/L
Zinc Micronutrient Test, Spectracell Laboratories %
37.00 - 100.00 %
Zinc (Genova) Genova Diagnostics (various) ppb
643.00 - 1594.00 ppb
Zinc (plasma) Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Markers (RBCs) mcg/dL
64.30 - 159.40 mcg/dL
Zinc (Serum) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) mcg/mL
0.50 - 1.00 mcg/mL
Zinc (WBC) Micronutrient (Vibrant America) ng/MM WBC
4.00 - 15.00 ng/MM WBC
Zinc (Zn) Hair Tissue Analysis [ARL (Analytical Research Labs)] Units
16.00 - 24.00 Units
Zinc Protoporphyrin (ZPP) LabCorp (various) ug/dL
0.00 - 36.00 ug/dL
Zinc Transporter 8 (ZnT8) Antibody Metabolic Health U/mL
0.00 - 0.00 U/mL
Zinc, Plasma (BLOOD - SERUM) NutriStat Basic Profile ug/dL
58.00 - 124.00 ug/dL
Zinc, Plasma or Serum Other ug/dL
44.00 - 115.00 ug/dL
Zinc, RBC Vitamins & Minerals ug/dL
878.00 - 1660.00 ug/dL
8.78 - 16.60 mg/L
Zinc/Copper Ratio Hair Mineral Analysis Level 1- Hair Ratio
8.20 - 13.20 Ratio
Zirconium NutriStat Basic Profile ug/L
0.00 - 3.00 ug/L
Zirconium Toxic & Essential Elements (Hair) µg/g
0.02 - 0.42 µg/g
Zirconium Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Units
0.00 - 0.06 Units
Zn/Cd Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Ratio
500.00 - 20000.00 Ratio
Zn/Cu Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Ratio
4.00 - 12.00 Ratio
Zn/Cu Minerals & Metals Test Units
7.50 - 8.50 Units
Zn/Hg Profile 1, Trace Elements (Hair) Ratio
200.00 - 2000.00 Ratio
ZnT8 Antibodies LabCorp (various) N/A
Zonisamide (Zonegran), Serum LabCorp (various) ug/ml
10.00 - 40.00 ug/ml
Zonulin GI-MAP Interpretive Guide by Diagnostic Solutions ng/g
0.00 - 175.00 ng/g
Zonulin The GI – Advanced Profile (US BioTek) ng/mL
0.00 - 107.00 ng/mL
Zonulin Advanced Intestinal Barrier Assessment (Plasma) ng/mL
0.00 - 3.19 ng/mL
Zonulin Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH) ng/mL
0.00 - 107.00 ng/mL
Zonulin Family Peptide 2200 GI Effects Comprehensive Profile - Stool ng/mL
22.30 - 161.10 ng/mL
Zonulin IgA1-2 Gut Barrier Panel N/A
Zoster (shingles) Vaccination Tracker N/A
Not vaccinated
Zucchini, cooked Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screen ELISA Index
0.20 - 0.80 ELISA Index
ß-Amyloid (1-42) Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis pg/mL
620.00 - 1000.00 pg/mL
ß-glucuronidase Gut Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness U/mL
0.00 - 2300.00 U/mL