Alanine-aminotransferase (ALT, SGPT)

Other names: ALT / SGPT, ALT/SGPT, ALT (SGPT)

Optimal Result: 6 - 46 U/L, or 6.00 - 46.00 IU/L.

What Is ALT?

Alanine transaminase (ALT) is an enzyme that mainly exists in your liver and that helps the liver convert food into energy. 

High enzyme levels can be a sign that the liver is injured or irritated, and the enzymes are leaking out of the liver cells.

ALT other names:

ALT used to be called serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, or SGPT, this is sometimes called an SGPT test.

Why did I get an ALT blood test:

An ALT blood test is often included in a liver panel and comprehensive metabolic panel, and healthcare providers use it to help assess your liver health. The alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test is a blood test that checks for liver damage. 

What are some of the functions of your liver?

Your liver does a lot of important things for you, for example:

→ It makes a fluid called bile that helps your body digest food.

→ It removes waste products and other toxins from your blood.

→ It produces proteins and cholesterol.

Diseases such as hepatitis and cirrhosis can damage your liver and prevent it from doing its many jobs.

Why Is ALT important to measure?

Your body uses ALT to break down food into energy. Normally, ALT levels in the blood are low. If your liver is damaged, it will release more ALT into your blood and levels will rise.

The ALT test can be done as part of a blood panel during a regular exam. If you've already been diagnosed with liver disease, your doctor can use the ALT test to see how well your treatment is working. 

Here are some reasons you might get this test:

→ You've been exposed to the hepatitis virus.

→ You drink a lot of alcohol.

→ You have a family history of liver disease.

→ You take medicine that's known to cause liver damage.

What are symptoms of liver disease?

Your doctor might recommend ALT if you have symptoms of liver disease or damage, such as:

→ Stomach pain or swelling

→ Nausea

→ Vomiting

→ Yellow skin or eyes (a condition called jaundice)

→ Weakness

→ Extreme tiredness (fatigue)

→ Dark-colored urine

→ Light-colored poop

→ Itchy skin

What are normal ALT results/reference ranges?

A normal ALT test result can range from 7 to 55 units per liter (U/L), but it varies depending on the laboratory used. Levels are normally higher in men.

References ranges from Quest Diagnostics are as follows:

  Male (U/L) Female (U/L)
<1 Month 3-25 3-25
1-11 Months 4-35 3-30
1-3 Years 5-30 5-30
4-12 Years 8-30 8-24
13-15 Years 7-32 6-19
16-19 Years 8-46 5-32
≥20 Years 9-46 6-29

Reference ranges from Labcorp are:

0 − 44 IU/L

It's important to note that these ranges can vary based on factors such as age, sex, and overall health. Some laboratories may have slightly different reference ranges, so it's always best to refer to the specific reference range provided by the lab that performed the test.

What other tests can be done that are related to ALT?

Since many types of liver problems can cause ALT levels to increase, healthcare providers do not use the test alone to diagnose conditions. An ALT blood test is most often included in a blood test panel, such as a liver enzyme panel or a comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP). A blood panel measures several aspects of your blood with one sample and can provide more detailed information about your overall health.

To find out what type of liver disease you have, your doctor might also test the levels of other enzymes and proteins found in your liver, including:

→ Albumin

→ Alkaline phosphatase

→ Bilirubin

→ Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)

→ Total protein


How is alanine transferase (ALT) different from aspartate transferase (AST)?

Aspartate transferase (AST) is another enzyme that’s commonly measured along with AST in a liver function panel or comprehensive metabolic panel. Both of these enzymes can leak into your bloodstream when certain cells in your body are damaged.

AST and ALT are both commonly considered liver enzymes, but there are greater amounts of AST in other parts of your body, such as your heart, skeletal muscles and pancreas. Because of this, ALT is considered to be more directly tied to your liver health, but healthcare providers use both measurements to assess the health of your liver.

Should I be worried if I have high or low alanine transaminase (ALT) test results?

Test results may vary depending on your age, gender, health history, and other things. Your test results may be different depending on the lab used. They may not mean you have a problem. Ask your healthcare provider what your test results mean for you.

If your ALT test result is high or low, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have a medical condition that needs treatment. Other factors can affect your levels, including:

→ Exercise: Intense or extreme exercise can cause a temporary increase in ALT levels.

→ Medications: Several medications and supplements can affect ALT levels, including over-the-counter pain medications such as acetaminophen.

→ Sex: Scientists believe hormonal differences contribute to sex differences in ALT levels.

→ Menstruation: ALT levels can increase or decrease during your menstrual cycle.

→ Age: ALT levels tend to decrease with older age.

→ Heritage: Research shows that people who have Mexican-American heritage are more likely to have elevated levels of ALT.

→ Body mass index: Several studies have revealed an association between ALT levels and body mass index (BMI), which may change the interpretation of test results in people who have obesity.

In addition to the above factors, when analyzing your ALT results, your healthcare provider will take into consideration many aspects of your health and situation, including:

→ Your medical history.

→ How high or low your ALT results are.

→ Previous ALT results.

→ The results of other tests usually taken alongside ALT.

→ If you’re experiencing symptoms.

Do I need follow-up tests if my ALT results are abnormal?

It’s common for healthcare providers to recommend follow-up tests if you have an abnormal ALT level.

Follow-up testing may include:

→ Repeat ALT blood tests.

→ Other blood tests.

→ Imaging tests.

→ A biopsy.

Additional testing may be immediate if you have significantly elevated ALT levels and/or are experiencing symptoms of a liver condition.

Every person and situation is unique, so there’s no single follow-up testing plan that works for everyone. Together, you and your provider will determine the best plan.


Musazadeh V, Roshanravan N, Dehghan P, Ahrabi SS. Effect of Probiotics on Liver Enzymes in Patients With Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: An Umbrella of Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Front Nutr. 2022 May 23;9:844242. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.844242. PMID: 35677540; PMCID: PMC9169800.

A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia. Alanine Transaminase (ALT) Blood Test

American Board of Internal Medicine. ABIM Laboratory Test Reference Ranges

American Gastroenterological Association. American Gastroenterological Association Medical Position Statement: Evaluation of Liver Chemistry Tests. Gastroenterology. 2002;123(4):1364-1366. doi:10.1053/gast.2002.36060

Kwo PY, Cohen SM, Lim JK. ACG Clinical Guideline: Evaluation of Abnormal Liver Chemistries. Am J Gastroenterol. 2017;112(1):18-35. doi:10.1038/ajg.2016.517

Lala V, Zubair M, Minter DA. Liver Function Tests

Lindenmeyer CC. Liver Blood Tests. Merck Manual Consumer Version,-gallbladder,-and-biliary-disorders/liver-blood-tests

MedlinePlus: National Library of Medicine. Liver Function Tests

Newsome PN, Cramb R, Davison SM, Dillon JF, Foulerton M, Godfrey EM, Hall R, Harrower U, Hudson M, Langford A, Mackie A, Mitchell-Thain R, Sennett K, Sheron NC, Verne J, Walmsley M, Yeoman A. Guidelines on the management of abnormal liver blood tests. Gut. 2018 Jan;67(1):6-19. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2017-314924. Epub 2017 Nov 9. PMID: 29122851; PMCID: PMC5754852.

Lilford RJ, Bentham LM, Armstrong MJ, Neuberger J, Girling AJ. What is the best strategy for investigating abnormal liver function tests in primary care? Implications from a prospective study. BMJ Open. 2013 Jun 20;3(6):e003099. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-003099. PMID: 23794594; PMCID: PMC3686167.

Francque SM, Marchesini G, Kautz A, Walmsley M, Dorner R, Lazarus JV, Zelber-Sagi S, Hallsworth K, Busetto L, Frühbeck G, Dicker D, Woodward E, Korenjak M, Willemse J, Koek GH, Vinker S, Ungan M, Mendive JM, Lionis C. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A patient guideline. JHEP Rep. 2021 Sep 17;3(5):100322. doi: 10.1016/j.jhepr.2021.100322. PMID: 34693236; PMCID: PMC8514420.

Jang ES, Jeong SH, Hwang SH, Kim HY, Ahn SY, Lee J, Lee SH, Park YS, Hwang JH, Kim JW, Kim N, Lee DH. Effects of coffee, smoking, and alcohol on liver function tests: a comprehensive cross-sectional study. BMC Gastroenterol. 2012 Oct 18;12:145. doi: 10.1186/1471-230X-12-145. PMID: 23075166; PMCID: PMC3531257.

Heath RD, Brahmbhatt M, Tahan AC, Ibdah JA, Tahan V. Coffee: The magical bean for liver diseases. World J Hepatol. 2017 May 28;9(15):689-696. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v9.i15.689. PMID: 28596816; PMCID: PMC5440772.

Degertekin B, Tozun N, Soylemez AG, Gurtay E, Bozkurt U, Yilmaz Y, Yapali S, Vardareli E, Unal HU, Colakoglu B, Alpaydin CB. Regular coffee intake improves liver enzyme levels and liver histology in patients with chronic alcohol consumption, non-alcoholic fatty liver and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis: Report of 259 cases. Hepatol Forum. 2020 Sep 21;1(3):88-96. doi: 10.14744/hf.2020.2020.0026. PMID: 35949725; PMCID: PMC9349493.

Wannamethee SG, Shaper AG. Cigarette smoking and serum liver enzymes: the role of alcohol and inflammation. Ann Clin Biochem. 2010 Jul;47(Pt 4):321-6. doi: 10.1258/acb.2010.009303. Epub 2010 May 28. PMID: 20511375.

Gasteyger C, Larsen TM, Vercruysse F, Astrup A. Effect of a dietary-induced weight loss on liver enzymes in obese subjects. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 May;87(5):1141-7. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/87.5.1141. PMID: 18469232.

Sinn DH, Kang D, Guallar E, Hong YS, Cho J, Gwak GY. Modest alcohol intake and mortality in individuals with elevated alanine aminotransferase levels: a nationwide cohort study. BMC Med. 2022 Jan 24;20(1):18. doi: 10.1186/s12916-021-02215-x. PMID: 35067226; PMCID: PMC8785562.

What does it mean if your Alanine-aminotransferase (ALT, SGPT) result is too high?

Slightly high ALT levels may be caused by:

→ Alcohol abuse

→ Cirrhosis (long-term damage and scarring of the liver)

→ Mononucleosis (Mono)

→ Drugs such as statins, aspirin, and some sleep aids

Moderately high ALT levels may be because of:

→ Chronic (ongoing) liver disease

→ Alcohol abuse

→ Cirrhosis

→ Blockage of the bile ducts

→ Heart attack or heart failure (when your heart can’t pump enough blood to your body)

→ Kidney damage

→ Muscle injury

→ Damage to red blood cells

→ Heat stroke

→ Too much vitamin A

Very high ALT levels can be caused by:

→ Acute viral hepatitis

→ An overdose of drugs such as acetaminophen (Tylenol)

→ Liver cancer

→ Sepsis

It’s important to know that having a high ALT test result doesn't necessarily mean you have a medical condition. Less than 5% of people with elevated ALT levels have severe liver conditions. Other factors can affect your ALT levels.

How to potentially lower ALT levels:

Regardless of what’s causing your elevated ALT levels, it’s important to work with your doctor to find and address the underlying cause. But in the meantime, there are a few things you can try that may help lower your ALT levels.

Reduce/limit/stop alcohol consumption. Subjects with elevated ALT levels should be advised complete abstinence from alcohol, as even a small amount of alcohol intake may be harmful for them.

→ Lose weight. ALT is often elevated in people who are obese. If you are overweight, losing weight may improve your liver health and help reduce ALT.

→ Quit smoking. It is important to quit smoking to strengthen the liver and improve ALT levels. It is equally essential to avoid second-hand smoke because a passive smoker can breathe in most of these harmful toxins, which can cause similar cell damage.

→ Get regular exercise. Overall health improvement is seen in a person who exercises regularly, which means doing regular cardiovascular or aerobic exercise can improve health and reduce ALT levels. Studies indicated that a minimum of 150 minutes of regular activity per week can improve liver enzymes, such as ALT, in an adult.

→ Consider taking probiotic supplements to improve your digestive health. The overall evidence indicates that supplementation with probiotics led to a reduced level of liver enzymes. 

Drink coffee: Several studies have found that coffee may have a protective effect on the liver and that drinking it can lower liver enzymes. A recent study found that drinking anywhere from 1 to 4 cups of coffee per day can help lower ALT levels and reduce the risk of liver disease and cancer.

Consume more folate or take folic acid. Consuming more folate-rich foods and adding a folic acid supplement to your diet are both linked to lower ALT levels. While the terms “folate” and “folic acid” are often used interchangeably, they aren’t quite the same. They’re two different forms of vitamin B9. Folate is a naturally occurring form of B9 found in certain foods. Folic acid is a synthetic form of B9 used in supplements and added to some processed foods. Your body processes them in different ways, too. While they aren’t quite identical, both folate and folic acid have benefits when it comes to liver health and lowering ALT.

To help lower ALT levels, consider adding more folate-rich foods to your diet, such as:

→ leafy greens, including kale and spinach

→ asparagus

→ legumes

→ Brussels sprouts

→ beets

→ bananas

→ papaya

You can also try taking a folic acid supplement. Most folic acid supplements contain doses of either 400 or 800 micrograms. Aim for a daily dose of 800 micrograms, which is the equivalent of 0.8 milligrams.

Make changes to your diet. Adopting a healthier diet can help lower ALT levels and reduce your risk of liver disease. Reducing the amount of fat and carbohydrates can also help treat and prevent NAFLD, a common cause of high ALT. To improve liver health and help lower ALT, you don’t necessarily need to make drastic changes to your diet. Start by trying to eat at least five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables per day.

You can also try incorporating these tips into your weekly meal planning:

→ Limit fruits and vegetables served with high calorie sauces or added sugar and salt.

→ Replace saturated and trans fats with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

→ Choose fiber-rich whole grains.

→ Swap fried foods for baked or roasted ones.

→ Snack on nuts, which have various health benefits.

Medical treatment. There is no specific medical treatment for high ALT. Treatment, if any, depends on what’s causing the increase. For most causes of high ALT, treatment involves lifestyle changes, such as exercise, a modified diet, and reducing alcohol intake. Depending on the results of your liver panel and your medical history, your healthcare professional may recommend checking them again at a later date.

If they’re very high or if you have risk factors for liver disease or other symptoms, your doctor may recommend further testing or an appointment with a liver specialist to help diagnose the underlying cause of your high ALT.

Depending on what your healthcare professional suspects, they may recommend any of the following:

→ blood tests to check for other conditions, such as hepatitis B and C as well as diabetes

→ liver ultrasound

→ abdominal CT scan

→ biopsy

→ thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) test

→ creatine kinase (CK) test

→ lipid panel

→ iron studies to rule out hereditary hemochromatosis

High levels of ALT can be a result of damage or injury to cells. Because ALT is most concentrated in the liver, abnormal ALT test results are generally associated with conditions affecting the liver, such as inflammation (hepatitis) and scarring (cirrhosis).

At the same time, ALT can be elevated without any underlying health problem. Multiple factors can affect ALT; in most cases, high ALT is not a sign of severe liver disease.

What does it mean if your Alanine-aminotransferase (ALT, SGPT) result is too low?

Having a lower than normal ALT result is uncommon and usually isn’t a cause for concern. However, a lower than normal ALT level could indicate a vitamin B6 deficiency or chronic kidney disease. If your ALT result is lower than what's considered normal, your healthcare provider will likely have you retake the test or undergo further testing to make sure nothing is causing your low level.

Frequently asked questions

Healthmatters is a highly-personalized health dashboard.

Instead of searching for your lab results in different places or tracking them down from different providers, Healthmatters houses, organizes, and interprets them all in one central location.

With a Healthmatters account, you can dive into the details of each biomarker and gain insights into the meaning behind your medical test data, anytime, anywhere.

For our professional users, Healthmatters provides intuitive tools that not only streamline analysis but also save valuable time when delving into your client's lab report history. personal account provides in-depth research on 4000+ biomarkers, including information and suggestions for test panels such as, but not limited to:

  • The GI Effects® Comprehensive Stool Profile,
  • GI-MAP,
  • The NutrEval FMV®,
  • The ION Profile,
  • Amino Acids Profile,
  • Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones (DUTCH),
  • Organic Acids Test,
  • Organix Comprehensive Profile,
  • Toxic Metals,
  • Complete Blood Count (CBC),
  • Metabolic panel,
  • Thyroid panel,
  • Lipid Panel,
  • Urinalysis,
  • And many, many more.

You can combine all test reports inside your Healthmatters account and keep them in one place. It gives you an excellent overview of all your health data. Once you retest, you can add new results and compare them.

If you are still determining whether Healthmatters support your lab results, the rule is that if you can test it, you can upload it to Healthmatters.

While we work with many popular labs, we welcome reports from lots of other places too.

It's as simple as this: if you can get a test done, you can upload it to Healthmatters and we can interpret results from any lab out there. If laboratories can analyze it, we can interpret it.

If you’re on the hunt for a specific biomarker, contact us and we'll add it to our database. Anything from blood, urine, saliva, or stool can be uploaded, understood, and tracked with your Healthmatters account.

There are two ways to add your test reports to your Healthmatters account. One option is to input the data using the data entry forms. The other method is to utilize our "Data entry service."

Our data entry forms offer an easy, fast, and free way for you to input the reports yourself. Self-entry allows you to add an unlimited number of reports at no cost. We make the self-entry process user-friendly, providing dozens of templates that pre-populate the most popular laboratory panels and offering instant feedback on entered values.

For those who prefer assistance, we offer a "Data entry service" to help you input your data. Simply attach an image or file of your lab test results, and a qualified team member from our data entry team will add the results for you.

We support various file types, including PDFs, JPGs, or Excel. This service is particularly useful if you have many reports to upload or if you're too busy to handle the data entry yourself.

Our special data entry service makes it easy to add your results to your private dashboard. Just attach an image or a file of your lab test results, and our skilled data entry team will do the work for you. It's all done by humans, ensuring that your data is entered accurately and with personal care for each client.

Depending on your account, the data entry service can be included for free or come at an additional cost of $15 per report.

For users on the Complete monthly plan, the first report is entered free of charge, and each additional report incurs a fee of $15.

Unlimited account holders enjoy the entry of ten reports without charge. Subsequent reports are subject to a $15 fee per report.

Additionally, users on the Complete plan can upgrade to a yearly subscription from the account settings. The annual subscription includes a data entry service for five reports.

The Unlimited plan is a one-time purchase for $250, and it covers your account for a lifetime with no additional payments.

For the Complete plan, the cost is $15 per month. You have the flexibility to cancel it anytime through your account settings, ensuring no further payments. To avoid charges, remember to cancel at least a day before the renewal date. Once canceled, the subscription remains active until the end of the current billing cycle.

Additionally, you can upgrade to the yearly Advanced plan from within your account. The annual cost is $79, and it comes with a data entry service for five reports.

You can always upgrade to a lifetime version with a prorated price from a monthly or yearly subscription.

Simply log in and navigate to your account settings to cancel your subscription. Scroll down to locate the 'Cancel' button at the bottom of the page. Ensure you cancel at least one day before the renewal date to prevent any charges. Once cancellation is requested, the subscription remains active until the conclusion of the current billing cycle.

Our goal has been to make your Healthmatters account as intuitive as possible.

We’ve crafted multiple ways for you to navigate your data, whether you're glancing at a single report or delving into your historical test reports.

1. Graph View:

Dive into a visual journey with our biomarker graphs, showcasing over 40 data points. Combining years of results unveils trends, empowering you to make informed decisions. Our visualization tools make it a breeze to compare and understand changes over time, even if your results are from different labs. A search function and filters simplify the exploration of extensive data, allowing you to focus on what needs attention.

2. All Tests View

Explore neatly organized reports on a timeline, highlighting crucial details like dates, critical results, and lab/panel names. Each report opens up to reveal in-depth descriptions and additional recommendations for each biomarker. The history of previous results is just a click away, and you can download a comprehensive report for deeper insights. Color-coded and user-friendly, it's designed for easy reading, understanding, and navigation.

3. Table View:

For a holistic view of all biomarkers side by side, our table view is your go-to. Results are neatly displayed in a categorized and dated table, ideal for those with an extensive test history. Utilize sorting, filters, and color-coding to enhance your analysis and gain extra insights.

Yes, you can download information from your account. We can compile your labs into a CSV file. To download all your labs, you can go to Account Settings, and at the bottom of the page, you will find a link to download your information.

Yes, you can print your report. To do so, navigate to "All tests" and open the report you wish to print. You'll find a print button in the right corner of the report. Click on it, and your browser's print window will open. If you prefer to print in a bigger typeface, adjust the scale using the print window settings.

Yes, you can! We highly recommend activating Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for your account. To do so, please navigate to the "Profile and Security" section of your account, where you will find instructions for activating 2FA.

Yes, you can. When entering values for the biomarker, you will see an "Edit Range" button. Click this button, and you'll have the option to enter a custom range.

A personal account is all about keeping your own lab test results in check. It's just for you and your personal use.

The professional account is designed for health professionals who wish to track and organize their clients' laboratory results.

Yes, you can! Simply go to the "Invite Doctor" section, enter your doctor’s email address, and send the invitation. Your doctor will receive an email with secure access to view your results. You can revoke this access at any time. All shared information is securely encrypted and protected for your privacy.
Yes, you can! Go to the Graph view or Spreadsheet view. In the top-right corner, click "Export to Excel," and the file will be downloaded to your device.

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