Complete Microbiome Mapping (NutriPATH)
Performed by: NutriPATH
The Complete Microbiome Mapping Test was designed to assess a patient’s microbiome from a single stool sample, with particular attention to microbes that cause disease or that disrupt normal microbial balance and contribute to perturbations in the GI flora and contribute to illness.
The panel is a comprehensive collection of microbial targets as well as immune and digestive markers. It screens for pathogenic bacteria, commensal bacteria, opportunistic pathogens, fungi, viruses, and parasites.
Common Conditions:
- Abdominal cramps or pain
- leaky gut symptoms
- Allergies
- Weakness
- Diarrhoea
- Bloating
- Fatigue
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Biomarkers included in this panel:
Acetate is the most abundant SCFA in the colon and makes up more than half of the total SCFA detected in feces. These beneficial SCFA have anti-inflammatory properties, provide energy to nourish the colonic epithelial cells and intestinal microbiota,
Learn moreSpecies in the genus Bacteroides carry out broad metabolic functions, including degradation of complex plant polysaccharides, proteolytic activities, de-conjugation of bile acids, mucosal barrier integrity, short chain fatty acid production, fatty ac
Learn moreBifidobacterium longum is a specific species of microscopic non-pathogenic bacteria found naturally in the gastrointestinal tracts of humans as well as in most other animals.
Learn moreA common component of the microbiota of the human gastrointestinal tract and in particular are amongst the first bacterial colonizers of the intestine.
Learn moreButyrate is a short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) produced in the colon by the bacterial fermentation of undigested carbohydrates, primarily dietary fiber. It serves as a primary energy source for colonocytes (cells of the colon) and has several important
Learn moreEscherichia species, prominently Escherichia coli (E. coli), are a significant aspect of gastrointestinal (GI) test results due to their diverse roles within the human gut and potential implications for health. E. coli is a common and typically harml
Learn moreKlebsiella are non-motile, Gramnegative rods that belong to the Enterobacteriaceae family. Klebsiella bacteria are considered commensal but act as opportunistic bacteria in the GI tract. Klebsiellais a leading cause of hospital-acquired infections.
Learn moreLactobacillus rhamnosus, a probiotic with good survival capacity in the human gut, has well-documented adhesion properties and health effects.
Learn moreLactobacillus species is a type of bacteria. There are lots of different species of lactobacillus. Lactobacillus bacteria are commonly found in the human gut, mouth and vagina. They are considered generally as “good bacteria”
Learn moreOxalobacter formigenes is a bacterium that colonizes the colon of a substantial proportion of the normal population and metabolizes dietary and endogenous oxalate and hence reducing the incidence of kidney stones.
Learn morePancreatic elastase is an enzyme that digests protein. It’s only produced by the pancreas and when it is seen in the stool, it’s an excellent biomarker of how well the pancreas is performing.
Learn moreStreptococcus is a member of Gram-positive lactic acid-producing bacteria (LAB) that belonged to Firmicutes phylum. Many strains of Streptococcus are non-pathogenic and occur as commensal flora on the skin, the oral cavity, n
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