Estradiol (Postmenopausal)

Optimal Result: 0.5 - 1.7 pg/mL.

Estradiol, the most potent of the three primary estrogens (estradiol, estrone, and estriol), plays an essential role in maintaining the health of nearly every tissue in the body, in particular the reproductive tissues, brain, skin, bone, liver, and cardiovascular system. Physiological levels of estradiol formed cyclically with natural progesterone throughout a woman’s premenopausal years maintain the health and youthfulness of these tissues.

Menopause results in the loss of ovarian estrogen production and a consequent drop in circulating levels of estradiol. If, during menopause, estradiol drops well below the lower end seen in premenopausal women, this can be associated with adverse effects in the reproductive tissues (incontinence, vaginal dryness), brain (lowered neurotransmitters, increased hot flashes and night sweats), skin (more rapid aging), bone (accelerated loss and greater risk for osteoporosis and fracture), liver (compromised hormone metabolism and reduced synthesis of hormone binding globulins, reducing the circulating half-lives of hormones that are bound to them), and cardiovascular system (increased risk for insulin resistance, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease).

Needless to say, estrogens, and specifically estradiol, are essential for maintaining health in both premenopausal and postmenopausal women.

While estradiol plays this significant role in maintaining health, it can also have the opposite effect when certain catechol metabolites are formed in excess and not eliminated properly. Two separate enzymes are involved in converting estradiol and estrone to their respective 2- and 4-catechol derivatives. 2-catechol estrogens are formed by the interaction of the cytochrome enzyme designated CYP1A1. 4-catechol estrogens are formed from CYP1B1. If methylated, both 2- and 4-catechols are essentially rendered inert (harmless), and are excreted in urine. In a healthy individual the formation of estrogens, their beneficial utilization by tissues, and their subsequent elimination in urine and feces are biochemically well coordinated and balanced. However, estradiol and estrone can turn bad in the same way as beneficial oils can go rancid. In fact, the process is very similar and involves oxidation of the estrogens to highly reactive and potentially dangerous metabolites. If these metabolites are not properly channeled down safe pathways of elimination, this could be damaging to some tissues in a way that may eventually be expressed as cancer, most notably breast cancer.

In the presence of excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as peroxylipids, formed mostly from transfats consumed in the diet, the catechol estrogens are further co-oxidized to highly reactive 2- and 4-estrogen quinones. In fact, the reason for avoiding trans-fats to protect the cardiovascular system against damage is the same reason to avoid them to protect the breasts from damage that may lead to breast cancer. ROS such as peroxylipids are very electrophilic (electron hungry) molecules that, under normal circumstances, are inactivated rapidly by interaction with glutathione (the most abundant nucleophilic molecule in tissues, which donates electrons to reactive electrophiles to inactivate them) and glutathione transferase. However, if ROS are in abundance and glutathione levels are low, the highly reactive catechol quinones can bind to DNA, causing mutations that can lead to cancer. 4-quinone estrogens are considered much more dangerous than 2-quinone estrogens because the former cause DNA damage that leads to more permanent (unfixable) mutations (2) that can produce aberrant cancer cells, and given the right circumstances (e.g., a compromised immune system) eventually a breast tumor.

General guide to interpretation:

Lower levels of estradiol and estrone, and higher relative levels of 16-hydroxyestrone and estriol are associated with lower breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women not supplementing with exogenous estrogens (i.e., estrogen replacement therapy). However, this is also dependent on the level of catechol estrogens present, their relative levels (2 vs 4), and how well they are methylated.

If estrogens (estradiol and estrone) are low, as are the catechol estrogens, this would portend a lower risk for breast cancer, but possibly a higher risk for symptoms (e.g., hot flashes), conditions (e.g., bone loss), and diseases (e.g., cardiovascular disease) associated with estrogen deficiency. When estradiol, estrone, and estriol are low, the methylated estrogens would be expected to be low also because of low levels of precursor catechol estrogens. If, however, catechol estrogens are elevated, regardless of the estradiol or estrone level, and methylated estrogens are low, this could indicate higher risk. Keep in mind that the catechol estrogens are not dangerous per se, unless converted to more reactive quinone estrogens. Whether the quinone estrogens damage DNA, or are rapidly inactivated will depend on many factors that are modifiable through diet and nutritional supplements. Excessive dietary consumption of unhealthy trans-fats oxidizes catechol estrogens to more dangerous quinone estrogens, and if glutathione is not present in adequate amounts the quinone estrogens are more likely to damage DNA, and lead to mutations that could be eventually expressed as breast cancer.

Prevention Strategies:

1) Prevention strategies begin with reducing the overall burden of excessive estradiol and estrone in the absence of diminished levels of progesterone, which often occurs in the early phases of menopause (perimenopause-ages 35-55). Progesterone supplementation helps reduce the estrogen burden by increasing the conversion of E2 to E1 (activates 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase), and E1 to E1-sulfate (E1-SO4), an inert form of estrogen that will not enter target cells. 2) 2-hydroxy catechol estrogens are safer than 4-hydroxy catechol estrogens; these are created from the cytochrome enzyme CYP1A1, which is activated by phytochemicals found in cruciferous vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage), and by iodine, progesterone, and Vitamin D. If 2-hydroxy catechol estrogens are low, or are low relative to the 4-hydroxy catechol estrogens, consider lowering consumption of meats and increasing consumption of green leafy and cruciferous vegetables.

3) 4-hydroxy catechol estrogens are created from the cytochrome enzyme CYP1B1, which is induced by man-made petrochemical toxins (some drugs, oils, plastics, pesticides, household chemicals, etc.) that contaminate our food, water, and air. If 4-hydroxy catechol estrogens are elevated, consider identifying and avoiding exposure to these petrochemical products as much as possible.

4) As the good (2-OH-catechols) and bad (4-OHcatechols) are both rendered inactive by COMTmediated methylation, it is important to maintain adequate substrates for COMT. These include vitamins B6, B12, and folate, as well as betaine. Excessive estrogens tend to deplete these vitamins, so supplementation during times of estrogen excess (often at perimenopause) is vital to clearing catechol estrogens such that they are less likely to spill over into the highly reactive and mutagenic 4-estrogen quinones.

5) Prevent the conversion of the 2- and 4-catechol estrogens into their respective quinones, and provide adequate substrate to inactivate them if they do. The 2- and 4-catechol estrogens are activated to their quinones by oxidized fats and some heavy metals such as arsenic and mercury. Removal of bad (trans) fats from the diet and countering the heavy metals with adequate beneficial elements such as iodine and selenium are important for preventing further oxidation of estrogen catechols to estrogen quinones.

6) Iodine, progesterone (only when estrogens are within normal to high physiological range of a premenopausal woman), and Vitamin D have all been shown to increase formation of 2-hydroxy catechol estrogens, and decrease the relative concentration of the more dangerous 4-hydroxy catechol estrogens. Consider supplementation if any of these is found to be low by testing.

7) Glutathione is important as the last step in detoxification of quinone estrogens. Excessive medications, hormone therapy, and exposure to environmental toxins such as heavy metals, cigarette smoke and excessive industrial air pollution results in high utilization and lower levels of glutathione. Cysteine is the most limiting amino acid as regards glutathione synthesis, and vitamin C is an essential nutrient for reactivation of oxidized glutathione. Selenium also plays an important role in glutathione’s effectiveness as an anti-oxidant, and low levels of selenium have been associated with higher risks for cancers of the breasts and prostate. If quinone estrogens are elevated, particularly if the methylated catechol estrogens are low, consider foods high in sulfur containing amino acids (allium foods like garlic and onions) and/or supplementation with N-acetylcysteine and Vitamin C. Also consider supplementation with selenium, an essential element in many anti-oxidant enzymes, if it is found to be low.

8) Inadequate production of melatonin has been linked with breast cancer. Melatonin has antiestrogenic actions, acting as a selective estrogen receptor modulator in breast tumor cells, and also downregulating aromatase, thus reducing local estrogen synthesis from androgenic precursors.

Because of the oncostatic effects of melatonin, breast cancer risk can be reduced by getting adequate sleep and/ or reducing exposure to light at night.


Lee JR, Zava D, Hopkins V. What your doctor may not tell you about breast cancer. How hormone balance may save your life. Warner Books, Inc., New York, NY, 2002. Chapter 6.

Cavalieri EL, Rogan EG, Chakravarti D. Initiation of cancer and other diseases by catechol orthoquinones: a unifying mechanism. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2002;59:665-81.

Huang J, Sun J, Chen Y, Song Y, Dong L, Zhan Q, Zhang R, Abliz Z. Analysis of multiplex endogenous estrogen metabolites in human urine using ultra-fast liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry: a case study for breast cancer. Anal Chim Acta. 2012;711:60-8.

Getoff N, Gerschpacher M, Hartmann J, Huber JC, Schittl H, Quint RM. The 4-hydroxyestrone: Electron emission, formation of secondary metabolites and mechanisms of carcinogenesis. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2010 Jan 21;98(1):20-4.

Arslan AA, Shore RE, Afanasyeva Y, Koenig KL, Toniolo P, Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A. Circulating estrogen metabolites and risk for breast cancer in premenopausal women. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2009;18:2273-9.

Obi N, Vrieling A, Heinz J, Chang-Claude J. Estrogen metabolite ratio: Is the 2-hydroxyestrone to 16α-hydroxyestrone ratio predictive for breast cancer? Int J Womens Health. 2011;3:37-51.

Falk RT, Brinton LA, Dorgan JF, Fuhrman BJ, Veenstra TD, Xu X, Gierach GL. Relationship of serum estrogens and estrogen metabolites to postmenopausal breast cancer risk: a nested casecontrol study. Breast Cancer Res. 2013;15:R34.

Fuhrman BJ, Schairer C, Gail MH, Boyd-Morin J, Xu X, Sue LY, Buys SS, Isaacs C, Keefer LK, Veenstra TD, Berg CD, Hoover RN, Ziegler RG. Estrogen metabolism and risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2012;104:326-39.

Cos S, Gonzalez A, Martínez-Campa C, et al. Estrogen-signaling pathway: a link between breast cancer and melatonin oncostatic actions. Cancer Detect Prev. 2006;30:118-28.

What does it mean if your Estradiol (Postmenopausal) result is too high?

High estradiol in premenopausal women is usually caused by excessive production of androgens (testosterone and DHEA) by the ovaries and adrenal glands, which are converted to estrogens by the ‘aromatase’ enzyme found in adipose (fat) tissue. When estrogen levels are high in postmenopausal women, this is usually due to estrogen supplementation or slow clearance from the body (sluggish liver function). Excess estrogen levels, especially in combination with low progesterone, may lead to the symptoms of “estrogen dominance,” including: mood swings, irritability, anxiety, water retention, fibrocystic breasts, weight gain in the hips, bleeding changes (due to overgrowth of the uterine lining and uterine fibroids) and thyroid deficiency. Estradiol, even at normal, premenopausal levels, can cause estrogen dominance symptoms if not balanced by adequate progesterone. Diet, exercise, nutritional supplements, cruciferous vegetable extracts, herbs and foods that are natural aromatase inhibitors and bioidentical progesterone can help to reduce the estrogen burden and symptoms, naturally.

What does it mean if your Estradiol (Postmenopausal) result is too low?

Low estradiol in premenopausal women is unusual unless they experience an anovulatory cycle (no ovulation) or are supplementing with birth control pills, which can suppress endogenous (made in the body) production of estrogens by the ovaries. A low estradiol level is much more common in postmenopausal women or in women of any age who have had their ovaries surgically removed (oophorectomy) and/or those who have not been treated with hormone replacement. Symptoms and conditions commonly associated with estrogen deficiency include hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disturbances, foggy thinking, vaginal dryness, incontinence, thinning skin, bone loss, and heart palpitations.

Frequently asked questions

Healthmatters is a highly-personalized health dashboard.

Instead of searching for your lab results in different places or tracking them down from different providers, Healthmatters houses, organizes, and interprets them all in one central location.

With a Healthmatters account, you can dive into the details of each biomarker and gain insights into the meaning behind your medical test data, anytime, anywhere.

For our professional users, Healthmatters provides intuitive tools that not only streamline analysis but also save valuable time when delving into your client's lab report history. personal account provides in-depth research on 4000+ biomarkers, including information and suggestions for test panels such as, but not limited to:

  • The GI Effects® Comprehensive Stool Profile,
  • GI-MAP,
  • The NutrEval FMV®,
  • The ION Profile,
  • Amino Acids Profile,
  • Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones (DUTCH),
  • Organic Acids Test,
  • Organix Comprehensive Profile,
  • Toxic Metals,
  • Complete Blood Count (CBC),
  • Metabolic panel,
  • Thyroid panel,
  • Lipid Panel,
  • Urinalysis,
  • And many, many more.

You can combine all test reports inside your Healthmatters account and keep them in one place. It gives you an excellent overview of all your health data. Once you retest, you can add new results and compare them.

If you are still determining whether Healthmatters support your lab results, the rule is that if you can test it, you can upload it to Healthmatters.

While we work with many popular labs, we welcome reports from lots of other places too.

It's as simple as this: if you can get a test done, you can upload it to Healthmatters and we can interpret results from any lab out there. If laboratories can analyze it, we can interpret it.

If you’re on the hunt for a specific biomarker, contact us and we'll add it to our database. Anything from blood, urine, saliva, or stool can be uploaded, understood, and tracked with your Healthmatters account.

There are two ways to add your test reports to your Healthmatters account. One option is to input the data using the data entry forms. The other method is to utilize our "Data entry service."

Our data entry forms offer an easy, fast, and free way for you to input the reports yourself. Self-entry allows you to add an unlimited number of reports at no cost. We make the self-entry process user-friendly, providing dozens of templates that pre-populate the most popular laboratory panels and offering instant feedback on entered values.

For those who prefer assistance, we offer a "Data entry service" to help you input your data. Simply attach an image or file of your lab test results, and a qualified team member from our data entry team will add the results for you.

We support various file types, including PDFs, JPGs, or Excel. This service is particularly useful if you have many reports to upload or if you're too busy to handle the data entry yourself.

Our special data entry service makes it easy to add your results to your private dashboard. Just attach an image or a file of your lab test results, and our skilled data entry team will do the work for you. It's all done by humans, ensuring that your data is entered accurately and with personal care for each client.

Depending on your account, the data entry service can be included for free or come at an additional cost of $15 per report.

For users on the Complete monthly plan, the first report is entered free of charge, and each additional report incurs a fee of $15.

Unlimited account holders enjoy the entry of ten reports without charge. Subsequent reports are subject to a $15 fee per report.

Additionally, users on the Complete plan can upgrade to a yearly subscription from the account settings. The annual subscription includes a data entry service for five reports.

The Unlimited plan is a one-time purchase for $250, and it covers your account for a lifetime with no additional payments.

For the Complete plan, the cost is $15 per month. You have the flexibility to cancel it anytime through your account settings, ensuring no further payments. To avoid charges, remember to cancel at least a day before the renewal date. Once canceled, the subscription remains active until the end of the current billing cycle.

Additionally, you can upgrade to the yearly Advanced plan from within your account. The annual cost is $79, and it comes with a data entry service for five reports.

You can always upgrade to a lifetime version with a prorated price from a monthly or yearly subscription.

Simply log in and navigate to your account settings to cancel your subscription. Scroll down to locate the 'Cancel' button at the bottom of the page. Ensure you cancel at least one day before the renewal date to prevent any charges. Once cancellation is requested, the subscription remains active until the conclusion of the current billing cycle.

Our goal has been to make your Healthmatters account as intuitive as possible.

We’ve crafted multiple ways for you to navigate your data, whether you're glancing at a single report or delving into your historical test reports.

1. Graph View:

Dive into a visual journey with our biomarker graphs, showcasing over 40 data points. Combining years of results unveils trends, empowering you to make informed decisions. Our visualization tools make it a breeze to compare and understand changes over time, even if your results are from different labs. A search function and filters simplify the exploration of extensive data, allowing you to focus on what needs attention.

2. All Tests View

Explore neatly organized reports on a timeline, highlighting crucial details like dates, critical results, and lab/panel names. Each report opens up to reveal in-depth descriptions and additional recommendations for each biomarker. The history of previous results is just a click away, and you can download a comprehensive report for deeper insights. Color-coded and user-friendly, it's designed for easy reading, understanding, and navigation.

3. Table View:

For a holistic view of all biomarkers side by side, our table view is your go-to. Results are neatly displayed in a categorized and dated table, ideal for those with an extensive test history. Utilize sorting, filters, and color-coding to enhance your analysis and gain extra insights.

Yes, you can download information from your account. We can compile your labs into a CSV file. To download all your labs, you can go to Account Settings, and at the bottom of the page, you will find a link to download your information.

Yes, you can print your report. To do so, navigate to "All tests" and open the report you wish to print. You'll find a print button in the right corner of the report. Click on it, and your browser's print window will open. If you prefer to print in a bigger typeface, adjust the scale using the print window settings.

Yes, you can! We highly recommend activating Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for your account. To do so, please navigate to the "Profile and Security" section of your account, where you will find instructions for activating 2FA.

Yes, you can. When entering values for the biomarker, you will see an "Edit Range" button. Click this button, and you'll have the option to enter a custom range.

A personal account is all about keeping your own lab test results in check. It's just for you and your personal use.

The professional account is designed for health professionals who wish to track and organize their clients' laboratory results.

Yes, you can! Simply go to the "Invite Doctor" section, enter your doctor’s email address, and send the invitation. Your doctor will receive an email with secure access to view your results. You can revoke this access at any time. All shared information is securely encrypted and protected for your privacy.
Yes, you can! Go to the Graph view or Spreadsheet view. In the top-right corner, click "Export to Excel," and the file will be downloaded to your device.

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