Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2

Biomarkers included in this panel:

% CD19 (B Cells)

The CD19 antigen (aka B-lymphocyte antigen CD19 or Cluster of Differentiation 19) plays an important role in clinical oncology. It’s a protein found on the surface of B-cells, a type of white blood cell.

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% CD3 (Mature T Cells)

The percentage of CD3+ T cells, often referred to as mature T cells, is a crucial component of the immune system and plays a central role in defending the body against infections and other foreign invaders. These cells are characterized by the presen

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% CD3+CD25+ Lymphs

This test is used to detect soluble IL-2Rα in human plasma or serum produced in response to increased activation of B and T cells and immune system activation. Studies show elevated levels of sIL-2Rα in serum with the onset of rejection e

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% CD4

The CD4 percentage (CD4%) is the percentage of white blood cells (lymphocytes) that are CD4 cells.

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% CD8

The proportion of all T cells that are CD8 cells. CD8 cells are also called cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. They help fight cancer and germs that live inside your cells (intracellular pathogens). The CD8 percentage is sometimes more reliable than the

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Abs.CD3+CD25+ Lymphs

Absolute CD19+ Cells

The CD19 antigen (aka B-lymphocyte antigen CD19 or Cluster of Differentiation 19) plays an important role in clinical oncology. It’s a protein found on the surface of B-cells, a type of white blood cell.

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Absolute CD3+ Cells

CD3+ cells are all T-lymphocytes, which includes both CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocyte cells. This figure is rarely used for making treatment decisions.

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Absolute CD4+ Cells

The CD4 cells are Helper T-cells expressing both CD3 and CD4. CD4 T-cells levels are a criterion for categorizing HIV-related clinical conditions by CDC's classification system for HIV infection. The measurement of CD4 T-cell levels has been u

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Absolute CD45 Count

Reference Ranges: 18-55 years: 0.99-3.15 thou/mcL >55 years: 1.00-3.33 thou/mcL The absolute CD45 count is a measurement of the total number of lymphocytes in a blood sample. CD45 is a surface marker expressed on all white blood cells, in

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Absolute CD8+ Cells

This figure is rarely used for making treatment decisions. CD4 and CD8 are two types of white blood cells in your blood. CD4 cells are also called T-helper cells, T-suppressor cells, and cytotoxic T-cells. They help the body fight infections. CD8

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Absolute Lymphocytes

Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell found in the body. They serve in several major roles in our immune system including identification of and response to invading organism. Your healthcare professional may assess lymphocyte levels when a white

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Absolute T-Suppressor Cells

The Absolute T-Suppressor Cells marker is an important measurement that gives doctors a closer look at a specific part of your immune system. T-suppressor cells, also known as CD8+ cells, play a critical role in managing and regulating your body'

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Activated CD21 low CD38- %

The Activated CD21low CD38- % biomarker measures the proportion of B cells with low CD21 expression and absent CD38 expression, representing a subset of atypical or activated B cells linked to immune dysregulation. These cells are associated with chr

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Activated CD21 low CD38- Abs

Activated CD21low CD38- B cells are a distinct subset of B lymphocytes associated with chronic immune activation and immune dysregulation. These cells exhibit low CD21 expression, absence of CD38, elevated activation markers like CD80 and CD86, and i

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CD20+ %

CD20 is a critical surface marker predominantly expressed on B lymphocytes from the late pre-B cell stage to memory B cells, absent on pro-B cells and plasma cells. The CD20+ % marker measures the proportion of B cells expressing CD20, aiding in dise

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CD20, Abs Count

CD20 is a cell surface protein primarily expressed on the surface of B-cells, a type of white blood cell involved in the immune response. The CD20 molecule plays a critical role in the development, differentiation, and function of B-cells, which are

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CD3-/CD16+CD56+ (%)

The CD3-/CD16+CD56+ (%) test is a sophisticated diagnostic assay crucial in the field of immunology, offering invaluable insights into the functioning of the body’s immune system. This test specifically measures the percentage of natural killer

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CD3-/CD16+CD56+ (Absolute)

The "CD3-/CD16+CD56+ (Absolute)" marker is a crucial measure for evaluating the absolute count of Natural Killer (NK) cells in your blood. NK cells are a vital type of lymphocyte, which is a category of white blood cells that play a key rol

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CD4/CD8 Ratio

This test looks at the ratio of two important types of white blood cells in your blood. Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell in your immune system. This test looks at two of them, CD4 and CD8. CD4 cells lead the fight against infecti

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CD57+ NK-cells (%)

The CD57 test is offered in some clinical laboratories and is being used by some health practitioners to evaluate and follow patients diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease.

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CD57+ NK-cells (absolute)

The CD57 test is offered in some clinical laboratories and is being used by some health practitioners to evaluate and follow patients diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease.

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Class-switched CD27+IgD-IgM- %

Class-switched CD27+IgD-IgM- B cells represent a subset of memory B cells that have undergone immunoglobulin class switching, a process in which B cells switch from producing IgM and IgD to producing other immunoglobulin isotypes such as IgG, IgA, or

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Class-switched CD27+IgD-IgM- Abs

Class-switched CD27+IgD-IgM- antibodies refer to immunoglobulins produced by class-switched memory B cells that express CD27 but lack surface IgD and IgM. These antibodies result from immunoglobulin class switch recombination (CSR), a process enablin

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Lymph CD16&56 (NK) %

CD1656 are an important NK (Natural killer) cell subset. - NK cells are best known for killing virally infected cells, and detecting and controlling early signs of cancer. As well as protecting against disease, specialized NK cells are also found

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Lymphocyte Absolute CD16&56 (NK) Count

CD1656 are an important NK (Natural killer) cell subset. - NK cells are best known for killing virally infected cells, and detecting and controlling early signs of cancer. As well as protecting against disease, specialized NK cells are also found

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The Natural Killer Cells CD3-CD16+CD56+ (ABS) test is an advanced diagnostic tool with significant implications in the fields of immunology, oncology, and reproductive medicine. Natural Killer (NK) cells, a critical component of the innate immune sys

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NK Cells (CD16/CD56)

Natural Killer (NK) cells, identified by their CD16 and CD56 markers, are an integral component of the lymphocyte panel in immunological testing. These cells are a type of lymphocyte, distinct from B and T cells, and form a crucial part of the innate

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Non switched CD27+IgD+IgM+ %

The marker "Non switched CD27+IgD+IgM+ %" on a Lymphocyte Subset Panel refers to a specific type of cell found within the immune system. This marker is used to identify a subset of B cells, which are crucial components of the immune respons

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Non switched CD27+IgD+IgM+ Abs

Non-switched CD27+IgD+IgM+ Abs are a subset of B cells characterized by the expression of CD27, IgD, and IgM on their surface. These cells are primarily involved in T-cell-independent immune responses and are thought to play a key role in the early d

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Plasmablasts CD38+IgM- %

Plasmablasts CD38+IgM- are short-lived, antibody-secreting cells that emerge from activated B cells during early immune responses. Characterized by high CD38 expression, absence of surface IgM, and variable CD138 expression, these cells are crucial f

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Plasmablasts CD38+IgM- Abs

Plasmablasts CD38+IgM- antibodies are immunoglobulins secreted by plasmablasts, a short-lived subset of antibody-secreting cells characterized by high CD38 expression and the absence of surface IgM. These antibodies, predominantly of the IgG, IgA, or

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T-Helper/Suppressor Ratio

Total Memory CD27+ %

Total Memory CD27+ % is a key measurement in B cell subset analysis that indicates the proportion of memory B cells within the B cell population. CD27, a tumor necrosis factor receptor family member, serves as a reliable marker for memory B cells and

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Total Memory CD27+ Abs

The Total Memory CD27+ Absolute Count (Abs) measures the number of CD27+ memory T cells in the bloodstream, critical for adaptive immunity and rapid responses to previously encountered pathogens. CD27, a co-stimulatory receptor, is expressed on naive

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Total NK Cells (CD16/CD56)

In a lymphocyte panel, which is a key tool for evaluating the immune system, Total NK (Natural Killer) cells identified by CD16 and CD56 surface markers play a significant role. NK cells are a distinct subset of lymphocytes, essential for innate immu

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Transitional CD38+IgM+ %

The marker "Transitional CD38+IgM+ %" on a Lymphocyte Subset Panel is an important parameter used in the evaluation of immune system health, specifically focusing on a particular subset of B lymphocytes. This marker identifies transitional

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Transitional CD38+IgM+ Abs

Transitional CD38+IgM+ B cells are an intermediate stage in B cell development, bridging immature B cells in the bone marrow to mature B cells in peripheral lymphoid tissues. Defined by high CD38 expression and surface IgM as their predominant immuno

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