Precision Analytical (DUTCH)

Popular test panels by Precision Analytical (DUTCH):

Androgens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH


In the Androgens and Metabolites section we are looking at essentially three main things: 1. Total DHEA production 2. Testosterone levels 3. Metabolic preference (5a versus 5b metabolism) - If androgens are heading down the alpha pathway,

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Creatinine (Urine) - DUTCH


- In this category of the DUTCH test you can see your Creatinine values of all four samples taken.  - Creatinine is measured to correct results for urine dilution.  - Creatinine values fluctuate with hydration levels. 

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Daily Free Cortisol and Cortisone + Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH


Main points to look at in this category: - What’s the overall free cortisol pattern throughout the day?  - What’s the total free cortisol for the day? - What is your Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR)? (here you have to refer

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DUTCH (male)


The DUTCH test is a urine steroid hormone test that measures hormones and hormone metabolites from a dried urine sample.

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Estrogens and Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH


Estrogen’s basic biological function is as an anabolic hormone. There are three primary forms of estrogen: estrone (E1); estradiol (E2); and estriol (E3). All three forms have varying levels of activity and specificity for different tissues. E2

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Metabolite Ratios (Urine) - DUTCH


Neurotransmitter Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH


These organic acids are the primary metabolite of dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin. People with an imbalance in these neurotransmitters may experience symptoms that are also common with an imbalance in hormones. Hormones (cortisol and estr

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Nutritional Organic Acids (Urine) - DUTCH


These organic acids act as functional markers of nutrient deficiency. When the body has inadequate cellular levels of vitamin B12, vitamin B6 or glutathione, levels of their corresponding organic acid build up and spill into the urine. In some cases,

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Progesterone Metabolites (Urine) - DUTCH


Progesterone is a very important hormone marker for overall cycle health. Progesterone is only secreted in abundance after ovulation. Progesterone helps balance the effects of estrogens. Knowing whether a woman reaches healthy progesterone l

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